Abandonware DOS title

Lost in Time walkthrough

Lost In Time

The Briscarde

How do I escape the Hold?
Look behind the barrel. Take the lamp. Using the lamp, look behind
the barrels.  Take the sponge. Use the lamp on the trapdoor to go
down to the bilge.

What should I do in the Bilge?
Look in the cask.  Take the palm oil. Use the oil on  the pump
handle. Pump the handle. Look behind the chain and take the
corkscrew. Return to the Hold.

I've returned to the Hold. How do I get out of here?
Put the sponge in the bucket of water. Use the wet sponge to
remove the poster. You will  see a knothole.  Use the corkscrew
on the knothole.  Talk to Yoruba. Take the knife  he offers you.
Use the  knife to carve a step  in the post. You can now climb up
to the Mid Deck.

What should I do when I reach the Mid Deck?
You must try to open the stuck door. To open the door, take a
towel from one of the three containers along the wall. Use the
towel to pull the ring attached to the stone plate. You  will find
a secret compartment. Take the  soap and use it on the  rusted
cannon to  make soap shavings.  Use the shavings  on the sliding
door. Talk to Melkior.

Flashback to the Manor de la Prunliere

What should I do at the Manor gate?
Examine the tractor carefully.  It has the items you need to  open
the gate. On the top of  the cab, you should see  a basket. Look
in the  basket and take the apple. Take the battery. Inspect the
toolbox  a couple of times. Take the empty cigarette pack and  the
small pipe. Give the  horse the apple to make  him move out of
the way. Take  the dart and  the note attached  to the gate.
Using the small pipe, take some acid from the battery. Use the
acid to erode the lock. Go through the gate.

How do I enter the Manor?
Go to the North side of the Lighthouse. Take the bottle in front
of the barrel. Go  to the  Manor door.  Take the  portrait above
the door.  Take the wire the portrait hung on. Take the door
handle. Fill the battery with vinegar. Coil the wire  around  the
door  handle  and  attach  it  to  the  battery  to build an
electromagnet.  Use the  dart to  push the   key out  of the
keyhole. Use  the  electromagnet to pull the key through the
space under the door. Use the key to unlock the door and enter the

What should I do inside the Manor?
Find the fuse box just to the left  of the fireplace. Remove the
copper wire to open it.  Take the can  of resin. Open  the
cigarette pack  and take the  foil. Repair the blown fuse with the
foil.  Take the roasting spit on the andirons in the fireplace.
Take the oar from the wall recess.

How do I open the Crypt Vault?
First, repair  the fuse in  the Manor. Put  the portrait from  the
Manor in the notch in the  steps. A code lock will  be revealed.
You will need  to enter the correct number  to open the  code
lock. Subtract  the two dates  you see on the lock to find
Philibert's age when he  died. Enter this number in the code lock.
Click on the cross and an elevator will appear.

How do I use the Elevator? Where does it lead?
You should  have the code  from the shipwreck  before taking the
elevator. The shipwreck  is  visible  from  inside  the
Lighthouse.  Once  you have, use the elevator to descend into the
Crypt. If the elevator doors are closed, open them by pressing on
the portrait in the steps.

How do I enter the Lighthouse?
First, open the Crypt  Vault. Go to the North side of  the
Lighthouse. You will find a full barrel. Use the dart you found at
the Manor gate to remove the cork and empty  the barrel. Move  the
empty barrel  into place so  you can reach the basement window.
Use the roasting  spit from the  Manor to break  the basement
window. Take the hose from the North  side of the Lighthouse.
Attach one end of the  hose to  the Lighthouse  door. Attach  the
other  end to  the Crypt  Vault elevator rail. Send the elevator
down to open the Lighthouse door.

