Abandonware DOS title

Return to Ringworld walkthrough

You start  the game  as Quinn in his quarters aboard the Lance of
Truth.   As with  almost all  adventures, your  first  few  tasks
centre around the collection of artefacts for use at later stages
in the game.

First of  all, click the right button and select the 'use' cursor
(the hand)   from  the ensuing  menu.   Click this  on the  green
object leaning  against the  desk-like unit  at the  right of the
screen:   it's a  Tnuctipun Stepping  Disk!   Now click  the same
cursor on  the top  of the circular table-like piece of furniture
centre-screen.   As the  General Purpose  Table rises, the Stasis
Negator Gun  will be revealed.  Click the 'use' cursor on this as
well and you will collect it.

Now click  the 'use'  cursor on the door on the back wall to exit
Quinn's quarters.

You are  now at the Deck Two Corridor.  Click the 'use' cursor on
the Door labelled '1'  (the one nearest the left-hand edge of the
screen), and  you will  enter the  General Purpose  Lab.  Once in
there, click  the use  icon once on each of the following objects
to collect  them:   the Reader  Device   (purple,  on  the  third
Storage Shelf  up at  the right-hand  side of  the screen);   the
Hyper-Conducting Attractor  Unit   (grey with  a handle,  on  the
floor by  the Storage Shelves); and the Subminiature Sensor Probe
(like a  big needle, inserted in the Algorithmic Array Console by
the Storage  Shelves).   Once all  of these  items  are  in  your
possession, click  the 'use'  cursor on  the Door  by  which  you
entered the room to exit back out to the Deck Two Corridor.

This time,  click the 'use' cursor on the Door labelled '2'  (the
one in  the centre  of your  screen),  and  you  will  enter  the
Elevator.   Once in  there, select the Bridge as your destination
by clicking  the  'use'  cursor  on  the  button  by  the  label:

When you  reach the  Bridge, click  the right-hand  mouse  button
again, and  this time  select the  'speech' cursor from the menu.
Click this  cursor on  Miranda  (the lady in pink sitting towards
the left-hand edge of your view).  As you will see, she wants you
to find  some way  of disabling  the Stasis  Field on the Quantum
Drive.   That will be your second task after first extracting the
Infodisk from Quinn's  (your)  body.

When you have concluded your conversation with Miranda, turn your
attention to  Seeker  (the  bear-like  creature  sitting  centre-
screen).  Click the 'speech' icon on him, and when presented with
a menu  of possible  questions to  ask him,  select  option  '2'.
After  more   discussion  you  will  be  presented  with  another
conversation menu.   This  time select  option  '3'.    When  the
conversation comes  to an end, select the 'use' cursor again from
the right-mouse-button-menu and click this on the Door on the far
wall to re-enter the Elevator.

This time select Deck Five as your destination.

Upon arrival,  turn your attention to the loose panel at the base
of the  wall towards  the right-hand  side of  your view.  First,
click the  'use' cursor on the panel itself and you will shunt it
out of  the way.  Now click again, this time on the Multi-Purpose
Retention Clamp which had been hidden behind this panel.

From this  location you  also need  to  retrieve  some  Isolinear
Optical Fiber.   To  do this, click the 'use' cursor on the loose
wires hanging  from the  hole next  to the  locked  Door  at  the
bottom-right corner of your view.  When you have the Fiber, click
the 'use' cursor on the Door at the left-hand end of your view to
enter Sick Bay.

Once inside  Sick Bay,  take a  look at  the back wall. There you
will see  a Storage  Cabinet with five buttons visible just below
it.   Click the  'use' cursor on any one of these buttons and the
door panel  of the  Cabinet will descend giving you access to the
Com-Scanner contained within.  Collect this by clicking the 'use'
icon on it.

Now click  the 'use'  cursor on  the large(ish) red Button on the
side of  the Autodoc  in the  centre of  your  view.    You  will
automatically climb  inside.   When presented  with the  menu  of
options, select  'Advanced Procedures'  by clicking on the Button
alongside this label.  DAMN!  -  You need an access code, and you
do not  have one.  Without the code you cannot continue, so click
on 'open  Door' and  you will automatically exit the Autodoc once

Now click  the 'use'  cursor on the Door of Sick Bay to exit back
to the  Deck Five  Corridor, and  then on the Elevator Door  (the
one marked  '5' in  the middle  of  your  screen)  to  enter  the
Elevator.   Once inside  the Elevator,  select the Bridge as your

When back  at the  Bridge, select  the 'speech'  cursor again and
click this  on Miranda.   Select  response '2' from the resulting
conversation menu  to ask  her about  the Autodoc.  She says  she
wants a  'Reader', so  select  (by clicking on...)  the Personal,
Programmable Reader  from  your  inventory,  and  click  this  on
Miranda.   When you  get the Reader back, this time programmed to
the Autodoc's requirements, click the 'use' cursor on the Door on
the far wall to once again retire to the Elevator.

From here you need to go back to Sick Bay.  As before, to do this
simply select  Deck Five  in the  Elevator, then  click the 'use'
cursor on the left-hand Door when you arrive there.

Back in  Sick Bay,  select the  Isolinear Optical Fiber from your
inventory and  click this  on the  Autodoc's Connecting  Junction
(the hole  with green  wires already  visible through  it).   Now
select the  newly re-programmed  reader from  your inventory  and
click this  on area  directly right  of the  Connecting  Junction
described as an 'ideal place to put a small device'.  You are now
ready for  foreign-object extraction,  so click once again on the
red  Button   to  enter  the  Autodoc,  and  re-select  'advanced
procedures' from the menu.

When the Infodisk has been extracted from your body, select 'open
Door' again and you will climb back out of the Autodoc.  Now turn
your attention  to the  yellow Button  below the  red one  on the
Autodoc's exterior.   Clicking on this with the 'use' cursor will
result in a small Drawer opening which contains the Infodisk.  Do
this, then  collect the  disk by  clicking on  it with  the 'use'

That concludes  you work  in Sick  Bay, so  it is  time to leave.
Click on the Door with the 'use' cursor again to exit back to the
Deck Five  Corridor, then  on the Elevator's Door to enter there.
This time, select Landing Bay Two as your destination.

Upon arrival,  click the  'use' cursor  on the  Three Metre Cable
Harness  (the red/orange/yellow object coiled on the floor in the
middle of  the room)   to collect it.  Now click the 'use' cursor
on the small Door on the far wall to enter the Vacuum Suit Room.

Once inside,  take a  look at the 'wardrobe' towards the right of
your screen,  where the  Vacuum Suits are stored.  On either side
of this  are two Cabinets  (appearing as darker grey squares with
a red  stripe down  their right-hand  sides).   Click  the  'use'
cursor on  the  left-most  Cabinet  to  open  it,  then  on  it's
contents:   the Sonic  Stunner.   Do the  same for the right-most
Cabinet and collect the Canister of Laser Diffusion Aerosol which
is stored  within.   Now click  on the  Door to  exit back out to
Landing Bay Two.

