Abandonware DOS title

Ogre manual

                                 OGRE - MANUAL

			      Player Reference Card


1.  Place the OGRE disk, label side up, in the disk drive and turn on the power.

2.  Once past the title page, a dialogue box will prompt for the type of input d
evice:	K-keyboard, M-mouse, or J-joystick.  The options may vary depending on w
hat input devices are installed.  The desired device is selected by pressing the
te key.  In addition, the joystick can be selected by moving it or pressing its
3.  OGRE will start in the Field Editor, from where the player can either contin
ue a previously saved game or start a new game.


Making Choices.  Choices are made in OGRE through the use of the pointer, a blac
k, triangular object that can be moved around with a mouse, joystick or keyboard
.  A mouse (if available) or joystick is highly recommended for playing OGRE.  O
GRE can be
 played using the keyboard to move the pointer and to simulate 'clicking' or pre
ssing a button, or it can be played entirely with 'pointing', 'clicking' and 'dr
agging' techniques using a mouse or joystick.

Clicking.  Some selections in OGRE are made by first moving the pointer to the d
esired object or option, then pressing and quickly releasing the button.  This i
s referred to as clicking.  When playing with the keyboard, typing RETURN will s
imulate pr
essing or releasing the button.

Dragging.  Another method of designating choices is by dragging.  Dragging iAY
ccomplished by placing the pointer over the desired object then pressing and hol
ding the button while moving the pointer to another location.  Releasing the but
ton comple
tes the drag.  If playing with keyboard control, typing RETURN will simulate hol
ding the button down.  When the pointer is in the desired location, typing RETUR
N again will release the button and complete the drag.

Pulling down the Menu.	In the upper right corner of the screen are two menus th
at can be pulled down.	The first is titled 'Menu' and the second is 'OSI'.  To
pull down either menu place the pointer over the desired title and press and hol
d the butt
on.  The selected menu title will become highlighted and a list of commands will
 appear beneath the title.  Releasing the button without moving the pointer will
 cause the menu to disappear.  The menus can also be pulled down by typing M (on
 a //e or
//c) or SHIFT-M (On a //, //+ or ///).

Choosing Menu Commands.  Menu commands are chosen by using the dragging techniqu
e.  Position the pointer over the selected menu title and pull down the menu by
pressing the button.  While holding the button down, drag the pointer to the des
ired menu
command.  As the pointer moves through the menu, each command is highlighted in
turn.  When the desired command is highlighted, releasing the button selects it.
  If you change your mind about choosing a command, move the pointer off the men
u, or back
 up to the title, then release the button.  Nothing is chosen unless you release
 the button while one of the commands is highlighted.

Dimmed Commands.  When 'Menu' is pulled down, some of the commands are less dist
inct than others.  These less distinct commands are referred to as dimmed.  Dimm
ed options are ones that cannot be used at that time.

Dialogue Boxes.  Whenever additional information is required to complete a comma
nd, a dialogue box appears.  Dialogue boxes usually have special areas called 'b
uttons' to click, such as 'OK' or 'Cancel'.  Sometimes, they present further opt
ions for s
election.  Dialogue boxes are also used to warn you if you're about to do someth
ing that is irreversible.  If keyboard control is used, the pointer will automat
ically move to a dialogue box anytime one appears.  Typing O or V will move the
pointer to
 the 'OK' button and typing RETURN will press it.  Typing Ctrl-O or Ctrl-V (or b
utton 1 on the joystick) will automatically invoke the 'OK' button.

Control Keys.  In most cases, pressing single keys, such as O or V, will move th
e pointer to a command area (i.e. the 'OK' button, or the 'Menu') without invoki
ng that command.  The command must then be invoked by a second keystroke, such a
s typing R
ETURN.	This two-step process is a safety precaution against accidently choosing
 the wrong command.  This precaution can, in most cases, be overridden by pressi
ng the CTRL key while simultaneously pressing the desired command key.	This wil
l automati
cally invoke the desired command without requiring the additional keystroke.


A previously saved game can be loaded at any time.  If a battle is in progress w
hen another game is loaded, the current game will be lost unless it is saved fir
st.  To load a game, select "Load a Game" from the Menu.

A dialogue box will appear from which one of five saved games can be selected.
Select the desired game and then click 'OK'.  The selected game will be loaded i
n and the battle will proceed from where it was saved.

The current status of a battle can be saved for continued play later by selectin
g "Save a Game" from the Menu.

A dialogue box will appear, from which one of five games can be selected for sav
ing.  Select the desired game and then click 'OK'.  The game will be saved and p
lay can continue.


				   (Up Arrow)
	    (J) 			|			 (K)
       (Left Arrow)  <------------------+---------------->  (Right Arrow)

				   (Down Arrow)

   <  slow pointer movement		     >	fast pointer movement
   ,					     .

The movement keys are active only when the keyboard is selected for input.  Appl
e //, //+, and /// use IJKM only.  //e and //c use arrows only.  All other keybo
ard shortcuts are active at any time during play, except where noted.

			       Defender Attributes:

Defender:	Defense Strength  Attack Strength  Attack Range  Movement
---------	----------------  ---------------  ------------  --------
CP		       0		 0		0	    0
Heavy Tank	       3		 4		2	    3
Missle Tank	       2		 3		4	    2
Howitzer	       1		 6		8	    0
GEV		       2		 2		2	   4-3
INF3		       3		 3		1	    2
INF2		       2		 2		1	    2
INF1		       1		 1		1	    2

			 Ogre Mark III and V Attributes:
Part:		       m    v	Defense Strength  Attack Strength  Attack Range
-----		      ---  ---	----------------  ---------------  ------------
Missiles	       2    6	       3		 6		5
Main Battery	       1    2	       4		 4		3
Secondary Bat	       4    6	       3		 3		2
Antipersonnel	       8    12	       1		 1		1
Treads		       45   60	       1		 0		0

The Mark V is a larger, more formidable version of the Mark III.

RETURN		  used to simulate holding and releasing a joystick or mouse
A		  Moves pointer to map scrolling arrows
M		  Moves pointer to menus and pulls one down (//e, //c only)
SHIFT-M 	  Moves pointer to menus and pulls one down (//, //+, ///)
D		  Toggles Drop/Drag mode (active in Field Editor only)
1-0		  Selects piece number 1-0 (active in Field Editor only)
U		  Moves pointer to Undo button (or Clear button)
Ctrl-U		  Invokes Undo function (joystick/mouse only)
C		  Moves pointer to Clear button (or Undo button)
Ctrl-C		  Invokes Clear function (or Undo function)
More (Y/N/C)?					    F		      Moves poin
ter to Fire button
Ctrl-F		  Invokes Fire function
S		  Moves pointer to Split button
Ctrl-S		  Invokes Split function
G		  Moves pointer to Group button
Ctrl-G		  Invokes Group function
R		  Moves pointer to Range button
Ctrl-R		  Invokes Range function
D		  Moves pointer to Done button
Ctrl-D		  Invokes Done function
E		  Examine and/or select piece pointed to (keyboard control
joystick Button 1  Invokes targetting with/at selected defender


(Note:	If keyboard is being used, pointer goes to dialogue box automatically.)