What do I do inside the Lighthouse?
Take the  wooden shoe on  the steps. Examine  the shoe to  find a
key.  The key opens the  basement. Go to  the second floor  of the
Lighthouse.  Open the desk drawer. Take the book page and the acid
solution. Use the field glasses to scan the ocean. Find  the
wrecked ship. Click on  the ship to get a  close-up. Click again
to get  a close-up  view of  the bow.  Note the  order and  color
of the symbols  on  the  bow.  For  example,  yellow  sword,
green  cannon,  and  red cannonball. Write this information down.
Use the oar from the Manor to open the cupboard. Take the razor.
Go the third floor of the Lighthouse. Take the bottle of  kerosene
from  behind the  curtains. Use  the razor  to cut  a piece of the
curtain. Return to  the first floor and unlock the  basement. Open
the valve on the left-hand  side of the  screen. Pick up  a piece
of  glass from the  brokenwindow. Go to the Crypt Vault and use
the elevator.

What do I do in the Crypt?
Use  the  shipwreck  code  to  open  the  trunk.  Take  the
ship's log and the fiberglass. Climb on a barrel and take  a
bottle of cider. You need the solvent that  is on  top of  the
center  beam. Select  the cider  bottle cork from your inventory.
Point the cork cursor at the top center beam. Move it across the
top of the screen until you see the  "Use CORK on BOTTLE" message.
Click your mouse and the  cork will pop  out of the  bottle, knock
the  solvent container to the ground, and fly out the window. Take
the solvent. You will need the cork again, but you will have to
retrieve it from the Garden Well!

How do I get my cork back?
Use the garden hose to fill the Garden  Well and float the cork to
the surface. You must repair  the garden hose to use  it. Attach
the hose to  the faucet. To repair the hose,  use the piece of
fiberglass  that you found in the  Crypt and the can  of resin
from the  Manor. Put the other  end of the hose  in the well. Turn
on the faucet.  Click on the Garden Well to get  a close-up view.
When the well is full, you can take the cork.

How do I open the gate in the Lighthouse basement?
You must have the wooden shoe, the piece of broken glass, and the
acid solution from the Lighthouse.  You will also need the
roasting  spit from the Manor, and some rust remover  from the
Crypt. Pour acid solution  on the algae. Scrape the algae off with
the broken glass. Use the rust remover on the mechanism. Use the
roasting spit to open the gate.

How do I fix the boat? How do I use the boat?
Bail the water out of the boat with the shoe you found on the
Lighthouse steps. Place the piece of curtain from the Lighthouse
on the hole. Finish plugging the hole with  the cork you
retrieved from the  garden well. Use  the oar from the Manor to
paddle the boat.

The Fisherman's Cabin and return to the Manor.

What do I do at the Fisherman's Cabin?
Go inside.  Open the dresser and take the  ship-in-a-bottle and
the  bottle of nuoc-mam. Look inside  the  basket  on  the  table
a  few  times. Take  the handkerchief, a nail,  and a piece of
bread. Take the notebook under the chair leg. Move  the chair
under the chandelier.  Use  the chair to  reach the chain holding
the chandelier. Use the  nail on the top of the  chain to remove
the chandelier.

What do I do on the beach? How do I get back to the Manor?
Use the nuoc-mam from the Cabin on the piece of bread. Throw the
piece of bread onto the roof. After the gulls knock the buoy off
the roof, use the razor on it to cut the rope.  Click on the
chandelier in your inventory.  It will change to an anchor. Attach
the  rope to the anchor to make a  grapple. Use the grappling hook
on the top of the cliff to climb back to the Manor garden.

How do I start a fire in the fireplace?
Take the  fire extinguisher. Take  the log by  the Manor door.
Cut a piece  of  hardened  hose  with   the  razor  to  make  a
club.   Use  the  club  on  the  ship-in-a-bottle to get the
matches. Get the items from the Lighthouse basement  you left
there. Use the club to open the barrel. Return to the Manor. Enter
the Manor and go to the fireplace. Get the iron rod leaning
against the wall to the left of  the fireplace. Put  the rod on
the fireplace grate  contacts. Put the log, handkerchief, and
kerosene in the fireplace. Strike a  match on the empty match box
from cigarette pack and  light the fire. When  you have
successfully built the fire, a secret panel will appear.

