Abandonware DOS title

Magic Carpet

Magic Carpet is an action shooter game set in a fictional Middle East developed by Bullfrog and released by Electronic Arts in 1994 for DOS and Macintosh. Your goal is to fly around a magic carpet and collect mana to expand your castle. When you reach the required mana "equilibrium" you move on to the next world and so on.
underrated underdog
Magic Carpet screenshot
magiccarpet-3.jpg - DOS
magiccarpet-1.jpg - DOS
magiccarpet-2.jpg - DOS
magiccarpet-4.jpg - DOS
released in:
Game modes:
single-player, LAN
NOT abandonware
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3.83 / 5.00 (41 votes)

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Do you have trouble running this game on Windows? Read this guide.

Retro gamer collector's corner:

The game supported anaglyph 3D effects. 3D glasses came with the game package and VFX1 Headgear was supported.

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More information on Magic Carpet

The above text is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. This text is based on this Wikipedia article.

Abandonware DOS - "I remember little of Magic Carpet, but one thing I remember clearly was the plain fun I had flying around the world and casting spells. It was maybe one of the smoothest first-person-something action games available at the time (in the middle 90s) and it gave me a wonderful feeling of flying freedom. Sadly I never got a chance to experience the multiplayer mode."

Status: NOT abandonware
Abandonware DOS views: 12600


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