UMS: The Universal Military Simulator manual
- UMS: The Universal Military Simulator
- manual
Software Presents Part 1 of the UMS Docs
Thanks once again to DR.J (U.S.A.)
By Rainbird Software
Originally, the "Universal Military Simulator" was just the working title
for a very unusual piece of software. That was about 15,000 lines of
computer code ago.
Simply put, the program you just purchased will simulate a conflict between
any two opposing forces, from history or fantasy, displayed on a three
dimensional battlefield that can be viewed from any perspective, while you
zoom in on the action, command the smallest unit and change any variable.
Of course there's more. The Design Map section will help you create three
dimensional maps of anything you wish: battlefields, D & D worlds, castles
or maps for reports. If you're out of ideas UMS will even randomly generate
maps for you.
The Create Army section will allow you to design armies of any description.
The Universal Military Simulator comes with 18 pre-defined unit types, from
charioteers to armored cavalry. If that isn't enough you can create
"wildcard units" with the characteristics you wish.
The Create Scenario function will help you put any two armies together on
any battlefield. Literally, any two armies. It is possible, for example.
to simulate a conflict between Alexander and Napoleon with their respective
troops on the fields of Gettysburg. Again, your imagination is the only
UMS also possesses a unique Artificial Intelligence that "perceives"
opposing armies as geometric shapes and interconnecting lines of force while
individual fighting units are maneuvered as a cohesive army striving towards
a common goal. Furthermore the 14 actual variables evaluated by UMS to
resolve combat may be viewed by the user after all hostile contacts thereby
eliminating "the fog of war" that other wargames hide behind.
Over seven years in the making, the Universal Military Simulator is as
revolutionary as it is evolutionary. UMS will certainly be the standard
that all wargames are measured by for many years to come.
The Universal Military Simulator consists of four sections that help the
user create new maps, design armies, create new battle scenarios and run
battle simulations. These sections are accessed from the main menu that
first appears after running the program. To select a section, position the
arrow cursor over the desired box and click the left mouse button once.
To terminate the program select QUIT. You will be returned to the GEM
desktop. To create new armies, or to edit an army that has been previously
saved to disk, select DESIGN ARMY. The Universal Military Simulator
contains a powerful three-dimensional typographical design tool that is
accessed by selecting DESIGN MAP. This function is not limited to creating
battlefields, but may be used to design maps of all kinds including fantasy
worlds from role-playing games and computer text adventures. CREATE
SCENARIO allows the user to place two armies from any time period together
on a field of battle. There are virtually no restrictions and the
combinations are nearly infinite. Selecting RUN SIMULATION allows the user
to participate as the Universal Military Simulator's Artificial Intelligence
routines supervise the conflict. The user may play against the program,
against another human opponent, or even influence the computer's decisions
while viewing the battlefield in complete 3-D.
The Universal Military Simulator disk contains five battle simulations.
They are: ARBELA, the battle that decided the conquest of Asia Minor, fought
in 331 B.C. between Alexander the Great and Darius of Persia; HASTINGS, the
great clash of the Medieval Ages between two claimants to the English throne
in 1066; MARSTON MOOR where Oliver Cromwell saved the young Parliament's
Army; WATERLOO, the last card played from the Emperor Napoleon's hand and
GETTYSBURG, where General Robert E. Lee's Confederate Army of Northern
Virginia reached their highwater mark under the summer Pennsylvanian skies
of 1863. To select a scenario click the left mouse button once over the
desired simulation.
Other scenarios from Universal Military Simulator Scenario Disks, or user
created scenarios, may be read from disk by selecting the READ SCENARIO FROM
DISK option. After clicking the left mouse button once over this option a
dialog box will appear requesting that the user specify a disk drive by
clicking the left mouse button once over the appropriate drive box. Two
floppy disks and two hard drives are supported. Double click the left mouse
button over the desired file. Selecting CANCEL returns to the last menu.
The Universal Military Simulator take full advantage of the GEM capabilities
of the Atari ST. The battlefield window contains drop-down menus (discussed
in detail in the following pages), a close box located in the upper lefthand
corner of the window, and dialog boxes that appear throughout the simulation
to receive user input. At the bottom of the window two status lines are
displayed that indicate the current three-dimensional perspective, the
current simulation time (in military time) and the present 'active army' or
side that is currently capable of receiving commands and firing weapons.
Clicking the left mouse button once inside the close box will end the
simulation after the program has confirmed the user's intentions.
The RUN SIMULATION section is divided into two phases: the ISSUE COMMAND
PHASE in which orders are given by the user to all desired units of both
armies and which is terminated by selecting END COMMAND PHASE from the drop-
down menu or by pressing the letter Q on the keyboard; and the MOVEMENT/
BATTLE PHASE. At the end of the COMMAND PHASE the user is requested,
through a series of dialog boxes, to select the desired computer battle
logic. (For more information see the Battle Logic section in this chapter.)
The MOVEMENT/BATTLE phase is divided into eight equal segments. Selecting
NEXT SEGMENT from the drop-down menus, or pressing the letter N on the
keyboard will advance the scenario time and update the battlefield. After
the MOVEMENT/BATTLE phase is completed the COMMAND PHASE is repeated.
Located at the top of the battlefield GEM window are six drop-down menus.
All functions of the Universal Military Simulator may be accessed through
these menus. Many functions may also be activated by a corresponding
keystroke. The left most menu, FILENAMES, when selected, displays the
actual filenames used for storing the maps, scenario and armies for the
current simulation. This information is quite helpful when editing a
scenario. Three-dimensional viewing perspective is controlled by the drop-
down menus underneath NORMAL and ZOOM IN. Moving the mouse over any of the
titles above the window will cause the drop down menu to appear. Clicking
the left mouse button over a highlighted item will cause the map to be
redrawn within the battlefield window from the perspective selected.
Selecting NORTH, for example, will create a map drawn from the point of view
of someone south of the battlefield looking North. Selecting a perspective
from the ZOOM IN menu will draw a map with a corresponding close in aerial
The EXTREME ZOOM IN menu controls highly magnified viewing of a selected
areas. Selecting the item EXTREME ZOOM IN under the menu heading will
create a flashing 10 grid point by 10 grid point box. (Color monitors will
also show woods and unit directions arrows in reverse.) This flashing
square is under the control of the mouse. Any directional change of the
mouse will be immediately copied by the flashing grid. Clicking the left
mouse button will cause the map area beneath the grid to be greatly
magnified. Clicking the right mouse button will cancel this function and
restore the map. After EXTREME ZOOM IN has been activated the enlarged area
may be scrolled by either selecting the desired direction from the drop-down
menu or by pressing the four cursor arrow keys on th right hand side of the
keyboard. Pressing and holding an arrow key will cause the screen to scroll
continuously in indicated direction until the border of the map is
encountered. (IMPORTANT: to avoid confusion only movement arrows that begin
and end within the zoomed in area are displayed.) AUTOMATIC ZOOM works like
a toggle switch and may be turned on or off. When AUTOMATIC ZOOM is enabled
the computer will automatically zoom in on any important activity on the
battlefield during the simulation. A check mark (tick) indicates that the
function is on.
The BATTLE menu contains many of the functions required to fully utilize the
Universal Military Simulator. Selecting ISSUE COMMANDS TO UNITS either from
the drop-down menu or by pressing the space bar on the keyboard will allow
the user to give specific commands to each unit on the battlefield. This
function is discussed in complete detail in the following pages. SWITCH
SIDES is used in conjunction with ISSUE COMMANDS to select which army is
currently active or capable of receiving commands. This 'active' side is
shown in the display at the bottom of the battlefield window. SWITCH SIDES
is also used in conjunction with FIRE RANGED WEAPONS to select firing
targets. Again, the 'active', or firing, army is displayed at the bottom of
the window. Selecting END COMMAND PHASE, either from the menu or by
pressing Q on the keyboard signals the program that the user has moved all
desired units. See the Battle Logic section in this chapter for complete
information. The FIRE RANGED WEAPONS function (which becomes operational
after selecting the END COMMAND PHASE) allows the user to fire units with
long range capabilities. This is discussed later in this chapter under
Combat. The SAVE SIMULATION function is activated from either the drop-down
menu or by pressing the letter S from the keyboard. After entering the
desired filename, select the drive for storage by clicking the left mouse
button over the appropriate letter box. To restore a saved simulation use
the READ FROM DISK option on the previous menu. All simulation files end
with the .SIM extension.
