Circuit's Edge manual
- Circuit's Edge
- manual
In CIRCUIT'S EDGE, you assume the role of Marid Audran, a private investigator
living in a future ghetto called the Budayeen. You will be called upon to us
your deductive powers - and your moddies and daddies - to solve the various
mysteries in the game.
To use any of the menus along the top of the screen, type the first letter of
the menu entry. To select an option from a menu, type the appropriate number.
You can also call up menus and move through them using the numeric keypad or a
mouse. Press ENTER or the mouse button to select an option.
Once you're in Marid's apartment, you'll soon receive a phone call. Type T to
listen to the phone call. When the word MORE appears at the bottom of the
text screen, press any key to continue the conversation.
Now type E to exit the apartment. In the lower right corner of the screen is a
small overhead view of the Budayeen, with an arrow showing your current
location. Use the arrow keys or the 2, 4, 6, and 8 keys on the numeric keypad
to move around.
Explore the Budayeen until you know your way around and feel comfortable with
the menus. Then restart the game and start your investigations.
There are two main screen layouts in CIRCUIT'S EDGE. The first is used when
you're inside establishments and when you're moving around the Budayeen, and
the second is used during fights. The fight screen is explained under
1. MENU BAR: You can make a menu appear by typing its first letter, by
highlighting your choice with the arrow keys or numeric key pad keys or
by clicking on it with the mouse. Options under each menu are chosen by
typing the number and/or letter, by highlighting it and pressing ENTER, or
by clicking on it with the mouse.
2. CHIP SOCKETS: They's one moddy (personality module) socket, which is
larger than three daddy (add-on chip) sockets. You can have a maximum of
one moddy and three daddies plugged in at one time.
3. TIME: If the "Chronos 2000" daddy is chipped in, the current time is
4. BIO-SCANNER MONITOR: If the "Bio-Scanner" daddy is chipped in, the
function monitors indicate Marid's general state of health.
5. CHARACTER WINDOW: Marid's face normally appears in this window, unless
he's interacting with another character, whose face then appears.
6. LOCATION WINDOW: Inside an establishment, the window shows the interior
and the name of the place. The scene may be scanned by using LOOK or the
arrow keys (or numeric keypad). Outside, in the Budayeen, the window
shows a three-dimensional view of the area ahead of you.
7. TEXT WINDOW: Conversations, descriptions of people and places, and other
information appear in this window. If the word MORE appears at the word
MORE appears at the bottom of the window, it means there is additional
text to come; press any key to continue the text. Note that you'll
sometimes have to make a "yes/no" decision based on your actions.
8. MAP WINDOW: When you're on the streets of the Budayeen, you'll see a
small overhead map of the area around you. The arrow indicates your
position and the direction in which you're heading. You can access a
full-screen display of the Budayeen map by selecting the Map menu.
You perform most actions during the game by using the menu bars along the top
of the screen. To open a menu, type the first letter of the menu or select the
menu with the numeric keypad or the mouse.
Most menus have sub-menus, which have numbered options. To choose an option
from a sub-menu, either type the number, or select it with the mouse or with
the arrow keys, then press ENTER or the spacebar. Occasionally, there will be
a third sub-menu that offers additional choices.
You can close a menu by typing 0 or selecting CANCEL, by pressing ESC, or by
opening another menu from the main menu bar.
GAME This menu contains play controls and game options (see "Game Options").
TALK The names of characters you can talk to, inside establishments and
out, appear when you open this menu. You engage in a
converstion with a character by selecting his or her name.
INVENTORY Objects you carry can be manipulated with this menu.
ACTION Lets you perform such actions as fighting, sleeping, and getting
objects with the menu.
MAP Shows a full-screen display of the Budayeen map.
EXIT You leave an establishment by selecting this.
You move around the streets of the Budayeen using the arrow keys (or keypad).
You have your choice of using relative or absolute arrows when moving (see
"Game Options" for more details). You can also move around with a mouse by
clicking on either the Location or Map Window.
