Abandonware DOS title

Autoduel other - Reference card

Documentation for Autoduel!

Key Commands,

D - Show driver status
C - Show car status
G - Get out and try to salvage cars *
T - Show current cargo and tasks
Q - Quit the game and save
R - Show all your cars and where they are

* On road only

Suggested Strategy:
Walk to the truck stop, buy body armor, then take a bus to Phili Atlantic City.
Now quit and at a dos prompt type "copy drivers drivers.bak".

Now restart and resume play with that driver, enter the Casino and play poker.
Bet all your money, if you win then Quit and copy the drivers file again, if
type "copy drivers.bak drivers".  Do this until you have about 100,000-200,000
Dollars.  If you do this then you will find the reast of the game easy.

At the Casino the payoff for the different hands are:

Pair: 1 for 1 - you break even	  Flush: 5 for 1
Two Pair: 2 for 1		  Full house: 7 for 1
Three of a kind: 3 for 1	  Four of a kind: 25 for 1
Straight: 4 for 1		  Straight Flush: 70 for 1

				 body types
Type		   Price	    Weight	     Max. Load	      Spaces
Subcompact	   $300 	     1000		2300		 7
Compact 	   $400 	     1300		3700		10
Mid-Sized	   $600 	     1600		4800		13
Luxury		   $800 	     1800		5500		19
Station Wagon	   $800 	     2100		5500		21
Pickup		   $900 	     2100		6500		24
Van		   $1000	     2000		6000		30
Strength		      Weight Modifier			Price
Light				  -10%				 -20%
Standard			  none				 none
Heavy				  +10%				 +50%
Extra Heavy			  +20%				 +100%
Suspension	 Price		   Automobile HC	 Cargo Vehilce HC
Light		no extra		1			 0
Improved	100% of BC		2			 1
Heavy		150% of BC		3			 2

Note on Suspension: HC - Handling Class, BC - Body Cost

				Power Plants
Plant	      Cost     Weight	    Spaces	 DP	Power	  Max speed
Small	      $500	500	      3 	 5	 1000	     70
Medium	      $1000	700	      4 	 8	 2300	     80
Large	      $2000	900	      5 	10	 3600	     90
Super	      $3000	1100	      6 	12	 5000	     90

Note on Power Plants - DP - Damage Points

Tire Type		  Cost		       Weight		     DP
Standard		  $50			30		     4
Heavy-Duty		  $100			40		     6
Puncture-Resistant	  $200			50		     9
Solid			  $500			75		     12
Weapon		  Cost	   Weight    Spaces    DP	  CP/R	     WP/R
Machine Gun	  1000	     150       1       3	    25	       2
Flamethrower	  550	     465       3       3	    25	       5
Rocket Launcher   1050	     215       3       3	    35	       5
Recoilless Rifle  1550	     315       3       5	    35	       5
Anti-Tank Gun	  2050	     615       4       6	    50	      10
Laser		  8000	     500       2       2	    --	      --
Minedropper	  550	     165       3       3	    50	       5
Spikedropper	  150	      40       2       5	    20	       5
Smokescreen	  300	      40       2       5	    10	       5
Paint Spray	  400	      25       1       2	    10	       2
Oil Jet 	  250	      25       2       3	    10	       1
Heavy Rocket	  200	     100       1       2	  1 shot      --

Note on Weapons - CP/R - Cost per round. WP/R - Weight per round.

Vehicle Type		     Cost per point		  Weight per point
Subcompact			  11				 5
Compact 			  13				 6
Mid-Sized			  16				 8
Luxury				  20				 10
Station Wagon			  20				 10
Pickup				  22				 11
Van				  30				 14