Abandonware DOS title

B.A.T. 2 : The Koshan Conspiracy manual

 b.a.t ii - the manual

 right firstly i hated doing this doc, and i`ve only put in about 75% of it.
 didnt enjoy it at all..  i`ve put in all the charts and refs needed..  hope
 it helps..  oh right merry xmas to all our readers!!!

                          the creation of an agent

 you  can  either  choose  a pre-defined agent(click initially on the `game`
 menu  with  the  rhmb.then  on the lhmb,or create your own agent(choose the
 `create` option and click on the lhmb.  a menu of agents will appear at the
 beginning  of  the creation process and various options will let you either
 create  an  entirely  new  agent  or  play  with  an agent that was already
 created.  a standard presenattion screen will appear if no action is taken.

                            playing with an agent

 to play with an agent,click on the name of the desired agent in the menu.

                             creating your agent

 when  you  select  the  option  `create an agent` a new screen appears that
 presents  several  bar  graphs(the agents characteristics) a description of
 the  body  selected  and  a  model 3d head that reflects the agents profile
 (overly  large  head  for  an  intelligent agent, large jaw and high cheeck
 bones for a strong agent ect..)

 the  b.a.t  file  contains  a large data bank of agents.  find one that you
 desire the most.  to do this, click directly on the bargraph at the desired
 level.  repeat this operation for each characteristic.

 if you have no idea what 9or whom) to choose, select the option `next` this
 will display all agents in the data bank on the screen one by one.

 when  you  have  found  a body for your agent, select the option `ok` a new
 screen will appear which will allow you to train and condition your agent.


                             training your agent

 this phase allows you to hone your agent in certain, specific areas.

 you  have  8  weeks at your disposal or this training.  you must divide the
 time up for various types of training.

 physical;  training,  this  will augment the strength and vitatilty of your

 intellectual;  training,  intensive  training  in  this area will give your
 agent  a  better understanding of languages, the ability to speak languages
 better, and various scientific competences.  this training will augment the
 intellectual capabilties and the charisma of your agent.

 sensory;  training, complete control of the senses is indespensable for all
 b.a.t  agents.   training  in this discipline will improve the reflexes and
 perception of an agent.

 psychological;  training,  this type of training will allow your agent more
 judiciously  manipulate  other  people  and to better intergrate himself in
 various  situations  and  places.   this  training  will also increase your
 agents charisma

 self  control;  this training increases your agents capacity to control his
 actions,  and better know his limitations.  a minimal amount of training is
 necessary  to tap all the potential of the b.o.b reflexes and vitatilty are
 also favourably influenced by this training.

 weapons; training, during this phase of training your agent will be trained
 in methods of combat (guns,self-defence ect) thereby improving his aptitude
 for shooting instinctively and shooting precision.

 survival;  training,  this  training  improves  your  agents  resistance to
 hostile enviroments, the genral constitution,strength, and vitality of your
 agent will improve with this training.

 note:   to train your agent in a specific area, click on the + key, located
 to  the right of the name of the training.  the number next to the key will
 increase by one unit.  click on the `-` key located to the left of the name
 of the training to decrease the amount in this area.

 when your 8 weeks are allocated,click on `ok` key; a new screen will appear
 showing  your  agents  new  characteristics after his training is finished.
 you will also be able to enter his codename here with the keyboard.

 if  your  agent is satisfactory,select the `ok` option, this will save your
 character  to  disk,otherwise click on the `cancel` option to return to the
 beginning of the creation process...


                    description of agents characteristics

 these  numbers  describe  your  agent.they range from 0-100(do not hope for
 more  during  creation)  but  can pass the maximum during the course of the
 game(your agent will then have super powers).  the following list describes
 the various characteristics.

 strength;  this  reflects  the  physical  potential of your agent.the value
 determined  during  creation  corresponds to the maximum possible value for
 your  agents  strength(except  in special conditions) when in good physical
 condition.  a minimum of 70% is recommended.