When you move into a space adjacent to the entrance of an establishment and are
facing the entrance, the location's name will appear in the text window. When
you move one more space in the same direction, you'll be prompted to enter the
establishment. To exit an establishment, type E (exit) or select the Exit
menu. Not that the Map Window is blank when you're inside an establishment.
You can exit the Budayeen by moving through the East Gates, where Bill the taxi
driver will be waiting to take you to your destination. Use the Talk menu to
tell Bill where you want to go. Exiting the Budayeen through the East Gates
takes you into the cemetery.
NOTE: Menus change to reflect your situation-be sure to check them when you're
unsure what to do.
When you enter an establishment or talk with a character, you'll be given a
description of that place or character. You can set these descriptions up to
be brief or more detailed-see "Game Options" for more details.
Inside an establishment, you can select the Look menu to examine a location
more thoroughly. You'll discover important clues and objects by looking
around. Note: You may want to look around a place more than once to make sure
you didn't miss something important.
You can look at objects in you inventory by opening the Inventory menu,
selecting an object, and then choosing LOOK AT IT.
You can engage in conversation with characters both in establishments and on
the street. When you select the Talk menu, a list of available characters
appears. When you select a character to talk to, his or her description will
appear. Then you're given options of things to say to the character.
You can also ask characters about specific things using the TALK ABOUT...
option. A message will appear in the text window, requesting that you enter
what you want to ask about. Type in the name of whatever it is you want
information on. If you make a mistake, use the backspace key (<-) to back up
and erase it.
When you wish to end a conversation, select the END THIS CONVERSATION option.
You can then start a conversation with another person.
Some characters will have objects you can buy. If the I'D LIKE TO BUY
SOMETHING option appears on the Talk menu, that character has something to
sell. Selecting this option shows a list of goods and their casts in kiam (the
monetary unit of the Budayeen). Select the object you want to buy; the cot is
automatically subtracted from the cash you carry. You can also buy something
using the BUY ITEM option on the Action menu.
You can also give objects to characters. From the inventory menu, select the
object you want to give. A sub-menu will appear. Select GIVE IT to transfer
the object to the character. You'll be asked if you really want to give the
object away. Note that you can use this option to give money to characters;
select KIAM and then type in the amount when prompted. When using this option,
be very careful not give a character the wrong object.
Some characters will be willing to buy objects from you. Select the object
form the Inventory menu and then SELL IT from the sub-menu, if this option
appears. If the character is willing to buy the object, it disappears from
your inventory and your kiam are increased.
NOTE: You can sell an item only when conversing with a character.
You'll sometimes be forced to fight another character, whether you want to or
not. You can also decide to attack someone by selecting the FIGHT option from
the Action menu; choose the person you want to fight when the list of
characters appears.
The fight screen differs from the normal display screen:
1. MENU BAR: The menu bar is inactive until the combat is resolved.
2. CHIP SOCKETS: You cannot chip moddies and daddies in or out during a fight.
3. TIME: If the "Chronos 2000" daddy chip is in, the current time continues
to be displayed.
4. BIO-SCANNER MONITORS: If the "Bio-Scanner" daddy is chipped in, the
function monitors will be reduced as Marid takes damage during the fight.
The screen will turn red for a moment when Marid is hit by his opponent
and damage is ten recorded on the monitors.
5. CHARACTER WINDOW: The character who is fighting Marid appears in this
6. OPPONENT'S HEALTH BAR: The vertical bar next to the Character Window shows
the opponent's health level. It will continue to drop as Marid does
damage to the person. When the bar reaches the bottom, the character
falls dead and the fight is over.
7. ATTACK SELECTION WINDOW: This window shows the weapon you're using in the
fight and the attack options for the weapon.
8. TEXT WINDOW: The course of the fight is described here.
9. MAP WINDOW: This window does not change during a fight.
To make an attack on your opponent, select one of the options in the Attack
Selection Window. if you wish to use a weapon other than your hands, select
the weapon's box or type the letter appearing under the box. The weapon will
appear in Marid's hand and the options for attacking with that weapon will be
shown. If discretion seems part of valor, you can try to end the fight (if you
started it) or run away (if you were jumped.)