O		  Moves pointer to OK button
Ctrl-O or
joystick button 1   Invokes OK button
C		  Moves pointer to Cancel button
Ctrl-C or ESC	  Invokes Cancel function


Here are some examples of how keyboard controls can be used to speed up game pla

Ogre attacking defender:

	1.  Move the pointer to the desired defender.
	2.  Press the SPACE BAR, T, or joystick button 1 to invoke the
	    targetting dialogue box.  If the defender is within range the
	    dialogue box will appear.
	3.  Select the desired weapons then type Ctrl-O for 'OK'.
	4.  Type Ctrl-F to fire.

Splitting Infantry:

	1.  Move the pointer to the desired infantry.
	2.  Type E to examine the infantry's statistics.  The main purpose in
	    this is to select the infantry without having to type RETURN twice.
	3.  Type Ctrl-S to split the infantry.
Ranging a unit:   1.  Move the pointer to the desired unit.
		  2.  Type E to examine/select the unit.
		  3.  Type Ctrl-R to view the unit's range.
		  4.  Type another key to continue.

*> Title:   Ogre Docs 1 Of 3
*> Date:    7/13/88
*> Time:    9:49 am

			Ogre Docs Part I


The tank-type vehicle, considered obsolete by the end of the 20th century,
ruled the battlefields of the 21st.  Several factors led to the reappearance
of mechanized warfare.	The first was the development of biphase carbide
armor (BPC).  Stronger than any steel, it was also so light that even an
air-cushion vehicle could carry several centimeters of protection.  The
equivalent of a megaton of TNT was needed to breach even that much BPC armor
- which meant that, in practice, nothing less than a tactical nuclear device
was likely to be effective.
	Infantry, which had for a time eclipsed the tank, declined in
importance.  Although an infantryman could carry and direct a tactical
nuclear missile, he had to be extensively (and expensively) protected to
survive the nuclear battlefield.  Thus, the "powered suit" was developed.
Four cm of BPC, jet equipped, it could guard a man for about a week (in
increasing discomfort) from shrapnel, background radiation, and biochem
agents.  However, the cost of equipping infantry reduced their valu
e.  They were still more flexible and maneuverable than armor, and now they
were almost as fast - but they were no longer cheaper.
	Long-range nuclear missiles, which had been expected to make a
mockery  of "conventional" operations, likewise declined in value as jamming
technology and laser countermeasures improved.	Without satellite guidance,
no missile could hit a less-than-city-sized target at more than 30 km - and
no combatant could keep a spy satellite operational for over an hour.
Missiles big enough to carry jam-proof guidance systems were sitting ducks
for the big laser batteries -for, although lasers had proved too
temperamental and fragile for battlefield use, they were fine as permanent
antiaircraft units.
	Thus, the tank-type vehicle - fast, heavily armed and armored, able
to break through enemy positions and exploit disorganization - returned to
wide use.  And once again, planners fretted over priorities.  More guns?
More armor? More speed? Increase one and lose on the others? Increase all
and build fewer units?
	Some interesting compromises appeared.	The 21st-century
infantryman, especially with the later "heavy powered suit", was a tank in
his own right, at least by 20th-century standards.  The armed hovercraft or
ground effect vehicle (GEV), equipped with multi-leaf spring skirts for
broken ground, could attain speeeds of 120 kph on any decent terrain, and
150 on desert or water.  Conventional tanks were slower but tougher.  All
fired tactical nuclear shells.
The ultimate development of the tank-type weapon, though, was the cybernetic
attack vehicle.  The original tanks had terrorized unsophisticated infanty.
The cybertanks terrorized "everyone", and with good reason.  They were
bigger (up to 50 meters), faster (hovercraft models proved to vulnerable,
but atomic-powered treads moved standard units at 45 kph or better), and
more heavily armed (some had firepower equal to an armor company).
And two to three meters oof BPC armor made them nearly unstoppable.  What
made the cybertank horrifying, though was its literal inhumanity.  No crew
was carried; each unit was wholly computer-controlled.	Although true
mechanical intelligence had existed as early as 2010, and fully automated
factories and military installations were in wide use by the middle of the
century, the cybertanks were the earliest independent mobile units - the
first true war "robots".
	Once the first cybertanks had proved their worth, development was
rapid.	The great war machines aroused a terrified sort of facination.
Human warriors devoutly hoped never to confrount them, and preferred to keep
a respectful distance - like several kilometers - even from friendly ones.
They were just too big.
	One fact, more than anything, points up the feeling that developed
toward the cybertank.  Unlike other war vehicles, they were never called
"she". Friendly units of the speaker's aquaintance were "he"; otheres were
"it".  And the term "cybertank" was rarely used.  People had another name
for the big war machines -one drawn from the early Combine units and, before
that, from dark myth.  They called them Ogres...


	Ogre is a game of mechanized tank warfare set in the 21st century.
A cybernetic fighting unit - the Ogre - has been sent to destroy the
opponent's strategic Command Post, which is guarded by an armor battalion.
The Ogre's primary objective is to destroy the Command Post; destruction of
all other units is its secondary objective.  The armor battalion has but one
objective: Defend the Command Post.  To do so, they must destroy the Ogre.

Making Choices:  Choices are made in OGRE through the use of the pointer, a
black, triangular object that can be moved around with a mouse
joystick, or keyboard.

Clicking:  Some selections in OGRE are made by first moving the pointer to
the desired object or option, then pressing and quickly releasing the
button.  This is referred to as clicking.

Dragging:  Another method of designating choices is by dragging.  Dragging
 is accomplished by placing the pointer over the desired object then
 pressing and holding the button while moving the pointer to another
 location.  Releasing the button completes the drag.

