Atlantis: The Lost Tales is a graphic adventure game developed by Cryo Interactive and released in 1997. It is the first in a series of games set around the legendary lost city of Atlantis. You play as Seth, a young hero who becomes entangled in the political and mysterious happenings of the city. Seth is tasked with finding the missing queen, Rhea, who has mysteriously disappeared. Atlantis: The Lost Tales is a point-and-click adventure game with a first-person perspective. The player navigates through pre-rendered 3D environments.
Do you have trouble running this game on Windows? Read this guide.
Atlantis: The Lost Tales review
Computer Gaming World (1997): "ATLANTIS is a tragically flawed, but otherwise enjoyable, humorous, and supremely beautiful game. If you can stand the frequent lock-ups, the endless replaying of long sequences, and the puzzles with difficult timing elements, there is a reward for your efforts. If you get easily frustrated though, give this product a miss."
More information on Atlantis: The Lost Tales
Status: NOT abandonware Also published for: Sega Saturn, PlayStation Abandonware DOS views: 818
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