The Games: Winter Challenge manual
- The Games: Winter Challenge
- manual
The Games - Winter Edition documentation
People all around the world have spent months, years and, in the case
of the athletes themselves, lifetimes preparting for this momentous
event. And now you can be a part of the excitement yourself. Not just
by stitting in front of your television, but by actually competing in
computerized simulations of these historic events.
Select from four different collision courses - where every turn is a
test of reflexes, timing and nerves - in THE LUGES events.
Choose your own music and your own choreography when you enter the
FIGURE SKATING event. Muster all your strength and endurance to put
yourself ahead of the game in SPEED SKATING.
Go from 0 to 60 in the lightning-fast DOWNHILL SKIING races - complete
with your own strategically placed video cameras. Make your way
through one of the four progressively difficult courses in the SLALOM.
Sail through the air in the daring SKI JUMP. Or cross the threshold of
pain in the CROSS COUNTRY event.
No matter which events you choose to compete in, one thing is certain:
It's going to take great practice, patience and plain ord hard work
for the Gold.
But, you can do it. And what's more, you're going to have a great time
Commodore 64/128 Disk Version
Turn on your computer and disk drive.
Plug a joystick into port #2. (Note: For 2 player games, plug second
joystick into Port #1.)
Type LOAD "*",8,1 and press RETURN.
A Note About Disk Swapping (64 disk only)
Due to the scope, complexity and realism in THE GAMES - WINTER
EDITION, it takes up three sides of two disks. Remember to simply
follow the prompts on the screen when asked to load a particular side
of a disk. The side you are loading will always be facing up.
With the EPYX FASTLOAD cartridge
Turn on the computer and disk drive.
Insert THE GAMES - WINDER EDITION disk into disk drive, label side up.
Press the C= (Commodore) key and the RUN/STOP key to load the program.
Commodore 64/128 Cassette version
Press SHIFT and RUN/STOP keys together and press PLAY on the cassette
recorder. The cassette is recorded with four events on side 1 and
three events on side 2. The cassette files are sequential. If you want
to load and play an event which is before the point where you are on
the tape, you must rewind the tape before attempting to load it. E.G.
If you have loaded and played Speed Skating and you want to play
Figure Skating, the cassette must be rewound to a position before
Figure Skating. The order of events is in the options menu. It may
help when positioning the tape if you zero the tape counter after
loading the main menu and make a note of the counter reading after
each event.
After completing event number 4 side 1, insert cassette side 2, rewind
and press PLAY.
To abort any event whether competing or practicing, press RUN/STOP and
hit RESTORE. The menu will automatically be reloaded from cassette.
Spectrum 48K, Cassette version
Tpye LOAD"" and press ENTER. press PLAY on the cassette recorder.
Always folow on screen prompts when you wish to proceed to different
Spectrum 128K, +2 Cassette version
Select LOADER when loading and press ENTER.
Spectrum +3 Disk version
Turn on the computer, insert disk and press ENTER. Game will load and
run automatically.
Amstrad CPC Cassette version
CTRL and small ENTER. Press PLAY on the cassette recorder.
Amstrad CPC DIsk version
Type RUN"DISK and press ENTER. Game wil load and run automatically.
MSX Cassette Version
Type RUN"CAS:" and press RETURN. Press PLAY on the cassette recorder.
Apple(r) II series
Set up your Apple computer II as shown in the owner's manual. Plug
your joystick in as shown in the owner's manual or refer to the
keyboard command card for keyboard controls.
Insert THE GAME - WINTER EDITION disk into the disk drive, label side up.
Turn on the computer.
IBM(r) PC and compatibles
Set up your IBM PC or compatible as shown in the owner's manual. Plug
your joystick in as shown in the owner's manual or refer to the
keyboard command card for the keyboard controls.
Insert your DOS disk into the disk drive (drive A on a two drive
system), and turn on your computer.