Pulling Down the Menu:	In the upper right corner of the screen are two
 menus that can be pulled down.  The first is titled "Menu" and the second
 is "OSI".  To pull down either menu place the pointer over the desired
 title and press and hold the button.  The selected menu title will become
 highlighted and a list of commands will appear beneath the title.
 Releasing the button without moving the pointer will cause the menu to

Choosing Menu Commands:  Menu commands are chosen by using the dragging
 technique.  Position the pointer over the selected menu title and pull down
 the menu by pressing the button.  While holding the button down, drag the
 pointer to the desired menu command.  As the pointer moves through the
 menu, each command is highlighted releasing the button selects it.  If you
 change your mind about choosing a command, move the pointer off the menu,
 or back up to the title, then release the button.  Nothing is chosen unless
 you release the button while one of the commands is highlighted.6

Using the Keyboard:  A mouse (if available) or joystick is highly
 recommended for playing OGRE.	OGRE can be played using the keyboard to
 move the pointer and to simulate clicking or pressing a button, or it can
 be played entirely with pointing, clicking, and dragging without reference
 to the various input devices.

Dimmed Commands:  When "Menu" is pulled down, some of the commands are less
 distinct than others.	These less distinct commands are referred to as
 dimmed.  Dimmed options are ones that cannot be used at that time.

Dialogue Boxes:  Whenever additional info is required to complete a command,
a dialogue box appears.  Dialogue boxes usually have special areas called
buttons to click, such as "ok" or "cancel". Sometimes they present further
options for selection.
Dialogue boxes are also used to warn you if you're about to do
something that is irreversable.
  For an example of a dialogue box with general information, select "About
Ogre" from the OSI menu.  Clicking the "ok" button removes the dialogue box.


General:  The defender's Command Post has been located in the most
defensible terrain available - a battered strech of land 22.5 kilometers
wide by 33 kilometers long (14 miles by 20.5 miles).  It is bounded on
three sides by impassable swamp and on the fourth by a very deep wide river.
A map representing the standard battlefield is displayed on your computer
screen.  The mp is divided into hexes, each representing an area 1500 meters
(0.93 miles) across.

Viewing the Map:  Only half of the map can be viewed at one time.  The map
 can be moved vertically by clicking on one of the arrows positioned at the
 four corners of the map.  At the upper left and lower left corners of the
 map are arrows with horizontal bars at their tips.  These arrows are used
 to display the top or bottom half of the map.	Clicking on arrows in the
 upper right and lower right corners moves the map up or down one
 hex at a time.

Craters:  The battlefield is scarred with craters from past nuclear
detonations.  Craters are represented on the map by solid circles.
Nothing may move into or over a crater.  It is possible, however, to
fire across craters.

Rubble:  The battlefield is further obstructed by great piles of earth and
rubble.  These piles of rubble are represented on the map by solid
black lines along the edges of hexes.  Only the Ogre and infanry are
capable of moving across this rubble.  Other armor units cannot cross.
Any unit can fire across the rubble.

Areas:	The standard battlefield is divided into two basic areas.  The
majority of the map (the top 16 rows of hexes) is referred to as the
"obstructed" area.  This is the area containing all of the craters and
rubble.  The bottom 6 rows of hexes, free of craters and rubble, are
referred to as the "clear" area.  both the left-most and right-most column
of hexes contain only one crater.  These craters are located in the 7th hex
down from the top .  A line drawn between these two crater hexes is referred
to as the "crater line".  The obstructed area, clear area, and crater
line are referred to during the initial deployment of defensive forces.


	The combatants are rated by Combat Factors.  The main combat factors
 are a weapon's Attack Strength, Attack Range, and Defense Strength.  Attack
 Strength reflects a weapon's destructive power.  The effective distance a
 weapon can reach is its Attack Range, and a unit's capability to withstand
 an attack is referred to as it's Defense Strength.  These factors will be
 further expanded upon when discussing combat.

OGRE:  There are two types of Ogres, the Mark III and the Mark V.  The Ogre
is a cybertank, approximately 30 meters in length, equipped with guns,
missiles, antipersonnel weapons, and 3 meters of biphase carbide armor.
An undamaged Ogre can travel at about 45 kph, i.e., 3 map hexes per turn.
The Ogre's goal is to destroy the Command Post and, if possible, the entire
defensive armor battalion.  The Mark V is a larger, more formidable version
of the Mark III.


			   Ogre Mark III Attributes
 PART			   QUANTITY	   Def.S     Att.S    Att.R
Missiles			 2	     3	       6	 5
Main Battery			 1	     4	       4	 3
Secondary Battery		 4	     3	       3	 2
Antipersonnel			 8	     1	       1	 1
Treads				45	     1	       0	 0
			    Ogre Mark V Attributes
PART			   QUANTITY	  Def.S     Att.S     Att.R
Missiles			6	     3	       6	 5
Main Battery			2	     4	       4	 3
Secondary Battery		6	     3	       3	 2
Antipersonnel		       12	     1	       1	 1
Treads			       60	     1	       0	 0

COMMAND POST:  Att.S.- 0   Att.R.- 0   Def.S - 0   Movement - 0
     This is the defender's strategic communications center.  The
     Command Post, once positioned, cannot be moved.  The Command
     Post is incapable of attacking the Ogre, or of defending itself.
     An attack from any of the Ogre's weapons automatically destroys
     the Command Post.	At times the Ogre will, with seeming cruelty,
     elect to destroy a Command Post, not quickly and mercifully with
     one of its nuclear weapons, but instead by crushing it and its
     inhabitants beneath the cybertank's massive treads.

	Armor Units - There are four types of defensive armor units: the
Heavy Tank, the Missile Tank, The Howitzer, and the Ground Effect Vehicle

HEAVY TANK:  Att.S. - 4   Att.R. - 2   Def.S. - 3   Movement - 3
   This is the defender's main battle tank.  A heavy tank is big,
   powerful, and heavily armored.  its speed is such that it can keep
   pace with the Ogre, except when maneuvering around rubble.
   Unfortunatly, a heavy tank must get within 3 km. (2 hexes) of the
   Ogre in order to fire upon it.  This leave the heavy tank
   vulnerable to almost all of the Ogre's weapons, including the
   possiblity of being crushed beneath the Ogre's treads.

MISSILE TANK:  Att.S. - 3   Att.R. - 4	 Def.S. - 2   Movement - 2
     A missile tank is smaller and less heavily armored than a heavy
     tank.  The broad, sturdy surface from which the missile tank
     commander fires long-range missiles sits atop a set of wide
     crawler treads that move the missile tank slowly across the
     battlefield.  The missile tank cannot keep pace with the Ogre,
     thus requiring the missile tank commander to continually
     anticipate the Ogre's movement in order to keep it within range
     of his missiles.  The missile tank's saving grace is that it can
     fire upon the Ogre from 6 km. (4 hexes) away, allowing it to
     pound the Ogre while staying out of range of most of the Ogre's

HOWITZER:  Att.S. - 6	Att.R. - 8   Def.S. - 1   Movement - 0
 The howitzer is the defender's hardest hitting and longest range
 weapon.  A howitzer can reach an Ogre up to 12 km (8 hexes) away.
 This allows a howitzer to get 2 to 3 shots at an Ogre before the
 Ogre can get within striking distance.  Howitzers are permanently
 installed and cost twice as much as any other armor unit.  The fact
 that a howitzer annot move is its greatest weakness.  In addition,
 it is all but defenseless.  The defenders must try to buy a howitzer
time with the mobile armor units so that the howitzer may wreak
considerable damage upon the Ogre.