How do I open the secret panel?
Place the  open barrel on the  flagstone in front of  the Manor
fireplace. Seal the hole  in the barrel  with a candle  from the
chandelier  you took from  the Fisherman's Cabin.  Fill the barrel
with  sand from the trunk  using the wooden shoe.

I've opened the secret passage. What do I do?
Look at the mast  and take the pliers. Put the floats on  the
floor in front of the wooden box. Use the copper wire on the
electric wire to divert the current.Cut the electric wire with the
pliers. Use the small pipe on the puddle to fill it with water.
Pour the water on  the lock. Use the fire extinguisher to freeze
the lock. Break the  frozen lock with the club. You will  find a
sarcophagus in the open crate.

Return to the Briscarde

What is my goal now that I have returned to the Briscarde?
Your objective is to free Melkior.

What do I do on the Mid Deck?
Take the hook from  the door. Take the oar located by  the
cannonballs. Use the pliers to remove a wooden pin from the ship.

What do I do in the Hold?
Use the hook to open the trunk. Take  the clothes and the ribbon
by opening the trunk twice. The trunk  has a false bottom.
However, you will  need a dagger to open  the compartment.  When
you  find the  dagger, return  and take the beauty powder and  the
handkerchief by opening  the false bottom twice.  Take the nail
located under the stool by the anchor.

How do I free Melkior?
You need to find Melkior a "saw" so he can be cut free. Connect
the oar and the wooden  pin with  the ribbon.  Use the  pliers to
twist the  nail. Attach  the twisted nail to  the oar/wooden pin
to make  a boat hook. Use the  boat hook to pull  the halyard  in
the  closet. Look  at the  end of  the halyard. Stick the
corkscrew into the notch in the wall. Attach the halyard to the
corkscrew. Look through the  porthole to see  the rope. Pull  the
rope to  bring up the bucket. Look in the bucket 3 times. You will
see a saw. Take it. Retrieve the corkscrew from the notch in the

What do I do in the Captain's Cabin?
Take the  flag from the  stern balcony. Look  at the desk.  Take
the silver key from under the desk chair. Open both  the bedroom
dresser doors in the chamber. Take the  bottle of smelling  salts
from the  left side and  the bowl from  the right side.  Take the
brass key  from under the rug  in the wash room.  Use the brass
key to open  the desk drawer. Take the blotter from  the drawer.
Pull the drawer out a  second time. Take the dagger  from the
drawer. Use the  dagger to cut the rug over the trapdoor in the
chamber. Later, when you have a seal ring, you will be  able to
open the dresser  in the Captain's wash room  by using the ring on
the notch. This will reveal a secret passage.

What do I do in the Office?
Get the seal ring  from the drawer of the secretary. Take  the
golden cage from behind the red velvet curtains in the corner.

What do I do in the Music Room?
Take the record from the low table. Take the phonograph from
behind the counter of the 60's style bar.

How do I  open the cupboard in the  Captain's Cabin?
To open the cupboard you must capture  the parrot and have the
silver key. Once you open the cupboard, you will find a jewelry
case with an iron key in it.

How do I capture the parrot?
You must have the phonograph and the  record from the Music Room.
You must also have the cage, the bowl, the acid solution (paint
remover), the smelling salts, and  the  flag.  Place  the
phonograph  on  the  table.  Put the record on the phonograph.
Turn  the handle and push  the start button. Place  the cage on
the piece of furniture. Take  the banana slices from the dish in
the corner of the chamber. Put the banana slices in the cage.
Place the bowl to the right of the cupboard on the bench under the
parrot, Galipo. Pour the muriatic acid solution (paint remover)
and the ammonia smelling salts  in the bowl. When the parrot is in
the cage, cover it with the flag.

