Mystery of the Mummy manual
- Mystery of the Mummy
- manual
(Time Warp / Rainbow Arts Software GmbH - 1989)
Hamburg, 1912, Alster Hotel. A certain Herr Rabensberg
urgently presses you to accept his offer of employement: It
is regarding a curious, missing mummy. The task presented
wakes your interest - you will solve the case and unravel
the mystery!
- 186 places and people
- An old-timer complete with chauffeur
- Various action sequences
- Antique-style graphics
Telephone and address book of Hamburg
Abel, Willi Gerstaeker Str. 138 26871
Achenbach, Gustav Hopfenstrasse 153 73392
Adam, Karl Thielbek 104
Adler, Ferdinand Stubbenhuk 182 61740
Albrecht, Fritz Gilbertstrasse 65
Alster-Chemists Kaiser-Wilh.-Str. 69 40278
Alster Pavillon Jungferstieg 62
"Am Park" Emkeplatz 82 63438
"Am hl. Geistfeld" Bremer Strasse 100 51909
Arnold, Albert Kuhberg 169
Bach, Dieter Venusberg 155
Dr. Bachmann, Ingo Alstertor 73 82918
Banhof Hamburg Steintorwall 94 41219
Baldus, Joseph Moenckebergstr. 127 61459
"Irma la Douce" Kastanienallee 135 42781
Bartels, Dieter Kleine Freiheit 96
Bartosch, Anna Bleichestrasse 79
Bastian, Alwin Brauerstrasse 177
Bauersfeld, Friedrich Reichenstrasse 144 13457
Baum, Herbert Rothenbaumchaussee 9 62616
Becher, Lothar Lohseplatz 185 53190
Bergmann, Adolf Glaris-Chaussee 55
Biener, Adalbert Huettenweg 102 63227
Bloecher, Gustav Armenstrasse 81
Boenisch, Helma Weststrasse 165 53846
Bpgers, Yvonne Grosse Bleichen 86 40715
Carstens, Hubert Gerritsstrasse 77
Carstens, Lieselotte Moenckebergstr. 112
Cepok, Hellmuth Beim Gruenen 41 41288
Cemetry Renzelstrasse 7
Chemical Institute Holstenwall 44 21340
Prot. Church Jakobstrasse 137
Cath. Church Hafenstrasse 150
Michaeliskirche Pastorenstrasse 157
Clemens, Gunhild Neuer Wall 124
Prof. Crusius, Hans Holstenwall 68 53171
Alster-Chemists Kauser-Wilh.-Str. 69 40278
Harbour-Chemists Burchardstrasse 74 93441
Dangelo Salvatore Sternstrasse 30
Denius, Sofie Wetkenstrasse 179
Dr. Klinger Deichtor 166 72290
Dr. Kloeber Schmuckstr. 116 52256
Dr. Weber Dammtorwall 46 33208
Detective Luchs Hoverstrasse 99 12430
Detter Kolonialwaren Michaelisstrasse 140
Detter Grocery Michaelisstrasse 140
"Deutscher Krug" Marseiller Str. 17 96757
"Die Auster" Neuer Wall 108 41754
"Die Elbe" Deichstrasse 175 61513
Dierkes, Anna Paulinenstrasse 54 82759
Dillmann, Elsa Kaiser-Wilh.-Str. 57
Divers Club Jungferstieg 49
Madame Dubois Neuer Wall 109 71643
Duijn, Dieter van Beim Trichter 136 12511
Ebert, Willy Alter Steinweg 121 32464
Eisenhuth, Gerd Ferdinandstrasse 75 82627
"Elbe" Deichstrasse 175 61513
Emde, Oskar Wallring 50
Ernst, Kaethe Herrlichkeit 172
Faber und Grundig
Seit 1784
Wexstrasse 105
Fine tobaccos
Faerber, Ludwig Hoerttweg 142 26678
Feddersen, Peter Herrenweide 149
Fehling, Erwin Stephansplatz 34
Fehsenfeld, Heinz Vorwerkstrasse 23 13901
Fischer, Detlef Brandswiete 164
Fischer, Gotthilf Bleiner Fontenay 11