From back  outside in  Landing Bay  Two, select the Cable Harness
from your  inventory, and click this on the Hand Grip  (appearing
as a  light grey rectangle to the right of the Door to the Vacuum
Suit Room).   Now select the Hyper-Conducting Attractor Unit from
your inventory,  and click this on the other end of the now-tied-
up Cable Harness.

Next, bring  up the right-hand-mouse-button menu again and select
the 'walk'  icon from  it.  Click this at the far right-hand edge
of your  view and  you will  see that  as  Quinn  walks  in  that
direction, your view scrolls revealing more of the room.
When the  right-hand wall  of the  room comes into view, stop and
click the  'use' cursor  on the  Control Panel at the base of the
wall near the right-hand end of your view.  Clicking on this will
unfold the  Magnetic Crane  controls which you will automatically
then go and sit on.

When the  POV shot  of Quinn  sitting on the Crane controls comes
up, click  on the 'Operate Crane' Button and a new set of Buttons
will appear.   Click  again, this  time on  the  'Tractor  Field'
toggle, so  it reads 'Tractor Field On'.  Now click on the 'right
arrow' Button  4 times,  then the  'up arrow'  Button 14 times so
that  the  Hyper-Conducting  Electromagnet  attracts  the  Hyper-
Conducting Attractor  unit tied  to the  end of the Cable Harness
into the air.

When the Cable Harness is pointing directly upwards, do not click
on any further direction Buttons.  Instead, click on 'Done' twice
and you  should stand  away from  the Crane  controls just before
they fold  themselves away again.  When this has happened,  click
the 'use'  cursor on  the now-vertical Cable Harness and you will
climb up it to the Engineering Loft above.

Once you get up to the Loft, click the 'use' cursor on the small-
looking Door just visible at the left-hand side of your view, and
you will enter the Engine Compartment.

Stop when  you enter  this new  location  because  the  Laser  is
dangerous and  will need  disabling  before  you  can  turn  your
attention to  the offending  Stasis Field   (the multi-shade grey
rectangle above  the laser)   which  Miranda told you to sort out
when you were talking to her earlier.

To disable  the Laser,  firstly  select  the  Canister  of  Laser
Diffusion Aerosol, and click this on the Laser itself.  This will
protect you  from being  hit...at least  for now!  Now select the
Multi-Purpose Retention  Clamp from your inventory and click this
on the  Laser as  well.  Next, click the 'use' cursor on the Door
as if you were going to leave the room, and you will find that as
you are  about to  do so, the Laser will try to shoot at you, and
because it  was restricted  by the  Clamp it  will  overheat  and
explode!  What fun!

With the  Laser out  of the  way we can turn out attention to the
Stasis Field  which is  engulfing this compartment of the Quantum
Drive.   First, select  the Com-Scanner  from your  inventory and
click it on the '?' icon beside the visual representation of your
inventory at  the bottom of your screen.  This will open a close-
up of the Com-Scanner with 'Talk' and 'Scan' buttons, a frequency
slider, and  a visual  display.   Click the  'use' cursor  on the
frequency slider  at the bottom of the close-up and drag this one
notch to  the right.   You  should hear  a  noise  similar  to  a
telephone dialing-tone.   Now  click anywhere off the close-up to
close it, before re-selecting the Com-Scanner from your inventory
and this time clicking it on the Laser.

Now select  your Sonic Stunner from your inventory and click this
on  the   Com-Scanner  now  affixed  to  the  Laser.    You  will
automatically take  a few  steps back before turning and shooting
the Com-Scanner which will result in the cloud of Laser Diffusion
Aerosol being dissipated.  Click the 'use' cursor on the unharmed
Com-Scanner to retrieve it, then get the close-up of it again and
drag the  notch back  to its  original position  to turn  off the
annoying tone.

Next, select  the Programmable  Sensor Probe  from your inventory
and click  it first  on the  Stepping Disk,  then on  the  Stasis
Negator Gun,  both also  in your inventory.  Now select the Fully
Charged Power  Capsule from  your inventory and click this on the
Stasis Negator  Gun to  power it  up.  Finally, select the Stasis
Negator Gun itself from your inventory and click it on the Stasis
Field.   You will  retreat a  little  again  before  turning  and
blasting the field away once and for all!

You have  finally finished  here.   Don't bother  collecting  the
Canister of  Laser Diffusion  Aerosol or  the Retention  Clamp as
these are no longer useful to you.  Simply click the 'use' cursor
on the Door and this time you will leave the room back to Landing
Bay Two.

Click the  'use' cursor  on the  Cable Harness again and you will
climb back  down to  the main  floor.   Now click on the Elevator
Door and  you will  retreat to the relative comfort and safety of
the Elevator again.

Select the Bridge as your destination again, and when you arrive,
select the  Infodisk and  click this  on Seeker.  When you finish
conversing, select  the 'speech'  cursor and click this on Seeker
too.   As you  do this,  you should automatically say "Success!".
If not,  click the  'speech' cursor on Miranda or Seeker and talk
to them  about anything  and everything  until  this  event  does
occur.   As soon  as you  utter the word "success", you will lose
control of  the game   (meaning that you have no control over the
events for  a short  period of time) as the first out-scene rolls
into action...


When you  recover control of the proceedings, select the 'speech'
cursor and  click this  on Seeker  to ask his opinion on what you
should do  next.   He tells  you to  'scan the  underside for the
opening'.   To do  this, click the 'use' cursor on the monitor of
your workstation to your character's right, and you will bring up
the DSBS  Computer Menu.   Click  on the  'Scan Ops' Button, then
the  'Passive  Enabled'  Button    (it  will  toggle  to  'Active
Enabled'), then the 'Deep Scan' Button.  Follow this with a click
on the  'Geographical' Button,  then  when  the  picture  on  the
display changes,  a click  on the  page up  Button   (the  Button
furthest left  on the  display).   The scan will now be made, and
the computer will soon locate Fist of God.

After a  spate of  talking between  yourself, Seeker  and Miranda
which you  have no  control over,  you and Seeker will eventually
leave your  ship and  enter the  Village of  the  Canyon  People.
Watch as  you automatically  investigate the dying village chief,
then get  shot at.   When  Quinn and Seeker dive into the Crater,
you recover  control.  Quickly select the Stasis Negator Gun from
your inventory  and click  this on  the white Trooper standing on
the cliff  above you.   This  will  dissipate  his  Stasis  Field
Armour.   You can  now kill  him for good by selecting your Sonic
Stunner from your inventory and clicking this on.