 intelligence;  this  reflects  your agents mental capacities.  intelligence
 enables  your  agent  to solve complex problems.or, for example,to take the
 upper  hand  during  a  conversation.with  another  character having weaker
 mental  facilities.   a  genius  is  defined  as  having a value of 100 for
 intelligence, whereas having a value of 0 would be fatal (brain dead).

 charisma;  is  your agents ability to be attractive,wether that be physical
 or  mentally  in  nature.   this characteristic can be very useful during a
 negotiation  or  even  a  friendly  chat.   the  max will give your agent a
 hypnotic  effect  on  others  while  the  mimimum  will  render  him or her
 invisible to other characters.

 the  rest  ;perception.vitality,reflexes,experience  ect  are basically the
 same, the higher the % the better.

                       annex 1; weapon characteristics

 the  following  is  a  list  of  the principal weapons that you can find in

 *  voktrasof;  a light, pen like weapon which can be carried in the pocket.
 not very powerful, but easy to conceal.

 *  beckmann;  a  classic  photonic  beam  weapon,  having average power and
 weighing around 2kg.

 * hass 10; a mini pistol shaped missile launcher

 * gladius; a light, cylindrical, hand held weapon that emits small photonic
 beams,  it serves primarily as a self defense weapon,but can be very useful
 in desperate situations.  romaii`s prison guards carry weapons, called pain
 probes, that resembles a gladius.

 *  pilum  laser;  a  sort of laser-launcher; not very practical, but rather
 powerful.   these  weapons are used primarily by the cataphractaires of the
 via  (via-express  policemen)  they can control, at a distance any would be

 * asoa50; the asoa system (automatic shot by optical adjustment) is made up
 of  2  parts,both of which are located on the handle.  the first part is an
 aiming  device that fixes a laser beam on a target.  the second part of the
 weapon ejects a `quadrillage` laser when the trigger is pulled.  this laser
 is  designed  to  emprison or kill the aggressor,also known as a sling shot
 laser, this weapon is the favourite if the roman police.

 * plasmatron; an extremely powerful and reliable weapon

 *  laskolt 45; run of the mill laser pistol.  the successor of the beckman,
 it is the weapon choice for thugs.

 *  hasta  2000;  a  hand  held  sonic  cannon.   can be carried in one hand
 (contray to the moz of b.a.t 1- but less powerful)

 * hasta 1000; the model just beneath the hasta 2000


 name            coeff perf      max range       cartridge       price
 voktrasof       4               80              lp-12           150
 beckmann        5               100             lp-57           390
 haas 10         5               130             n-29            560
 gladius         3               70              lp-02           100
 pilum laser     8               180             lp-110          800
 asoa 50         9               250             fillum 12       1300
 plasmatron      9               90              plas-1          1200
 laskolt         6               140             lp-45           400
 hasta 2000      7               220             k2              600
 hasta 1000      5               110             k1              400

                     annex 2; protection characteristics

 name                    coeff equip             price
 force field 6           6                       600
 force field 8           8                       800
 force field 9           9                       900
 deflector vest 1        4                       400
 deflector vest 2        5                       500
 deflector helmet        4                       300
 deflector coudierres    3                       200
 deflector leggings      2                       150
 prism armour            7                       650
 ionic scutum            9                       850

                    annex 3; table of weight measurements

                 name                            eq. grams
 sub divisions|  uncia (ounce)   = 1/2 pound     27.25
              |  sextians        = 2 ounces
              |  quadrans        = 3 ounces
              |  triens          = 4 ounces
              |  quincux         = 5 ounces
              |  semis           = 6 ounces      163,50 gr
              |  septunx         = 7 ounces
              |  bes             = 8 ounces
              |  dodrans         = 9 ounces
              |  dextans         =10 ounces
              |  deunx           =11 ounces
 unit         |  libra [pound]   =12 ounces       327,00 gr
 multiple     |  azmahan         +1000 lbs        327,00 kg

                    annex 4; table of length measurements

                 name                             eq metres
 sub divisions|  digitus [inch]    =              0,0184m
              |  palmus  [palm]    = 4 inches     0,0736m
 unit         |  pes     [foot]    = 4 palms      0,2944m
              |  palmipes          =20 inches     0,3860m
              |  cubitus           =24 inches     0,4416m
 multiples    |  gradus  [degree]  = 2ft+2 palms  0,736m
              |  passus  [step]    = 5ft          1,472m
              |  milia passum[mile]= 1000 steps   1472m