Fischer, Roland Moenckebergstr. 111 13434
Forensic Med. Instit. Jungiusstr. 25 82268
Franz, Kurt Kleiner Fontensay 12 62801
Filling Station Engke
Only the best for your car
Owner: Otto Engke
Neuer Wall 197
Gail, Martha Reichenstrasse 146 63555
General Store Hornsen Bernstorffstr. 39
General Store Koltke Michaelisstrasse 139
Georg, Else Duestern-Strasse 123
Goebel, Theodor Gerritstrasse 95 41114
Gravelius, Edelbert v. Lippmannstrasse 21 41279
Grosch, Helmut Talstrasse 98
Grothe, Pianobau Schulterblatt 5
Hobicht, Willi Bleichenstrasse 71 13823
Hain, Otto Altlaender Strasse 186
The Modern Newspaper
Redaction/Editorial: Moenckebergstrasse 88
Archives: Moenckeberstrasse 110
Hansen, Karl, Prof. Valentinskamp 58 41996
Harbour Authority Schaarsteinweg 178 13594
Harbour Chemists Burchardstrasse 74 93441
Harbour West Landungsbruecken 183
Harbour Hospital Am Elbpark 154 42927
Henrich, Udo Roedingsmarkt 173
Herr, Johannes, Pfr. Pastorenstrasse 157
Hinterlang, Erhard Kauser-Wilh.-Str. 56
Heinrich Horffmann Johanneswall 130
Hoffmann, Richard Paulsenplatz 20 40381
Hornsen, Buerobedarf Bernstorffstrasse 39
Harbour-Hotel Davidstrasse 167 83902
Inter-Hotel An der Alster 37 40880
Huebeler, Adolf Glashuettenstr. 32 40011
Immel, Wolfram Reeperbahn 133 32561
"Irma la douche" Kastanienallee 135 42781
Forensic Med. Inst. Jungiusstr. 25 82268
Inst. of Ethology Holstenwall 101 61447
Inst. of Chemestry Holstenwall 44
Inter-Hotel An der Alster 37 40880
Iron Mongers:
Timmler Neuer Steinweg 120 12287
Schmidt&Co Neuer Wall 106 76845
Jaeger, Mathilde Berkstrasse 22
Jewelier Hoffmann Johanneswall 130
Jung, Harry Holstenwall 45 22116
Jung, Rosa Dohrnweg 27
Kaempfer, Paul Katharinenfleet 176 40403
Karber, Joseph Grosse Freiheit 97
Kaufmann, Herbert Robenstrasse 18 61137
Kiefler, Eberhard Hopfenmarkt 143 41943
Kungelmann Lerchenstrasse 29
Mueller Steintorwall 93
Kirchhoff, Theo Friedrichstrasse 151
Klabunde, Ottmar Steintorwall 92 22388
Klinger, Ulf Deichtor 166 72290
Kloeber, Friedhelm Schmuckstrasse 116 52256
Kramer, Max Schanzenstrasse 15
Kublitzka, Gerhard Reeperbahn 132
Lehr, Bruno Stephansplatz 35
Lenz, Anton Groeningerstr. 163 61685
Library of Hamburg Rosenstrasse 90 40705
Liebenau, Babette Lippmannstrasse 14
Linquist, Richard Alter Wall 87 53886
Lippelt, Richard Wexstrasse 105
Lohberg, Carola Brandtsende 64 52462
Luettgens, Heinz Lippmannstrasse 3
Madame Dubois Neuer Wall 109 71643
Markomsky, Hedwig Warburgstrasse 26
Marsch, Alois Hullstrasse 180 83531
Martensen, Wilhelm Am Brunnenhof 53
Menzinger, Wilfried Hofentor 168
Michel Helene Bei den Kirchhoefen 33
Moos, Erwin Kampstrasse 6 41916
Muehl, Dieter Am Gaensenmarkt 60 61173
Mueller, Franz Gilbertstrasse 66
Mueller, Wenzel Steinweg 103
Murder Commission Korntraegergang 85 42589
Nassauer, Erich Drehbahn 47
Nickel, Oswald Brooktorkai 184
Nottenkemper, Hugo Duschweg 2
Ollbrueck, Wilhelm An der Alster 38 62544
Opera Hamburg Bueschstrasse 48