GROUND EFFECT VEHICLE (GEV):Att.S. - 2	 Att.R. - 2   Def.S. - 2   Move -4,3
     Propelled by air-cushion suspension, the GEV is the defender's fastest
     moving vehicle.  It can move more than twice as fast as any other unit
     including the Ogre.  GEVs move once in the defender's regular movement
     phase - and again after firing in the GEV movement phase.	The
     seasoned GEV commander will swoop in close enough to fire at the Ogre
     and then dart away just beyond the reach of the Ogre's weapons.

INFANTRY: Att.S. - 1,2, or 3   Att.R. - 1   Def.S.- 1,2, or 3	Movement -2
 Infantry travel in groups of one, two, or three squads (6 -8 men
 to a squad).  Infantry are armed with conventional and anti-tank
 weapons and used powered "battlesuits" to greatly increase their
 mobility (allowing them to cross rubble that stops other armor
 units) and provide some protection from radiation and shrapnel.
 Infantry cannot move as fast as a fully funcional Ogre, and a squad
leader will, if not careful, find his squad falling behind the
Ogre, unable to reach it before the Command Post is destroyed.
Infantry must get within 1500 meters (1 hex) of the Ogre in order
to fire at it.	This makes them extremely vulnerable to the Ogre's
antipersonnel weapons, as well as to being overrun by the Ogre.  Many
infantrymen swear the supposedly emotionless Ogre derives great pleasure
from the feel of battlesuits being crushed beneath its treads.


	The defending player must deploy forces in anticipation of attack.
Battlefield alterations and force deployment are controlled in the field
editor.  A detailed discussion of the Field Editor can be found in the
"Field Editor" section.  To quickly get started playing Ogre (oh boy!!!),
use one of the predesigned fields or battles.

Loading/Saving Fields:	There are five predesigned fields from which the
	      player may choose.  In addition to the five predesigned fields
	      the player may save five fields of original design.  To
	      load a field, select "Load a Field" from the Menu.  A
	      dialogue box will appear from which one of the original or
	      preset fields can be selected for loading.  Click on the field
	      of choice and then click "ok".  The selected field will be
	      loaded in and displayed.
Loading/Saving Games:  A previously saved game can be loaded at any time.
If a battle is in progress when another game is loaded, the current game
will be lost unless it is saved first.	To load a game, select "Load a Game"
from the Menu.	A dialogue box will appear from which one of five saved
games can be selected.	Select the desired game and then click "ok".  The
selected game will be loaded in and the battle will proceed from where it
was saved.  The current status of a battle can be save for continued play
later.	to save the battle status, select "Save a Game" from the Menu.   A
dialogue box will appear, from which one of five games can be selected for
saving. Select the desire d game and then click "ok".  The game will be
saved and play can continue.  Alternate tactics for a given encounter can be
explored by saving the battle status prior to performing the tactic in
question.  After the outcome has been determined, the prior battle status
can be loaded in, allowing an alternate tactic to be employed.


Starting the Game:  Once the player chooses the field configuration and
	  weapon  deployment, then selecting "Play a Game" from the Menu
	  will	start the actual battle.  A dialogue box will appear
	  asking which battle option the player desires.  There are
	  two battle scenarios: Mark III or Mark V.  Either scenario
	  can be played with two players or the computer can control
the Ogre.  Select the desired opion and click "ok".  If this is a
continuation of a previous game, a dialogue box will ask whether to start a
new Ogre or continue the game with the original Ogre.  Select the desired
option and click "ok".   When starting a new game under the two player
option, the player controlling the Ogre must select one of the hexes at
the bottom of the map as and entry point for the Ogre.	Click "ok" on the
dialogue box asking for an entry hex and then select an entry hex by
clicking on it.  Once it has entered, the Ogre can move two more hexes.
Most player options are locked out at this point until and entry hex has
been selected for the Ogre.  The map can be moved in order to scan the

Changing Between One
and Two Player Games:  It is possible to change from a one player game to a
two player game and vice versa.  To do so, enter the Field Editor by
selecting "Edit the Field" from the Menu, during actual game play.  Select
"Play a Game" from the Menu.  When the battle option dialogue box appears,
select the desired scenario and click "ok".  When the next dialogue box asks
to start a new Ogre or continue with the old one, select the "Keep old Ogre"
option.  This process allows the battle to continue but with someone (or
something) else controlling the Ogre.  This operates somewhat differently
when changing between Mark III and Mark V scenarios.  If "Keep old Ogre" is
selected, when changing between Mark III and Mark V scenarios then the
number of players will change but the original Ogre type will be maintained.
If "Start new Ogre" is selected then the new ogre type will enter at the
bottom of the map with full weapons and no damage.

Game Phases:  The Phase window near the top of the sidebar displays the
    current phase of game play.  The first phase is the Ogre Entry phase
    which occurs only at the beginning of a game.  During that player's
    turn, that player may move any or all of his units, and fire with any or
    all of them.  The phase sequence is:
	      1) Ogre Enters
	      2) Ogre Moves
	      3) Ogre Fires  (After the Ogre fires, all armor units disabled
	      the previous turn become active again)
	      4) Defense Moves
	      5) Defense Fires
	      6) GEVs complete their movement

The Sidebar:  The sidebar is different while playing the game than when in
    the Field Editor.  The area directly beneath the OGRE caption is the
    phase window, which shows the current phase of the game.  Directly below
    the Phase Window is the Tactical Display.  The Tactical Display is used
    to show the various attributes and conditions of the pieces.  Clicking
    on a piece will display that piece's attributes.  In addition, the
    tactical window is used to display messages in response to any erroneous
action performed by the player(s).  Beneath the Tactical Display are the
command buttons.  Just as in the Menu, if a button's text is dimmed, then
the button is inactive.  The "Range" and "Done" buttons  are always present
(although not always active).  During a movement phase, the top buttons are
labeled "Undo" and "Group".  During an attack phase, the same top buttons
are labeled "Clear" and "Fire"

The buttons work as follows:

Range Button:  The "Range" command is used to view a piece's movement and
     attack range.  To view a piece's range, select the piece by
     clicking on it; then click the "Range" button.  All of the hexes
     within a piece's movement value (disregarding having to move
     around rubble) are turned blue.  Any piece that falls within
     this "umbrella" is highlighted.  Clicking anywhere on the screen
     will remove the umbrella.