A moddy or daddy may enhance your combat ability, if it is chipped in and
you're holding an appropriate weapon. Ex., and "Outlaw" daddy increases your
skill with a firearm, but does nothing if you're wielding a knife.
Damage you take is shown on the Bio-Scanner Monitors (see "Health,"). Damage
to an opponent is shown on the vertical health bar next to his or her picture.
You'll be warned if your life functions begin to fall too low.
The Inventory lists the objects you're carrying. You can carry a maximum of 10
objects plus your kiam at any time. For safekeeping, you can drop off objects
your apartment.
Selecting CHIP RACK from the inventory menu brings up a sub-menu of things you
can do with your chips. Selecting one of these options brings up a list of
your chips. Moddies are noted by M and daddies by D. The list also indicates
which chips are currently plugged in. When a chip is in, it appears in one
of the chip sockets. You can have one moddy (personality module) and up to
three daddies (information add-ons) chipped in at one time.
To pop a chip in or out, select CHIP RACK and then the CHIP IN/OUT option. If
you're using a mouse, you can click on a chip in its socket to remove it, or
you can click on an empty socket to bring up your chip inventory and then
select a chip to pop in.
The Chip Rack sub-menu also allows you to USE CHIP SKILL, DROP CHIP, and LOOK
Moddies change your personality, and daddies give you temporary knowledge.
When a chip is removed, the personality or knowledge disappears.
Chips will prove extremely useful throughout the game. Some improve your
combat ability and your health. some give you special talents you'll need in
ferreting out clues. Others may prove useless.
You can buy objects form characters by using the I'D LIKE TO BUY SOMETHING
option form the Talk menu or the BUY ITEM option from the Action menu.
Sometimes, if you look around establishments or examine dead bodies, you'll
find other objects to take. Use the GET ITEM option from the Action menu to
take objects you find.
To use an object in your possession, open the Inventory menu and select the
object. A sub-menu will appear. Select the USE IT option to employ the object.
To examine an object, use the LOOK AT IT option from the inventory sub-menu.
You can also give an object to another character, drop it, or try to sell it.
If you're using your belt phone, you'll be asked to enter the eight digit
commcode of the person or establishment you wish to contact. Commcodes for
establishments are found in the "Business Directory or the Budayeen" in the
back of this guide. Other numbers will appear during your investigations.
To use an automatic bank machine, move to it as though you were entering a
building. The location window will change into the bank machine. You must
have your bank card with you to use the machine, an you'll be asked to type in
your code: 4D424C. You can withdraw kiam, deposit kiam, and look at your
balance. Select END TRANSITION to continue play.
Life in the Budayeen is harsh, so you should try to stay in good health. If you
chip in the Bio-Scanner daddy, you'll see six function monitors appear on the
right side of your screen: Life, Strength (STR), Stamina (STAM), Agility
(AGIL), Rest, and Food. You start the game with all monitors at 100%. As you
suffer damage in fights or otherwise overexert yourself, your monitors go below
100% You can improve your health by eating and sleeping and by getting
treatments at the medical center. Some moddies and daddies may improve your
health functions, while you have them chipped in.
Since all the real excitement in the Budayeen takes place late at night, you'll
be accustomed to operating in the wee hours. Still, you will need sleep.
Otherwise, you may overlook some important clues. Selecting the SLEEP option
from the Action menu allows you to get some rest-the more you sleep, the better
you'll feel the next time you wake. You'll be asked how many hours you wish to
sleep. You have to be in Marid's apartment to use this option.
You will also get hungry. There are a number of restaurants in the Budayeen
where you can buy food.
There are two forms of gambling allowed in the Budayeen: roulette and
baccarat. You can ask the owner to play one of these games at a gambling den.