A hard copy print out of the battlefield window may be obtained by selecting
PRINT MAP from the drop-down menu or by pressing P on the keyboard. The
Universal Military Simulator supports both the Atari 1280 line format or
Epson 960 dots per inch format. Select the desired format by clicking the
left mouse button over the appropriate box. The user may also add one line
of text at the top of the printout.
After hard copy printout has been 'formatted' using this function,
additional screen prints may be made at any time throughout the program by
pressing the ALT and HELP keys simultaneously. The ORDER OF BATTLE command
will display all units currently within an army. If the display continues
for more that one screen, pressing the left mouse button will show the next
page of units; pressing the right mouse button will cancel the display and
return the user to the simulation.
The DISPLAY OPTIONS MENU allows the user to control the features that are
displayed on the battlefield map. The options are 'toggle switches' and may
be turned either on or off. A check mark indicates that the option is
active. The options are: BATTLE MARKERS, which indicate points where
hostile contact between units has occured, MOVEMENT ARROWS, which indicate
the future movement of all units, TOWNS & LANDMARKS that mark points of
interest on the battlefield, WHITE FLAGS and BLACK FLAGS which will hide
from view one or both armies, and FAST DISPLAY MODE. When FAST DISPLAY MODE
has been toggled on, the Universal Military Simulator will only briefly
display contact between hostile units and computer-controlled long range
fire. This considerably speeds up the viewing time of a simulation. For
more information see the section on Combat later in this chapter.
Selecting DEMONSTRATION MODE instructs the Universal Military Simulator to
take over all army command functions and viewing perspectives. To activate
DEMONSTRATION MODE press the CONTROL key and the letter D on the keyboard
simultaneously. A warning box will appear to confirm this choice.
DEMONSTRATION MODE can be activated at any time during any simulation,
including user-designed simulations. The five simulations that come with
the Universal Military Simulator, however, will automatically receive
special instructions to recreate the actual battles. These battles will
follow the guidelines as described in Appendix A.
All units participating in a scenario may be given specific commands that
control the unit's movement and status. The ISSUE COMMANDS function is
activated either from the drop-down menu or by pressing the keyboard space
bar. After selecting this option the COMMAND BOX appears and the active
unit's vital information is displayed along the left hand side of the
battlefield window. A copy of the unit's flag is also displayed surrounded
by the eight compass directions. If AUTOMATIC ZOOM has previously been
selected the area immediately around the active unit will be enlarged. To
move a unit either click the left mouse button over the desired compass
direction box or position the mouse cross-hairs over the intersection point
on the map. Units move from adjacent point to another. To scroll the map
(when in EXTREME ZOOM) click the left mouse button over the appropriate
arrow key in the lower right hand corner of the battlefield window. NEXT
UNIT and LAST UNIT will de-activate the current unit and activate another
unit for commands. Pressing the right mouse button will also advance to the
next unit. QUIT erases the COMMAND BOX. If AUTOMATIC ZOOM has previously
been selected the map will be redrawn to that last full perspective
A unit may also be ordered to assume one of the following statuses: MANEUVER
(which allows for maximum movement but leaves the unit vulnerable to attack
and defense), ATTACK (which reduces a unit's mobility but greatly increases
its value in battle), DEFEND (which halts all further movement by the unit
but increases the unit's ability to withstand attack), and RESERVE (the unit
may not move, and is vulnerable to attack; however the unit's morale factor
will be increased after one full eight segment movement phase).
To access the Universal Simulator's Battle Logic, select END COMMAND PHASE
after all desired units and commands have been made. The Universal Military
Simulator may be instructed to assume command of either one or both armies
or run in a 'supervisory' mode and simply referee the simulation and decide
the outcome of contact between hostile units. The first dialog box that
appears after selecting END COMMAND PHASE requests that the user assign
commanders for both the black and white armies. If both armies are placed
under HUMAN COMMAND the Universal Military Simulator will not request any
further information and will activate the MOVEMENT PHASE. Selecting either
NEXT SEGMENT from the drop-down menu or pressing the letter N on the
keyboard will 'step' the units on the battlefield to their ordered positions
and increase the time appropriately.
If, however, either army is placed under COMPUTER CONTROL the Universal
Military Simulator will display a series of dialog boxes requesting specific
instructions, or limitations, for the command of those forces. The BATTLE
LOGIC dialog box is now displayed. Any one of the following options may be
selected: ALLOW COMPUTER TO DECIDE STRATEGY (the computer will make the
decision to attack or defend after analyzing over 10 factors per unit in
both armies), FORCE COMPUTER TO ATTACK (the computer will decide and execute
the attack with the greatest probability of success), FORCE COMPUTER TO
DEFEND (the computer will not attack but will assume the defensive, and, if
possible, move units to a more secure position), LEFT FLANK, RIGHT FLANK,
ATTACK IN CENTER and DOUBLE ENVELOPMENT require the Universal Military
Simulator to execute the desired attack plan. LEFT FLANK and RIGHT FLANK
attacks may also be supported by the opposite half if the army. Dialog
boxes are displayed to receive user input.
Click the left mouse button over CONTINUE, or press RETURN on the keyboard,
to continue. CANCEL de-activates the BATTLE LOGIC and allows the user to
give orders to units. IMPORTANT: The Universal Military Simulator's Battle
Logic will not move units that have already received commands from the user.
This allows for the movement of some specific units while the rest will
receive computer orders.
Combat occurs during the MOVEMENT PHASE when units from opposing armies
move onto adjacent points. Some units have long range weapons (artillery,
armor and archers, for example) and can enter into combat at greater
distances. See the Fire Ranged Weapons section in this chapter for details.
When combat occurs the two opposing units flash. If AUTOMATIC ZOOM has
previously been selected the area immediately surrounding the combat will be
greatly enlarged. If FAST DISPLAY MODE had previously been selected the
units will flash 20 times and the results of combat calculated. No combat
results will be displayed, however, and the Universal Military Simulator
will continue moving units and updating the battlefield map as previous.
If FAST DISPLAY MODE had not been previously selected the two hostile units
will continue to flash until the right mouse button is pressed. The vital
statistics of each unit and the combat results are now displayed on the
screen. Clicking the left mouse button in SEE EQUATION box will display the
values and equation used by the Universal Military Simulator to determine
this particular combat result. Starting with the original unit strength,
eight different modifiers are evaluated. NOTE: A retreat path is calculated
for the losing unit, and displayed.
The FIRE RANGED WEAPONS routine is activated from either the drop-down menu
or by pressing F on the keyboard. It is only active during the
Universal Military Simulator will make all Ranged Weapon firing decisions.
The army capable of receiving firing instructions is indicated in the
display at the bottom of the battlefield window. The active army may be
changed by selecting SWITCH SIDES from the drop-down menu. If AUTOMATIC
ZOOM has previously been selected, the area directly surrounding the active
unit will be greatly magnified. IMPORTANT: do not use the AUTOMATIC ZOOM
function when issuing firing orders to units with a firing range of greater
than five; it may be impossible to select the desired targets.
The FIRE RANGED WEAPONS box is now displayed. Clicking the left mouse
button over the NEXT UNIT or LAST UNIT will de-activate the current unit and
activate the next appropriate unit in the army. Only units capable or
ranged weapon fire will be activated. To select a target, locate the mouse
cross-hairs over the grid-point where the enemy unit is located and press
the left mouse button. An arrow is drawn and the results are displayed at
the bottom of the screen. This function may be repeated until all units
under HUMAN CONTROL have fired. A unit may fire only once per movement
segment, or a total of eight times per MOVEMENT/BATTLE PHASE.
screen is displayed showing an updated casualty and battle report. After
clicking the left mouse button in the CONTINUE box a message is displayed
indicating that the COMMAND PHASE is again active. When the simulation has
reached the previously designated end time, or when all units from either
army have been eliminated, the FINAL BATTLE ANALYSIS screen is displayed. A
hard copy of all units, from both armies and the last unit strengths may be
printed if desired. The user may return to the Battlefield Window or to the
MAIN MENU by clicking the left mouse button over the desired box.
The UNIT SELECTION MENU is displayed after selecting the DESIGN ARMY option
from the MAIN MENU and either selecting an old army to edit or entering a
new army name and pressing RETURN. Clicking the left mouse button over
CANCEL will return the user to the MAIN MENU. This section of the Universal
Military Simulator allows the user to create new armies for use in
simulations, or to modify existing armies. Selecting QUIT from the UNIT
SELECTION MENU will return the user to the MAIN MENU. A previously created
army may be loaded and edited by clicking the left mouse button over the
LOAD box. The user is requested to select a drive. The Universal Military
Simulator supports two floppy disk drives and two hard drives. Double click
the left mouse button over the desired filename. Selecting CANCEL will
return the user to the UNIT SELECTION MENU. To save an army to disk click
the left mouse button over the SAVE box. Enter the filename and click the
left mouse button over the desired drive. All Universal Military Simulator
filenames end with the .ARM file extension. Selecting CANCEL will return
the user to the UNIT SELECTION MENU without saving the army file to disk.
