Abandonware DOS title

The Hobbit

The Hobbit is an abandoned adventure game set in the The Lord of the Rings universe designed by Philip Mitchell - Veronika Megler, developed by Beam Software and released by Addison - Wesley Publishing Company in 1983. The Hobbit runs on DOS. The Hobbit was based on a novel. The Hobbit is part of the Tolkien software adventures game series.
wonderful story
The Hobbit screenshot
thehobbit-1.jpg - DOS
thehobbit-2.jpg - DOS
thehobbit-3.jpg - DOS
thehobbit-4.jpg - DOS
thehobbit-5.jpg - DOS
thehobbit-splash.jpg - DOS
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3.99 / 5.00 (117 votes)

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Do you have trouble running this game on Windows? Read this guide.

Main executable game file: thehobbit/Hobbit.com.

The .zip contains only two files: hobbit.com and hobbit.dat. The executable file is hobbit.com. If you're having problems, try mounting The Hobbit using D-Fend.

DOS games can't run on Windows. You need a DOS emulator like DOSbox or D-Fend Reloaded. Follow these instructions to play DOS games on Windows 10 or later systems.

More information on The Hobbit

Status: abandonware
Abandonware DOS views: 26972
Awards won by The Hobbit:


  • AbandonwareDOS 31/08/2019 17:29
    Hi Ralle! You can run it easily with a DOS emulator like DOSBOX.
  • Ralle 31/08/2019 15:29
    Hi! Tried this today on my old PC-XT from 1988, DOS 5.0, Adlib Card, VGA, Mouse. Copied the files on a real 360kb disc and tried to start it. It simply hangs. A COM-File that is only 584 Bytes long looked strange. Today I learned something new - after all that time : "PC Booter". Thied to put it on a system disk with a very small DOS (3.21). No way. Has anyone a disk image?
  • AndyDunn 11/07/2016 21:17
    The reason is that it doesn't work with FreeDOS. It's fine with MSDOS.
  • AndyDunn 11/07/2016 18:57
    If I type SAVE, I get the prompt ENTER DISK POSITION [ 1-20 ]: After entering a number in the suggested range, nothing happens (just a flashing cursor). The game freezes and I have to reboot the computer. Anyone know what's going on here? The game isn't really playable unless you can save.
  • AbandonwareDOS 27/12/2014 10:29
    Hi Bob, the screenshots you see on this page were taken using the game in the zip you downloaded. You should see two files, one named hobbit.com, the other hobbit.dat. There is NO exe, and that's normal for a game so old: the .com is the executable. I played The Hobbit using D-Fend, it saves a lot of DOSBOX tweaking. Try it, you should be able to run it without problems.
  • BOB 26/12/2014 20:02
    no way to mount game - if, you are probably using DOS BOX & have mounted the HOBBIT folder - there is NO .exe to start game - the files within folder are both titled HOBBIT but, when you enter HOBBIT, it says illegal command -- no way to start game as the .exe is missing
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