Patzel, Franziska Gruenenstrasse 162 32167
Paulsen, Gudrun Am Gaensenmarkt 59
Pavillion a.d. Alster Jungfernstieg 62
Pfeiffer, Berthold Jungfernstieg 72
Phillips, Lisa Seilerstrasse 118
Pianobau Grothe Schulterblatt 5
Murder Commission Korntraegergang 85 42589
Police President Am Gaensemarkt 60 61173
Central Station Amelungenstrasse 83 76672
Post Office Hamburg Neanderstrasse 83 41395
Private Detective Luchs Hoverstrasse 99 12430
Prison Holsten-Glacis 43 23322
Rabensberg, Rudolf Kohlhoefen 84 54243
Ramioff, Variete Holstenstr. 115 40124
Rathaus Hamburg Adolphsplatz 125 42580
Rebling, Armin Mathildenstr. 31 63168
Dr. Rentrop, Fried. Ost-West-Str. 141 41902
"The Oyster" Neuer Wall 108 41754
"Zum gold. Engel" Hamburger Berg 117 51880
"Am hl.geistfeld" Bremer Str. 100 51909
"Am Park" Emkeplatz 82 63438
"Deutscher Krug" Marseiller Str. 17 96757
"Die Elbe" Deichstrasse 175 61513
"Zum Anker" Bernhardstr. 152 73143
Riediger, Bruno Admiralstrasse 171
Roltke, Gemischtwaren Michaelisstrasse 139
Rommler, Gerd Reichenstrasse 145 53768
Rosenbaum, Markus Herrengraben 159
Rosenberg, Edmund Tesdorpfstrasse 10
Ruland, Hogen Seilerstrasse 134
Sauer, Lorenz Brunnenhof 78
Schade, Hugo Stephansplatz 36
Schimpke, Anton Reeperbahn 119
Slaughterhouse Marktstrasse 24
Schmidt, Carlo Otzenstrasse 52
Schneider, Pauline Ballin-Damm 74
Dr. Schulze, Rolf Alsterufer 19 23646
Seibel, Paul Michaelisstieg 156
Sonnenberg, Georg Steintwietenhof 174
Stich, Benno Holsten-Glaris 42
Strelzki, Martha Bernstodd-Str. 28 63500
Prof. Stuekrath, Alb. Langenfelderstr. 1 63238
Stuerkrath, Herbert Bugenhagenstr. 113 53052
Teursch, Hans Wohlwill 80 61412
Thielmann, Rosemarie Brunnenhof 40
Timler, Ironmongery Neuer Steinweg 120
Faber and Grundig Wexstrasse 105
Rommler Reichenstrasse 145
Uhl, Ferdinand Steintwiete 160 53304
Ullinger, Johann Eifflerstrasse 13 72264
"Variete Ramioff" Holstenstrasse 115 40124
Vogler, Eckhard Johanneswall 148
Wagener, Edwin Mohlenhofstr, 128
Dr. Weber, Willi Dammtorwall 46 33208
Weber, Waldemar Am Gaensemarkt 61 73690
Weiss, Gundolf Spitaler Strasse 91 55350
Weyel, Otto Ballin-Chaussee 63 73634
Willig, Peter Altstaedterstr. 129
Winfel, Friedemann Holzdamm 51
Wolff, Peter Wolfgangsweg 181
Zabel, Otto Katharinenstr. 161
Zeiss, Guenter Rosenhofstr. 4 61462
Zoburg, Juliane Raboisenstrasse 76
Zoological Garden Tiergartenstrasse 8
Zufall, Helma Teilfeld 158
"Zum Anfer" Bernhardstrasse 152 73143
"Zun goldenen Engel" Hamburger Berg 117 51880
The Mystery of the Mummy! page 1
General Information page 2
Introduction page 2
Game Preparations page 2
Loading page 2
The Menu page 4
The Game page 7
Special Areas of the Game page 7
Further Special Areas page 7
Tips and Tricks page 7
The date is the 14th of April 1912, a sunny Sunday morning.
The place is Hamburg, the most important port of the whole
German empire. We are in our private quarters at the
"Nice weather here! We're lucky with our holiday!"
