Abandonware DOS title

FIFA Soccer 97 other - readme

1.  Installing game
	a)  From Windows 95
		i)  Using Autorun
		ii)  Using Setup.exe
	b)  From DOS
		i)  Using Install.exe

2.  Missing Options on Windows 95 Install screen after install

3.  Direct X
	a)  Install does not auto-detect the presence of DirectX
	b)  Installing DirectX directly from CD (if you skipped it
            during game install)
	c)  DirectX 2.0 and supported hardware
		i)  Sound cards
		ii)  Video cards

4.  Uninstalling game
	a)  in Windows '95
	b)  in DOS

5.  Are you experiencing network connect problems in FIFA '97?

6.  Memory requirements
	a)  DOS
	b)  WIN95
        c)  Running the game under stressful WIN95 conditions

7.  Running the game with EMM386.

8.  Running the game on an IPX network with routers.

9.  Improving game speed (frame-rates, etc.)

10.  Hot-keys.

11.  Modem initialization strings

12.  Modem baud rates

13.  Keyboard, joystick and mouse functionality

14.  CD-ROM drives and MSCDEX (Microsoft CD Extension)


1a. Installing game from Windows 95 using Autorun

        The simplest method of installing FIFA '97 is to use the
        "Autorun" feature in Windows '95.  Simply insert the
        FIFA '97 CD into your CD-ROM drive and sit back.  After
        the video segment plays, the game will bring you to the
        FIFA '97 Install Screen.

        If for some reason your "Autorun" feature is disabled
        (It may have been disabled by another program, or the
        "Auto insert notification" may be disabled on your CD),
        you can install the program by running SETUP.EXE directly
        from the root directory of the CD.

1b. Installing game from DOS

	To install the game from DOS, type...


        where "X" is the drive letter of your CD-ROM drive
        (usually D or E) and  is your "Enter" key.
        (sometimes called a "Return" key)

        The DOS version of the game will NOT run under Windows '95
        and vice-versa.  You MUST install the game under the
        operating system you intend to run the game in.

2. New options on Windows 95 Install screen after install

        After you've successfully installed the game in
        Windows '95, you may notice that some of the buttons that
        were visible on the Install screen (the "Install" button,
        for example) are no longer visible, while others (the
        "Play" button) are now available.
        This simply reflects the new options that are available.
        If you would like to re-install the game (you may have
        accidentally deleted some files, or possibly changed your
        mind about loading the play-by-play files), simply
        uninstall the game and then re-install.

        See section 4 for details.

3a. Install does not auto-detect the presence of DirectX

        The Windows '95 version of FIFA '97 requires that DirectX
        version 2.0 or higher be installed.  FIFA '97 comes with
        DirectX 2.0 and will ask if you'd like to install it.

        Currently, FIFA '97 neither auto-detects the presence of
        DirectX nor the version number.  If you think that you
        already have DirectX installed or that you have a newer
        version of DirectX (2.0 is the latest version as of the
        writing of this readme file) you may skip the DirectX
        portion of the install.  When starting up the game, if you
        receive an error message that DirectX has not been
        installed, you can install it manually by following the
        directions below.

3b. Installing DirectX directly from CD (if you skipped it
    during game install)

        FIFA '97 comes with DirectX 2.0 and will prompt you to
        install it during installation.  If you would like to
        install it manually, make sure the FIFA '97 CD is in the
        CD-ROM drive and run...


3c. DirectX 2.0 and supported hardware

        We recommend that FIFA '97 be run with DirectX compatible
        sound boards and video cards.  While FIFA '97 will run
        with non-DirectX compatible hardware, you may find that:

                i)  Sound quality suffers
                ii)  The game runs slightly slower.

        If your sound board or video card do not support DirectX,
        please contact your vendor.

4a. Uninstalling FIFA '97 in Windows '95

        The simplest method of uninstalling FIFA '97 is to use the
        Uninstall button on the FIFA '97 install Screen. (this is
        the Autorun screen that pops up when you insert the
        FIFA '97 CD into the CD-ROM drive)

        You may also use the uninstall shortcut in the Start Menu.
        This can be found with the game icon on the Start Menu.
        ( usually "Start Menu/Programs/EA Sports/FIFA Soccer '97 )

        Windows '95 also has an "Add/Remove Programs" Icon in the
        Control Panel that you can use to uninstall the game.

        To conform with Microsoft's Windows '95 guidelines,
        FIFA '97 will delete all files EXCEPT save-games and other
        user configuration information.  These files must be
        deleted manually.

4b.  Uninstalling FIFA '97 in DOS

        To uninstall FIFA '97 from DOS, simply delete the
        directory that you installed FIFA '97 into.
        (usually C:\FIFA97\)

5. Are you experiencing network connect problems in FIFA '97?

        We have identified some problems associated with the
        network software that ships with Windows '95.  Microsoft
        offers a free replacement for this file.  The update is
        available at...