Done Button:  The "Done" button is used to end a phase.  If a player has not
moved or fired all of his pieces when the "Done" button is pressed, a
dialogue box will require verification from the next player before
proceeding to the next game phase.

*> Title:   Ogre Docs 2 Of 3
*> Date:    7/13/88
*> Time:    9:52 am

			 Ogre Docs Part II

Undo Button:  The "Undo" button allows any piece's move to be undone, or
 restarted at any time during the Movement Phase.  To undo a move,
 select the desired piece by clicking on it; then click the "Undo"
 button.  The piece will move back to its original location.  The
 "Undo" button remains dimmed unless a piece that has moved is
 selected.  If the Ogre has rammed or overrun a defender, it can
 only be undone back to the hex where the ram or overrun occured.

Clear Button:  The "Undo" button changes to the "Clear" button during an
attack phase.  The "Clear" button is used to deactivate weapons that have
been aimed at a target.

Group/Split Button:  Explanation of the button is covered in Grouping
Infantry and Splitting Infantry in the Movement section.

Fire Button:  The "Group/Split" button changes to the "Fire" button during
an attack phase.  Once weapons have been aimed at a target, clicking the
"Fire" button fires them.


Moving a Piece:  To move a piece, click on it, and while holding the button
       down, drag the pointer to another hex and release the button.
       If an illegal move is attempted (i.e., moving onto a crater,
       across rubble, off the map, moving a piece that has already
       moved, or moving a piece farther than it can) you will hear
       a beep and a message informing you of your error will be in
       the Tactical Display.  Once a piece has moved at all, it
appears dimmed (green).  This alerts the player that any solid
(black) pieces have not moved yet.  A piece can move up to its
maximum movement value.  It is not necessary to move a piece
at all if it is already well located.

Ogre Movement:	The Ogre's movement depends on the number of treads it still
      has intact.  A Mark III starts with 45 treads; a Mark V with
      60.  When the Ogre's treads are reduced to two thirds their
      original total (30 for Mark IIIs and 40 for Mark Vs), the
      Ogre's movement value is reduced from 3 to 2.  When the treads
      are reduced to one thiird their original total (15 for Mark
      IIIs and 20 for Mark Vs), the Ogre can move only one hex per
turn.  When the Ogre's treads are completely destroyed it can no longer
move.  It can still attack anything within range.
Selecting the Ogre will display the "Ogre Summary" in the Tactical Display
and will show the Ogre's current movement value as well as the number of
treads remaining.

Movement Through
Occupied Hexes :  In general, only one unit at a time may occupy a hex.  Any
unit may move through a hex occupied by a friendly unit. When moving onto a
hex occupied by a friendly unit, the top piece will be highlighted.
Clicking on this hex brings the bottom piece to the top. One of thes pieces
must be moved before any other action can be taken.  Attempting any other
action (except moving the map, undoing, or moving one of the stacked pieces)
elicits a beep and the message "Please move from one full hex".

Grouping Infantry:  The maximum number of squads of infantry that can occupy
	  a single hex is three.  Two 1-squad units may be grouped into a 2-
	  squad unit.  Three 1-squad units, or a 1-squad and a 2-squad unit
	  may be grouped into a single 3-squad unit.  To group two infantry
	  units, move them to the same hex and click the "Group" button.
	  WARNING - When two infantry units are grouped together, the newly
	  merged unit will have a remaining move value equivalent to
whichever of the two original units has moved the farthest.  Also, grouping
infantry CANNOT be undone.  Example: an INF 1 uses its first move to move
onto an INF 2 that hasn't moved at all.  At this point, the INF 1 has moved
1 hex and has 1 move remaining.  The INF 2 hasn't moved at all, therefore,
has 2 moves remaining.	If so desired, the INF 1's move can be undone at
this point.  Clicking the "Group" button combines the INF 1 and INF 2 into
an INF 3.  The Tactical Display will show a 3-squad unit that has move 1.
Also, the "Undo" button will be dimmed, indicating this piece can, however,
be split.

Splitting Infantry:  2-squad or 3-squad units may be split into two infantry
	   units.  Whenever a 2- or 3- squad infantry unit is selected, and
	   is not currently sharing a hex with another piece, then the
	   "Group" button, will change to the "Split" button.  Clicking the
	   "Split" button will cause a 1-squad infantry unit to be split off
	   and share the hex with the remaining squad unit.  The two new
      infantry units will have the same "moved" status as the original unit.
(Example:  If an INF 2 is split after having moved one hex, then the two new
INF 1 units will both have moved 1 hex and can be undone back to the same
hex as the original INF 2).  The "Split" button will immediately change back
to the "Group" button allowing the two infantry units to be recombined if so

Ramming:  An Ogre can damage or destroy an armor unit by ramming it.  This
is accomplished by moving onto its hex.  Any immobile armor unit (i.e., a
howitzer or any ;unit that has been disabled) is destroyed when rammed by
the Ogre.  Any mobile armor unit has a 50% chance of being disabled and a
50% chance of being destroyed when rammed.  The Ogre however, pays a price.
Ramming a heavy tank, the Ogre loses 2 treads.	Ramming any other armor unit
costs the Ogre 1 tread.  An Ogre can completely destroy the Command Post
with a single ram at no tread loss to itself.  If the Ogre disables a piece
when ramming it, then the Ogre will be highlighted to indicate that a piece
is underneath it.  If the Ogre has any movement left it can ram the piece
again, thus destroying it.  If the Ogre moves off the disabled piece, the
piece will be dimmed (blue) as an indication that it is disabled.  THE OGRE
CAN ONLY RAM TWICE IN ONE TURN.  Armor units may in turn, ram the Ogre.
This ram, however is sacrificial and destroys the ramming armor unit. (Sort
of like using your compact car to ram the crawler that carries the Space
Shuttle to the launching pad).	The Ogre loses 1 tread due to this.  This
ploy is not recommended except in dire emergencies.
WARNING: A Ram CANNOT be undone.  Therefore, any time a piece moves onto an
opponent's hex, a dialogue box appears requesting verification of the ram.
Clicking "ok" allows the ram to procced.  Clicking the "cancel" will abort
the move.

