Abandonware DOS title
Saturday, 7th July 2018

CODiE Awards 1989: Tetris, Battle Chess, King's Quest 4


In 1989 Tetris was the single most awarded game. The fact that it was a puzzle game based on a very simple concept and made by a nice russian man has contributed to the Tetris myth. Thank you Alexey Pajitnov.

1989 was a very important year in world history. Just think at the fall of the Berlin wall, the eastern Europe revolutions and the China protests in Tiananment square. I was too young to be really interested in these events, but I clearly remember seeing everything on the news. Thank god, in 1989 I was still enjoying my youth without worries.

From the official site: "The SIIA CODiE Awards were established in 1986 so that pioneers of the then-nascent software industry could evaluate and honor each other's work."

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