Wilhelm, the devoted driver and comrade with the round face
and cunningly shining eyes, remarks:
"What luxury! First I'll have a bath, then a rest, and
after lunch I will visit an exhibition. Tonight I will
attend a concert." The shrill ringing of the telephone
wakes Wilhelm from his dreams. The porter is on the line, a
Mr. Rabensberg urgently wants to speak with us.
"Well.., if it doesn't take too long he can come up."
Morosely, Wilhelm puts down the receiver with more force
than is necessary. A few minutes later a portly man, who
looks approximately fifty years old, enters the room.
Out of his bloated face two strangely glistening eyes look
at us with curiosity He seats himself down, waiting in vain
for us to pour him a drink. Then, after a pause, he begins
his narration....
"Gentlemen, please do not be offended by my intrusion, but
it is of great importance to me that I see you. It all
began on the 12th of June, 1884 when an expedition to
Cameroon began to explore the inner countries of our new
colonies and to search for old African cultures. This
expedition was led by the world-famous Professor Gravelius.
My father was a scientific collaborator on this expedition.
"On the 17th of August the two-master, Prince Albert',
sailed into the port of Duala. A few days later the group,
consisting of 20 German men and 50 local bearers, was on
it's way to the lake Dierem, situated 400 kilometres to the
west. Until then this district was known only by the local,
orally-spread tales. Thus the German government had given
orders to explore and record it cartographically.
"During the journey Professor Gravelius discovered a
cave-grave containing a mummy. The professor took the
mummy, intending to give it to the Institute of Ethnology
in Hamburg for the public to see. However, the local
bearers refused to carry it as they were afraid of arousing
the Wrath of the Gods. It took much time to persuade them
to take the mummy to the port.
"However, the apprehensions of the Bearers proved not to be
totally unfounded when, sometime later, several members of
the expedition fell ill with malaria and had to return to
Germany Professor Gravelius also fell ill. He conferred the
control of the expedition to my father and instructed him
to take the mummy to Germany.
"Shortly after his return to Hamburg my father met with the
Director of the Egyptian Museum of Berlin, who was planning
a special exhibition. He asked my father to lend him the
mummy for the duration of the exhibition. Knowing that the
exhibition would last for two months only, my father
consented to the wishes of his colleague.
"Unfortunately the mummy, along with several other
exhibits, was stolen shortly before the close of the
exhibition. Although the mummies material worth was
comparably small, my father never recovered from this blow.
Only a collector would be interested in that mummy.
"Yesterday I discovered an announcement in the newspaper
'Hamburger Morgenbote' from the Ammerman & Co. Auction
House declaring that an important African mummy is to be
put up for auction. I have come to beg you to discover if
this is my father's mummy. I will pay you, in advance, the
sum of 100 Reichmarks!" After a pause I spoke:
"I still have a question, Mr. Rabensberg. Why do you call
on us? We are a lawyer's office, not a private detective's
"I know that, sir, but I am of the opinion that the case
should rest in your hands - I heard of your great success
with the Weisgerber case."
Wilhelm's anger begins slowly to rise with the presence of
this obtrusive guest. He thinks about the slowly-cooling
water in the bath-tub...
"Why don't you take the case into your own hands as you are
so convinced of it's banality?"
"Gentlemen, you are both aware that my interest lies in
this mummy only as a keepsake for my Father, irrespective
of it's small value. Therefore I beg you to act as my
negotiator at the forthcoming auction. Your first task
would be to find out if this mummy is the one I search for.
Please do as I ask and inform me as to the result of your
"Very well", we answer with resignation, "but we must go to
Munich on Thursday The auction will begin earlier. If
anything is settled, we will inform you in time"....
Mystery of the Mummy! is a complex, German
criminal-adventure. The program is totally controlled with
the menu. The following items are all part of the program:
1 map of Hamburg
1 telephone and address book include a set of instructions
Due to the mass of data involved, which is necessary for
this game, it may sometimes be necessary to reload the
program. You may save a game at any point if wanted. You do
not need to start from the beginning each time.
