Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? copy protection - Questions and answers
The Questions ------------- The Stamp Act required _______ stamps to help defray the costs of royal troops. In 1821, Emma _______ founded Troy Female Seminary. The image that appears on the flag of Bhutan is a ______. Tennessee was admitted to the Union in ____. Katherine Hepburn was born in ________, Connecticut. In the year 2000, Easter Sunday will fall on April __. ____ is the exact geographic center of Rhode Island. In 1962, Rachel Carson's book, ______ Spring, launched the environmentalist movement. The United States Mint was created by an act of Congress on April 2, ____. The most abundant mineral in the body is _______. Robert Penn ______ was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for fiction and poetry twice. Mount Kilimanjaro in ________ is 19,340 feet high. Idaho is also known as the ___ State. The Golden Gate Bridge, the second longest suspension bridge in the world, was built in ____. ______ Lake is the deepest lake in the United States. The 1908 Olympics were held in ______. The Answers ----------- The Stamp Act required revenue to help defray the costs of royal troops. In 1821, Emma Willard founded Troy Female Seminary. The image that appears on the flag of Bhutan is a dragon. Tennessee was admitted to the Union in 1796. Katherine Hepburn was born in Hartford, Connecticut. In the year 2000, Easter Sunday will fall on April 23. Kent is the exact geographic center of Rhode Island. In 1962, Rachel Carson's book, Silent Spring, launched the environmentalist movement. The United States Mint was created by an act of Congress on April 2, 1792. The most abundant mineral in the body is calcium. Robert Penn Warren was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for fiction and poetry twice. Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania is 19,340 feet high. Idaho is also known as the Gem State. The Golden Gate Bridge, the second longest suspension bridge in the world, was built in 1937. Crater is the deepest lake in the United States. The 1908 Olympics were held in London.