When DOS is loaded, insert THE GAMES - WINTER EDITION disk into the
disk drive, label side up.
Type the command GAMES, and press Enter to load the program.
A Word About the Music (CBM 64/128 only)
If you have your sound system hooked up to your computer, you will
most definitely want to make advantage of it when playing THE GAMES -
Once the game is loaded, you will see the title screen, followed by
the OPTIONS SCREEN (CBM 64/128). Once the game has loaded you will see
the OPTIONS SCREEN (Spectrum 48K, Amstrad CPC, MSX Cassettes). From
the OPTIONS SCREEN, if you select numbers 1 or 2, you will attend the
OPENING CEREMONIES before you actually begin the competition. After
all events have been completed, you will also attend the CLOSING
The Opening Ceremonies
The first thing you'll notice is the city's magnificent skyline.
You'll then proceed to the stadium where you'll witness the legendary
lighting of the Torch. Amidst the patriotic and personal dreams of
hundreds of thousands of participants and spectators, The Games are
about to begin.
Selecting Options
Listed here are the options available for different machines and
formats. The OPTIONS available on all versions are:
1) Compete in all events.
2) Compete in some events.
3) Compete in one event.
4) Practice one event.
[ E-texter's note: This is a lie... In my C64 cassette copy, I have
three options, Compete in all events, Practice in all events and
Number of joysticks ]
The individual OPTIONS available for a particular machine are as
CBM 64/128 Cassette & Disk Versions; IBM PC & Compatibles; Apple II
5) Number of joysticks 1(2)*.
6) See World Records.
7) Opening Ceremonies.
8) Closing Ceremonies. (Disk version only).
To select an option: Move joystick UP or DOWN to highlight the number
of your choice. Then press FIRE BUTTON. Or select a number by using
the keyboard and then press RETURN.
*Be sure to indicate the number of joysticks by highlighting OPTION 5
and pressing the FIRE BUTTON until the correct number reads on the
screen. This way the computer will always know which player is using
which joystick.
Spectrum 48/128K, +2, +3
5) Change Game Controls - New Menu
Select Controls Menu
1) Sinclair Joystick (1).
2) Sinclair Joystick (2).
3) Kempston Joystick.
4) Cursor Joystick.
5) Define Keys. Select this options if you do not wish to use a
joystick or do not like the default keys available. You will be
prompted to enter the keys you wish to use for LEFT, RIGHT, DOWN, UP
and FIRE. If more than one player is competing, you will be asked to
choose the necessary option for selection of control. Players 1 and 3
will use the option selected for player 1 and players 2 and 4 will use
the option selected for player 2. The keyboard DEFAULT KEYS are as
Player 1 = Up = Q, Down = A, Left = E, Right = R, Fire = Z
Player 2 = Up = P, Down = L, Left = U, Right = I, Fire = M
6) See World Records
7) Opening Ceremonies (Not 48K version)
8) Closing Ceremonies (Not 48K version)
Amstrad CPC Cassette & Disk & MSX 64K Cassette version
5) Change Game Controls: New Menu
Select Controls Menu
1) Player 1 Joystick/Keyboard
2) Player 2 Joystick/Keyboard
3) Player 1 Define Keys
4) Player 2 Define Keys
Joystick option will be highlighet for Player 1 and Keyboard for
Player 2. To change the control, press lEFT or RIGHT as required.
When selection has been made press RETURN to return to main menus.
Default keys as on Spectrum.
6) See World Records
7) Opening Ceremonies (Disk version only)
8) Closing Ceremonies (Disk version only)
When you select OPTIONS 1, 2, or 3, you will have the opportunity to
enter the names and countries of each contender.
To select your country: Choose from 17 countries. Simply move the
joystick to highlight the flag of the country of your choice.
Note: By pressing the FIRE BUTTON, you will hear the national anthem
of the country whose flag is highlighted. (Not Spectrum 48K MSX).
