Seek and Destroy was a shoot'em up published by the well known Epic Megagames in 1996 that tried to change the usual shoot'em up gameplay for the better. Instead of wave after wave of enemies to shoot down, you are given short missions to accomplish with your helicopter or your tank (yes, you can choose). At first, missions could seem a bit repetitive, but gameplay is good and the feeling of destruction is almost tangible.
Do you have trouble running this game on Windows? Read this guide.
DOS games can't run on Windows. You need a DOS emulator like DOSbox or D-Fend Reloaded. Follow these instructions to play DOS games on Windows 10 or later systems.
Seek and Destroy review
Computer Games Magazine (1996): "Seek and Destroy offers no network play, no mission editor, and no big name actors digitized into cut scenes, but none of that matters. Instead, we're offered a smart looking, simple-to-get-into game that provides those visceral thrills (you remember - the ones that come from blowing up lots and lots of stuff) that used to be the hallmark of an excellent shooter. In other words, what we have here is a game that's just a helluva lot of fun to play. And that is what gaming is all about. You've got nothing to lose except a huge hunk of free time."
More information on Seek and Destroy
Status: abandonware Input: joystick, keyboard, mouse Distributed on: cd-rom Also published for: Amiga Abandonware DOS views: 8051
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