With the  Trooper gone,  you and  Seeker will automatically climb
back out  of the  Crater.   Select the  'speech' cursor again and
click this  on the  Canyon Chief.  First ask him what happened to
his village  by choosing  option '1'  from the conversation menu.
When he  has answered that question, click the 'speech' cursor on
him again  and this  time ask  him about  the Tnuctipin  Ship  by
selection option  '1' from  the new  conversation menu.  Finally,
click the 'speech' cursor on him for a third time and after a few
last words he will die...

Yourself and  Seeker will  now automatically retreat to the Lance
of Truth  (your ship)  and  there  will  be  an  long,  automatic
conversation between  the two  of you  and Miranda.  When you are
shown a  conversation menu  with three possible responses, select
the option  by which  you tell  the others that you will scan for
the ARM's location.

To carry  out this  scan as  you have  promised, first  click the
'use' cursor  on your  Monitor to  start up the Computer.  Again,
press the  'Scan Ops'  Button, but  this time  leave the 'Passive
Enabled' Button  alone as  Miranda advised,  and only  press  the
'Short  Scan'   Button.  This   time  you   need  to  select  the
'Technological' option when asked about the type of scan.

After being  given the results of the scan there will be a little
more conversation  after which  you  will  be  presented  with  a
further conversation menu.  From this, select option '3'  -  'The
most prudent  course would be to go back out the way we came in'.
More speech  will follow,  then you  will fly  the Lance of Truth
back through the fist of God and onto a huge space ledge.

Having arrived  on the  Space Ledge  there will be more automatic
conversation between the three of you, then you will be presented
with another  conversation menu  from  which  you  should  select
option '3'.   After  a quick  argument with  Miranda, Seeker will
leave the Bridge for the Vacuum Suit Room, which is exactly where
you must head for now.

Follow Seeker  by clicking  the 'use'  cursor on  Elevator  Door.
Select Landing Bay Two as your destination from the Elevator, and
once there  click the 'use' cursor on the Door on the far wall to
enter the Vacuum Suit Room

When Seeker  has finished  moaning, click the 'use' cursor on one
of the  Oxygen Tanks   (red,  on he  floor  by  the  Vacuum  Suit
'wardrobe')   to take  one.   Now click  the 'use'  cursor on the
Space-suit Storage  Control Panel  to the  left of  the left-most
Storage Cabinet   (also by the Vacuum Suit 'wardrobe').  When the
close-up of  this Control Panel appears, click the 'left' Button,
then the  'select' Button.   Now  click anywhere off the close-up
to close  it.   Have a  quick look at the selected Vacuum Suit by
clicking the  'eye' cursor  on it.   It should be a suit suitable
for the  average human male.  If it is not, use the Control Panel
again to find one that is suitable by scrolling through them with
the 'left'  and 'right' buttons, selecting them with the 'select'
button, then  viewing them  with the  'eye' icon  as we have done
with this first one.

When you find a suitable Vacuum Suit, select the Oxygen Tank from
your inventory  and click this on in, then click the 'use' cursor
on it  as well  and you  will climb  inside.   Finally, click the
'use' cursor  on the  air lock  Door (the bulky Door at the left-
hand side  of your view), and you and Seeker will leave the Lance
of Truth.

Once outside on the Space Ledge, select the 'walk' icon and click
it at the far left-hand side of your view.  When you get into the
next screen,  do exactly  the same again so you walk another full
screen to  the left.   Keep  walking in this same way to the left
many times.   Eventually,  the ARM will land and invade the Lance
of Truth  with Miranda  still inside!   Do  not worry  about this
event as  it supposed  to happen and will, believe it or not, end
up to be vital to your success in the game.

At this  point in  the proceedings  you are  automatically  given
momentary control  of Miranda  to make a conversation menu choice
for her.    Choose any of the responses from the menu as they all
have the  same eventual  outcome.  Soon the action will return to
Seeker and  Quinn on  the Space  Ledge floor and Miranda is taken
away aboard  your ship  leaving you  stranded on  the giant Space

This part of the game is more difficult to explain that others as
there is  no set  pattern of  actions you  must make  to succeed,
simply one  goal which  can be  achieved in a series of different

Basically, you  are stranded  on an immense Space Ledge which you
must escape  from in  order to  continue your  adventure.   It is
littered with  space debris, most of which is useless.  There are
also, however,  ten useful  items which  you must to collect from
all corners  of the  Ledge to  aid your escape.  To do this, move
Quinn and  Seeker around  the Ledge, find the objects, then click
on them with the 'use' cursor and you will pick them up.

Also on  the ledge  are various  spaceships. Most  of  these  are
useless as  they have  crash-landed some time ago and their hulls
are no longer intact.  It is worth noting, however, that you will
have to  visit some of these crashed ships anyway because some of
them house  two or  three of the 10 objects mentioned above which
you will need to collect.

One of  the spaceships  on the  Ledge, however,  has  not  crash-
landed.   It was built to transport 'people' around the Ledge and
is therefore  called a Ledgehopper.  When you have found 8 of the
10 items  I have mentioned above, you must go to this Ledgehopper
with both  Seeker and  Quinn.   As I  will explain in due course,
most of  the items you have found on the Ledge, together with two
more found  inside the  Ledgehopper, will  then fit  into various
'bays' on  the side  of the  ship.  When they are all fitted, the
ship will then be ready to transport you off the Ledge.

To help  you find  the ten  items which you will need to collect,
the Ledgehopper and the crashed spaceships on the immense area of
the Ledge, you can use your Com-Scanner.  First, select this from
your inventory,  then click  it on  the '?' icon at the bottom of
your screen.   When  the close-up  of the Scanner appears, select
the 'scan'  Button and  it will  perform a scan of the Ledge, the
results of which can then be seen on the display above.  Together
with the  perimeter walls,  there are  six other  types of things
which will show up on the scan.  They are as follows :-

                        RED DOT  -  Quinn
                     ORANGE DOT  -  Seeker
                 DULL GREEN DOT  -  One of the 10 items
            BRIGHT GREEN STRIPE  -  A crashed space-ship
                BRIGHT GREEN DOT -  The Communications Tower
BIG DULL _and_ BRIGHT GREEN DOT  -  The Ledgehopper

Now I  have explained the basic theory behind this section of the
game, I  will tell  you exactly  which locations  to go to on the
Ledge, which  character to  go there  with, and which order to do
this in.   When describing the location which I want you to go to
next, rather  than telling  you to  go north,  south, east,  west
etc., I will explain the location in terms of where it appears on
the scan.   Carry  out a  scan with your Com-Scanner as described
above, then  use the results of the scan to use as a guide to the
direction you should then go in.

When you  know which  direction to  go in  (get this by comparing
where your  current location  is on the scan  [either the red dot
if you  are Quinn,  or the  orange dot  if you are Seeker] to the
location of  your destination), use the 'walk' icon to go in that
direction until  you arrive.   If in doubt about whether you have
arrived at  the right  place, check  with  another  scan  to  see
whether the  dot representing  your character  is right on top of
the dot representing the correct location.