The background story of the 'Mystery of the Mummy!' takes
place in Hamburg, the most famous port of the German
empire, in the year 1912. The harbour surroundings and the
atmospheric and cultural sceneries are all a reflection of
this fascinating city And this is where the crime took
place - the crime which you must solve! The game gives you
several aids to help you unravel the mystery:
- For your support there is Wilhelm, your chauffeur. He
will safely take you to the 186 places in the city
- In your hotel room you may use the telephone with which
you can gain valuable information.
- Several restaurants provide you with the pleasures in
Explore Hamburg!
You have five exciting days!
Beside the "normal" adventure there are several
action-sequences which bring about some changes in the
game. For example; you have to salvage important exhibits
from the bottom of the lake; you can also play around in a
laboratory; you get information regarding criminological
exhibits (blood and poison proofs etc.) in the library You
will find the necessary chemicals in the chemist's shop...
You have, beside the program disks, a map of Hamburg dated
1912. This will make orientation easier. Every building on
the map has a number which corresponds to the number in the
address book. Each number is unique. The address and
telephone book contain the names of all the inhabitants
with addresses and, where appropriate, the telephone
number. To get to the chosen place you need only input the
appropriate number of the house, shop, building,
institution etc..
C64 disk:
Before you start, you should switch your computer on and
off once to ensure that no virus remains.
Load with LOAD"MYSTERY",8 . Start with RUN .
The joystick must be in port 2. After a short time the
title screen of the 'Mystery of the Mummy!' will appear
with speech and sound. If you do not understand Latin, this
is what is said: "Happy the one, who looks insensitively on
things!". Loading continues when the Fl key is pressed. Now
follows the story of the mummy. By pressing RETURN you can
scroll the text. By pressing the Fl key you can quit the
Now the game windows appear and your decisions will
determine which path the game takes....
The program supports Hercules, EGA, VGA and CGA cards.
Before the program is begun for the first time, it must be
installed. If the installation will not take place on a
hard disk, you will need three 3.5" disks, or five 5.25"
disks. Do not forget to remove the write-protection tabs.
It is not necessary to format the disks, but the disks
should be consecutively numbered before installation
Installation: Insert your DOS disk into disk drive a: and
turn on your computer. When DOS has booted, insert the
"Mystery of the Mummy - Disk 1" into the disk drive and
(Disk Drive):
The first installation menu will now appear:
1: Hard disk
2: Disk
3: Exit
If the program should be installed on a hard disk, enter
"1". If it should be installed on disk, enter "2". To
interrupt the installation process, press "3".
After you have entered your choice, you will be asked by
the computer in which disk drive the "Mystery of the Mummy
- Disk 1" is situated.
Please enter this source disk drive as follows:
(Disk drive)
The computer now asks to where the program should be
installed. The source and target drives can be the same.
Please enter the target disk drive as follows:
(Disk drive)
Now the second installation menu will appear. The graphic
modes will be chosen here:
1. VGA
2. EGA
3. CGA
4. Hercules
5. Exit
After you have entered your choice, the installation
begins. The computer will instruct you when you should swop
To start the program from the hard disk please type:
(Disk drive):
cd mystery
To start the program from disk please type:
(Disk drive):
If the game is to be played with the mouse, the appropriate
mouse driver must be installed before the game is begun. It
is, of course, also possible to play 'Mystery of the Mummy'
with the keyboard.
Amiga (500/1000/2000):
When the workbench screen appears, insert the start disk
(Disk 1) into the disk drive. The program will begin
The game is controlled with the mouse.
Atari ST
Press the reset button on your computer and insert disk 1
into the disk drive. The program will begin automatically.
If you have a disk drive with only 360 KB of memory
capacity, the program can still be played normally.
However, the graphics will be slightly reduced.
The game is controlled with the mouse.
THE MENU (Icons and commands)
In the first point of the menu you find the commands for
moving along with some special command
With this command you can get into the car
With this command you can get out of the car
1.3 BED
You may only use this command in your hotel room. If you
use it, yourself and Wilhelm will lie down to sleep. You
must enter th enumbers of hours you wish to sleep for.
After this time the porter will wake you up!
This command is followed by entry into a choosen place on
foot. Obviously this takes longer then going by car.
Therefore you should use this command to move to places
which are beside each other. You will find the number of
place you want to go in the address book.
After having chosen this command you are asked for the
place you wanto to go. The number of the place corresponds
to the number of the house. You may only use this command
while using the car.