To enter your name: Type your name from the keyboard and press
RETURN/ENTER. To make deletions, corrections or additions simply use
the normal word processing keys. To clear all the names off the
screen, press SHIFT and HOME simultaneously. (CBM 64/128). SHIFT and
SPACE simultaneously (Spectrum, Amstrad, MSX).
After all your selections are made: Press F7 (C64/C128), ENTER twice
(Spectrum, Amstrad, MSX).
You will not need to enter your name or country here. Just select the
event you wish to practice. Once you've completed a practice session,
you will be asked if you want to practice the event again. Press "Y"
on the keyboard to answer "YES". "N" for "NO" (or use the joystick).
Throughout all competitions your scores and times are carefully
recorded. To view them, select this option.
(CBM 64/128, Spectrum 128, +2, +3 and Amstrad Disk only)
To watch either of the ceremonies again, select one of these options.
Daring. Unwavering skill. And a touch of winter madness. That's what
it takes to brave the searing pace of one of the Games' most thrilling
events: The Luge. You'll lie prone - feet first - on a sled that's
technogologically designed to assault time. You'll strive to make the
most of every curve, every straightaway and - most of all - every
muscle in your body. What a wild way to earn your gold!
The Event
The Luge is a type of toboggan designed for the utmost in aerodynamic
efficiency. The Luge events take place on a specially designed and
constructed refrigerated course. The courses range from 1000m in
length for men to at least 700m for women with an average gradient of
Though tobogganing began in the sixteenth century, lugeing itself
began in the late nineteenth century in the Alps. The first
international race was in 1883 and the first world championships were
held in 1955.
The Strategy
Luge riders attempt to achieve the best possible speed, first by
grabbing the handles set into the starting position and rocking back
and forth to create momentum. Then, by digging spiked gloves into the
ice for added speed as they take off. And, finally, by correctly
positioning themselves both in the luge and on the track.
Choose a Course. To do this, highlight the desired course by moving
the joystick UP or DOWN. Then press the FIRE BUTTON. Note: All
contenders for a given Luge event must compete on the same course.
Launch your Luge. Just as in the official event, you will have 30
seconds to complete your launch. First position yourself on the
launching area by pressing the FIRE BUTTON to simulate grabbing the
handlebars. Continue pressing the button as you push the joystick
FORWARD and BACK to build momentum. When you're ready to shove off,
release the FIRE BUTTON and press FORWARD as fast as possible on the
Dig In. As soon as you launch yourself, dig your spiked gloves into
the ice to create additional momentum. To dig, tap the FIRE BUTTON
quickly, repeatedly - until you hit the steep launch ramp.
Sttering. Move the joystick RIGHT or LEFT to steer in those
directions. You'll quickly learn that steering is very sensitive and
how to go with the flow of the track.
Note: All LEFT and RIGHT movements are relative to the direction in
which you're moving.
Rounding the Curves. Steer your luge to the inside of each curve to
take advantage of the shortest possible distance.
Speeding through the Straightaways. Keep your luge dead centre on the
straightaways so that it doesn't "drift" up or down.
Keep an eye on the meters. At the bottom of the screen are three
meters labeled "Steer," "Drift," and "Position." "Steer" tells you the
direction you're aiming. "Drift" lets you know if you're drifting to
far. And "Position" gives you the distance from the sides of the
All Luge contenders compete for the fastest time. The contender with
the lowest time wins.
Winning Tips
In order to get leading edge here's a few things to keep in mind.
1. Always study the course before you begin. Memorizing the order of
the turns will help you steer into them.
2. Keep one eye on the three indicators: STEER, DRIFT and POSITION.
3. Don't forget to "dig" from the time you show off until you reach
the steep launch pad.
4. Stay away from the sides of the course. If you "bounce" off them,
you will lose critical time.
Poise. Poetry in Motion. Precision. Of all the events, none undergo a
closer scrutiny of skill, technique and timing than Figure Skating.