                           annex 5; currency table

                 name                         value
                 as     [bronze]              = 100 credits
                 nummus [brass]               = 4   as
                 denanrius                    = 4   nummi
                 aureus                       = 25  deniers



 your  agent  possesses,as  does every b.a.t agent, a biodirectional organic
 bioputer (b.o.b) in his left arm.
 bob  analyses  in  (real  time)  your agents organism by monitoring several
 implants in your agents body and by controlling his blood flow.  bob is not
 a  gadget;  it  is  a  tool that will help your agent and can even save his
 life.   even  if  you decide not decide to tap all bobs potential (by using
 the  advanced  programming  module  and  it  is  not  necessary to do so to
 complete  a  mission)  we  recommend,  nonetheless,  that  you  try to take
 advantage of the extraordianry power that b.o.b can afford you.

 to  access  b.o.b click on the rhmb to free up the mouse, and then click on
 the  b.o.b  window  in  the  upper right of the screen with the lhmb.  your
 agents arm will then a ppear with a main menu.

 description of arm/icons as follows...

 top icon     [left].       [little man] characteristics icon
 middle icon  [left].       [waves]      bio icon
 bottom icon  [left].       [chip icon]  implants icon
 centre of arm     .        time
 centre of arm next to time programming icon

 to  return  to  the game, click on the rhmb while you are in the main b.o.b

 the  4  icons are the means of access to the 4 principal functions of b.o.b
 (charcteristics,  bio, implants, programming module) click on the icon with
 the lhmb to access it.


                       the `characteristics` function

 this function summararizes the general state of your agents characteristics
 (strength,  intelligence,  vitality,  reflexes,  perception, charisma) weak
 characteristics  will flash in red.  your agents experience and progression
 are also displayed.


                             the `bio` function

 this  displays  your  agents  heart  beat,  a graph showing his consumption
 levels, a representation of the impacts (blows) he has recieved, and access
 to a diagnostic program.

 top left of screen      heart beat
 middle left of screen   consumption graphs
 bottom left of screen   exit
 off centre of screen    man in 3d
 middle right of screen  command zone for the man in 3d
 middle/far right screen diagnostic function.

 the  heart  beat  is displayed as a cardiogram that shows the dillatory and
 contractory  movements  of  the  arteries.  a normal rhythm is around 60-70
 bpm.   you  can decrease the rhythm(with a program) to prevent,for example,
 excessive  bleeding when your agent is wounded.  similarly, you can augment
 your  agents  cardiac  rhythm  to  temporarily  his  reflexes.  be careful,
 however, not to overstress your agent...

 the  consumption  graph  (below  the cardiac rhythm display) summarizes the
 caloric  and  water  intake  of  your  agent and the amount of sleep he has
 recieved.   the  red  curve  indicates  the  caloric level, the green curve
 indicates  the  level of corporal hydration,and the blue line indicates the
 amount  of  sleep  needed  by  your  agent.  you should try to maintain the
 curves in the centre of the screen.

 an  impact recieved by your agent will be displayed on the rotating 3d man.
 impacts  are  displayed  in  red  on  the  body.   you can enlarge, reduce,
 immobilize the body of the 3d man by clicking on the command to the right.

 note;  an impact signifies that the agent is bleeding, consequently medical
 attention should be sought.

 the  diagnostic  program  is accessed by means of the diagnostic key.  this
 diagnostic  function  is  a  real  `expert system` micro-program.  a screen
 summarizing  the  health  of  your  agent will appear.  the screen displays
 temperature,blood  pressure(if  your agent is sick!) and most importantly,a
 summary of the general condition (from normal to critical) that displays in
 red what your agent needs most urgently (drink, sleep, seek, care, etc)


                           the `implants` function
 this  function allows you to control the five implants (cybernetic function
 that  improve  your  agents  abilities)  located in the body of your agent.
 these implants are.