After clicking on this symbol, ten minutes (game-time) will
go by.
The second point of the menu puts together the commands
which are necessary for getting statements from people
With this command you can ask a person who is in the room
about another person. To do this you have to enter the
first name and the surname. A vowel with an umlaut (two
vertical dashes above it) should have an 'e' added behind
it (ae, oe, ue, etc.). The 'von' of 'de' in the name should
not be included.
Here a person is asked for alibi for a certain time period.
You can ask for an alibi beginning Saturday morning,
afternoon or evening. You can ask back in time until the
evening of the day before. This means that on Sunday, the
'kick-off' day, you can ask for an alibi for Saturday
evening, not before. Choose with the cursor keys.
After many text-messages, the chauffeur Wilhelm, asks you
if you would like to make notes. If you answer with 'Y'
('J' in the C64 version), notes are made in your notebook.
Thesenotes can be used afterwards, athe the end of the
game, as material proof.
Delete the notebook.
With this command you can look at all the notes that have
been written down. Selection is made with the cursor keys.
If the test is longer than the screen, yoy can continue
scrolling with ENTER.
The third point of the menu is for dealing with objects.
Pick up an object.
Put down an object.
Use an object.
With this command you can show an object to another person.
This also acts as a possible answer to a question from
Commissioner Vantkin.
The fourth poin of the menu is for examination of places
and objects.
With this option you obtain information regarding your
current position.
4.2 CUBE
Examine an object. Either a picture or description of the
object will appear.
The fifth point of the menu is for telephoning, but only
from the hotel room.
After this you must enter the telephone number you wish to
dial. Look up numbers in the telephone book.
Stop phoning.
The sixth point of the menu is for using the disk drive.
Save the score.
Load the score.
Show alla saved scores.
Delete all scaores. WARNING: All data is then lost!
It is Sunday, 14th April 1912, around 9.00 a.m.. We are in
our hotel room near the Alster, together with our friend
and chauffeur, Wilhelm. A certain Mr. Rabensberg wants us
to find out more about a special mummy. The Sunday issue of
the 'Hamburger Morgenpost' contains a very interesting
article. It tells us that there is a mysterious secret
surrounding this mummy. It also becomes clear that other
people are extremely interested in this mummy. The
following days bring an exciting development in the form of
a crime. This requires caution and all the resources that
you have at your disposal. You have until Thursday evening,
6.00 p.m., to solve this crime!
Then you must meet with Mr. Rabensberg again. Commissioner
Vantkin will also be present and he will ask you 16
questions which you must answer referring to statements and
proofs. (See "End of the Game").
In this exciting sequence with superb sound you plunge into
the freezing cold waters of the Alster, where two important
exhibits are thought to be lying. For diving you need
special clothes which you can find in the city. Under water
you must escape the dangers and find the exhibits.
You can experiment in the laboratory to obtain 'proofs'.
You must find out the corresponding ways of experimentation
in the library. You find the necessary chemicals in the
chemist's shop in the city. When you have all you need, go
to the laboratory... you are on your way!
As well as the above mentioned 'special areas', there are
other interesting places all over the city (for example;
you can visit the opera, or listen to Konrad Roentgen's
explanation about the mummy...). Further information can be
obtained with the help of Detective 'Luchs'. With him you
can observe every building - you receive an observation
report from him the next day. Don't forget the 'Hamburger
Morgenpost' newspaper which appears each morning.
At the latest at 6:00 pm on thursday evening you must visit
Mr. Rabensberg's. Commissioner Vantkin will be there and
will ask you 16 questions which you must answer. You can
answer in any of the following ways:
a) Show statements in your notebook
b) Show objects
c) Mention names
If you answer all questions correctly, Commissioner Vantkin
will be satisfied and will take you to see the Head of
Crime. This man will tell you whole story and end any
further uncertainty
- The client is paying you!
- Newspapers report about things you normally wouldn't hear
- Eat in restaurants...
- There are no public telephone boxes...
- Cars need petrol!
- Take care of yourself!
- Sometimes waiting is better...
- Take advantage of cultural offers...
- You have 5 days to solve the mystery...
- Be on time for Mr. Rabensberg!
- Remember where you parked the car when you go by foot!