To enter a new unit to an army click the left mouse button over the desire
The Universal Military simulator stores a great deal of data on each unit
used in a simulation. Some items (morale, status, location, marching
orders) are acquired during a simulation, or at the time the scenario is
created (see the chapter on Creating a Scenario for details). The rest is
entered at the time that the unit is created.
Enter all items requested at this time. To change a unit's efficiency click
the left mouse button over the box containing the desired rating. Click the
left mouse button over CANCEL to return to the UNIT SELECTION MENU without
saving the unit. To advance to the next line press either TAB or position
the mouse cursor over the desired line and click the left mouse button once.
After all data has been entered, click the left mouse button over CONTINUE.
If the user has neglected to enter all necessary data the Universal Military
Simulator will display a gentle error message and return to this screen.
The entire army's ORDER OF BATTLE is now displayed. If there are more units
within the army than can be displayed on one screen, pressing the left mouse
button will continue to the next screen. Pressing the right mouse button
will cancel the display and return to the UNIT SELECTION MENU.
An army's ORDER OF BATTLE is a graphic depiction of each unit within that
army and the accompanying vital statistics. The ORDER OF BATTLE function
may be activated from the drop-down menu in the BATTLEFIELD WINDOW, from the
UNIT SELECTION MENU or automatically after a unit has been created.
Pressing the left mouse button will continue the display; pressing the right
mouse button will cancel the display and return to the previous activity.
The ORDER OF BATTLE is continuously updated during a simulation and reflects
the current unit strengths.
Selecting EDIT UNIT from the UNIT SELECTION MENU allows the user to change
the vital statistics of a previously created unit. Clicking the left mouse
button over the NEXT UNIT or LAST UNIT boxes will de-activate the current
unit and replace it with the requested unit. Selecting CANCEL will return
to the SELECT UNIT MENU. A unit may be removed from the army's ORDER OF
BATTLE by clicking the left mouse button in the DELETE UNIT box. The
Universal Military simulator will request confirmation before removing the
unit. Unless the deleted unit had been previously stored to disk it will
now be irretrievably lost. Click the left mouse button over EDIT UNIT to
change any of the vital statistics. The window will now display all current
statistics of the unit and they may be edited using the method described on
the previous page. Selecting CANCEL will return the user to the previous
menu without storing any edited statistics. Select CONTINUE to keep the
data for the edited unit.
An army may contain up to six 'wildcard' or user-defined units in addition
to the 18 pre-defined units. A wildcard unit may be any type that the user
needs or can invent. A wildcard unit may be defined, for example, as a
squadron of B-52 bombers, a wizard, or an air cavalry company. The only
limitations to a wildcard unit is the user's imagination.
A wildcard is selected from the UNIT SELECTION MENU in the normal manner by
clicking the left mouse button over the desired unit. Enter the UNIT TYPE
data from the keyboard. To enter the UNIT VALUE data either press TAB or
click the left mouse button over the field. The UNIT VALUE is a rating of
the firepower of this unit type. Some of the default unit values are:
Unit Type Unit Value
Light Infantry .75
Heavy Infantry 1.0
Archers 2.75
Knights 4.5
Armor 15.5
Once a wildcard's values have been defined, all subsequent units of this
type will automatically acquire them. It is only necessary to define a
wildcard's values once.
Each army may have six different wildcards; consequently a scenario may
contain 12 wildcards (six wildcards each from two armies). An army may be
created entirely from wildcards.
The Universal Military Simulator contains a powerful three-dimensional
mapping utility that is accessed from the MAIN MENU by clicking the left
mouse button over the DESIGN MAP box. The user may create virtually any map
from history, fiction, adventure or fantasy. These maps may be used as a
battlefield within the universal Military Simulator and role-playing
The filename of the map currently being designed is displayed near the top
of the window. Clicking the left mouse button in the upper left hand corner
CLOSE BOX will end the map designing function. The current three-
dimensional perspective is displayed at the bottom of the window. A series
of drop-down menus are at the top of the window and are activated by moving
the mouse cursor over the titles and clicking the left mouse button over the
desired item. Many of the drop-down menu functions may also be activated by
an appropriate keypress.
Clicking the left mouse button over the NEW MAP item will erase the current
map. The filename displayed at the top of the window will be the default
NEW MAP. All Universal Military Simulator map files end with the extension
.MAP. Sixteen different perspectives amy be selected with the options
underneath the NORMAL and ZOOM IN titles. Selecting Northeast, for example,
will cause the map to be redrawn from the viewer perspective of someone
southwest of the map looking northeast. Selecting EXTREME ZOOM will cause a
flashing 10 grid point by 10 grid point box that is controlled by the
movement of the mouse. Pressing the left mouse button will cause the
highlighted area to be greatly magnified. Pressing the right mouse button
will cancel the EXTREME ZOOM function. Selecting PRINT or pressing the
letter P on the keyboard allows the user to obtain a hard copy printout of
the current map and perspective. The Universal Military Simulator supports
both the Atari 1280 D.P.I printer and the Epson standard of 960 D.P.I.
Select the desired format by clicking the left mouse button over the
appropriate box. The user may also add one line of text at the top of the
printout. After hard copy printout has been 'formatted' using this
function, additional screen prints may be made at any time throughout the
program by pressing the ALT and HELP keys simultaneously. A previously
created map that has been stored to disk may be edited by using the LOAD MAP
function selected from either the drop-down menu or by pressing the letter L
on the keyboard. A map may be stored on disk by selecting SAVE MAP from the
menu or pressing S on the keyboard. both functions support two floppy disk
drives and two hard drives. Selecting CANCEL during either function will
return the user to the MAP DESIGN WINDOW.
The topographical menu is displayed after a map grid point has been
selected. The active map grid point is highlighted by a three-dimensional
cube. A large section of the map can be activated by clicking and dragging
the mouse from one grid point to another.
All topographical features can be PLACED or CLEARED. Click the left mouse
button over the desired window. All highlighted grid points will receive
the selected landscape feature.
When entering a landmark, click the left mouse button over the text line of
the desired landmark type, enter text and press RETURN when done.
Random maps can be generated by selecting this function from the drop-down
menu. Hills, Ridges, Depressions and Forests can all be computer generated.
For each item either enter a minimum and maximum number of select RANDOM for
a completely random number of features. CLUMPING controls the way that the
features appear on the map. A very low number will create a scattered
pattern, higher numbers create a more ordered landscape. The default value
is three. Calculating time is proportional to the complexity of the map.
If OVERLAY is off (default) the old map is erased before a new one is
generated. When OVERPLAY is on (highlighted) the old map is not destroyed,
but overlayed with a new random map.
The Landmarks, Cities and Towns menu is reached from the Topographical Menu.
To select the desired landmark type, click the left mouse button to the left
of the desired landmark inside the editable text field. Use the keyboard to
enter any seven letter name and press RETURN when done. Landmarks have no
importance other than a historical one during a battle simulation. A map
may contain 30 different landmarks.
Scenarios are created, or edited, by assigning the unit displayed in the
upper left hand box to a map grid point location. This location is selected
by clicking the left mouse button over a map grid point. A message above
the box indicates whether this unit currently has a location on the map.
The unit in the box may be changed by either pressing the right mouse
button, selecting NEXT UNIT or LAST UNIT from the drop-down menu or by
pressing the keyboard letters N or L.
Perspective may be changed selecting the desired view from either the NORMAL
or ZOOM IN menus. Selecting EXTREME ZOOM IN will cause a flashing 10 x 10
grid on the map that is controlled by the mouse. Pressing the left mouse
button will greatly enlarge the area underneath the flashing box; pressing
the right mouse button will cancel this function.
Select SAVE SIMULATION or press the letter S on the keyboard to save a
simulation to disk. Enter the filename (the .SIM extension will be added
for you) and click the left mouse button over the desired disk drive.
Selecting CANCEL will end this function without saving to disk. The
Simulation Time and the Long Ranged Weapon data may be edited by selecting
EDIT TIME/RANGES from the drop-down menu.
Click the left mouse button in the CLOSE BOX in the upper left hand corner
to end this function.