Okay, let's get movin'...

First of  all, move  Quinn to  the Communications Tower.  This is
represented by  a bright green dot in the centre at the bottom of
the scan.   When you arrive, click the 'use' cursor at the top of
the Ladder  which extends  up the  Tower's side.   When Quinn has
climbed to  the top  of the ladder and you are shown the close up
of the mechanism, click the 'use' cursor first on the lever, then
on the red Button behind it.

After closing  the close-up,  click the 'use' cursor right at the
top of  the Communications  Dish to collect the Battery which has
been inserted  there.  When you have the Battery, click the 'use'
cursor back  at the  bottom of the Ladder, and after a moment you
will be  shown the  close-up again.   At  the close-up, click the
'use' cursor  on the lever to extend the Communications Dish back
to the  vertical position,  then close  the close-up and you will
automatically descend the remaining distance to the bottom of the

Your next  location should be the dull green dot directly left on
the scan  from the  red dot  which represents  you.   This dot is
between the  one representing  the Communications  Tower, and the
one  in   the  lower-left-hand   corner  representing  a  crashed
spaceship.   When you  arrive you  will find the Guidance Control
Module.  Collect this by clicking on it with the 'use' cursor.

Now continue  left to  the location represented by a bright green
stripe at  the far  bottom-left-hand corner  of the  scan.   This
represents a  smashed-up ship  which in  itself is  useless,  but
which has three of the ten items you are going to need to collect
to aid your escape off the Ledge.

When you  arrive at  the Ship,  you will  see that  it covers two
screens.   If you  are not  there already,  go to the screen from
which you  can see  the right-hand  side of the ship at the left-
hand edge  of your  view.   Once there, click the 'use' cursor on
the Airbag  on top  of the  ship to  collect this,  then  on  the
Functional  Diagnostics  Display  on  the  ship's  control  panel
beneath where you took the Airbag from.

Now make your way around the ship and left, into the screen where
you can see the left-hand side of the ship at the right-hand edge
of your  view.   From  there,  click  the  'use'  cursor  on  the
Navigation Gyro   (appearing  as a  brown object  near the top of
your view poking out from the ship's left-hand side).

When you  have these  three  items  you  have  finished  at  this
location.  Take another scan and locate the dull green dot at the
left-hand side  of the scan just below the wall which sticks into
the scan near its top.  Move to this location.  Upon arrival  you
should find  a Partially  Depleted Fuel  Cell.   Collect this  by
clicking on it with the 'use' cursor.

Now it is time to change the character which you are currently in
control of  for the  first time.  To do this, bring up the right-
hand-mouse-button-menu and  click on the icon with the outline of
a single  head on  it.  This, in turn, will bring up another menu
with Quinn, Seeker and Miranda listed on it.  Select Seeker.

You will  find that  you are  now controlling Seeker.  Obviously,
you will be at a different location than you were at a moment ago
because you  have now  moved to  the screen where Seeker has been
standing for the past few minutes.  You will see that Seeker also
has a  Com-Scanner which  can be  used in exactly the same way as
Quinn's, together with an identical Sonic Stunner too.

Take another  scan in  the same  way as you did with Quinn to see
where you  are located  on the  Ledge now.  Remember that you are
now represented  by an  ORANGE dot  because you  have changed  to
Seeker.   Now move to the dull green dot in the middle at the top
of the scan.  Getting to this will involve going in a general WNW
direction.   When you  arrive at  the right spot you  will find a
Radar Mechanism  which should be collected by clicking on it with
the 'use' cursor as usual.

Now head  back in  the direction you came, towards the dull green
dot the  other side  of the wall to where you are, close to where
both characters started  (this is SE from your present location).
You will  obviously have  to make your way around the wall to get
to this  location.   When you  arrive you  will see a bulky crate
with a  Directional Actuator  jammed underneath  it.   Click  the
'use'  cursor   on  the   Directional  Aculator   and  you   will
automatically radio Quinn and ask him to help you get it out.

Once you  have the Directional Aculator you should have collected
all the items you need to have in your possession before going to
the Ledgehopper,  so it  is time to take first Seeker, then Quinn
there now.   It  is represented  on the  scan by the biggest blip
(also the  only which shows as both shades of green).  It is west
and a  little south  from where you are standing when you collect
the Directional  Aculator.  First move Seeker there, then when he
is standing  safely by  its side,  switch to the control of Quinn
once again and do the same with him.

When both  Quinn and  Seeker are  standing  by  the  Ledgehopper,
switch to  controlling Quinn if you are not doing so already, and
click the  'use' cursor  on the  cockpit's hatch.   When the view
changes to  an internal  shot from  inside the Ledgehopper, click
the 'use'  cursor first  on the  Door of  the Storage Compartment
near the  right-hand edge of your view, then on the Spare Ignitor
and the Thruster Control Valve within.

You have  now collected  all  ten  items  you  need  to  get  the
Ledgehopper working  -  now it is just a matter of inserting them
in their  proper places  and then  you'll be  able to escape this
location at  last.   First you are going to insert the Functional
Diagnostics Display.  To do this, first click the 'use' cursor on
the cracked,  Non-Functional Diagnostics  Display to remove this,
then  select   the  Functional   Diagnostics  Display  from  your
inventory and  click this  in place of the cracked one to replace

Now select the Directional Aculator from your inventory and click
this in  the small  black 'socket'  in the middle of your view at
the bottom.   (Where  you would normally expect an aeroplane Joy-
Stick to  fit.)   You will put this into place ready for use when
you get the vehicle flying.

Now exit  the Ledgehopper  again by  clicking the 'use' cursor on
the green  Button towards  the  right  of  the  ship's  interior.
When the  view reverts  to exterior  again, take  a look  at  the
Ledgehopper.   You will see a series of 'gaps' on its side, which
are, in  fact, bays  into which you have to fit the various items
you have been collecting on your travels around the Ledge.

Insert the  items into  the Ledgehopper as follows, starting with
the 'bay'  at the far left-hand end of the ship and ending on the
'bay' in  the nose  of the ship at its far right-hand end  (NOTE:
You must  change to  Seeker  when  you  come  to  fit  the  Radar
Mechanism as  he was  the one  who collected  this item.   Simply
change to him when you come to this, number 6, then back to Quinn
to fit number 7)  :-

1) Battery   2) Partially Depleted Fuel Cell   3) Spare Ignitor
4) Thruster Control Valve   5) Navigation Gyro
6) Radar Mechanism   7) Guidance Control Module

You should be controlling Quinn at this point, though it does not
matter which  character you  are controlling.   Simply  click the
'use' cursor  on the  Cockpit Hatch and that character will enter
the ship, then change to the other character and do the same with

When both  characters are  sitting inside the Ledgehopper you are
finally ready  to take  off and  escape!  To do this simply click
the 'use'  icon on  the Button  on the  top  of  the  Directional
Aculator   (Joy-Stick).   Fortunately, there  is just enough fuel
for you to reach the Rim Wall.