You select a 1, 5, or 10 kiam chip to place directly on the board or on one of
the side boxes. You can place up to five chips as one bet. Select a chip by
typing the letter under the value (W, R, or Y) or by clicking on it with a
mouse. Move the chip to the board or side box, by using the numeric keypad or
dragging it with the mouse. Select PLAY ROUND or type P to play. You can
cancel the last chip you played by selecting CANCEL BET or typing C; you can
cancel as many bets as you have on the board this way. To leave the game,
select QUIT/EXIT or type Q.
When you play a round, the flashing box indicates where the ball is on the
"wheel." The winning number flashes on the wheel and is shown in the upper
right-hand box.
This game is similar to "Black Jack" and "Twenty-One," except that you're
trying to get as close to 9 as possible. You make bets of 25 kiam increments
either to win or to tie. Select WIN or type W to win or TIE or T to tie.
Select CANCEL BET or type C to withdraw your last bet.
Select PLAY ROUND or type P to play. You'll be dealt two cards (the bottom
row); the top row is the house's hand. Ten-spots and face cards count for 0.
The values of the two cards are added together; if the sum is 10 or more, 10
is subtracted from it; and the result is shown int he boxes next to he cards.
You can draw another card by selecting DRAW 'CARTE' or typing D, or you can
stand pat by selecting STAND 'NON' or typing S. An 8 or a 9 is a natural
winner. If you and the house tie, neither side wins or loses money (unless you
selected TIE, in which case you win).
Select GAME or type G to bring up the Game menu. The selections on the menu
have the following effects:
GAME OPTIONS Selecting this option brings up a sub-menu. When you select an
option from the sub-menu, you'll usually be asked to confirm your selection.
The sub-menu options are:
SAME GAME You can save your current position int eh game with this option.
However, you must be in Marid's apartment to same the game. You can have only
one game position save at a time.
PAUSE GAME This option puts the game on hold. To resume the game, press any
LOAD GAME Use this option to return to a saved game. You must be somewhere
inside the Budayeen to restart the game.
QUIT THE GAME Use this option to exit play. Make sure you select SAVE GAME if
you want to keep your current position before you quit (you must be in Marid's
apartment to save a game).
BRIEF MODE This mode is set to "off" when you begin play, which means that
whenever you encounter a character or enter an establishment, you'll get the
full description of that person or place. Turn Brief mode "on" if you wish to
have the description appear only the FIRST time you enter a place or meet a
ARROWS The game begins with the arrow keys (on the numeric keypad) set
relative. Make sure you have NumLock OFF. You can change the arrow keys to
absolute by selecting this option. The relative and absolute settings for the
keypad operate as follows:
6 (--¯) Turn right 90ø Face east, move east
4 (®--) Turn left 90ø Face west, move west
8 (up) Move ahead Face north, move north
2 (down) Reverse direction Face south, move south
SOUND Use this option to toggle the sound on and off.
MUSIC Use this option to toggle the music on and off. It appears only if you
have a Roland or AdLib sound card.
RECALL EVENTS Use this option when you want to recall important conversations
and observations. You can continue back through events by pressing the
spacebar. You may recall up to 50 events. Pressing ENTER or any other key
after an event is fully described cancels this option.
This is VERY important! Ok...the streets are labeled from right to left
starting with the farthest right-hand street as 1st Street, then 2nd Street,
etc. Also...the bottom is the South end, the top is the North end. The main
street (the wide one in the very middle) is called The Street. In the very
back (either north or south end) there are small little streets, called ALLEY
(these are along the wall on the top and bottom and run horizontally).
The streets are like this.