The starting time of the simulation, end time, the length of segments, and
the message that appears at the top of the Battlefield Window are entered by
clicking the left mouse button over the appropriate text field and entering
the data from the keyboard. Pressing ESC clears the line; TAB advances to
the next line. If an old simulation is being edited, the current
information is displayed in the text field. Click the left mouse button
over CONTINUE when done.
A gentle reminder will be displayed if the fields are incorrectly entered or
left blank and the user will be returned to this menu to correct the data.
Some units may possess long range weapons capability (they are able to fire
at units that are not on adjacent grid points). These units are Archers,
Catapults, Field Artillery, Horse Artillery, Armor, or Wildcard Units. To
enter a range click the left mouse button over the desired text field, press
BACKSPACE if necessary, and enter the data. If a wildcard unit had been
previously defined, its type will also be displayed. The maximum effective
range is 50 grid points.
To accurately recreate the battle of Arbela, place the White Army (Darius)
under Computer Control and select FORCE COMPUTER TO DEFEND. Place the Black
Army (Alexander) under Computer Control and select RIGHT FLANK ATTACK with
the SUPPORT WITH LEFT FLANK option. This is necessary because Alexander's
forces are outnumbered by almost a two to one margin and The Universal
Military Simulator's Battle Logic will not attack at such odds. After about
two hours of simulation time have elapsed switch the White Army to ALLOW
COMPUTER TO DECIDE STRATEGY. A general melee will ensue now (both sides
completely controlled by the Universal Military Simulator) that quite
accurately reflects that fateful day in 331 B.C. Best viewing perspectives:
For the first hour or two of simulation time select NORTHWEST ZOOM IN or
NORTHEAST ZOOM IN and turn off the AUTOMATIC ZOOM function. It is also
advisable to put the Universal Military simulator in FAST MODE. Within the
first three hours of combat over 125 individual battle will erupt and
watching them all in detail can become a bit tiring.
Place both armies under complete computer control by selecting ALLOW
COMPUTER TO DECIDE STRATEGY and step back to 1066. The best viewing
perspective for the first two or three simulation hours is NORTHEAST ZOOM
IN. Remember it is quite possible for the Normans (Black Army) to utterly
destroy the defending Saxons on the hill and only achieve a marginal victory
(the type of victory is decided on a comparison of the percentage of
casualties for both armies - if the Normans suffer many casualties they
could win the battle and still lose the war). The armies have been
accurately recreated. To even up the play-balance (at the expense of
historical accuracy) use the EDIT ARMY function to give the Saxons another
2000 peasants. Then place them in position using the EDIT SCENARIO
Put the White Army (Royalist) under Computer Control and select FORCE
COMPUTER TO DEFEND while the Black Army (Parliament) is ordered to execute a
DOUBLE ENVELOPMENT. All of the Zoom In perspectives offer an excellent
aerial view of the battlefield. To see the Universal Military Simulator's
Battle Logic in action, place both armies in ALLOW COMPUTER TO DECIDE
STRATEGY mode and watch how the Black Army threads its way through the
intervening ditch to attack the Royalist forces.
The Universal Military Simulator is not aware of the Emperor Napoleon's
precarious political position and consequently must be instructed to attack
the seemingly impregnable positions of the Anglo-Allies by placing the Black
Army (French) under Computer Control and selecting FORCE COMPUTER TO ATTACK.
Leave the AUTOMATIC ZOOM on and let the Universal Military Simulator
highlight the action as it develops. To create a more equal play balance -
and to increase Napoleon's chances of winning at Waterloo - use the EDIT
ARMY function to add the French Corps described in Appendix B.
As at Waterloo, the political consequences of victory for the smaller army
greatly outweighed sound strategic thinking. Robert E. Lee and the
Confederate Army must win at Gettysburg even though they are outnumbered by
the Union Army. To recreate Gettysburg, place the Union (White Army) under
Computer Control and select FORCE COMPUTER TO DEFEND. The confederates
should be assigned to FORCE COMPUTER TO ATTACK. There are a number of
exciting perspectives of the Gettysburg battlefield including ZOOM IN NORTH,
ZOOM IN SOUTH, and ZOOM IN NORTHEAST. To increase the Confederate odds of
victory add J.E.B. Stuart's cavalry corps as shown in Appendix B.
Software Presents Part 2 of the UMS Docs
Thanks once again to DR.J (U.S.A.)
1 October 331 B.C.
Alexander - Darius
In 334 B.C. Alexander the Great, son of Philip of Macedon, turned his
victorious horsemen and phalanxes east across the Hellespont and boiled
into Asia Minor to destroy the outposts of the empire of Darius III,
commander of the mightiest army on the face of the earth. Within two years
Alexander had isolated the Persian fleets in the Mediterranean and the
Aegean by capturing all the seaports from present day Turkey to Egypt and
securing his lines of communications back to his base in Macedonia. In the
process Tyre, the home port of the Persian navy, was reduced to rubble
after an extended siege and its inhabitants sold off as slaves. By April,
331 B.C. Alexander, after spurning Darius' peace offer of 10,000 gold
talents ($300 million dollars), all of the Persian Empire west of the
Euphrates and the hand of the princess royale, was prepared to march east
and take it all, anyway.
Darius, with his infantry from Afghanistan, Bokhara, Khiva and Tibet,
Kurdish horsemen, Bactrian cavalry including ancestors of the legendary
Sikh warriors, scythe wheeled chariots and war elephants waited for him on
the plains of Gaugamela, 20 miles from Arbela (about 18 miles northeast of
present day Mosul, Iraq). Persian engineers had meticulously prepared the
ground, leveling it flat to allow the war chariots to strike out unimpeded.
On September 25, Macedonian cavalry on reconnaissance discovered the
position of the great Imperial army. Alexander, knowing that Darius was
waiting for him on prepared ground, called a halt in his eastward march and
made camp to rest his troops. After four days Alexander called his men to
arms and approached the Persian hosts. On the night of September 30/
October 1, Alexander crossed a slight rise that had previously hidden the
two armies from direct observation of each other. There Alexander
conducted a first hand reconnaisance of the ground and mistakenly concluded
that the suspiciously smooth san concealed great pitfalls dug to entrap his
cavalry. He immediately called a council of war.
A number of Alexander's officers voted for a night assault. But Alexander
replied that he, "would not filch a victory and that Alexander must conquer
openly and fairly". It was a wise choice for the army of Darius was wide
awake and waiting for the Macedonian under the cloak of night. Indeed,
while Alexander's men rested for the next day's fight, the Persian army
remained drawn up in line of battle under arms. The dawn would find them
greatly fatigued.
The positions of the forces that faced each other on the Plain of Gaugamela
2318 years ago (1987) are precisely known and accurately portrayed in the
simulation because Darius' own Order of Battle and maps fell into
Macedonian hands after Arbela. These, along with the positions of
Alexander's troops, were copied into the journals of Aristobulus, a
division commander in Alexander's army, and later re-copied by Arrian.
In the center of the Persian lines stood Darius, surrounded by the Royal
Kinsman whose privilege it was to guard the body of the Emperor. Flanking
the Kinsman were the last contingents of Greek mercenaries that had managed
to earlier survive the crushing defeat given them by Alexander at Issus in
333 B.C. In advance were the Royal Squadron supported by Mardian archers.
200 war chariots were spread across the front in three groups and in the
vanguard stood 15 elephants with their handlers and firing platforms. The
flanks were supported by great masses of heavy cavalry while the bulk of
the Persian army was composed of infantry levies from the satropys and
fiefdoms of Darius' empire.
Across the plains Alexander had arrayed his smaller army with particular
care to protect his flanks. With forces inferior in number having to cross
terrain prepared in advance by his enemy, Alexander's greatest fears were
that Darius would overlap his lines, and pour cavalry around his flanks in
a double envelopment while his ponderous war elephants would trample the
famed Macedonian phalanx. To counter this quite likely series of events,
Alexander took a number of precautions: first, he left a mass of Thracian
infantry in the center some distance behind the phalanx (Alexander is
credited with inventing the tactical reserve); second he positioned both
flanks at a 45 degree angle from the main battle line; and lastly, after he
stationed the eight troops of the royal horse-guard with himself on the
right, he removed all chance of a Persian attack by striking first in an
oblique attack on Darius' left flank.
The Macedonian phalanx, composed of six brigades of 3000 men each, started
off with its goal the extreme left flanks of Darius' Bactrian cavalry.