When you  regain control  of the  action again,  you next need to
find some  way of  transporting yourself the long distance to the
nearest Elevator.   Fortunately,  this is  pretty easy  because a
Mag-Lev Transport Car has been provided for you.  To get to this,
move the cursor to the bottom of your view and find a point where
it changes  from it's  current 'picture'   (hand, crosshair etc.)
to an  arrow pointing downwards.  When it does this it means this
is a  spot where  you can  exit into  the screen  south  of  your
current location,  so simply  click and  the characters will make
their way down a screen.

In the next screen go south again in the same way, and then again
in the  screen after  that.  You should now arrive at the Mag-Lev
Transport Car's parking spot.  Click the 'use' cursor on the side
of this vehicle and you will both climb aboard.

When you  view reverts  to a  POV  internal  shot  of  the  Car's
controls, stop a moment and let me explain the controls :-

At the  bottom left-hand  corner of  the view  is the Radar.  The
white dot  in the  middle of  this is  your car, and the vertical
lines represent  the road it can be moved along.  To the right of
this are  a set  of six  green lights which graphically represent
the movement of the car.  Pay no attention to these!

Next, further  right still,  comes two  columns  of  several  red
lights each.   A  short time  after you  start moving, the bottom
light of  the left-hand  column will  light.   This means you are
approaching the first landmark on the road:  an Elevator.  As you
get closer  to this Elevator, this light will move up the column,
until the  top light is lit.  At this point you are very near the
Elevator.   Because this Elevator is jammed we are going to drive
straight past  this one  and go  onto the  next one.  As you will
see, when  we go past this first elevator, the light will go out,
and instead  the top one on the right-hand column will light.  As
we go further and further away from the Elevator again, the light
will move down the column until the very bottom light has lit and
gone out  again.   Still further  down the  road, you  will start
approaching a  second Elevator, so the light at the bottom of the
left-hand column  will light  again and  the whole  process  will
start over.   This  time, however, you will need to stop when the
light reaches  the top  of the column as, at this point, you will
be outside the second elevator.

Look further  along to  the right  of the  Car's controls.    The
white/grey Button  is your  forward/reverse toggle.   The section
which it  white   (lit up)   represents  the  direction  you  are
currently   going    in    -    top    section=forward,    bottom
section=backward.   Note that  if you  are going at full speed it
will take some time for the ship to slow before it can change the
direction it is moving in.

Next to  the forward/reverse  toggle is,  as you can see, a large
red Button.   Use  this to  stop,  or,  if  the  Car  is  already
stationary, to  exit the  interior view  back outside.   Next  to
this, at  the far  bottom right-hand  corner of  your view is the
acceleration slider.  When the notch is at the top you are either
stopped or  slowing, drag  it down  to the  bottom and  you  will
increase to full speed.

Now I have explained the controls you are ready to go :-

First of  all, drag  the notch  on the Acceleration Slider to the
bottom   and watch as you slowly increase to full speed.  After a
while, one of the red lights will light up as I have explained as
above.   Watch each  light go on then off in turn as I described.
When all the lights are unlit again, it means you are directly in
between the  two Elevators.   Now  get  ready  as  you  begin  to
approach the Elevator you need to stop at.

When the  lights start  moving up the left-hand column again, pay
attention.   Use the  acceleration slider  to slow down a little,
then when  the second to top light is lit, slow right down so you
are just  trundling along and have greater control over your Car.
Watch the  Radar carefully.   When  you see  a  circular  outline
beside the road on it, allow your ship to approach this, then use
the red  button just  before you get to it to slow, and hopefully
stop right  outside it.   If  you go  past the outline, switch to
reverse and  approach it  from the  other side.  Do not exit your
Car until  it is  stopped directly outside the Elevator which you
will be  able to judge by checking with the Radar.  Now click the
red Button from a stationary position and you will exit the Car.

When you get outside, take a look at the pathway on which you are
standing.   If it  looks the  same as it did when you entered the
Car   (ie, you can not leave the screen to the left because there
is a  seemingly bottom-less  gap there),  re-enter the Car and be
more accurate  in your  positioning outside  the Elevator.    If,
however, you  can now  walk left now do so by clicking the cursor
at the  far left-hand  edge of  the screen  and you should arrive
outside an Elevator.

When you  arrive outside the Elevator, first change the character
you are  controlling to  Seeker if  you are not doing so already,
then click  the 'use'  cursor on the double-doors at ground level
at the  front of  the Elevator.   When Seeker is standing holding
the doors  open, quickly  change back  to controlling  Quinn, and
this time  click the  'use' icon just below Seeker's right armpit
where there  is a lever inside the Elevator.  This will result in
the Steps  leading up  the the  two upper doors extending so they
can be  climbed.  Now click the 'use' cursor on either of the two
upper doors and you will enter the Elevator.

Change back to Seeker again when you get inside the Elevator, and
click the  'use' cursor  on the  Robot.  After struggling to hold
the Robot,  Seeker will  drop it,  but if  you click on it again,
this time  he will  manage to keep it up.  Quickly change back to
controlling Quinn,  then select the Airbag from his inventory and
click  it   underneath  the  robot  to  wedge  it.    After  some
conversation, you will automatically pressurise the Elevator with
Seeker's air.   When this has happened, select the Rebreater Tank
from your inventory and click this on the Airbag to inflate it.

When the  Airbag has  been inflated  and all but pushed the Robot
off the  Elevator control's, click the 'use' cursor on the Button
on the far wall next to the left-most Door, and the controls will
come up,  pushing the  robot over  as they  do so.  Now click the
'use' cursor  again, this  time on the internal Elevator's Doors,
and a close-up of the controls will be shown.  On this, click the
'use' cursor  first on  the second  Button from the left, then on
the central  Button.  The Elevator will finally start moving, and
a moment later the scene will cut to Miranda's misfortunes with a
dictator called Teal.

When Teal  offers you the drink, choose any of the responses from
the menu  as each  will eventually  result in  the same  outcome.
Keep choosing  responses from  the  menus  until  he  momentarily
leaves the  room.   Quickly click  the 'use' cursor on the frayed
wires just  underneath Miranda's left arm and she will tug one of
them out.   As  soon as  she's done this, Teal will return, and a
few moments later you will jump back to the action with Quinn and
Seeker again.

You and  Seeker will  automatically climb out of the Elevator and
almost immediately  collapse through  lack of  oxygen!   When the
scene cuts  to the  recovery room,  click the  use  icon  on  the
'dressing gown'  hanging on  the pole  at the  base of  your bed,
then select  the 'speech'  cursor and click this on the caretaker
(man standing  nearest the chamber's Door).  When he has finished
talking, click  the same  cursor  on  him  again  to  ask  him  a
different  question,   and  then  a  third  time  to  thank  him.
Eventually  you   will  automatically  go  and  talk  with  Astor
Pharisha, reciter of the Spill Mountain Folk.