And none are quite so breathtaking for the eye to behold. As you take
to the ice, your muscles are filled with the excitement of knowing
that this is your one big chance. And your mind is filled with the
precision moves and fluid grace you've been practising for so long.
Your technique demonstrates your precision of line. Your choreography
shows all the release of your spirit. And it all comes together in
what could best be defined as true "art."
The Event
Figure skating is probably the most artistic of all the events. It's
performed in a rectangular rink that should not measure less than
56x26m. And not more than 60x30m. The rink must also have a good
sound system since each skater provides his or her own musical
background. The skates used for figure skating must have blades that
are about 3mm wide and a flat to concave bottom edge. Apparel must be
modest, yet allow for complete freedom of movement.
Historians believe that skating may be as much as 2,000 years old. But
it reached its height of popularity at the end of the seventeenth
century in England and France. The first world championships were held
in 1896.
The Strategy
Figure skating are judged in two separate areas: technical and
artistic achievement. Technical points are awarded for the precision
with which the skater performs at least 8 standard movements. Artistic
points are awarded for choreography.
Choose your music. The first step in planning your figure skating
routine is to select your music. Here's how:
Move the joystick RIGHT or LEFT to choose the type of music for your
routine. Each musical piece is represented by one of the musical
instruments at the top of the screen. Press the FIRE BUTTON to make
your selection. Then wait for a few seconds for the music to begin. As
the music plays you'll choreograph your moves to it.
Note: The first players choice of music will be used by any other
Choreograph your Moves. Just as a real contender will, you must
choreograph your every move. Which means you'll select and set your moves
to music. Here's how:
Each of the silhouetted dancers represents a specific move. You will
select your moves in the same way you selected your music: by moving
the joystick RIGHT or LEFT until your selection is highlighted and
then pressing the FIRE BUTTON. A joystick icon in the lower right
corner of the screen, shows you exactly when to move the joystick to
perform each of the moves. The length of each musical piece allows you
to select up to fourteen moves. To be eligable for a top score, you
must select at least one each of the 8 moves, and perform at least 10
moves throughout your routine.
Listen carefully to the music because your moves will be timed to the
point in the music at the moment you selected it. And part of your
score will be based on how closely you followed your own choreography.
Keep an eye on the music meter at the bottom of the screen. The arrow
on the meter tells you how much music is remaining so you can space
your moves out to "fill" the music.
If you decide to start the choreography procedure over, rapidly press
FORWARD twice on the joystick. When you have completed the
choreography to your satisfaction, press the FIRE BUTTON to allow the
next player to make his or her selections. When all the players have
made their selections, press the FIRE BUTTON again to begin the
The Performance
You are now ready to perform the figure skating routine you have
choreographed for the judges. You must try to remember exactly the
order and timing of your choreography to come as close as possible to
perfect score.
To skate around the rink: Press the joystick LEFT to go left, RIGHT to
go right.
To perform a move: Press the joystick UP.
Note: Watch your timing and be careful to perform each move exactly as
you choreographed it.
The icons in the lower left corner of the screen, whoe you your
current and upcoming moves. Also, a timebar with coloured arrow in the
lower right portion of the screen lets you know when to execute each
move. Watch the arrow as it changes to these colours:
YELLOW - means "There are more than two seconds until your next move."
GREEN - means "Execute your move at the right point in the music."
(You are within two seconds before or after the time to execute your
RED - means "You are more than two seconds late to perform your move."
If you fall, press the FIRE BUTTON to start the move over again. When
you have completed all your moves or when the music ends, your skater
will stop. Press the FIRE BUTTON to view your score. To end your
routine early, press the FIRE BUTTON twice rapidly. Press the FIRE
BUTTON again for the next player's performance.
Your score is based on both your technical and artistic performance.
The technical score reflects how well you executed your moves. Your
artistic score is based on how closely your moves matched the timing
of your original choreography. The best pssible score you could have
is a 6.