 * ats 43.   (anti sleep s1) allows agents to stay awake for long periods

 * fibrine.  (healing agent s2) fibrine allows agents to heal small wounds

 * hypercep. (hyper perception s3) this implant activates a light
             amplificating filter in your pupil of your agent.  allowing him
             to see at night.other sound amplfiers (located in agents ears)
             will allow him to hear faint sounds.

 * morpho l7.(deformant s4) this implant activates mocrosacks on the face of
             the agent,rendering him unrecognizable. he will be unoticed for
             a while...

 * psy       (extra sensorial s5) this implant allows your agent to have
             premonitons of immenient dangers. the prems manifest themselves
             as `red flashes`

 important notes;
 the activation of these implants consumes large quantities of vital energy.
 you  must  not  over  use  them or your agent will fatigue and wind up easy

 these implants have memory.if you activate an implant several times.it will
 remain activated for several hours!


                           the programming module

 in  conjunction  with  the  functions  of bob, you have at your disposal an
 editor  that  allows  you  to write programs.  you will be able to automate
 many activities in your agents life.  the language you program in is called
 `parallel   token`  and  is  entirely  graphical  in  nature  (icons  only)
 `parallel`  because  it allows you to create several completely independant
 programs  and  execute  them at the same time (in parallel) `token` becuase
 its  execution  module  injects self-producing tokens into the program that
 activate(or  de-activate)  various  functions.  as the tokens can reproduce
 themselves.the  parallelism  exists not only at the program level, but also
 at the level of the paths within a program.

 to  program,  you  have at your displosal an 18 x 12 block worksheet.  each
 block  can contain certain function icons.  this worksheets represents your
 programming area.

 notes; creating `parallel` programs reduces vital energy consumption.
        you can have up to 5 programs running in tandems

 the editor; the editor comprises of three major areas.
 the  left  half  of the bob screen is a 5x5 grid section of the programming
 worksheet.   this  grid  section  is called the `viewsheet` you can move it
 around the programming worksheet by using the directional arrows located to
 the  right  of  the  grid.   the  upper right of the screen is the function
 fabrication  zone  (zfi)  the  upper  two  lines  display  the  name of the
 instruction just completed.  the three blocks below are the active parts of
 the  instruction.   (the  active function is the one that you insert in the
 viewsheet).   by  clicking on one of them,you will scroll the parameters of
 the instruction.

 the  first parameter is the typr of function (state, do, if) the two others
 are the parameters of the instruction.

 the four keys that allow you to erase an instruction.  to link instructions
 together  in a `viewsheet` (link `key`) to completely erase the programming
 worksheet (`new key`) or to return to the main menuand, consequently, start
 a complilation are located on the lower right of the screen.

 the  erase  function is `active` when you click on it (click on it again to
 de-activate  it).   when  active, you can erase as many instructions as you
 want.   the  link  function is also an active function,when active,click on
 the  spot of the viewsheet where you want to begin a link.  a red line that
 moves  freely  will  appear  on the viewsheet.move this line to the desired
 destination  and  click; the link will be drawn automatically.do not create
 links  that  are  too  complex-the program has an algorhythm that optimises
 connections and it will be thrown awry by complex linkages.  keep the links
 simple and direct to avoid finding yourself in an incomprhensible mess...

 bob  is  also furnished with an alarm.  to set,insert the function if hour=
 alarm  in  the  viewsheet and click on the alarm clock icon.  then click on
 the arrows to change the alarm time.

 you can see the entire program worksheet (zoom function) by clicking on the
 rhmb  (only  when  you are in the editor) a 5x5 square which represents the
 viewsheet,will be displayed on the 8x12 worksheet.click on the lhmb to move
 the viewsheet.  click on the rhmb to return to the editor.