Click the  'speech' cursor  on her  and you will embark on a huge
conversation.   Listen/read this  if you  want to get involved in
the story's plot, otherwise skip it as it is particularly boring!
When it  comes to  an end,  move the cursor to the bottom of your
view where you entered this room and click to leave the cavern.

You are  now on  a Spill  Mountainside.   There are many Bridges,
pathways and  Steps in  this area so you can get around the Spill
Mountain Folk's  Village.   You will  see many men walking around
just as  you are  doing.   Ignore these  as they  won't  talk  or
interact with you in any way.

First of  all you  need to reclaim your Oxygen tank.  To do this,
walk left four screens, then go up the Bridge.  At the top of the
Bridge, walk back to the right two screens, then click the cursor
through the Door  (the cursor will change from a cross-hair to an
arrow when  you can  click to  enter).   When you  get inside the
Storage Room  above the  Tanning Room,  click the 'use' cursor on
the winch  handle by the hole in the floor to wind the rock down.
When this is done, click back out of the room the way you came.

Once back  outside you  need to make your way to the Tanning Room
itself.   To get  to this  room, go  back the  two screens to the
left, make  your way  back down  the Bridge,  then go  right  two
screens and enter the Door there.  Inside, click the 'use' cursor
on the  Oxygen Tank  and you will automatically throw it into the
pit in the middle of the room.  After a moment it should float to
the surface  so you  can just see it in the hole.  If this is the
case, click  the 'use' cursor on it to recover it.  If not, leave
then re-enter the room and this time it should be available to be

Now you  need to  fill the tank with helium.  This is done in the
Helium room!   You  can get  there by  first exiting  the Tanning
Room, then  by going  right one screen, down the Stairs, left two
screens, down  the Bridge, right a further two screens, down more
Stairs, and  then right  two more screens.  Now click through the
Door at  that  location  to  enter  the  room  with  the  Helium-
Generating Machine housed within it.

Select your  Rebreater Tank from your inventory and click this on
the small  tap set  in the  side of  one of  the chambers  of the
Helium Machine.   When  the tank is filled, exit back outside and
go right  one more  screen to  the Balloon Launch Platform.  Walk
right to  the edge  of the  platform, then  select the Rebreather
Tank from  your inventory  and click  it on  the Balloon.   Astor
Pharisha will walk in and talk to you for a moment, then you will
take to flight on the Balloon.

When the  arial shot  of you  on you  Balloon appears,  turn your
attention to  the dial at the bottom of your view.  The Button to
the left  of that  increases your  altitude, the one to the right
decreases it.   As  soon as you begin to fly, click the left-hand
arrow.   If it is reported to you that you are already at maximum
altitude, that's  okay, otherwise  keep clicking  on  this  arrow
until it does so.

Now you  must wait  as your  Balloon floats on the Spill Mountain
currents.   As you will see in time, the Balloon will not stay in
the same  position on  the screen,  but move  around.    When  it
reaches the  far top-left hand corner of your view, quickly click
the right-hand  arrow as  many times as you can until the balloon
is at  minimum altitude.   Now wait as you float slowly down, and
around, and  around, and around, and eventually out of the screen
completely.   This will  take a  long time, so why not go off and
make a cup of tea?!

When you  do eventually  set down  in the Desert, select the Com-
Scanner from  your inventory, and as you did so many times on the
Space Ledge,  take a  scan.   On the  display you will find there
will appear an arrow.  Exit the location you are currently in, in
the direction  this arrow  points.   In  the  next  screen,  take
another scan  and leave, again in the direction the arrow points.
Go through  the same  procedure in  a further  three locations (5
times in  all), and  you should  eventually find yourself outside
the forest.

Click the  cursor at  the right-hand  edge of the screen to enter
the forest,  then select  Erjenta's Flute  from you inventory and
click this  on yourself  to attract Nej G'Lor.  Watch as he tries
to attack  you, as you brush him off easily, and eventually as he
leaves the  screen to  supposedly go and light a fire.  Now click
the cursor about half way up at the right-hand edge of the screen
(just where he exited a moment ago)  and you follow him.

After a  fireside conversation  with Nej  G'lor, the  scene  will
automatically cut to outside the forest by the ARM Outpost.  Wait
until you  regain control of the proceedings, then quickly select
the Sonic  Stunner from  you inventory  and click this on the ARM
Trooper to  zap him dead!  You will now automatically change into
his uniform,  then Nej  G'Lor will drag his body away never to be
seen again.   Now  click the  'use' cursor on the ARM Outpost and
you will take over the roll of the dead Trooper.

Wait on  top of  the Outpost for the ARM Ship to land, then Quinn
will automatically  descend and  enter it,  leaving the other ARM
Trooper for  the night  watch.  The ship will take you to the ARM
Base where  you will  automatically take  on the zapped Trooper's
roll of  guard duty.  You can do no more here for now, as in this
uniform  you   are  under  strict  control  of  Teal,  so  change
characters back to Seeker.


Select the  'speech' cursor  again and  click this on Astor.  She
will tell  you a  long story  about some lusty Vampires living in
caverns in  the heart  of  the  Spill  Mountains,  and  you  will
automatically take  on the  challenge  of  banishing  these  evil
characters.   When you  have concluded  your  long  conversation,
leave the  room in  the same  manner as  you did  when  you  were
controlling Quinn.

When you  get outside,  go left four screens then take the Bridge
to the  next level  up.   Go back  to the right two screens, then
enter the  room above  the Tanning  Room which  you were  in with
Quinn earlier.   Once  inside, click the 'use' cursor on the blue
Alcohol Flask on the shelf in the corner, then leave again.

Retrace your  steps back,  two screens  to the left and back down
the Bridge.  Now go right two screens and enter the Tanning Room.
In there,  click the 'use' cursor on the Tanner's Face Mask which
is hanging on the far wall, then exit this room also.

Continue right into the next screen and take the Steps downwards.

When you  get to the bottom of the stairway, head left one screen
and go through the Door you find there.  You should find yourself
in some  sort of  bedroom!   Click the  'use' cursor first on the
pouch hanging  on the  pole just  to  your  right,  then  on  the
Sherbergoat Oil  Lamb on  the cabinet below the window on the far
wall.   Now exit  this room  again, and  go left  one more screen
before heading down the Bridge.

Once at  the bottom  of the  Bridge, head  right one screen, then
enter through  the Door  you find  there.   As before,  click the
'use' cursor on the Sherbergoat Oil Lamp on the cabinet below the
window on the far wall to collect it, then exit.

Go right another screen when you have finished in that room, then
head down the stairway.  Go right when you reach the bottom, then
right again, where you should then enter the room with the Helium
Machine in.   Click the 'use' cursor on the Glass Dome to collect
that, then  leave the  room and  go one  more screen to the right
where you  should arrive at the Balloon Launch Platform  (if not,
go right another screen, and then you definitely will!)

