Normality is a first-person adventure video game developed by Gremlin Interactive and released in 1996. The game is set in a dystopian future where a totalitarian regime known as the One True Government (OTG) controls the city of Neutropolis. The player takes on the role of Kent, a rebellious citizen who opposes the oppressive rule of the OTG. The storyline revolves around Kent's efforts to break free from the conformity imposed by the OTG and uncover the truth behind the city's mysterious transformation into a conformist society.
Do you have trouble running this game on Windows? Read this guide.
Normality reviews
PC Gamer (1996): "Normality is trying hard for a Sam & Max style of cartoonish adventure, and sometimes it even pulls it off. Some situations are funny, as is some of the dialog. A lot of it falls flat, however, simply through bad writing. And it doesn't help you'd like to steer the hero over a ledge. It's a hit-and-miss affair, but Normality is helped along by some decent adventure gaming and a spiffy interface. Think of it as Sam & Max Lite."
Computer Games Magazine (1996): "Although the dude-speak becomes tiring, and the puzzles are not all that ingenious, Normality is still a good bet for traditional adventure lovers. None of that there newfangled full-motion video (although motion capture was used for the rendered cut scenes) only a lark with Kent who insists early on at a job interview, "Yes! I'd like to use furniture on a daily basis!" There can't be any better qualification than that."
More information on Normality
Status: NOT abandonware Abandonware DOS views: 1036
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