 the complier
 a  compliler  is  an  algorhytm  that translates the computer language of a
 program  into  binary code(the language most similar to the thought process
 of  a  computer)  before  the execution of the programme.  this translation
 considerably  auguments  the  execution  speed  of the program.  `parallel`
 token  has a compiler.  the bob of bat 1 had an interpretor, a program that
 transforms instructions to binary code at the moment of their execution.

 when  you  select  the  `exit` option while in the editor,you automatically
 launch  the  compiler which will compile the program/s on your worksheet(if
 there  are  any).   the  result of the compilation is displayed in the main
 menu  as a flashing message.  the message will be either `running`,if there
 are  no errors found(the program is thus executed automatically) or `error`
 if the compilere finds an error.

 if  an  error  is  found,the viewsheet will automatically display the error
 when  you  return  to  the editor.  the location where the compiler stopped
 will be highlighted in red.

 parallel token - beginner level
 the  paraalel  token  has  3  basic  functions;the `state functions` a `do`
 function and a test function;`if` the possible instructions are;

 *  run  (state  function)  this  icon  starts  a program (obligatory at the
 beginning of all programs)

 *  stop  (state  function)  stops  a  token, thus temporarilly stopping the
 execution of a program.

 *  end (state function) this icon destroys the token that it encounters and
 re-injects  a  token  at  the  last  encountered  `run`  all  programs must
 terminate with an `end`

 * do p1,p2; this icon executes the function `p1,p2` (parameter 1, parameter
 2) only p1,p2 are displayed on the viewsheet.  (eg:  do display strength)

 *  if  p1,p2; this function allows you to test, if condition p1.p2 is true,
 the  token  will  take  the  direction  of  the  right  arrow  (`1`  logic)
 otherwise,it will move downwards (`0` logic)


 programming rules
 when starting off follow these programing rules (see also annex 6)

 * a token never moves in an upward direction.do not make any upward links

 * a token always arrives at an instruction from above.connect from above

 * the first parameter will be executed at a junction

 * always beging programs with `run`

 * finish all branches with `end` or reloop them toward an end

 *  begin all instructions regarding your character with the instruction `do
    analyse me` and all instructions regarding an evi with do analyse human.

                              table of instructions
 table of `do` instructions
 do display (parameter 2)        displays parameter 2
                                 (strength,intelligence,rhythm,time, ect...

 do alert me                     sounds a beep

 do inc (parmeter 2)             auguments the level of implants by one
                                 level(for security) identical for the
                                 cardiac rhythm.

 do analyze me                   analyses the agents organism

 do analyze human                analyses the organism of the nearest evi

 do substn normal                resets implant n (n=1-5) to normal levels

 do rhythm normal                resets your agents heartbeat to 60 beats
                                 per minute.

 do translate                    translates shedish into recognisible


                         table of `if` instructions

 if me (parametr 2)              tests if your agent is hungry,thirsty,tired

 if human (parameter 2)          tests if nearest human is
                                 hungry,thirsty,tired. if he is aggressive,
                                 sheddish ect...

 if strength                     tests if the strength of the being analysed
                                 (by do analyse) is large,normal,weak.

 if intell (parameter 2)         same for the intelligence
 if vitalit(parameter 2)         same for the vitality
 if percept(parameter 2)         same for perception
 if reflex (parameter 2)         same for the reflexes
 if charism(parameter 2)         same for the charisma

 if state(parameter 2)           tests the state of the being analyzed(by
                                 `do` analyze)
 if temp(parameter 2)            tests the temperature(works only for your

 if pressio(parameter 2)         same for the blood pressure(works only for
                                 your agent)

 if substn(parameter 2)          tests the level of the implant (n=1-5) only
                                 available for your agent.

 if time = alarm                 compares the time to the time set for alarm

 if rhythm (parameter 2)         tests the frequency of the cardiac
                                 rhythm (only for the agent)


                   step by step construction of a program

 as an example,we will look at the creation of the following simple program.

 do display time
 if time = alarm
 do alert me

 this  program  displays the time (in the bob window) and if the time is the
 same  as  the  time set for alarm (we will set it for 6.30) you will hear a

 1) click (in the zfi) until the `run` icon is diaplayed

 2) click in the upper left corner of the view sheet to insert the `run`
    icon there.