Take the  stairs up  at this  point, and  at the top go right and
then up  the Bridge.   Once  at the top again, go right on screen
and enter the room there with the huge crack in the floor.  Click
the use  icon on  the rope  hanging on  the right-hand wall, then
click somewhere  down the  crack and  you  will  climb  down  the

When you  get to  the bottom  you will find a puddle of corrosive
fluid which  will need  dealing with  before you  can get the key
which floats in it.  To deal with it, first select one of the Oil
Lamps from  your inventory  and click  this on  the puddle.   Now
select the  Glass Dome  and click  this on the Lamp you have just
put in the puddle, and the vacuum which this creates will suck up
the corrosive  fluid.   Now click  the 'use'  cursor first on the
Scrith Key to collect it, then at the far top-left-hand corner of
the screen to climb back to the room above.

Upon arrival  back at  the top of the fissure, leave the room the
way you  entered it,  then go  left one  screen, down the Bridge,
left one  screen, down  the Steps,  left three  screens,  up  the
Steps, left two screens, up the Bridge, right two screens, up the
Stairway, left  three screens,  up the  Bridge, and finally right
four screens.

You should  now find  yourself outside  the Elevator.    If  not,
either I've  made a mistake or you did, in which case you'll have
to find your way there yourself. (It is on the highest accessible
level of  the village, so just keep going up where possible, then
take a look around.)

When you  do locate  the Elevator,  click the 'use' cursor on its
left-hand Door  and you  will enter  the shaft.  Now click at the
bottom of  the ladder and you will descend into the screen below.
Go down  through a  further three screens to the point where your
passage downwards  is blocked  by think ice.  Now select the Gun-
Powder Pouch  from your inventory and click this on the ice, then
do the  same with  the remaining  Oil Lamp in your inventory, and
after retiring  to a  safe distance,  you will  smash this on the
ice, igniting the Gun Powder as you do so.

The resulting  blast will  melt away  a section of the ice giving
you passage  through a  door into  the Vampire's lair.  Click the
cursor through this door to enter.

Upon arrival  in the  first room, select the Scrith Key from your
inventory and  click this  on the  closed Door to the right. When
that is  unlocked, select  the Alcohol  Flask from your inventory
and click  this on the Tanner's Face Mask also in your inventory.
Now select  the newely-flavoured  Face Mask,  click  it  on  your
character, and  you will  put it  on, masking  the odour  of  the
Vampires.   You are  now ready  to continue  into the caverns, so
click the  cursor through  the Door  to the  right and  you  will

The following  section of  the game  is a  large  maze  of  pipe-
encrusted rooms  in which  a total of 18 Vampires roam.  You must
shoot all  of these  Vampires with  your Sonic Stunner before you
will be  allowed to  continue to  the next part of the game. Some
Vampires will die after one hit from the Stunner, but with others
you will have to hit them three times before they die.

Follow my  directions as outlined below and you will successfully
complete this  maze.   R means Right, L, left, U, up a ladder, D,
down a  ladder, F, through a Doorway in the far wall  (thus, away
from you),  B, through  a Doorway in the near wall  (thus towards
you).   Those places  in the  directions where  I write 'Vampire'
indicate that  there will  be a  Vampire in  the _next_ room.  By
telling you  this before  you enter  the room,  it means  you can
ready yourself for the battle which will occur in a moment.

In case  you don't  realise, to  shoot, select  the Sonic Stunner
from  your inventory, then click this on the Vampire in question.
My directions  will be  in two  sections  because  some  distance
through the  maze you  will come  upon a  room where some special
instructions  are  needed.    I  make  no  guarantees  about  the
effectiveness of  these directions,  by the  way.   Although I am
almost certain  that they  will take  you successfully  along one
possible route  through the  maze, I  am also almost certain that
there are  quicker routes  and possibly even safer routes through
the maze which you may wish to investigate yourself.


If you're sitting comfortably, then I will begin :-

R, U, L, F, Vampire, R, Vampire, R, R, U, R, D, R, F, D, L, F, R,
F, U, B, U, Vampire, L, Vampire, L, L, D, F, D, Vampire, L, L, U,
U, R,  B, D, B, R, D, Vampire, L, Vampire L, L, U, F, U, R, B, L,
B, B, R, Vampire, R, Vampire, R, L, F, Vampire, L, B, L, F, F, R,
Vampire, R,  Vampire, R,  R, D,  R, F,  F, D,  L, B,  Vampire, L,
Vampire, L, R, R, F, U, U, Vampire, R, L, L.

This final  left move  should take  you into  a room with a large
number of  scrolls lying  on shelves  on the  back wall, together
with a  Containment Field  protecting a  cubic  Gem  from  prying
fingers in the middle of the floor!  First click the 'use' cursor
on the  scrolls and  you will  take a couple of them, then on the
keypad beneath  the Containment  Field in the foreground.  On the
close-up of  the Keypad you will see 16 Buttons.  Starting on the
top row,  click each  Button once, and only once, going from left
to right,  top to  bottom.  When you have made the 16 clicks, all
the buttons should be red and the Containment Field will disperse
leaving you free to then click the 'use' cursor on the cubic Gem.
When you  have both  the Scrolls  and the Gem, continue following
the directions as listed below :-

R, D, D, R, U, B, B, L, U, L, L, L, F, L, D, B, D, R, R, R, U, L,
F, U, F, L, D, D, R, R, U, B, U, R, R, R, D, F, D, B, L, B, R, U,
B, L,  U, L,  D, L,  L, L, B, R, D, R, F, R, Vampire, R, B, L, U,
Vampire, L, R, D, R, F, L, L, L, Vampire, L, R, B, L, L, L.

You should  now find  yourself back  in the room where you had to
unlock the  door with  the Scrith  Key earlier.   If you have not
been allowed  into this  room it means you have missed a Vampire,
so you  will have  to go  all the  way back  and kill  it!    If,
however, you are allowed in, it means you have completed the maze
successfully and  can now  head back to Astor Parisha to give her
the good  news.   (If you  are not in the room I mention, go left
once more and then you should be.)

When you  have completed the maze, click back through the door to
enter the  Elevator shaft,  then climb  back  up  the  ladder  by
clicking at  the top  of the screen.  Go up a further two screens
until you  reach the  level with the door.  When you reach there,
click the  'use' cursor  on the  small red Button by the Door and
you will climb back onto the Spill Mountainside.

Now it  is time to find Astor Parisha again.  To do this, go left
through four  screen and  descend down  the Bridge.  Now go right
four times  and enter  the room  there.  Once inside, select the
scrolls from  your inventory,  and click  these on  Astor.   Now
select the  Sapphire-Blue Gem  Cube and  click this  on Astor  as
well.  She will not take this objects; just tell you about it.