Overruns:  Infantry are not rammed by an Ogre, but overrun.  If an Ogre
 moves onto a hex occupied by infantry, that infantry is reduced by one
 have any antipersonnel weapons, the infantry is not reduced.  There are no
 limits on overruns; the Ogre can overrun for as many moves as it has.	In
 addition, overruns do not cause the Ogre any damage.  An infantry unit may
 move onto a hex occupied by an Ogre without any immediate effectss.  The
 infantry will, however, be reduced by one squad at the beginning of the
Ogre's Movement Phase, providing the Ogre has any antipersonnel weapons,
without the Ogre having to expend movement points to do so.
WARNING: Overruns cannot be undone.  Therefore, any time an Ogre moves onto
a hex containing infantry, a dialogue box appears requesting verification of
the overrun.  Clicking "ok" allows the overrun to proceed.  Clicking
"cancel" will abort the move.

GEV Double Movement:  A GEV may move twice per turn - once (up to four
	    hexes) during the defender's Movement Phase, and again (up to
	    three hexes) during the GEV Movement Phase following the
	    defender's attack phase.

Ending Movement:  To end the Movement Phase, click the "Done" button.  If
	all of a player's pieces have not been moved when the "Done" button
	is clicked, a dialogue box appears requiring a verification to end
	the Movement Phase.
One-Player Ogre Movement:  During the Ogre Movemnt Phase in the one-player
game, the pointer will disappear while the Ogre is thinking about where
to move.  When done, the Ogre automatically moves.  If the Ogre rams a
piece, there may be another pause while the Ogre considers a different move.


	A Combat Phase occurs after each Movement Phase (except for GEV
second-phase movement).  During a Combat Phase, the "Undo" and "Group/Split"
buttons in the sidebar change to "Clear" and "Fire", respectively.  These
buttons are dimmed initially, and remain so unitl weapons have been aimed.

Weaponry:  Most weapons are heavy rapid-fire cannon using tactical nuclear
 shells, capable of finre in any direction.  Each unit may apply its
 attack strength once per turn.  Each intact Ogre weapon may apply its
 attack strength once per turn, with the following exceptions:

Antipersonnel:	The Ogre's antipersonnel weapons are effective only against
      infantry and the Command Post.  No infantry unit may be attacked more
      than once per turn by antipersonnel.  When all antipersonnel weapons
      are gone, an Ogre can no longer reduce an infantry unit's strength by
      overrunning it.

Missiles:  Each of the Ogre's missiles are one-shot weapons.  Once fired (or
destroyed before firing), they are gone.

Ogre Attacks:  An Ogre may attack an enemy unit by dragging from the Ogre's
     hex to the enemy hex.  If the Ogre has any unfired weapons that can
     reach the enemy, a dialogue box will appear offering the available
     weapons.  Weapons that have been fired, destroyed, or are out of range
     will be dimmed and cannot be selected.
     Clicking on the desired weapon highlights it and displays the weapon's
     attributes in the sidebar.  Clicking on the up arrow in the dialogue
box will increase the number of the selected weapon to be fired (up to the
maximum number of this type weapon available).	Clicking the down arrow will
decrease the number.  At the very bottom of the sidebar is a window
displaying the probability of killing the target with the selected weapons.
Any number and type of weapons can be fired in combination to increase this
chance.  The probability of killing will not always be increased by
combining weapons.  This probability is derived from the ration of the total
Attack Strength of the attacker(s) to the Defense Strength of the target.
Sometimes the combined attack strengths are not enough to reach the next
highest ratio.	The following table contains the probabilities for all he
possible ratios.

Ratio of Attack Strength      Prob. of Killing	       Prob. of Killing
to Defense Strength	    an Active Piece	     a Disabled Piece
less than 1 - 2 		   0%			     0%
1 - 2				  17%			    33%
1 - 1				  33%			    67%
2 -1				  50%			    83%
3 - 1				  67%			   100%
4 - 1				  83%			   100%
greater than 4 - 1		 100%			   100%

		If, for example, the Ogre was firing a main battery at an
      active missile tank, the ratio would be an Attack Strength of
      4 to a Defense Strengh of 2.  This gives a 2 - 1 ratio, which
      would give the Ogre a 50% probability of destroying the missile
      tank (or an 83% probability if the missile tank were disabled).
      A more complete discussion of this can be found at the end of
      this manual.  If "cancel" is clicked no weapons are selected.
Once the desired weapon(s) have been selected, clicking "ok" removes the
dealogue box.  The kill percentage remains displayed and the "Clear" and
"Fire" buttons become available.  Clicking the "Clear" button clears the
selected weapon(s) and the current target.  Clicking the "Fire" button fires
the selected weapon(s) at the chosen target and the results of the attack
(hit, miss or disabled) are displayed at the bottom of the sidebar.
Disabling:  When the Ogre attacks a defender, it has an additional chance to
DISABLE that defender; this is not reflected in the kill
probability displayed at the bottom of the sidebar.  A disabled
  piece will appear dimmed (blue), and will not be able to move or
for during the defender's next turn.  Due to the tremendous
strength of the Ogre's three-meter-thick biphase carbide armor, defender's
do not, unfortunately, have any additional probability to disable the Ogre.
When a defender's shot gets a result that would have been"disable" on a
normal unit, the sidebar will display the result "Glanced".  This has no
effect on the Ogre.  A "disable" result against infantry is shown as
"reduced".  Once squad of infantry is destroyed whenever the Ogre gets a
"reduced".  Any remaining infantry squads in the unit are capable of normal
actions during the defender's next turn.

Ogre Attacks:  During the Ogre Fire Phase in the one-player game, the Ogre
will automatically fire it weapons at the defenders.  The selected target
becomes highlighted while the target's name and the weapon the Ogre is using
is displayed.  The Ogre then fires and the results are displayed.  The
pauses while the messages are displayed can be changed (see Preferences) and
can be bypassed by clicking or pressing a key.

Defender Attacks:  A defender attacks the Ogre by dragging from the
	 defender's hex to the Ogre's hex.  A dialogue box appears,
	 permitting the attacking unit oto specify which of the Ogre's
	 remaining weapons or treads to the target.  Those parts of the Ogre
	 that are destroyed will be dimmed and cannot be selected.  When a
	 particular weapon or treads are selected, the probability of
	 killing (destroying) them is displayed at the bottom of the
sidebar.  Once the desired target is chosen, click "ok" to exit the dialogue
box, or click "cancel" to abort the command.  Once a target has been
selected, other defender units can be aimed at the Ogre by dragging from
their hex to the Ogre's hex.  combining weapons may increase the probability
to destroy the selected target (i.e., a higher ratio of Attack Strength to
Defense Strength is reached).  Clicking the "Clear" button clears the
selected weapon(s) and the current target.  Clicking the "Fire" button fires
the aimed unit(s) at the chosen target and the results of the encounter (hit
or miss) are displayed at the bottom of the sidebar.  As soon as
 a piece fires, it will appear dimmed (red) to indicated that it has fired.