Traveling behind the 18,000 foot-soldiers rode Alexander and his famed
Companions. Darius stared in horror as he realized that Alexander was not
advancing straight ahead as he had planned. Having made no contingency
plans the best Darius was able to improvise was to send his Persian, Daan,
Bactrian and Scythian cavalry against the approaching Macedonians.
Alexander had prepared for this and now ordered his horsemen, previously
screened by the phalanx, to engage the enemy. A sharp cavalry fight ensued
with the Macedonians getting the worst of it at first. However, the issue
was never in doubt as Alexander's reserves were close by while the Persian
cavalry was engaged far in front of their lines.
After he spent all of the cavalry on his left with little observed effect,
Darius ordered his chariots to dash across the plain and route the
Macedonian phalanx. Alexander, having prepared for this, sent forth his
archers who cut down horses and drivers a 100 hards before they reached
their intended target.
The Persian horsemen that were able to reform after the initial defeat now
wheeled about and attempted to swarm around the Macedonian right. Again
Alexander countered this by detaching squadrons from the Royal horse-guard.
Darius now stripped his center of all mobile troops and threw them into the
maelstrom that was quickly enveloping his left flank. In so doing, a large
gap appeared in the Persian line that Alexander was quick to exploit with
his personal guard.
Meanwhile, the Macedonian phalanx, moved inexorably towards the Persians.
Though only the left half of the Persian troops had been engaged and the
right still stood firm, panic began to engulf the center at the approach of
the phalanx. When a thrown javelin killed Darius' personal chariot driver
he abandoned his troops, mounted a swift horse, fled toward Arbela, and
left his army leaderless like a great writhing beast with a head wound.
The outcome of the battle had now been decided but a great deal of killing
was still to be done.
Almost as if in a reflexive motion the Persian right under the command of
Mazaeus struck out at the unsupported Macedonian left commanded by
Parmenio. Greatly outnumbered Parmenio's wing gave ground until the
Persians fell upon the Thracian rearguard and began to sack the Macedonian
camp. Alexander, seeing the chaos on his left, abandoning his pursuit of
Darius, and wheeling the royal horse guard ran to the support of Parmenio.
A less vicious fight ensued where 60 of Alexander's personal guard and
three generals fell at the king's side. Only a few Persians escaped with
their lives.
Alexander's victory was complete. A bridge across the river Lycus created
a bottleneck for the fleeing Persians and the pursuing Macedonian cavalry
mercilessly struck down the remnants of Darius' army.
Three days later Alexander triumphantly entered Babylon as the lord and
master of the "oldest seat of earthly empire".
The Macedonians
Alexander the Great commanding
The Phalanx
troops commander # men flagname
Taxis 1 Coenus 2,500 Taxis 1
Taxis 2 Perdiccas 2,500 Taxis 2
Taxis 3 Meleager 2,500 Taxis 3
Taxis 4 Polysperchon 2,500 Taxis 4
Taxis 6 Craterus 2,500 Taxis 6
The Cavalry
troops commander # men flagname
Mercenary Cavalry Menidas 600 Mrchary
Paeonian Cavalry Ariston 459 Paeonia
Scouts Aretes 459 Scouts
Greek Cavalry Erigyius 384 Greek
Thessalian Cavalry Philippus 2,020 Thessal
Mercenary Cavalry Andromachus 400 Merc 2
Greek Cavalry Coeranus 320 Greek
Odrysian Cavalry Agathon 342 Odrysia
The Companions - Philotas commanding
troops commander # men flagname
The Royal Squadron Cleitus 300 Cleitus
Glaucius 253 Glaucis
Ariston 253 Ariston
Sopolis 253 Sopolis
Heracleides 253 Hrcldes
Demetrias 253 Demetrs
Meleager 253 Mleager
Hegelochus 253 Heglchs
Other Units
troops commander # men flagname
Mercenary Infantry Cleander 6,700 Merc 1
Merc 2
Merc 3
Macedonian Archers Brison 500 Macedon
Half Agrianians Attalus 500 Agrian
Thracian Javelineers Balacrus 1,000 Thracia
Cretan Archers 500 Cretan
Hypaspists Nicanor 3,000 Hypas 1
Hypas 2
Thracian Infantry Sitalis 5,500 Thrac 1
Thrac 2
Darius III Colomannus commanding
The Cavalry
troops # men flagname
Special Bactrian Cavalry 1,000 Spe Bac
Special Scythian Cavalry 2,000 Spe Scv
Bactrian Cavalry 8,000 Bactr 1
Bactr 2
Bactr 3
Bactr 4
Daan Cavalry 1,000 Daan
Arachotian Cavalry 1,000 Arachot
Susian Cavalry 1,000 Susian
Cadusian Cavalry 1,000 Cadusia
Indian Cavalry 1,000 Indian
Sacesinian Cavalry 1,000 Sacesin
Albanian Cavalry 1,000 Albania
Hyrcanian Cavalry 1,000 Hyrcani
Tapurian Cavalry 1,000 Tapuria
Sacan Cavalry 1,000 Sacan
Median Cavalry 1,000 Median
Mesopotamian Cavalry 1,000 Mesopot
Assyrian Cavalry 1,000 Assyria
Armenian Cavalry 1,000 Armenia
Cappadocian Cavalry 1,000 Cappadc
Persian Cavalry 5,000 Persia 1
Persia 2
The Infantry
troops # men flagname
Greek Mercenary 2,000 Greek
Phrygia 1,000 Phrygri
Cilicia 1,000 Cylicia
Colchian 1,000 Colchia
Babylonian 1,000 Babylon
Cossaean 1,000 Cossae
Uxian 1,000 Uxian
Carmanian 1,000 Carman
Chorasmian 1,000 Chroash
Arian 1,000 Arian
Gedrosian 1,000 Gedrosh
Oxydracae 1,000 Oxydrac
Sogdiana 1,000 Sogdian
Paraetacene 1,000 Paraeta
Assaceni 1,000 Assacen
Aspasi 1,000 Aspasi
Paropamisadae 1,000 Paropah
Gandhara 1,000 Cathaei
Drangiana 1,000 Drangia
Ariaspae 1,000 Ariaspa
Oreitae 1,000 Oreitae
Arabian 1,000 Arabian
Eqyptian 1,000 Egypt
Lycaonia 1,000 Lycaon
Pamphylian 1,000 Pamphyl
Bithynian 1,000 Bithyni
Lydian 1,000 Lydian
Lycian 1,000 Lycian
Arbelitis 1,000 Arbelit
Ethiopian 1,000 Ethopia
The Special Units
troops # men flagname
Scythe Wheeled Chariots 200 1st
War Elephants 15 Royal
Royal Foot Guard 1,000 Royal
Royal Horse Guard 1,000 Royal
This Order of Battle was prepared from research, and with the kind
assistance, of Charles Pierce. It is reprinted with his permission.
14 October 1066
Harold - William
Harold Godwinson, elected King of England as successor to Edward the
Confessor on January 5, 1066 was between a rock and a hard place. The rock
was the Norse king, Harald Hardrada, considered the finest military leader
of the 11th century and pretender to the English throne. The hard place
was William, Duke of Normandy, another contender for the monarchy. Within
10 months both of Harold's opponents would invade his kingdom; Hardrada
from the north, William from the south, each at the head of a large,
professional army and Harold's first mis-step would be his last.
The first to attack, in September, were the Norwegians, joined by Harold's
traitorous brother, Tostig, who had been promised the Earldom of
Northumbria after Haradrada's conquest of England. Harold, with his
Housecarls (3,000 professional soldiers armed with double-handed axe, long
shields, helm and knee-length chain mail) rushed north to intercept the
Norsemen. As Harold raced up Ermine Street (the ancient road stretching
from London past Lincoln and York to the far north) he collected his shire
levies (known as The Fyrd). These levies were comprised of free men that
owed a feudal due of two months military service per year. Though often
well ed by their local thanes the Fyrd was armed with an odd assortment of
spears, axes, stone slings, javelins and scythes.
On September 20, before Harold and his army were able to arrive with
reinforcements, the Norsemen soundly defeated the Earls of Mercia and
Northumbria at Fulford, just south of York. In a lightning march Harold
reached the now victorious Hardrada and immediately attacked him on
September 25 at Stamford Bridge which crossed the river Derwent. A
vicious, desperate battle ensued stretching from dawn to dusk, that
ultimately ended with the deaths of Hardrada and the would-be Earl of
Northumbria, Tostig, and the complete route of the Norsemen.
Three days later, William Duke of Normandy, landed at Pevensey, in the
south of England at the head of 1,000 boatloads of troops and began
devastating the countryside. On October 2, word reached Harold of
William's invasion and with his surviving Housecarls he turned about and
rode hard back down Ermine Street, calling for fresh levies along the way.
