Dungeon master 2: The legend of Skullkeep other - readme
Dungeon Master II Read Me File Known System Conflicts: Setup You must select a Sound Card for "Digital" and "Midi" in Setup. If no Sound Card is selected the game will not function properly. DM2 supports FM music only, it does not support General Midi. Sound Blaster When using a Sound Blaster 16 Vibra, Sound Blaster AWE/32, or Sound Blaster SCSI you should select Sound Blaster Pro or Sound Blaster in the SETUP program. Ensoniq Soundscape When using the Ensoniq Soundscape, you must set the MIDI music device to be the same device you set for the Digital Sound Card. (Example: Ensoniq Soundscape at port 330). You may get an error message saying that the MIDI driver could not be initialized. You then should save your settings and exit SETUP. Then go to the Soundscape directory and run "SSINIT GM". This will set the Ensonic card to work properly next time you run the game. Network Drivers If you run network software such as IPX, you may get an error message saying "error: incorrect IRQ". To fix the problem, you must reboot without loading any net drivers. Installing for SVGA If you choose the SVGA option in the INSTALL program, make sure you have a Super VGA video card and monitor! The game may crash otherwise. If you only have a VGA video card or monitor, be sure to choose the VGA option when installing. If you accidentally install for SVGA, you will need to re-install the game for VGA. Personnel changes for DM2: Producer: William Church Line Producer: Chris Benson Lead Tester: Frank Pimentel Testers: Darrell Jones Derek Bullard Kihan Pak John Deiley Larry Smith Scott McKelvey Jason Suinn Steve Pendelton Daryl Guetzkow Marc Duran Chad Allison