Attacking Treads:  If the Ogre's treads are targetted, the attack always has
	 a 33% probability of sucess.  With the exception of infantry,
	 multiple units cannot be combined against treads.  If the treads
	 are hit, the number of treads destroyed is equal to to the
	 attacker's Attack Strength.

Infantry Attacks:  A 2-squad or 3-squad infantry unit is treated as a group
	  of individual units when attacking the OqŃ͹ Je Y
	  defending player wishes to attack an Ogre's weapon with all
	  of the infantry in a unit, the player must drag from the
	  infantry's hex to the Ogre's hex once for each squad.  Infantry
	  also have the ability to combine attacks on the Ogre's treads.
	  This does not increase the 33% probability of hitting, but it does
allow more treads to be damaged when a hit occurs.  This is the only
situation where more than one defending unit can target the Ogre's treads at
the same time.


	The game is over when: a) all defending units are destroyed; b) the
Ogre escapes off the bottom of the map; or c) all of the Ogre's weapons and
treads are lost.  Six formal levels of victory are possible:

Complete Ogre Victory:	The Command Post and all defending units are

Ogre Victory:  The Command Post is destroyed and the Ogre escapes from the
bottom of the map.

Marginal Ogre Victory:	The Command Post is destroyed, but the Ogre is
destroyed (all of its weapons and treads destroyed)
before it can escape.

Complete Defense Victory:  The Command Post is not destroyed and the Ogre is
destroyed and at least 30 attack points (Mark III scenario) or 50 attack
points (Mark V scenario) of the defensive force survives.

Defense Victory:  The Command Post is not destroyed and the Ogre is

Marginal Defense Victory:  The Command Post is not destroyed but the Ogre

Leaving the Map:  The Ogre is the only piece that may leave the map.  To do
	so, it must be on the bottom row of the map with at least one move
	remaining.  Clicking anywhere off the map, but not in a legal
	command area (i.e., the command buttons, menu bar, or the map
	arrows) will produce a dialogue box asking if the Ogre should leave
	the map.  If "ok" is selected, the battle results are analyzed and
	the appropriate victory conditions are displayed in the final
dialogue box.


	The Field Editor lets the Post Commander deploy the defensive forces
and alter the battlefield terrain.  The Field Editor is active when you
start OGRE.  During a battle, the Field Editor can be entered by selecting
"Edit the Field" from the Menu.

Creating/Clearing Rubble:  Clicking on a dotted line at the edge of a hex
   places a pile of rubble at that location.  Clicking on an already
   existing pile of rubble (a solid line) removes it.

Selecting Pieces:  A window in the sidebar on the left side of the screen
	 contains 10 hex shaped pieces that can be selected by clicking on
	 them.	When selected, a piece becomes highlighted.

Drop/Drag:  Directly beneath the selection window is the mode window.  The
  two choices in the mode window are Drop and Drag.  The mode is set by
  clicking on either of the two choices.  Clicking on a map hex while in the
  current Drop mode "drops" the currently selected piece onto that hex.  If
  the hex is occupied, the piece occupying the hex is replaced by the
  currently selcted piece, clicking on it removes it.  Pieces can also be
  removed from the map by selecting the blank piece from the selection
window and dropping it onto occupied hexes.  The Drag mode is used to move
pieces about the map.  To move a piece, first select Drag from the mode
window.  Position  the pointer over the desired piece and press the button.
Continue to hold the button while moving the pointer to the desired hex.
When the desired hex is high lighted, release the button and the piece moves
from its original hex to the new hex.  Dragging a piece onto an occupied hex
removes the piece from the occupied hex and replaces it with the piece being
removed.  Dragging from an empty hex also removes the piece.

Clear Field:  The entire field can be cleared of all rubble, craters, and
pieces by selecting "Clear Field" from the Menu.  A dialogue box
will ask for verification before the action is performed.

Clear Pieces:  The entire field can be cleared of all pieces while leaving
the rubble and craters intact by selecting "Clear Pieces" from the Menu.  A
dialogue box will ask for verification before the action is performed.

Setup:	All defender setups require a command post (usually placed somewhere
on the highest row of hexes).  The defender's initial force depends on the
type of Ogre that will be attacking.  If the attacker is a Mark III, the
defender gets 12 armor units and 20 squads of infantry.  If the attacker is
a Mark V, the defender gets 20 armor units and 30 squads of infantry.  When
requisitioning armor units, bear in mind that a single howitzer costs twice
as much as any other armor unit.  This means that if only twelve armor units
are available, the maximum number of howitzers that can be used is six.  The
bottom of the sidebar displays the total number of infantry and armor units
deployed so far.  The total number of attack points deployed in front of the
crater line is displayed in the forward window.  This information assists in
remaining within the recommended force guidelines.

Deployement Restrictions:  Essentially, there are no restrictions forcibly
imposed when deciding where to deploy the defensive forces.  But in order to
play a standard game, the following restrictions must be followed:
1) All units must be deployed in the OBSTRUCTED area.
2) All but 20 attack strength points for the Mark III scenario, or 40 for
the Mark V, must be deployed ON OR BEHIND the crater line.

Balance:  The player may exercise individual initiative in deploying forces.
If the player-designed scenario are unbalanced, then more, or fewer,
defensive units can be used to off set the imbalance.  Note that victory
levels as cited above cease to be valid once the deployment of forces varies
from the standard conditions.

Saving Fields:	It is possible to save a field for future use.	(Note that
      the "Save a Field" option differs from the "Save a Game" option
      described earlier in this manual).  Saving a field saves the positions
      of all the craters, rubble and defensive forces displayed on the map.
      If the editor was entered from a battle in progress and the Ogre is
      still on the map, the Ogre's position is not saved as part of the
      field.  To save a field, type "Save a Field" from the Menu.   A
dialogue box will appear asking for the field number to save this field
under.	Click on the field of choice and then click "ok".  The displayed
field will be saved under the specified field number.


All are preceeded with the statement:  "Field does not conform to official
Ogre rules"

1) There are too many infantry on the map.
2) Too many pieces are below the crater line.
3) There are pieces in the clear area of the map.
4) There are too many armor units on the map.
5) The craters or rubble have been changed.

and two others are:

1) Please add a Command Post to start the game.
2) There is no way to reach the Command Post.

*> Title:   Ogre Docs 3 Of 3
*> Date:    7/13/88
*> Time:    9:53 am

			  Ogre Docs Part III


	OGRE lets you customize various game features to suit your own
taste, and can be used before or during a game.  Selecting "Preferences"
from the "OSI" menu will display the Preferences dialogue box.  This
presents you with five options to modify.  Clicking on an option will change
it.  If an option has more than one choice, click on it unitl the desired
choice is displayed.