The Fyrd was ordered to rendezvous at a prominent hoar apple tree which
stood just south of the ancient forest of Andredswealk, 60 miles southeast
of London. Harold arrived on the evening of October 13/14 with most of his
troops stretched out along the road behind him. William and the Normans
spent the night resting in camp at Hastings.
The narration of Robert Wace, a Norman poet, continues the next morning as
William addressed his troops, " 'For God's sake spare not; strike hard at
the beginning; stay not to take spoil; all the booty shall be in common,
and there will be plenty for everyone. There will be no safety in asking
quarter or in flight; the English will never love or spare a Norman.
Felons they were, and felons they are; false they were and false they will
be. Show not weakness towards them, for they will have no pity on you.
Neither the coward for running well, nor the bold man for smiting well,
will be the better liked by the English, nor will any be the more spared on
either account. You may fly to the sea, but you can fly not further.'
"...Then all went to their tents, and armed themselves as they best might;
and the duke was very busy, giving every one his orders; and he was
courteous to all the vassals, giving away many arms and horses to them...
Then he crossed himself, and straightway took his hauberk, stooped his
head, and put it on aright, and laced his helmet, and girt on his sword,
which a varlet brought him. Then the duke called for his good horse - a
better could not be found. It had been sent him by a King of Spain, out of
very great friendship. Neither arms nor the press of fighting men did it
fear, if its lord spurred it on.
"...The barons, and knights, and men-at-arms were all now armed; the foot-
soldiers were well-equipped, each bearing bow and sword; on their heads
were caps, and to their feet were bound buskins. Some had good hides which
they had bound round their bodies; and many wee clad in frocks and had
quivers and bows hung to their girdles. The knights had hauberks and
swords, boots of steel and shining helmets; shields at their necks, and in
their hands lances. And all had their cognizances, so that each might know
his fellow, and Norman might not strike Norman, nor Frenchman kill his
countryman by mistake. Those on foot led the way, with serried ranks,
bearing their bows. The knights rode next, supporting the archers from
"Harold had summoned his men, earls, barons and vavasours, from the
castles and the cities, from the ports, the villages, and boroughs. The
peasants were also called together from the villages, bearing such arms as
they found; clubs and great picks, iron forks and stakes... The English had
built up a fence before them with their shields, and with ash and other
wood, and had well joined and wattled in the whole work, so as not to leave
even a crevice.
"Meanwhile the Normans appeared advancing over the ridge of a rising ground
(Telham hill); and the first division of their troops moved onwards along
the hill and across a valley. And presently another division, still
larger, came in sight, close following upon the first, and they were led
towards another part of the field, forming together as the first body had
"And while Harold saw and examined them, and was pointing them out to Gurth
(his brother), a fresh company came in sight, covering all the plain, and
in the midst of them was raised the standard that came from Rome (William's
standard was sent by the Pope). Near it was the duke, and the best men and
greatest strength of the army were there.
"...The Normans brought on three divisions of their army to attack at
different places. They set out in three companies, and in three companies
did they fight.
"As soon as the two armies were in full view of each other, great noise and
tumult arose. You might hear the sound of many trumpets, of bugles, and of
horns; and then you might see men ranging themselves in line, lifting their
shields, raising their lances, bending their bows, handling their arrows,
ready for assault and defense.
"...Then Taillefer, who sang right well, rode mounted on a swift horse,
before the duke, singing of Charlemagne and of Roland and of Oliver, and
the peers who died in Roncescalles. And when they drew night to the
English, 'A boon, sire! cried Taillefer; 'I have long served you, and you
owe me for all such service. Today, so please, you shall repay it. I ask
as my guerdon and beseech you for it earnestly, that you will allow me to
strike the first blow in the battle!' And the duke answered, 'I grant it.'
Then Taillefer put his horse to a gallop, charging before all the rest, and
struck an Englishman dead, driving his lance below the breast into his
body, and stretching him upon the ground. Then he drew his sword, and
struck another, crying out, 'Come on! What do ye, sirs? lay on, lay on!'
At the second blow he struck, the English pushed forward, and surrounded
and slew him. Forthwith arose the noise and cry of war, and on either side
the people put themselves in motion.
"The Normans moved on to the assault, and the English defended themselves
well. Some were striking, others urging onwards; all were bold, and cast
aside fear. And now, behold, that battle was gathered, whereof the fame is
yet mighty.
"Loud and far resounded the bray of the horns; and the shocks of the
lances, the mighty strokes of maces, and the quick clashing of swords. One
while the Englishmen rushed on, another while they fell back; one while the
men from over seas charged onwards, and again at other times retreated.
"...When the English fall, the Normans shout. Each side taunts and defies
the other, yet neither knoweth what the other saith; and the Normans say
the English bark, because they understand not their speech.
"...The Normans press on the assault, and the English defend their post
well; they pierce the hauberks, and cleave the shields, receive and return
mighty blows. Again, some press forwards; others yield, and thus in
various ways the struggle proceeds. In the plain was a fosse, which the
Normans had now behind them, having passed it in the fight without
regarding it. But the English charged and drove the Normans before them
till they made them fall back upon their fosse, overthrowing into it horses
and men. Many were to be seen falling therin, rolling one over the other,
with their faces to the earth, and unable to rise. Many of the English,
also, whom the Normans drew down along with them, died there. At no time
during the day's battle did so many Normans die as perished in that fosse.
So those said who saw the dead.
"...Then Duke William's brother, Odo, the good priest, the bishop of
Bayeux, galloped up and said to them, 'Stand fast! stand fast! be quiet and
move not! fear nother, for if God please we shall conquer yet.' So they
took courage, and rested where they were; and Odo returned galloping back
to where the battle was most fierce, and was of great service on that day.
He had put a hauberk on, over a white aube; wide in the body, with the
sleeve tight, and sat on a white horse, so that all might recognize him.
In his hand he held a mace, and wherever he saw most need he held up and
stationed the knights, and often urged them on to assault and strike the
"From nine o'clock in the morning, when the combat began till three o'clock
came, the battle was up and down, this way and that, and no one knew who
would conquer and win the land. Both sides stood so firm and fought so
well, that no one could guess which would prevail. The Norman archers with
their bows shot thickly upon the English; but they covered themselves with
their shields, so that the arrows could no reach their bodies, nor do any
mischief, how true so ever was their aim, or however well they shot. Then
the Normans determined to shoot their arrows upwards into the air, so that
they might fall on their enemy's heads, and strike their faces. The
archers adopted this scheme, and shot up int o the air towards the English;
and the arrows in falling struck their heads and faces, and put out the
eyes of many; and all feared to open their eyes, or leave their faces
"The arrows now flew thicker than rain before the wind; fast sped the
shafts the English called 'wibetes". Then it was that an arrow, that had
thus been shot upwards, struck Harold above his right eye, and put it out.
In his agony he drew the arrow and threw it away, breaking it with his
hands; and the pain to his head was so great, that he leaned upon his
"...The Normans saw that the English defended themselves well, and were so
strong in their position that they could do little against them. So they
consulted together privily, and arranged to draw off, and pretend to flee,
till the English should pursue and scatter themselves over the field; for
they saw that if they could once get their enemy to break their ranks, they
might be attacked and discomfited much more easily. As they had said, so
they did. The Normans by little and little fled, the English following
them. As the one fell back, the other pressed after; and when the
Frenchmen retreated, the English thought and cried out, that the men of
France fled, and would never return.
"...The Normans were playing their part well, when an English knight came
rushing up, having in his company a hundred men, furnished with various
arms. He wielded a northern hatchet, and with the blade a full foot long;
and was well armed after his manner, being tall, bold, and of noble
carriage. In the front of the battle where the Normans thronged most, he
came bounding on swifter than the stag, many Normans falling before him and
his company. He rushed straight upon a Norman who was armed and riding on
a war-horse, and tried with his hatchet of steel to cleave his helmet; but
the blow miscarried, and the sharp blade glanced down before the saddle-
bow, driving through the horse's neck down to the ground, so that both
horse and master fell together to the earth.
"I know not whether the Englishman struck another blow; but the Normans who
saw the stroke were astonished, and about to abandon the assault, when
Roger de Montgomeri came galloping up, with his lance set, and heeding no
the long-handled axe, which the Englishmen wielded aloft, struck him down,
and left him stretched upon the ground. Then Roger cried out, 'Frenchmen,
strike! the day is ours!' And again a fierce melee was to be seen, with
many a blow of lance and sword; the English still defending themselves,
killing the horses and cleaving the shields.