 3) click once in the zfi(on the function type) to make the `do` icon appear

 4) click 17 times on the 2nd icon to the right to make the instruction
    display time` appear.

 5) click under the `run` inserted on the viewsheet to insert the `do`
    display time.

 6) click once in the zfi to make the `if` icon appear

 7) click 19 times to the right of the icon to make the instruction
    `time=alarm` appear.

 8) click under the function `do display time` on the viewsheet to make the
    instruction `f time= alarm1 appear.

 9) click 3 times in the zfi to make the `end` icon appear.

 10) click on the down arrow(to the right of the viewsheet)to scroll the
     viewsheet down by one block.

 11) click in the lower left corner of the viewsheet to insert the `end`

 12) click once in the zfi to make the `do` icon appear

 13) click once to its right to obtain the `alert me` instruction.

 14) on the viewsheet,click just to the right of the function `if
     time=alarm`(next to the arrow marked with a `i`) to insert the
     instruction `do alert me`

 15) click on the `link` key

 16) on the viewsheet,click on the arrow marked with `0`(beneath the `if`
     function) and connect it by clicking on the `end` function.

 17) click on the `link` key

 18) click on the instruction icon(`do` alert me`) and connect it to the
     centre of the link. `if` towards `end` the connection obtained should
     form an elbow.

 19) click on `exit` the message `running` should appear

 you  should  not have encountered any problems while creating this program.
 do not forget that the `erase` key is there if you make a mistake.

 note;  by  clicking  on the 2nd icon of the function `if time=alarm`you can
 set the alarm.

 parallel token [advanced level]
 the  following paragraphs were written for players who already are familiar
 with  programming.   the following functions will allow you to get the most
 out of b.o.b

 case of a blocked path
 using the instruction `do analyse par 2` will block a path; it uses a
 synchronisation  instruction  that  blocks  other tokens.  note that a `do`
 instruction  cancels  this  state and not an `if` instruction.  this allows
 you to chain together several `if` tests

 controlled paths
 you  can  insert  a  `run`  or  a  `stop`  in a re-routed path, you thereby
 `control`  your  program locally as you have the ability to change a `stop`
 to a `run` and vice versa(by clicking directly on the viewsheet)

 these controlled paths ofetn produce a `trap model`

 conditional instruction
 as explained previously,this instruction is `if par1,par 2`then...)

 `parallel  token`  allows  you  to have a loop structures in your programs;
 `repeat...until and while...wend`

 the trap model
 this  model  allows  you  to  trap  a  token  in  a  re-routed  path.it can
 beintentional  or  not.  in the former case it is called a `trap model` the
 instructions  taken  from  this model will be executed idefinitily from the
 moment  a  token  penetrates the structure.  this can become very useful if
 the model is launched by a conditional instruction.

                               the simulators

                               the via express

 the dashboard contains the following.

 bottom screen [far left]        rear view screen
 bottom screen [2nd left]        sped
 bottom screen [centre]          pilot stick
 bottom screen [far right]       force field indicator
 top    screen [top right]       via express map

 the  number  of  shock is tallied and you will have to pay a usage fee when
 you arrive at your destination.  you can choose to travel in auto mode (you
 do  not  pilot  the  vehicle)  which is more expensive but will assure safe
 arrival at your destination.

 you  should not experience any problems while in manual mode.be careful not
 to miss your exit!

 the  via  police  (cataphractaires)  have  the  authority  to pull you over
 whenever  they  want.   make  sure your agent is carrying his pass to avoid
 being detained.

 note; a force feild surrounds the city.it will prevent you from leaving the
 city - do not try to travel too far.