You have  now completed  all the  tasks Seeker can do, and now he
will have to wait to be picked up later.  In order that he can be
picked up he will need to wait at the Balloon Launching Pad where
Quinn took off from earlier.  To get to there, leave the room the
way you went entered it, go left one screen, down the Steps, left
two screens,  down the Bridge, right two screens, down the Steps,
and right  three further  screens.  Now walk right, as far as you
can, so you are standing right on the edge of the platform.  This
is vital for the continuation of Miranda's story.

Now switch to Miranda.


Once you  have eaten the food and stood back up from the bed, you
will recover  control of  the proceedings.   You  must now escape
from this  cell, and the way to do this is to kill the guard when
he enters  to reclaim  your tray.   Unfortunately you do not have
any weapons,  so this  isn't as  easy as  it sounds.  Instead you
must be a little more ingenious!

First of  all, click  the 'use'  cursor on the empty Tray and the
Pillow to  collect them,  then on  the light  above the Toilet to
take out  the bulb.   Now select the Pillow and click this on the
toilet to block it, then select the length of Superconductor Wire
from your inventory and click this into the now-empty light shade
to divert  the electricity  from this.   Finally, select the tray
from your  inventory and click this on the pillow, then click the
'use' cursor on the Toilet Flusher and the trap will be set!

The guard  should now  return to collect the tray.  As he goes to
pick it  up he  will make  contact with  the water  and  will  be
electrocuted!  Now to make a getaway through the gate he has left
open.   Quickly click  the cursor  beyond the  Gate to  enter the

Now click  the 'walk'  icon at the left-hand end of your view and
as you  walk along you will see that the view scrolls to reveal a
'normal' Door just right of some Security Beams.  Click the 'use'
cursor on this Door and you will enter the Guard's Station.  Take
a look  on the  floor near  the top  of your  view, just  left of
centre.   There you  will see a Guard's Toolbox.  Click the 'use'
cursor on  this and you will automatically approach it and take a
Laser Hacksaw  from inside.   This  is no  longer a safe place to
stay,   so go  back out of the Office the way to came, go back to
the right, and re-enter your cell.

Once back  in the  relative safety of your cell, select the Laser
Hacksaw from your inventory and click this on Air Vent Grate just
to the  right of  your bed.  You will automatically climb up into
the Vent Shaft.

The next  section of  the game  is also  a maze of sorts, but one
where the  emphasis is  on  puzzles  rather  that  complex  path-
finding.   The puzzles involve the disabling of Anti-Pest Lasers,
one of  which is  situated directly  to your  right, set  in  the
right-hand wall.   Click  the 'use' cursor on this you will see a
close-up of  a bare  panel with  three red  Jumpers on  it.

By clicking on the Jumpers with the 'use' icon, you can move them
around into  different patterns.   You have to set the Jumpers to
the correct  pattern   (combination)    (there  are  12  possible
combinations in  all),  and  then  the  Laser  will  be  disabled
allowing you  to pass  past it.   Some  of the Lasers in the Vent
System have no combination and are put there simply to block your
passage in that direction.

Compare the  pattern of  this first  Laser to the one drawn below
and make  changes where necessary to make it match.  It will then
be disabled :-


      o-----o     o

When you have set the Laser to this combination you will be ready
continue.   Now select  the 'walk'  icon and  click this  at  the
right-hand end of the tunnel, past the Laser.  Miranda will crawl
along.   Keep clicking to the right of Miranda, and she kill keep
crawling forwards.   Stop  when you come across a junction to the
left.  Go left here and continue north.  When you get to the next
junction, go right and continue forward again until you reach the
next Anti-Pest  Laser.   Now click  the 'use'  cursor on  this to
bring up  the close-up, and set the Jumpers as follows to disable
it :-

      o     o     o

Continue past  the Laser,  then go  left round  the corner.    Go
forward a  few more  steps, then take the passage to the right at
the next  junction.    Now continue going forward again until you
get blocked  by another Laser.   Click the 'use' icon on this and
set the pattern as below :-

      o     o-----o
      |     |
      |     |
      o     o     o

Almost directly  past the  Laser is another Air Vent Grate set in
the right-hand wall of the tunnel.  Move so you are lying next to
this Grill,  then click  the 'eye'  cursor on  it.  The view will
change to  a POV through the bars, and you will see a short scene
with Dr.  Tomko talking  to a  Lab  Assistant.    When  this  has
finished and  you return  to the  tunnel view,  click  the  'eye'
cursor on  the Vent  in exactly  the same way again, and you will
get another  scene.   Do it a third time and on this occasion you
will see  the two characters leaving.  A fourth time will confirm
that the  coast is  clear.   This is your chance.  Quickly select
the 'use' cursor and click this on the grill.

Once inside  the Lab,  click the  'use' cursor on the Door to the
right and you will enter the Anatomy Laboratory.  Click the 'use'
cursor on  any of  the covered bodies, and you will automatically
walk over  to investigate one of them.  Now click the same cursor
on the  computer against  the back wall, and some the Ghouls will
come alive  and begin  to chase  you.   At this  point  you  lose
control of  the  game  as  a  long  automatic  scene  rolls  into

Read through  the conversation which takes place on the Ice Shelf
back at  the Spill  Mountains between  Seeker, Miranda, Quinn and
the Puppet.   When  it is complete you will automatically fly the
ARM's ship  into the  Flup Tube  system.  This is another maze in
which you can see where you're going by watching the big overhead
display at  the bottom-right  hand corner of your view.  The grey
bar is  an Acceleration Slider and obviously the four red Buttons
are directional controls.

Slide the  Acceleration Slider from the top speed which it begins
at, to  minimum speed  (the next step up from stopped).  Now make
your way  through the  tunnels at  this leisurely speed using the
following directions,  and you will eventually reach another exit
from the Tubes :-

Past Three Lefts, L, Past One Left, R, L, L, Past One R, R, L, L,
R, Past Three Rights, L, L, R, R, L, Past One Right and One Left,
R, L, L Past One Right, R, R.

When you  reach the  exit, your ship will emerge from the sea bed
and automatically  enter Teal's lair  -  a futuristic water city.
When you  regain control of the action, click the 'use' cursor on
the Door at the far end of the corridor and you will walk through
to the  next room.   Now  do the  same there  and you  will  walk
through to  the Circular  Outer Hallway.   Once  there, click the
cursor to  our character's  lefts so  they walk  left, around the
perimeter of  the Hallway  and into  the next  screen, where  you
should do  the same again so you enter the screen with the double
doors leading into the Circular inner Hallway.

Click the  'use' cursor  on the  double doors,  and sit  back and
watch the  plot take  its final  few twists.   You  have only one
remaining action  to do:   when  the ghoul  has killed  Teal  and
approaches you,  click the  walk icon  into the  white beam which
appears and you will be transported away to...?