Abandonware applications sorted by release date
Abandonware DOS is not only about games. Some of the most fondly remembered software for old PCs is an application. These applications, both for DOS and early versions of Windows, played pivotal roles in shaping the personal computing landscape. They introduced users to various productivity tools, multimedia experiences, and the potential of GUI-based interfaces.
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Deluxe Paint 2
DOS1988 graphics editor
Deluxe Paint, often abbreviated as DPaint, was a popular bitmap graphics editor and animation software package. It was developed by Electronic Arts (EA) and released in the mid-1980s. Deluxe Paint was initially designed for the Commodore Amiga computer, which was known for its advanced graphics capabilities at the time.
Dungeon Master's Assistant Vol 1
DOS1988protected gaming software
DOS1988 programming
GW-BASIC (short for Gee Whiz BASIC) is a dialect of the BASIC programming language that was developed by Microsoft. It's one of the early implementations of BASIC and was included as the default programming environment in early versions of the MS-DOS operating system.GW-BASIC was initially released with MS-DOS 2.0 in 1983. Subsequent versions of MS...
DOS1988 utility
Microsoft Multiplan 4.2
DOS1988 spreadsheet
DOS1989 utility
DOS1989 graphics editor
Dungeon Master's Assistant Vol 2
DOS1989protected gaming software
Math Cad 2.5
DOS1989 utility
DOS1989protected utility
Turbo Assembler (TASM)
DOSWindows 3.xWindows XP/98/951989 programming, utility
Turbo Assembler and Tools 5.0, often referred to as TASM, is an x86 assembler for MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows. As a key component of Borland's suite of development tools, TASM was packaged alongside Turbo Debugger (TD), forming the Turbo Assembler/Turbo Debugger (TASM/TD) bundle. Turbo Assembler was favored for its speed and compatibilit...
Word Perfect 5
DOS1989 word processor
DOS1990 utility
ARJ is a file compression utility and file format created by Robert K. Jung. The name "ARJ" stands for "Archived by Robert Jung." It was popular in the late 1980s and early 1990s as a compression tool for MS-DOS and other systems. ARJ offered high compression ratios and various features, such as archive encryption and error recovery.
CheckIt 3
DOS1990 utility
DOS1990protected utility
The previous file hosted here was put online by mistake (it was the deluxe version, not the basic one). Copyright holders kindly allowed Abandonware DOS to link directly to their website where you can buy the deluxe version of Mo'Slo.
Norton Editor 2
DOS1990 word processor
Autodesk Animator Pro
DOS1991 graphics editor
DOS Navigator v 1.5
DOS1991freeware file management
DOS1991 programming
QBasic, or QuickBASIC, was an interpreted version of the BASIC programming language developed by Microsoft. It was designed to be easy to learn and use, making it accessible to beginners and hobbyist programmers. QBasic was part of Microsoft's QuickBASIC product line, which included both compiled and interpreted versions of the language. QBasi...
Quattro Pro v4
DOS1991 spreadsheet
Virtual Reality Studio
DOS1991 gaming software
DOS1992freeware browser
Melody Maker 3
DOS1992 sound software
Norton Desktop
DOS1992 utility
DOS1992 utility, gaming software
Turbo Pascal 7
DOSWindows 3.xMac OS1992 programming
Turbo Pascal 7 (TP7) is a programming language and integrated development environment (IDE) that was popular in the late 1980s and early 1990s. It was developed by Borland as an evolution of their earlier Turbo Pascal versions. Turbo Pascal 7 was released around 1992.Turbo Pascal 7 gained popularity in educational settings and among hobbyist progra...
Virtual Reality Studio 2.0
DOS1992 gaming software
3D Studio 3
DOS1993 graphics editor
Acrobat Reader 1
DOS1993 utility
Acrobat Reader was the first of a family of application software developed by Adobe Inc. to view, create, manipulate, print and manage Portable Document Format (PDF) files. Acrobat Reader 1 was released in 1993 for DOS and Mac.
After Dark
DOSWindows XP/98/95Mac OS1993 utility