Syndicate Wars is the sequel to the much acclaimed Syndicate developed by Bullfrog in its golden years. Like its predecessor, Syndicate Wars is a real-time tactics strategy game set in a cyberpunk dystopian world involving excessive violence, mega-corporations, bleak urban environment. Syndicate Wars also supports a multi-player co-op mode via LAN.
Do you have trouble running this game on Windows? Read this guide.
Syndicate Wars reviews
Computer Games Magazine (1996): "If you consider yourself a hardcore gamer, and have been disappointed with one aspect or another of most of the software released lately, look no further; you've found your match here. To put it simply, Syndicate Wars is one damn fine game. It's also one tough game. Sure, there are easy missions; but no matter how good you are, you'll eventually run into one which stops you cold for a good while. Most of the time in gaming, this is a bad thing; not here."
Computer Gaming World (1996): "If there must be a downside, it's that, for all this ingenuity and craft, the guts of the game haven't changed appreciably. The basic gameplay is derived almost slavishly from the original. This is essentially the 1993 game with church bells and steam whistles – and perhaps we had the right to expect something more. But, right now, with my agents under fire from three directions and a world of blood and flame collapsing about their heads, I can't think of what that might possibly be."
Retro gamer collector's corner:
Bullfrog Productions also released an official guide to the game, which was printed by Prima Publishing in 1996.
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