How do I get the silver key to the cupboard?
You must have  the polish, the handkerchief and the  blotter. Use
the polish on the handkerchief  to clean the  sink in the  wash
room. Use  the blotter on the sink and write down the combination
(3E21).  Look at the firing cannons to move the painting and
reveal the safe. Use the combination from the washroom sink to
open the safe.  Take the small box from  the safe. To open the
box, turn it to the right. While  looking at the left side,  click
on the top of  the box. Take the little gold key.  Turn the box
again. While facing the  front, click on the middle section.  With
the lock  exposed, unlock the  box using the  little gold key.
Take the revolver.

How do I open the locked doors in the upper deck hallway?
Go to the cellar. Look at the post.  Use the corkscrew on the
opening. Take the master key from  the opening. The master key
fits the locks to both  the "very elegant door"  and the
"mysterious  door" in the  storage room. Use  the beauty powder to
climb up the cellar post.

How do I rescue Yoruba?
Use the  towel from the  mid deck to  pull the ring.  A wooden
panel  will open revealing a secret compartment. Place the bird
cage on the bottom of the secret compartment. Pick up the  cage. A
rod over the trapdoor lock  will slide to one side. Use the iron
key from the dresser in the captain's cabin to open the lock on
the  trapdoor. You'll find  Yoruba. Use the  pliers to hold  the
door in the mast open. Take  the cotton bale from behind the
locked sarcophagus. Place the cotton bale at the base of the mast.
Use  the boat hook to make a bottle of rum fall from the  shelf
onto the bale. Find  the shiny necklace in the  crevice of the
floor. Use  a metal object in your  inventory (revolver, pliers,
to  get the  necklace. Use  the magnetic  necklace on  the
revolver.  Shoot the shackles off  Yoruba. Use the  wet sponge on
the bottle of  rum to remove  the label. Use the  label on Melkior
to show  him the coordinates of the  Island of St. Cristobald.

The Island of St. Cristobald

I've arrived on the beach at St. Cristobald. What should I do?
Listen to Yoruba. Head for the waterfall.

What should I do at the waterfall?
Use the corkscrew  to make a hole in  the coconut located on the
ground beside the waterfall. Use the small pipe to get some
coconut milk. Give the small pipe of milk  to the manicou.  Use
the flag  on the manicou.  Use the parrot  on the passage.

How do I get inside Makandal's hut?
Use the  flat key on  the cage. You'll  find several gold  pieces
in the  false bottomed cage. Put the gold pieces in the door's

What should I do at Delia's hut?
Timing is  tricky here. Just  before you  enter  the hut, save
your game. When Delia searches for  her glasses, take the recipe
book.  You only get one chance before she  finds her glasses. Wait
until Delia leaves the  room, then use the mirror on the spider.
Take the silk blouse.

What do I do in Makandal's hut?
Place the holocom on the table. Open  the window. Start the
holocom by clicking on it.  When Makandal becomes  frightened,
pour Delia's  potion into Makandal's glass. After Makandal drinks
Delia's potion, take the glass.

Where should I go after I've been in Makandal's hut?
Return to Delia's hut and meet with Velvet and Celeucie.

How do I communicate with Serapion?
Go to Delia's  hut and she will give  you an "inverter." Then go
to Makandal's cabin. He'll  give you some "bequiet".  Use the
"inverter" on  the "bequiet" to create the "speakable".  Use the
"speakable" on Serapion and  you'll be able to talk to him.

How do I get past the mean dog near Serapion's hut?
Talk to  Serapion twice. After  you talk to  him a second  time,
he'll give you some coarse salt. Use the "inverter" on the salt to
turn it into sugar. Use the sugar on the mean dog.

What should I do in the Kitchen?
Get rid  of the snake in  the crib. Take the  bag from the table.
Look in your inventory and click on the bag. Click on  the flower
to remove it from the bag. Use the bag  on the fire to take  some
embers. Now place the  bag on the stool. When the snake crawls
into the bag, place the bag on the embers of the fire.

How do I defeat Jarlath?
Use the flower you  took from the bag on the table on  Jarlath. He
will fall to his death in the ravine. Congratulations! You've won
Lost in Time.