Abandonware DOS title

Starflight copy protection - wheel codes

		     StarFlight Code Wheel Lookup Tables
The following tables will allow you to give the proper code number for
the game STARFLIGHT released by Electronic Arts for the Commodore 64
computer system.
When launching your starship from the Starport, you will be asked the
code for three index names.  To use the tables you must first lookup
the first two index names in table 1 to get a value of 1 thru 24. This 
value is the index for table 2 from which you get the actual code value.
For instance: The game will ask the code value for:
		       The 4 Seedlings
		       Blue Bauble
In table one find "The 4 Seedling in the columns and Blue Bauble in the
rows.  This gives you a value of 9. Going to table 2 lookup Thrynn in
the colums and 9 in the rows to get a value of 100192. This is the code
value you will type into the game.
Note that table 1 was broken into several sub-tables in order to fit an
80-column printout. It is up to you to format page breaks between each
table segment.
		       Earth Mardan-2  New-Scotland Koaan-3   Heaven
Black Egg                1         2         3         4         5
Amazing Artifact        24         1         2         3         4
Shimmering Ball         23        24         1         2         3
Flat Device             22        23        24         1         2
Blue Bauble             21        22        23        24         1
Crystal Cone            20        21        22        23        24
Dodecahedron            19        20        21        22        23
Black Box               18        19        20        21        22
Mobius Device           17        18        19        20        21
Crystal Orb             16        17        18        19        20
Frightn Apparatus       15        16        17        18        19
Rod Device              14        15        16        17        18
Red Cylinder            13        14        15        16        17
Rubber Widget           12        13        14        15        16
Throbbing Mass          11        12        13        14        15
Surprise Utensil        10        11        12        13        14
Wee Green Blobbie        9        10        11        12        13
Tesseract                8         9        10        11        12
Whining Orb              7         8         9        10        11
Bladed Toy               6         7         8         9        10
Nice Thing               5         6         7         8         9
Ellipsod                 4         5         6         7         8
Humming Gizzy            3         4         5         6         7
Glowing disk             2         3         4         5         6
		   Uhlek-Brain   Gaal    Akteron   Nirvana   The-Staff
Black Egg                6         7         8         9        10
Amazing Artifact         5         6         7         8         9
Shimmering Ball          4         5         6         7         8
Flat Device              3         4         5         6         7
Blue Bauble              2         3         4         5         6
Crystal Cone             1         2         3         4         5
Dodecahedron            24         1         2         3         4
Black Box               23        24         1         2         3
Mobius Device           22        23        24         1         2
Crystal Orb             21        22        23        24         1
Frightn Apparatus       20        21        22        23        24
Rod Device              19        20        21        22        23
Red Cylinder            18        19        20        21        22
Rubber Widget           17        18        19        20        21
Throbbing Mass          16        17        18        19        20
Surprise Utensil        15        16        17        18        19
Wee Green Blobbie       14        15        16        17        18
Tesseract               13        14        15        16        17
Whining Orb             12        13        14        15        16
Bladed Toy              11        12        13        14        15
Nice Thing              10        11        12        13        14
Ellipsod                 9        10        11        12        13
Humming Gizzy            8         9        10        11        12
Glowing disk             7         8         9        10        11
		 The-Cross Pythagoras 4-Seedlings  The-Axe   Ancients
Black Egg               11        12        13        14        15
Amazing Artifact        10        11        12        13        14
Shimmering Ball          9        10        11        12        13
Flat Device              8         9        10        11        12
Blue Bauble              7         8         9        10        11
Crystal Cone             6         7         8         9        10
Dodecahedron             5         6         7         8         9
Black Box                4         5         6         7         8
Mobius Device            3         4         5         6         7
Crystal Orb              2         3         4         5         6
Frightn Apparatus        1         2         3         4         5
Rod Device              24         1         2         3         4
Red Cylinder            23        24         1         2         3
Rubber Widget           22        23        24         1         2
Throbbing Mass          21        22        23        24         1
Surprise Utensil        20        21        22        23        24
Wee Green Blobbie       19        20        21        22        23
Tesseract               18        19        20        21        22
Whining Orb             17        18        19        20        21
Bladed Toy              16        17        18        19        20
Nice Thing              15        16        17        18        19
Ellipsod                14        15        16        17        18
Humming Gizzy           13        14        15        16        17
Glowing disk            12        13        14        15        16
		       Mars Crystal-Planet Elan   Votiputox    Arth
Black Egg               16        17        18        19        20
Amazing Artifact        15        16        17        18        19
Shimmering Ball         14        15        16        17        18
Flat Device             13        14        15        16        17
Blue Bauble             12        13        14        15        16
Crystal Cone            11        12        13        14        15
Dodecahedron            10        11        12        13        14
Black Box                9        10        11        12        13
Mobius Device            8         9        10        11        12
Crystal Orb              7         8         9        10        11
Frightn Apparatus        6         7         8         9        10
Rod Device               5         6         7         8         9
Red Cylinder             4         5         6         7         8
Rubber Widget            3         4         5         6         7
Throbbing Mass           2         3         4         5         6
Surprise Utensil         1         2         3         4         5
Wee Green Blobbie       24         1         2         3         4
Tesseract               23        24         1         2         3
Whining Orb             22        23        24         1         2
Bladed Toy              21        22        23        24         1
Nice Thing              20        21        22        23        24
Ellipsod                19        20        21        22        23
Humming Gizzy           18        19        20        21        22
Glowing disk            17        18        19        20        21
		 Thoss/Eleran Harrison's-Base       Sphexi    Spewta
Black Egg               21        22                  23        24  
Amazing Artifact        20        21                  22        23  
Shimmering Ball         19        20                  21        22
Flat Device             18        19                  20        21
Blue Bauble             17        18                  19        20
Crystal Cone            16        17                  18        19
Dodecahedron            15        16                  17        18
Black Box               14        15                  16        17
Mobius Device           13        14                  15        16
Crystal Orb             12        13                  14        15
Frightn Apparatus       11        12                  13        14
Rod Device              10        11                  12        13
Red Cylinder             9        10                  11        12
Rubber Widget            8         9                  10        11
Throbbing Mass           7         8                   9        10
Surprise Utensil         6         7                   8         9
Wee Green Blobbie        5         6                   7         8
Tesseract                4         5                   6         7
Whining Orb              3         4                   5         6
Bladed Toy               2         3                   4         5
Nice Thing               1         2                   3         4
Ellipsod                24         1                   2         3
Humming Gizzy           23        24                   1         2
Glowing disk            22        23                  24         1
					 Gazur-         Min-   Myster-
     Velox Thrynn Elowan Mechans Spemin  toid   Uhlek  strels   ions