Winning Tips
For that winning edge here's a few things to keep in mind:
1. When choreographing your moves, try to place them at memorable
points in the music. This will help you know just when to perform
2. Certain moves will be difficult to perform in a sequence. Once you
discover which these are, avoid choreographing them together.
3. Practice. Practice. Practice.
Sheer, rock-hard strength, Legs of steel. And unerring rhythm. These
are the qualities that can send you screaming past the competition at
the finish line in the Speed Skating races. You'll reach speeds no
other selfpropelled athletes will ever attain. Your nerves will be
assaulted by the sight of your competition coming up beside you. And
your heart will race with every swing of your arm, every thrust of
your skates. But you keep going. Your body bent for optimum
aerodynamics. Skating for the Gold.
The Event
No other self-propelled athlete can gain as much speed as a champion
speed skater. Reaching speeds of up to 30 miles an hour, speed skaters
can easily overtake even the fastest track runners. Speed Skaters race
two at a time, counterclockwise around a track. Men compete in 500m,
1,000m, 5,000m and 10,000m races. Women race in 500m, 1,000m, 1,500m
and 3,000m races.
The sport of Speed Skating goes back to twelfth century Holland where
contenders raced on the frozen canals. In the nineteenth century Speed
Skating caught on in the U.S., Canada and Scandinavia. The first World
Championships were held in Amsterdam in 1893.
The Strategy
Skaters compete for the fastest times. The skater with the lowest time
Choose your Track. All competitors play on one of four tracks. First
use the joystick to highlight the track of your choice. Then, press
the FIRE BUTTON to go into the skating screen.
Note: All contenders for the Speed Skating event must compete on the
same track.
At the Starting Line. The race starts the moment the guns goes off.
But be sure and watch the bottom of the screen. It will prompt you to
get on your mark, get ready, get set and - finally - to GO.
Racing. Press the joystick RIGHT and LEFT to thrust your arms and
feet. Timing and rhythmic movements are critical. The smoother your
moves, the faster you'll go. Press the joystick UP while moving LEFT
and RIGHT to skate up over the cross-over section of the track. Press
the joystick DOWN while moving LEFT and RIGHT to skate down over the
cross-over section of the track. If your skater falls, press the FIRE
BUTTON to get him back on his feet.
The lower your time, the closer you are to taking home the Gold
Winning Tips
1. When moving your lefs left and right, remember: rhythm is
2. Be sure to watch when another skater enters the cross-over section
of the track.
3. Pace yourself from beginning to end to be sure to use your energy
The Events
The Skiing competition is divided into four different groups: Downhill
racing, the slalom, ski jumping and cross country racing. We will
describe each of these events in greater detail in the following
Studies of rock drawing indicates that skis may have been used as a
form of winter travel as early as 3,000 BC. But it wasn't until the
nineteenth century in Norway that skiing was first developed as an
organized sport. Skiing was introduced in the United States in the
1840's and in the Alps in the 1880's.
A free fall in white. A confidence in the forces of gravity. A oneness
with the mountain herself. These are the qualities that difference a
technical racer from a gold medal winner. As you shove off from the
top of the mountain, the slope provides the power. You simply go with
it. Using your poles for balance. And your mind for building the
belief that this one is yours.
The Strategy
The downhill ski course is designed in such a way that there are no
sharp ridges, ledges, bumps or other obstacles. "Gates," which consits
of two flags on either side of the racing arena, will mark the skier's
course. And cameras can be strategically placed throughout the course.
Racers are judged by their times. The lower their times, the better
their scores.
Select your camera positions. There are four cameras in all. To place
your cameras, simply move the joystick UP or DOWN to position the
camera icons and press the FIRE BUTTON to set them. When all four
cameras have been placed, press the FIRE BUTTON to place your racer at
the starting gate. If, for some reason, you don't want any cameras,
skip this step by pressing the FIRE BUTTON to proceed.
