Aces of the Pacific manual
THE REALMS brings QUICK DOX for ACES OF THE PCIFIC !!! GENERAL KEY COMMANDS F10.....Preference Panel ALT-R...Realism Panel ALT-J...Joystick ON/OFF ALT-S...Sound ON/OFF ALT-M...Music ON/OFF ALT-D...Mouse ON/OFF P.......Pause Game Esc.....End Mission (exit) ALT-X...Exit to DOS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VIEWPOINT CONTROLS From within the cockpit:(MOUSE) Hold down the right mouse button. then move the mouse to look left, right,ahead and back.. From outside the aircraft:(MOUSE) Hold down the right mouse button, then move the mouse to smoothly pan around the aircraft.. In an external view, hold down the right and left buttons and move forward or back to zoom viewpoints in and out.. ------------------------------------------------- Views using the keyboard From within the Cockpit: F1......Look forward F2......Look back F3......Look left F4......Look right F5......Look up and forward From outside your aircraft: F1......Front of your aircraft F2......Rear of your aircraft F3......Left side of your aircraft F4......Right side of your aircraft F5......Look up from a lower altitude F6......Look down from a higher altitude [.......Zoom in the view ].......Pull back the view F7......Chase plane view ------------------------------------------------- FLIGHT CONTROLS Keyboard or Joystick 1 PITCH DOWN l ROLL LEFT & PITCH DOWN l ROLL RIGHT & PITCH DOWN \ l / \ l / \ l / \ l / \ l / \ l / ROLL LEFT -----------------+----------------- ROLL RIGHT / l \ / l \ / l \ / l \ / l \ / l \ ROLL LEFT & PITCH UP l ROLL RIGHT & PITCH UP l PITCH UP When using the mouse remember that it will recenter automatically after each movement ---------------------------------------------------------- THROTTLE Keyboard....(1-9) or (+ or -) Joystick 2..Push forward or back ---------------------------------------------------------- RUDDER Keyboard: <..Left Rudder >..Right Rudder /..Center the Rudder Joystick2: Move stick right or left Rudder Pedals Press right or left pedal ----------------------------------------------------------- WEAPONS SPACEBAR..... Fire the selected guns JOYSTICK BUTTON 1..... Fire the selected guns BACKSPACE.... Release bombs or torpedo R............ Fire a salvo of rockets G............ Change the current guns (primary,secondary,all) U............ Unjam Gun- try to clear by repeatdly pressing U ----------------------------------------------------------- ADDITIONAL FLIGHT CONTROLS B............ Dive brakes (during dive bombing) W............ Wheel brakes (on ground) D............ Droptanks - release external fuel tanks F............ Flaps - up,down,center L............ Landing gear - raise or lower M............ Flight map A............ Autopilot (compress time) S............ Send a radio message CTRL B....... Bail out SPACEBAR supplies info on ground-based items at the cursor location ENTER supplies info on the air group at cursor location ESC closes your map