The Options are:

Sound Effects:	The default is "yes" (meaning sound effects will be heard).
      Turning sound effects off not only makes OGRE play more quietly
      (in case someone in the house is trying to sleep) , but also
      causes the program to operate a little faster.
Reminders:  During play, various dialogue boxes will appear as reminders
that you have not performed all of the actions available to you, or that you
are about to perform an irrecoverable action.  If, for example, "Done" is
clicked during the Defender Move phase and all of the defenders that can
move have not done so, then a reminder dialogue box appears.  There is a
reminder for the end of each game phase as well as reminders for ramming and
overrunning.  The default for reminders is "yes".

Skip Empty Turns:  There are times when there is no possible action during
	 the phase.  If, for example, the Ogre has had all of its weapons
	 destroyed, then there is nothing for the Ogre to do during the Ogre
	 Attack Phase.	Nonetheless, the Ogre Attack Phase appears and
	 "Done" must be clicked to go on to the next phase.  These "empty"
	 turns can be bypassed automatically by setting "Skip Empty Turns"
	 to "Yes".  The default for skipping empty turns is "No".

Ogre Message Speed:  During the one-player game where the Ogre is controlled
	   by the computer, various messages will appear informing the
	   player as to what the Ogre is doing.  The time that these
	   messages remain visible can be modified with "Ogre Message
	   Speed".  the choices are "low", "med", and "high".  The default
	   is "low".  this option appears dimmed during a two player game.

Ogre Skill Level:  This option allows the player to modify the level of
	 intellegence with which the Ogre plays during the one player
	 game.	The levels are "low", "med", and "high".  The default
	 is "low".  This option appears dimmed during a two player


	Here is how combat results are determined in the original OGRE as
designed by Steve Jackson.  The computer version of OGRE computes combat
results in the same fashion, but in a manner totally transparent to the

	In general, each attack is resolved by comparing attack and defense
strengths of the units involved, and then rolling a die.  specifically: For
each attack, all attack strengths involved are totaled, and then compared
with the defense strength of the target in ratio form.	This ratio is then
rounded off in the defender's favor to one of the ratios shown on the COMBAT
RESULTS TABLE.	In other words, the target of the attack, be it Ogre or
standard unit, gets the benefit of the rounding-of f.  Examples: 2 attack
points against 1 defense point would be a "2 to 1" attack.  2 attack points
vs. 2 defense points = 1 to 1; 3 attack points vs.  2 defense points = 1 to
2; 6 attack points vs. 1 defense point = 6 to 1 (treated as 5 to 1; see the
Combat Results Table ).  Once the ratio is determined and rounded off, the
attacker rolls the die and consults the proper column of the Combat Results
Table to find the result.  Results are applied immediately.

Die Roll       1-2	   1-1	       2-1	   3-1	       4-1
1	       ne	   ne	       ne	   d	       d
2	       ne	   ne	       d	   d	       x
3	       ne	   d	       d	   x	       x
4	       ne	   d	       x	   x	       x
5	       d	   x	       x	   x	       x
6	       x	   x	       x	   x	       x
Attacks at less than 1 to 2 are always ne
Attacks at 5 to 1 or better, are always and automatic x

Explanation of Symbols:

ne:  "no effect", The unit attacked is undamaged.

d:  Four Possible results, depending on the unit attacked.
1) An Ogre is undamaged.  (This shows as "glanced" in the sidebar)
2) An infantry unit has its strength reduced by 1
3) An armor unit is disabled.  the unit can neither move nor fire next
turn.  An armor unit remains disabled until the end of the enemy's
next Combat Phase.
4) A disabled armor unit is destroyed if it receives a second "d"
result while disabled.

x:  If the unit attacked is an Ogre, the part of the Ogre that was attacked
is destroyed.	If the defender is any unit other than an Ogre, it is


Command Post Already Present:  Appears when the player attempts to put more
than one Command Post on the field

Crater in the Way:  Appears when the player attempts to move the Ogre onto a

Please stay on the Map:  Appears when a click occurs anywhere except in a
legal area.


2 units in hex Please move 1:  When two defenders are in the same hex, one
 of them must be moved off before any action may be taken elsewhere.  This
message appears if any action is attempted with a defender other than the two
are residing in the same hex.

Can't move onto a crater:  Appears when attempting to move a piece onto a

Can't move that far:  Appears when attempting to move a piece more than its
movement allowance.

Command Post can't attack:  Appears when the player attempts to target the
Ogre with the Command Post.

Disabled Can't attack this turn:  Appears when the player attempts to target
the Ogre with a disabled piece.

Disabled Can't move this turn:  Appears when the player attempts to move a
disabled piece.

Entire squad has aimed or fired:  Appears when the player attempts to target
the Ogre more frequently than the number of
units in the squad.

No attacker:  Appears when the player attempts to target opponent by
dragging from a hex that doesn't contain a piece.

No clear path:	Appears when the player attempts to move a piece from one
hex to another, and there is no path of empty hexes short enough to
complete the move.

No combined on attacks on treads:  Appears when the player attempts to
combine pieces in an attack against the Ogres treads

No Target:  Appears when the player attempts to target the opponent by
dragging from a piece to a hex that doesn't contain an opponent.

No treads left!:  Appears when the player attempts to move an Ogre that has
no treads.

Not enough treads to ram:  Appears when the player attempts to ram that will
cost the Ogre more treads than it has remaining.

Ogre can't enter on a crater:  Appears when the player attempts to bring the
Ogre onto the field on any row other than the
bottom one.

Only two rams per turn: Appears when the Ogre player attempts to ram more than
two pieces in one turn.

Piece cannot move:  Appears when the player attempts to move the Command
Post or howitzer.

Please move a piece:  Appears when the player attempts to move a crater, an
opponent's piece, or from a blank hex.

Please stay on the map:  Appears when a click occurs anywhere except in the
legal area.

Target one unit at a time:  Appears when the Ogre attempts to target more
than one defending unit at a time.

Target out of attack range:  Appears when the Ogre is beyond the range of
  the attacking piece, or then the ogre attempts to target a piece beyond the
range of its available weapons.

This hex is full:  Appears when the player attempts to move a defending unit
onto a hex that already contains the Ogre and another defending unit.

This unit has moved:  Appears when the player attempts to move a piece that
has already moved it's full movement allowance.

Unit already aimed this turn:  Appears when the player attempts to target
the Ogre with a piece that is already aimed at the Ogre.

Unit already fired this turn:  Appears when the player attempts to target
the Ogre with a piece that has already fired.