Note: Once the cameras are set, all skiiers will use the same camera
At the Starting Gate. To warm your player up before taking off, push
the joystick UP and DOWN. To shove off from the starting gate you must
firmly plant your poles into the snow. To do so, press the FIRE
Racing. Once you get going, continue to use your poles to gain speed.
Also, follow these directions:
To go into a tuck (speed up): Press the joystick UP. To snowplough
(slow down): Press the joystick DOWN. To turn right: Move the joystick
RIGHT. To turn left: Move the joystick LEFT. To stop yourself once you
fall: Pull BACK on the joystick.
Changing perspectives: You'll start out in first person perspective.
But as you reach each of your four cameras (indicated by red flags),
the perspective will change to a third person perspective, you'll
actually be watching yourself. As you ski beyond the field view of
each camera, the perspective will change back to first person
Flips. While in third person perspective (in front of the cameras),
you'll be able to show off. To do a flip, move the joystick LEFT or
RIGHT while simultaneously holding down the FIRE BUTTON.
Downhill skiers compete for the fastest time. The skier with the
lowest time wins.
Winning Tips
1. Once out of the starting gate, use your poles repeatedly in the
beginning to gain as much speed as possible.
2. Cut your turns as close to the flags (or gates) as possible. This
will help you cut down on your distance and speed up your time.
3. Take advantage of the straightaways to build speed by staying in
the tuck position as long as possible.
4. Try to memorize the course so you'll be totally prepared for each
turn and each straightaway.
Speed. Control. And split-second timing. It's this conflicting
combination of speed and control that makes the Slalom one of the most
difficult of all the skiing events. As you plunge down the mountain,
you must twist and turn at every flag. And as soon as you recover from
one challenge, you're immediately confronted with the next - with
never a second to catch your breath or relax your furious pace. Until
you hit the bottom. Waiting to find out your time. Waiting to see how
it compares to the others. Waiting to determine your chance for the
The Strategy
Unlike the downhill course, the slalom course twists and turns. So the
contender must perfom precision turns around a number of strategically
placed "gates" (or flags). If the contender crashes into a flag, hits
the sidelines or misses the rhythm of the course, he or she faults and
gets no score.
Select your Course. To choose from the four different courses, simply
move the "box" by pressing the joystick in the desired direction. As
you can see, the more flags on a course, the more difficult it will
Note: All contenders in a given race will compete on the same course.
At the Starting Gate. Press the FIRE BUTTON to bring your contender to
the starting gate. Then wait for the starter's gun (Get set, ready,
Go!) and ... you're off!
Racing. Be sure to pass ABOVE the first flag to get off to the right
rhythm. Then move the joystick UP and DOWN to avoid the flags and
descend the slope.
The slalom skiers compete for the fastest times. The lowest time wins.
Winning Tips.
1. To increase your speed, press the FIRE BUTTON.
2. Stay as close to the flags as possible to reduce your distance -
and your time.
3. Build up a tight rhythm.
Daredevil bravery. Nerves of steel. And total control. As the ski
jumper hangs in mid-air, high above the skyline, all sounds seem to
halt for that brief moment. All but the sound of the heart pounding.
As you ride though the air, form counts the distance, angle counts for
the style points. Both timing and form are critical for a flawless
landing, and for a medal-winning score.
The Strategy
This thrilling demonstration sport combines nerves of steel with
precision placement. Plan your daredevil moves before your ski off the
summit. Because there's no time for chaning your mind when you're
hanging in mid-air!
Down the Ramp. Follow the screen prompts to begin your jump. Then as
you travel down the ramp, follow these instructions: To crouch (speed
up): Press the joystick UP. To turn right or left: Move the joystick
RIGHT or LEFT. To jump: Press the FIRE BUTTON. In the Air: While in
the air, remember:
To lean backward: Press the joystick LEFT. To lean forward: Press the
joystick RIGHT. To raise your arms: Press the joystick UP. To lower
your arms: Press the joystick DOWN. To go into landing position: At a
45 degree angle hold down the FIRE BUTTON until you hit the ground.