"...And now might be heard the loud clang and cry of battle, and the
clashing of lances. The English stood firm in their barricades, and
shivered the lances, beating them into pieces with their bills and maces.
The Normans drew their swords, and hewed down the barricades, and the
English in great trouble fell back upon their standard, where were
collected the maimed and wounded.
"...Duke William pressed close upon the English with his lance; striving
hard to reach the standard with the great troop he led; and seeking
earnestly for Harold, on whose account the whole war was. The Normans
followed their lord, and pressed around him; they ply their blows upon the
English; and those defend themselves stoutly, striving hard with their
enemies, returning blow for blow.
"...Loud was now the clamour, and great the slaughter; many a soul then
quitted the body it inhabited. The living marched over the heaps of dead,
and each side was wearing of striking. He charged on who could, and he who
could no longer strike still pushed forward. The strong struggled with the
strong; some failed, others triumphed; the cowards fell back, the brave
pressed on; and sad was his fate who fell in the midst, for he had little
chance of rising again; and many in truth fell, who never rose at all,
being crushed under the throng.
"And now the Normans pressed on so far, that at last they had reached the
standard. There Harold had remained, defending himself to the utmost; but
he was sorely wounded in his eye by the arrow, and suffered grievous pain
form the blow. An armed man came in the throng of battle, and struck him
on the ventaille on his helmet, and beat him to the ground; and as he
sought to recover himself, a knight beat him down again, striking him on
the thick of his thigh down to the bone.
"...The standard was beaten down, the golden standard was taken, and Harold
and the best of his friends were slain; but there was so much eagerness,
and throng of so many around, seeking to kill him, that I know not who it
was that slew him.
"The English were in great trouble at having lost their king, and at the
duke having conquered and beat down the standard; but they still fought on
and defended themselves long, and in fact till the day drew to a close.
Then it clearly appeared to all that the standard was lost, and the news
had spread throughout the army that Harold for certain was dead; and all
saw that there was no longer any hope, so they left the field, and those
fled who could.
"William fought well; and many an assault did he lead, many a blow did he
give, and many receive, and many fell dead under has hand. Two horses were
killed under him, and he took a third at time of need, so that he fell not
to the ground; and he lost not a drop of blood. But whatever any one did,
and whoever lived or died, this is certain, that William conquered..."
So ends the narration of Robert Wace and with it Anglo-Saxon rule over
The English
King Harold commanding
The House-carls (flagnames)
Carls 1, Carls 2, Carls 3, Carls 4, Carls 5, Carls 6
The Fyrd (flagnames)
Fyrd 1, Fyrd 2, Fyrd 3, Fyrd 4, Fyrd 5, Fyrd 6, Fyrd 7, Fyrd 8
The Normans
Duke William commanding
Norman1, Norman2, Norman3, Norman1, Norman2, Norman3, Norman1, Norman2
The Bretons (flagnames)
Breton1, Breton2, Breton1, Breton2, Breton3, Breton1, Breton2
The Allies (flagnames)
Allies1, Allies2, Allies1, Allies2, Allies3, Allies1, Allies2
2 July 1644
Parliament - Charles I
After two years of chess-like opening maneuvers the English Civil War had
come to that inevitable mid-game point where the first great clash was to
take place. The Royalist army, under the command of Prince Rupert, son of
the Elector Palatine, needed a major decisive victory over the
Parliamentarian forces if Charles I was to maintain any hope of
every regaining control over England. The Royalist forces, the weaker of
the two opponents, were further hampered by a lack of supplies that a
blockading English navy loyal to Parliament kept from crossing the Channel.
June, 1644 found five armies in the fields of York; two Royalist (one under
Newcastle besieged at York, the other under Rupert marching to his aid) and
three Parliamentarian (those under Manchester, Fairfax and Leven leading
the Scottish allies). Upon Rupert's approach the parliamentarian forces,
wary of being trapped between the besieged and the rescuers, drew off. Six
days of maneuvering led the five armies to the wet rye fields of Marston
Moor seven miles west of York city. Since the War of the Roses no two
larger armies had faced each other on English soil.
Rupert's forces were arrayed on the mile and a half long moor facing south
across a drainage ditch stretching between the villages of Tockwith and
Long Marston where the combined Parliamentary-Scottish armies stood with
their backs to the 150 foot hill. Both armies filled the center of their
lines with masses of pikemen while cavalry guarded the flanks.
The Royalist right wing was composed to two lines of three regiments each;
the first under Lord Byron, the second under Lord Molineux, Sir John Urry
(also Hurry), second-in-command under Byron, placed companies of musketeers
between the cavalry squadrons. Rupert's personal cavalry regiment, the
finest in the army, was stationed echeloned in the right rear. The center
was composed of three masses of infantry; Rupert's Bluecoats, Newcastle's
Whitecoats and Byron's foot. Posted directly behind the center was a
tactical reserve of approximately 1,000 of Rupert's Life-guards. On the
Royalist left Sir Charles Lucas commanded the front three regiments; Sir
Richard Dacres the back three; all under the direction of Lord Goring.
Across the ditch the Parliament-Scottish army was similarly stationed.
Their left, commanded by Cromwell, consisted of three lines; the first two
comprised of cavalry from the eastern association, the last of David
Leslie's Scottish regiments. The left center was held by manchester's
three brigades of foot under Lawrence Crawford; the center consisted of two
brigades of Yorkshire foot and three Scottish brigades all under the
command of Lord Fairfax. The main body of Scottish infantry under
Lieutenant-General William Baillie was stationed to the right of center
while the right flank was held by 2,000 cavalry troopers under Sir Thomas
Fairfax with three regiments of Scottish horse in reserve.
The better part of the day had been spent uinder a sky of desultory
thunderclouds. By seven o'clock Rupert had become convinced that any
chance of battle had passed for the day and gave the order for his men to
stand down and prepare the evening meals. It was now the moment that
Cromwell and Leven - well aware of the long midsummer days and pending full
moon - had been waiting for.
The battle opened with Cromwell's horsemen, the Ironsides, charging down
the slopes by Tockwith towards Rupert's right flank. Rupert responded by
removing his own cavalry regiment from their reserve position and ordered
them to attack the Parliamentary horse. While Colonel Fritzel's (or
Fraser) dragoons engaged the Royal horse, the Ironsides plunged on into the
mass of Byron's cavalry and in the words of Cromwell's scout-master,
"scattered them like dust".
However, as Byron's horse broke and fled, they revealed Molyneux and the
Royalist second line counter-attacking. Cromwell's attack splintered and
dissipated like surf on the breakers before them. While the Ironside's
second line was still crossing the ditch, the first line was turning around
and beginning a retreat. A pistol ball grazed Cromwell's neck and the
muzzle flash blinded his eyes. Route seemed imminent when David Leslie's
800 Scottish horse appeared to attack the Royalist right flank.
The fleeing first line of the Ironsides steadied and then was wheeled about
by the still dazed Cromwell. The momentum changed again and the Royalist
horse dashed in panic for Wilstrop Woods, hotly pursued by Leslie's Scots.
Panic enveloped the Royalist right as all fled to the road to York. Rupert
barely escaped with his own life; a fate not shared by his poodle, Boy.
However, the further east that one traveled from Cromwell's great victory
on the left the greater Parliament's troubles became. The nearest mass of
infantry, Crawford's pikemen in the left-center, were driving Byron's
regiment of foot before them. But, in Parliament's center, Lord Fairfax's
foot had been stopped cold by the Royalist's Whitecoats and put to a route
that also rolled up his reserve of two brigades of Scots.
Next in the Parliament line came Baillie's Scots, whose left flank was now
completely exposed due to Fairfax's defeat. The left-most regiments of
Buccleuch and Loudon were caught up in the route of the center while the
right-most regiments of Lindsay and Maitland stood firm against three
charges of Lord Goring's Royalist horse and took Sir Charles Lucas
On the extreme right all was chaos. An irresistible Royalist cavalry
charge swept Sir Thomas Fairfax's cavalry before them; only the Scottish
regiments of Dahousie and Eglinton making a stand. Fairfax, sporting a
sword wound on his cheek, removed the white Parliament badge from his hat
and snuck through the Royalist lines to rejoin Manchester in the center.
Meanwhile, the Parliamentary generals, Lord Fairfax and Leven, fled the
battlefield while elements of Goring's horse looted the Parliamentary
baggage camp.