| etc. |
| 16th N. 15th N. 14th N. 13th N. ........... 2nd N. 1st N. |
E 16th S. 15th S. 14th S. 13th S. ........... 2nd S. 1st S. E
| etc. |
AAA Secured Loans, 1011 STREET..............555GFX67
Abu Salah's Rug Shop, 715 STREET............014LBT52
Ad-Dur House, 576 S. Alley..................505QNK52
Big Al's Old Chicago, 516 STREET............653GNE65
The Blue Parrot, 214 STREET.................441GOE61
Bougainvillea Apartments, 402 S. 1st Street.441GOH63
budayeen Hotel, 963 STREET..................670TRX60
Cafe de la Fee Blanche, 277 N. 9th Street...772XGW62
Cafe Solance, 202 S. 12th Street............772XGF68
Chiriga's, 821 STREET.......................745KBZ69
Cold Tea, 323 S. 11th Street................718WGG67
Crazy Abdul's, 666 S. Alley.................747SRG68
Data Security Systems, 356 N. 3rd Street....876TGF69
Double Wisdom Acupuncture, 1467 STREET......817UEX57
Electroniques, 422 S. 5th Street............981VMK60
Elegant Rooms, 224 S. Alley.................981ZTG52
The Eyes of Texas, 474 N. 1st Street........441GRR65
Five Pillars Apartments, 384 N. 12th Street.441GSB51
Franco's Tattoo Parlor, 1286 S. Alley.......476MHH50
Frenchy's Nightclub, 956 STREET.............041GVA69
Friendly's Pawn Shop, 1522 STREET...........045XGW51
The Gambling Den, 426 S. 5th Street.........441GTT68
Grey House Apartments, 462 N. 8th Street....441GTK61
Han Lon's House of Holograms, 215 N. 6th St.270GYH59
Hassan's Tourist Paradise, 725 STREET.......275LTG65
Heavenly Frangrances, 417 S. 9th Street.....217OXG51
Hologames and More, 167 S. 13th Street......218HZT61
Hotel del Palazzo 29356 Boulevard il Jameel.996HDP48
Houri's, 325 N. 16th Street.................217KBL52
House of Snakes, 929 STREET.................217LXG62
Iku Iku Bath House, 230 S. 14th Street......377GVD62
Jewels of Morocco, 368 N. 1st Street........419XEL51
Jo-Mama's, 521 N. 3rd Street................415ZTF69
Kiyoshi's, 111 S. 14th Street...............551HLA69
Laila's Mod Shop, 424 S. 3rd Street.........675ETN62
Leather Goddesses, 208 S. 1st Street........617MAX52
Madame Mimi's Tarot Den, 1156 STREET........474HMG51
Maq-allah's Newstand, 818 STREET............773NTE57
Martyrs of Democracy, 282 N. 13th Street....774MRK62
Medical Clinic, 271 STREET..................710BVT52
The Medinah Apartments, 176 S. 16th Street..441GZX55
Meloul's, 127 STREET........................718HNE65
Morgue, 57 STREET...........................715ZNX52
Muhammad's Glass, 529 N. 12th Street........774TFF60
Mustafa's Pawn Shop, 258 S. 1st Street......775MTY69
Neural Warez, 1421 Street...................817KTE57
New Orleans soul and Fast Food Franchise,
532 STREET..................................869UFU56
Police Station, 7799 Walid al-Akbar Street..911COP58
The Red Light Lounge, 422 N. 7th Street.....441GEX52
The Sahara Apartments, 577 S. 7th Street....441GFT57
Sahtayn's, 369 S. 3rd Street................374MTR55
Salah ad-Din Apartments, 400 S. 13th Street.378TAG60
The Scarlet Orchid, 461 N. 10th Street......441GFV64
The Sea-Ray Hotel, 124 STREET...............441GFX65
Sensory Deprivation, 234 N. 4th Street......310LHK62
Shimaal Mosque, 21006 Boulevard il Jameel...243DGE47
Shoukri's Adult Video Holos, 34 S. 12th St..507EMG55
The Silver Palm, 509 STREET.................441GFB58
The Smoke Shop, 516 N. 11th Street..........441GFF67
Tab, Caps & Pills, 1221 STREET..............478LSG67
Transpex Games, 333 S. 4th STREET...........447GLI60
Vast Food, 277 N. 2nd Street................675MGS61
Seipolt 110NPR56 X
Hassan The Shiite 483FJL62
Mahmoud 017JBL60
Black Widows 292KVM48 XXX
Lt. Okking 396ACE58
Abdulaye 742DST67 X
*** New Bank # 4D424C *** (your money card #)