Changing Perspectives: You'll start out down the ramp in first person
perspective. But as you jump off the ramp and into the air, the
perspective will change to a third person perspective. (Which means
you will be able to see yourself.)
Your score is based on your style in the air and on your distance. To
increase your style points, keep your body at a 45 degree angle, and
enter the landing position at the last moment.
Winning Tips
1. Don't jump too soon, you'll lose distance.
2. Don't jump too late, you'll lose form and control.
3. Keep your body at a 45 degree angle during the fall for the best
possible score on style.
4. Don't go into a landing position until the last possible second.
Endurance. Endurance. Endurance. It's you against time. It's you
against the perils of winter. It's you against the mountain. In this
test of pure physical prowess, nothing is on your side. Except for an
occasional surge of gravity when you reach a dip in the course. Your
heart speeds to its top capacity. Your adrenaline races. Your every
muscle is operating at peak performance leves. And still, even with
all this, it's going to take more to put you in first place. It's
going to take all the spirit you can muster. And then some.
The Strategy
Cross Country skiing is probably one of the most physically demanding
sports in the Games. Contenders are moving constantly and often
against the forces of gravity. If a contender stops for any more than
four seconds, he or she immediately faults. The Cross Country course
consists of roughly one-third uphill, one-third down-hill and
one-third flat terrain. There should be no sudden sharp changes of
direction or slope to hamper the contender's rhythm.
Beginning. There will always be two racers on the screen at one time.
If there is only one player using a joystick, your computer will "ski"
for the opponent. Press the FIRE BUTTON to start the countdown.
Racing. When the countdown reaches "GO", begin skating by moving the
joystick RIGHT and LEFT, matching the position of your skier's legs.
Going Uphill. If you begin to lose momentum on the hills, you can
"step up" rather than ski up. To do so, hold the FIRE BUTTON down
while continuing to move the skier's legs back and forth.
Going Downhill. To build up extra speed on the downhill slopes, press
the FIRE BUTTON while moving the poles to double pole.
Cross country skiers compete for the fastest times. The skier with the
lowest time wins.
Winning Tips
1. Try to get a rhythmic motion going in your skier's legs by moving
the joystick LEFT, then quickly RIGHT.
2. Don't jerk the joystick RIGHT and LEFT too quickly.
3. Don't let your skier stop - you need the momentum to win the race.
After each event the winning competitor's national anthem will play
and the three top winners' flags will appear. For each event, the gold
medal winner will receive 5 points. The silver medal winner will
receive 3 points and the bronze medal winner, 1 point. After all the
events are finished, the contender with the highest number of points
is again rewarded and his national anthem played. Note: National
Anthems will not play on Spectrum 48K or MSX Cassette.
Note: To fast forward through any of the awards ceremonies, press and
hold down on the FIRE BUTTON.
(CBM 64/128, Spectrum 128K, +2 & +3 Disk, Amstrad Disk only)
Once you complete the COMPETE IN ALL EVENTS option, you'll
automatically be invited to the CLOSING CEREMONIES. You'll return to
the site of the still burning Torch. Tension will mount as contenders
await the final awards ceremony - where bronze, silver and, of course,
gold medals are coveted rewards. Finally, as the sun sets behind the
mountains, you'll see a spectacular fireworks display, marking the end
of this truly awesome event. It's now time to bid good-bye of the
host city. And good-bye to one of the most amazing spectacles of human
strength and dignity. The Games.
Spectrum, Amstrad & MSX conversions by Sentient Software Ltd.
The Games and Fastload are trademarks of Epyx, Inc. (c) 1988 EPYX, Inc.
Epyx is a registered trademark No. 1195270.
Manufactured and distributed under license from EPYX, Inc. by U.S.
Gold Ltd., Units 2/3 Holford Way, Holford, Birmingham B6 7AX. All
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