        If you are experiencing any other problems with network
        play, please contact your network administrator.

6a. Memory requirements in DOS

        The DOS version of FIFA '97 requires a minimum of 8MB of
        RAM to run.  While there is no performance increase to be
        gained from having more memory, you may find that you
        experience more sound effects and that the game loads

6b. Memory requirements in Windows '95

        The Windows '95 version of FIFA '97 requires a minimum of
        16MB of RAM to run.  If there is more memory available,
        you should experience better game performance in all

6c. Running the game under stressful Windows '95 conditions

        We at Electronic Arts strive to bring you the best in
        graphics, audio and gameplay.  We are always pushing the
        envelope of computer performance.

        While we have made every effort to ensure that
        FIFA '97 multi-tasks with all Windows '95 applications,
        we recommend that you shut down other applications and run
        FIFA '97 by itself when possible.

7. Running the game with EMM386

        We recommend that EMM386 be disabled.  EMS memory is not
        required to run FIFA '97.  At the very least we suggest
        that EMM386 be configured for "NOEMS".  For more
        information on EMM386, please see your DOS manual.

8. Running the game on an IPX network with routers

        In order for the game to function across a router, IPX
        networks with routers must be configured to route SAP.
        Also, the machine operating as the game server must not
        be running any other software which is an SAP service
        (TSRs under DOS, some file sharing, print sharing, or
        other servers under Windows '95).

        Once again, we recommend that you contact your network
        administrator if you are experiencing problems.

9. Improving game speed (frame-rates, etc.)

	We've implemented a few ways to speed up the game-play.

	"-" (the minus key) reduces the size of the screen
        "y" toggles field detail
        "t" toggles stadium detail

	See "Hot Keys" section below for more details.

10. Hot Keys

        We've implemented various hot-keys to access certain
        functions more quickly.

        ESC - Pause Menu

	F1 - Telecam	
	F2 - Sideline Cam
	F3 - Cable Cam
	F4 - End Zone Cam
	F5 - Stadium Cam
	F6 - Shoulder Cam
	F7 - Ball Cam
        F8 - (Ingame) Tower Cam, (Interface) Toggles Sound
        F9 - Chat
        F10 - Hangup/Disconnect
        F11 - Quit FIFA '97
        F12 - Quit Current Game

        1 - Controller Select
        2 - Team Management
        3 - Substitution
        4 - Statistics
        5 - Option
        6 - Replay
        7 - Scoring Summary
        8 - Foul Summary
        9 - Network Breakdown
        T - Toggles Stadium detail
        Y - Toggles Field detail

        =/+ - Increase screen size
        - (minus) - decrease screen size

11. Modem initialization strings

        If you change the modem initialization string at the Modem
        Setup screen, the changes will be saved when you exit.

        If for any reason you would like to go back to the
        original initialization strings, simply copy the
        MODEMS.CFG file from the MODEM directory on your CD into
        the MODEM directory in your game directory on your hard

        Example. (in DOS)


        Where "X" is the drive letter of your CD-ROM.

12. Modem Baud Rates

        Under most circumstances users should set the modem
        connect speed to 57,600 in the Modem Setup Screen.

        While this should work with most modems, you may have to
        experiment to find the optimum setting.

13. Keyboard, joystick and mouse functionality

        While we've made every effort to allow the user to
        navigate the game interface using a keyboard and/or
        joystick, in some cases we have had to make decisions to
        limit the functionality of both.  For this reason, we
        recommend that you use a mouse to access the interface.

        In-game, however, we recommend the use of a good
        joystick/gamepad.  In fact, we HIGHLY recommend the use
        of a digital, 6-button game-pad.

        We have done our best to ensure that once you are in a
        game, you do not have to put down the joystick/gamepad
        again until the game is over and you are back in the
        Front End (interface).

14.     CD-ROM drives and MSCDEX (Microsoft CD Extension)

        To optimally run FIFA '97 from DOS, we require that your
        CD-ROM buffers be set to 15 or higher.

        To check this, follow the steps listed below:

        1.  Open up your C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT in any simple text
            editor (e.g. EDIT C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT)

        2.  Find the line that contains:

                DEVICE=drive:\path\MSCDEX /M:x

                (where "drive:\path\" is the drive letter and path
                where MSCDEX can be found - usually C:\DOS\) and
                "x" is a number.

        3.  If the number ("x" in the line above) is below 15,
            change it to 15.  If it's already 15 or higher, just
            leave it as is.  Do NOT change any other information.

        4.  If you changed the number, save the file, then exit.
            Otherwise, exit without saving.