 1  153669 404795 100253   15218  35793  62817  22917   3895    1760
 2  810980 602834 100277   83396  59456  46570  62237   6375    1170
 3  924289 256564 902494   22943  73911  87734  32177   8550    1810
 4  100022 873662 889321   77617  92052  90218  77027   8885    5522
 5  922505 100052 461700   10721  89933  49417  89337   3082    1868
 6  876180 100084 987316   90880  17820  23968  56213   7412    8347
 7  250241 537286 758635   76792  97060  15713  21556   7139    7767
 8  975718 313212 124102   10209  18811  16670  90360   2877    8110
 9  776513 100192 298209   69498  10253  65214  84565   3836    1701
10  100232 228865 462801   86116  87657  31791  76623   9095    3583
11  153078 137421 834006   76948  88006  10036  10046   5146    6081
12  444465 382451 800894   17127  10072  10080  71490   5190    6739
13  157773 850672 270444   69977  71518  22713  26100   1245    3101
14  877443 100119 780433   10174  10180  93385  47038   7754    9303
15  336818 743593 991651   90610  70354  10190  36602   9291    3165
16  944682 981215 562162   51932  62683  66682  62394   6532    1941
17  536992 555412 864256   72507  74048  90020  10210   8073    5324
18  100139 133909 875009   12957  10200  75292  45830   7160    4104
19  259789 218651 100151   79279  67312  18200  95267   3793    9026
20  298483 726134 100163   33548  84209  76235  10240   5647    9038
21  556684 100175 701897   10230  97117  40944  93144   7503    6596
22  600601 347633 877210   10246  48934  10260  19173   2300    5691
23  334143 307434 483347   64296  69521  60319  21033   4160    2946
24  532485 632874 210444   96244  84584  42226  90742   1110    9413