Abandonware DOS title

Pinball Dreams 2

Pinball Dreams 2 is action game developed by 21st Century Entertainment and released by 21st Century Entertainment in 1994. Pinball Dreams 2 runs on DOS. Pinball Dreams 2 is part of the pinball dreams game series.
Pinball Dreams 2 screenshot
pinball-dreams-2-01.jpg - DOS
pinball-dreams-2-02.jpg - DOS
pinball-dreams-2-03.jpg - DOS
pinball-dreams-2-04.jpg - DOS
pinball-dreams-2-05.jpg - DOS
pinball-dreams-2-06.jpg - DOS
released in:
Game modes:
single-player, hotseat
NOT abandonware
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3.24 / 5.00 (34 votes)

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More information on Pinball Dreams 2

Status: NOT abandonware
Abandonware DOS views: 9051


  • I am me. 16/10/2024 00:51
    These pinnball games can not be bought online anywhere nowdays. I hope someone would make a pinnball collection of all four spidersoft 21:st Century Entertainment so we who miss them from the old days can get them without the shitty Amiga emulator that ticks loudly in the background annoying as hell. WHO did design that emulator so frikking shitty?!?!?! :( Pinball dreams, fantasies, illusion and maniac in one would be my dream collection tbh <3 /praying to the gods of game makers <3 I am not a robot. would a robot miss pinball dreams no it would not miss anythying stupido recaptcha I can shit in my hand and send to the idiot who invented this shit thing as recaptcha then he will notice very fast I am human !! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
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