Abandonware DOS title

Abandonware DOS retro gaming spotlight

  • The Origin of The Savage Empire

    The Origin of The Savage Empire

    16th April 2022big box PC games, RPG
    After the success of Ultima 6: The False Prophet, Origin decided to "create worlds" not part of the popular Ultima series using the same engine as Ultima 6. They came up with two games: The Savage Empire and Martian Dreams. The Savage Empire is set in a stone-age-like time period and features ...
  • Collector's info: Leather Goddesses of Phobos

    Collector's info: Leather Goddesses of Phobos

    15th May 2021adventure, big box PC games
    Infocom interactive fiction games are fondly remembered by fans not only for their quality, but also for the sheer number of "feelies" (physical items) you could find in each original big box.Leather Goddesses of Phobos, a sci-fi humorous text adventure, came with some of the most peculiar feelies ever. ...
  • Collector's info: Bureaucracy

    Collector's info: Bureaucracy

    11th March 2021adventure, big box PC games
    Infocom interactive fiction games are fondly remembered by fans not only for their quality, but also for the sheer number of "feelies" (physical items) you could find in each original big box.Bureaucracy is an abandoned text-adventure game designed by Douglas Adams (yes, the writer of The Hitchhiker Guide of ...
  • Collector's info: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

    Collector's info: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

    2nd October 2020adventure, big box PC games
    Infocom interactive fiction games are fondly remembered for their quality, but also for the sheer number of items contained in each original big box. They also got a name for them: "feelies".The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, a text adventure based on the Douglas Adams novel by the same ...
  • New acquisition for my collection: Jinxter

    New acquisition for my collection: Jinxter

    27th April 2019big box PC games
    Jinxter is one of those games with feelies, items, manuals, etc. that makes "unboxing" an experience filled with pleasure. Jinxter (by Magnetic Scrolls) box contained: the magazine "The Independent Guardian", a staff memo (in the form of a letter), the adventure guide, a "Old Moose Bolter" beer mat (which is ...
  • New acquisition for my collection: Windwalker

    New acquisition for my collection: Windwalker

    9th April 2019big box PC games
    Windwalker is not one of the most popular games developed by Origin. It's a strange RPG-action mix. Not a great game, but the big box contains lots of paper: the manual (wonderfully illustrated), a small copy of the I Ching (the chinese Book of Changes), two floppy disks, the usual ...
  • My humble collection of old games

    My humble collection of old games

    4th January 2019big box PC games
    I own a small collection of old games from the era of those wonderful big boxes full of letters, maps, object, feelies. I own RPGs mostly, but also a few simulations, a couple of adventure games, strategy games, etc. From time to time I like to look at these old ...
  • Paper and cloth maps from the past

    Paper and cloth maps from the past

    10th February 2018big box PC games
    Many old games published during an age of PC video gaming where digital distribution was still a dream of some publishers, came in physical boxes full of various goodies.A few enlightened publishers gifted (well, we paid...) us players with gorgoeus maps. RPG was perhaps the genre that most of ...
  • Darklands map of medieval Germany

    Darklands map of medieval Germany

    8th December 2017big box PC games
    Darklands was a unique isometric RPG that mixed real historical data from medieval Germany with a touch of folklore-fantasy. Unfortunately it was also the only Microprose RPG of that kind and beauty. The original game box contained a huge manual with info on european folklore (including the lives of saints!) ...
  • Ultima 6 map of Britannia

    Ultima 6 map of Britannia

    21st March 2017big box PC games
    Ultima cloth maps were some of the finest feelies (i.e. items you could find in old video game boxes) ever produced for a videogame, back when digital gaming was literally non-existent. The one you see here is a scan of the Ultima 6 cloth map of Britannia. Can you read ...
  • Dr. Dooms Revenge comic book

    Dr. Dooms Revenge comic book

    20th August 2015big box PC games
    Dr. Doom's Revenge is not a very good game and it has a very very long title. It feels clunky, too linear, and the gameplay progression was too slow. I played it on my old Commodore 64 back in 1989 (or was it 1990?) and it captured my interest for a very short ...
  • Psygnosis posters

    Psygnosis posters

    23rd May 2015big box PC games
    Psygnosis was a quite popular developement company based in the United Kingdom. Pete Lane, a fan of AbandonwareDOS, sent me some very old ORIGINAL posters.Poster #1: just a posterPoster #2: seeing is believingPoster #3: barbarians and terrorpodsPsygnosis developed a few PC titles: here they are.
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