                           the mosquito simulator

 the  mosquito  is  a small taxi.  it is your means of transportation to the
 skyscraper runways of the city.

 bottom screen [far left]        speedometer
 bottom screen [2nd left]        throttle
 bottom screen [centre]          pilot stick
 bottom screen [far right]       altimeter

                           the katatruck simulator

 this  simulator  is obligatory.  the katatruck is a maintenance vehicle for
 the  company cleaning up inc.  and is located in the tb1 terminal.  you can
 take off and land at this terminal and one other place that we will let you
 discover  for  yourself...landing  requirements  are  the  same  as for the


                           the raeda v6 simulator

 the  raeda  v6 is an interplanetary vesel that allows you to go into space.
 this simulator is obligatory.
 you  take  off  at  roma  ii  astroport  and  must  also land there.to land
 successfully,guide  yourself  very  slowly towards the ][ on the runway and
 you will be `caught`.
 to  launch  into  space,angle the vessel at 30 degrees or more releative to
 the  horizontal  and  gas  the engines to more than 90%.  once in space you
 will   automatically   be   set   on  course  for  bedhin  6.   engage  the
 hyperpropulsion.once  you  are  in orbit around the satellite,reduce gas to
 avoid running into the asteroid belt.
 remain in orbit and head for the red zone (access to space station)
 note;  with  the  simulator, the `s` key does not produce a satellite view,
 but a general view of the planetary system (shedishan in the centre...) the
 red trail that appears is the trajectory of your vessel.


                           the sershoyer simulator

 in  the  space  station,you  will be able to pilot the sershoyer, a sort of
 space driller (this sim is obligatory)
 you  will  find  yourself  in  a  maze  of  tunnels.  the satellite view is
 replaced  by  a mine map of bedhin 6.  the red rectangle(bellow) represents
 the station and the bliking dots is your vessel.
 when you see a red dot in front of you,you can cross it and return directly
 to the station.


                           the video arcade games

 you  will  find  real games in romas video arcade halls.  they are there to
 let you win (or lose) money and meet people.


 quattro  is  a  `breakout`  type  of game with 4 paddles.  demolish all the
 bricks in the centre of the screen before advancing to the next level.  you
 must not let the ball get past your 4 paddles.
 at  the  beginning  of  the  game,you must bet.  the more you bet the fewer
 balls you have with which to start.
 2  playing  modes  have  been  incorporated  into  the game;mode x and mode
 xy(game mode is chosen in the config box)
 mode  x  allows you to control the 4 paddles by moving the mouse laterally.
 when  you move the mouse to the right,the right mouse descends and the left
 paddle  moves up.while the upper paddle moves to the right and the lower to
 the left.
 mode xy uses all the movements of the mouse.a right-left movement moves the
 paddle  from high to low and an up-down movement moves the paddles left and
 note;  sometimes  when  a  ball touches a brick,a bonus is displayed on the
 screen  (it  moves  around)  if  you touch the bonus with a paddle,you will
 recieve  a  quattro option(2 balls,super destructor ball ect.) if the bonus
 allows you to fire,click the lhmb to fire.



 chidam is a game of chinese crackers.

 the  board is in the shape of a star and each `corner` contains pieces of a
 cerytain  colour.   the goal is to move your 3 colours(those located in the
 lower 3 corners) into their rspective `homes` (the upper corners) move your
 pieces  one hole at a time.  you can also move pieces by jumping over other
 the  sum  you  bet  is directly proportaional to the computers game playing
 level.   the  more  you  bet,the  fewer  `free`  moves you will have at the
 beginning  of the game.  it will be more difficult to defeat your opponents
 (who play very well)


 the goal of tubular is to fill several reservoirs up at the same time.  one
 reservoir  releases  its fluids through various pipes and you must regulate
 the  flow(with faucets) so as to have liquid level that is equal to all the
 there is no score is tubular.  the representation of a face is, in fact the
 face  of  your agent.if you lose,the face becomes serious,angry,and finally
 furious.  if you win you recieve a faint smile!
 to  regulate  a  faucet,  use  the  lhmb  to  increase the flow and rhmb to
 decrease the flow (at the spot where the mouse becomes an arrow).