By 8:30, Cromwell on the left had advanced as far north as Goring had to
the south. The two armies were engaged in a macabre "pas de deux" with the
pivot point five beleaguered Scottish regiments in the center. The battle,
and ultimately the fate of Charles I, hung on that point.
Cromwell, in practical command of the most cohesive fighting force left in
the Parliamentary army, ordered a wheel in line eastward and southward.
Now, curiously, the positions of the two armies were almost the exact
opposite of where they had been but one and a half hours earlier; with
Cromwell charging south against the Royalist Whitecoats who had turned
about to face north.
While the Scots pushed north against the Royalist center and Baillie hung
on for dear life against Goring, the Ironsides attacked the previously
victorious Royal horse en flank. The Whitecoats were pushed, herded and
forced back yard by yard, surrounded on all sides; and refusing to
surrender were slaughtered almost to a man. It was 10 o'clock before the
Parliamentarian victory was complete.
The Royalist army of Newcastle had ceased to exist. Within two weeks York
surrendered to the victors of Marston Moor and the north of England was
lost forever to Charles I.
The Royalist Army
Prince Rupert commanding
The Right Wing - Lord Byron commanding
troops commander # men flagname
Under Lord Molyneux
Leveson 250 Leveson
Lord Molineux 300 Milineu
Tyldesly 250 Tyldesl
Under Lord Byron
Sir John Urry 250 Urry
Lord Byron 450 Byron
Vaughan 400 Vaughan
Rupert's Horse 500 Rupert
Musketeers 500 Musket1
Trevor 400 Trevor
Tuke 200 Tuke
The Center - Lord James Eythin commanding
troops commander # men flagname
Lord Byron's Foot 3,125
Byron Byron
Warren Warren
Tyldesly Tyldesl
Rupert's Bluecoats 3,125
Broughton Brghton
Cheater Cheater
Erneley & Gibson Erneley
Tillier Tillier
Chisenal Chisenl
Whitecoats Mackworth 3,000 White 1
White 2
White 3
Rupert's Life-guards 140 Lifegrd
Widdington 400 Widding
Blakeston 400 Blakest
Derbyshire Foot 220 Derby
The Left - Lord George Goring commanding
troops commander # men flagname
Under Lord Goring
Frescheville 160 Fresch
Eyre 225 Eyre
Langdale 700 Langdle
Musketeers 500 Musket2
Under Sir Richard Dacres
Sir Charles Lucas 400 Lucas
Sir Richard Dacres 400 Dacres
The Parliamentarian-Scottish Army
Under the joint command of
Manchester; Fairfax and leven
The Left - Under the command of Oliver Cromwell
troops commander # men flagname
Ironsides Oliver Cromwell 1,250 Iron 1
Iron 2
Manchester's Horse 1,100 Manches
Fraser's Dragoons 500 Fraser
Under David Leslie
Leslie 975 Leslie
Kirkoudbright 500 Kirkoud
Balcarres 475 Balcarr
The Center - Under the command of Lord Fairfax
troops commander # men flagname
Under Major-General Crawford
Manchester's Foot 3,000 Manch 1
Manch 2
Manch 3
Yester 700 Yester
Livingstone 650 Livings
Coupar 650 Coupar
Dunfermline 650 Dunferm
Lord Fairfax' Foot 3,000 Frfax 1
Frfax 2
Frfax 3
Scottish Infantry
under Lt. Gen. Baillie
Rae 750 Rae
Hamilton 750 Hamiltn
Maitland 750 Maitlnd
Crawford-Lindsay 750 Crawfrd
Under Lumsden
Kilhead 750 Kilhead
Cassillis 750 Cassill
Buccleuch 750 Buccleu
Loudon 750 Loudon
In Reserve
Erskine 750 Erskine
Dudhope 750 Dudhope
The Right - under the command of Sir Thomas Fairfax
troops commander # men flagname
Sir Thomas Fairfax 2,000 Frfax 1
Frfax 2
Lambert 1,250 Lambert
Lord Dalhousie's Horse 750 Dalhous
Lord Eglinton's Horse 750 Eglinth
Balgonie 750 Balgoni
18 June 1815
Wellington - Napoleon
As Napoleon, returning from exile on Elba, stepped off the gangplank at
Cannes on March 1, 1815 a clock started ticking that would end 110 days
later on the hills 12 miles south of Brussels near a hamlet called
Waterloo. There were 90 days left on that timepiece when the Emperor
triumphantly returned to Paris at the head of a mob of cheering civilians
and old veterans from his many campaigns. The days had dwindled to 16 by
the time Napoleon had reorganized and re-equipped his armies and gave them
what would be their last marching orders.
After detaching 78,660 troops to cover the frontiers and suppress Royalist
revolt, the 115,500 man Armee du Nord remained as Napoleon's striking arm
against the 800,000 soldiers of the English, Dutch, Austrian, Belgian,
Prussian and Russian allies. Obviously, the Emperor's only chance was to
strike first and defeat the individual armies in detail before they could
unite by mid-July for the impending invasion of France. On June 14,
Napoleon was poised to march northeast and drive a wedge between the Anglo-
Dutch army under the Duke of Wellington concentrating at Quatre Bras, and
marshal Blucher's Prussians scattered to the southeast.
The next day Napoleon forced a crossing of the Sambre after a stiff
resistance from the Prussian I Corps and split the Armee du Nord into three
groups. The left wind under Ney was ordered to advance to the North and
push any Anglo-Allied units encountered down the Quatre Bras-Brussels road
while Napoleon and Grouchy would crush the Prussians at Ligny and
Sombreffe. The battle against Blucher was joined at 2:30 on the afternoon
of June 16. Three and one-half hours later the Prussiahn army was
retreating leaving 17,000 casualties on the field while another 10,000
Prussians and Saxons deserted. Napoleon returned to his headquarters at
Fleurus that night convinced that the Prussian army had been utterly
destroyed. This was the Emperor's last and perhaps, greatest error,
because Blucher and the Prussians would return 48 hours later; just in time
to hear that clock started earlier on the docks at Cannes strike its final
Marshal Grouchy, with 33,000 men of the III Corps, IV Corps and part of the
Cavalry Reserve, was assigned the task of hurrying the defeated Prussians
down the road to Wavre and away from any juncture with Wellington.
Napoleon, with the 72,000 men of the Armee du Nord remaining, turned
northwest to Quatre Bras and then north towards Waterloo.
After a series of superb maneuvers, Wellington had extricated the Anglo-
Allied army from Quatre Bras and stationed them some nine miles north on
the last ridge line before Brussels with his back to a great forest, the
Bois de Soignes. Years later, from St. Helena, Napoleon would criticize
the British commander for placing his troops in a position that offered no
retreat. Then again, the duke would have have no need to retreat.
A hard rain fell that night drenching the quarter of a million soldiers
scattered about the plains and hills of south Belgium. In the east Grouchy
had already lost contact with the Prussians he was pursuing. Before dawn
Wellington would receive a note from Blucher promising the arrival of a
Prussian corps that day.
At 1:00 a.m. the Emperor Napoleon left his bivouac and walked the line of
the Imperial Guard stopping to share a soldier's simple meal and to stare
at the fires of his enemies that dotted the northern skyline. At 2:30 he
sent a group of staff officers to examine distant sounds that might
indicate troop movements. They returned an hour later and reported that
Wellington was still in place. Napoleon went to seep at dawn only to be
awakened an hour later with news that the skies were clearing.
That morning, after breakfast with his staff and senior officers, Napoleon
declared, "The enemy army is numerically superior to ours by almost a
quarter; yet, we have no less than 90 percent of the chances in our favor,
and not 10 against us." His orders for a scheduled assault at 9:00 a.m.
were twice delayed as troops slogged through the mud and artillery officers
requested more time to push and shove their field pieces into position. At
11:00 a.m. Napoleon postponed the infantry attack to 1:30 p.m. and ordered
it to be preceded by a massive artillery barrage.
The Emperor's optimism notwithstanding, the Armee du Nord had a very
difficult task ahead. The enemy that confronted them was firmly
established on a ridge line overlooking the Mont St. Jean plateau. On the
Anglo-Allied right was a marshy area now turned quagmire by last night's
rains. Their left extended past the French right and terminated on a
commanding elevation behind which were stationed ample reinforcements.
Though Napoleon possessed a mighty striking force it was confined within a
box 6,000 yards in width and 4,500 yards in depth. With the enemy a short
1,000 yards away precious little room was left for maneuver of finesse.
Napoleon's tactics were as simple as his options were few. Flank attacks
on the extreme left or the extreme right were not advisable; the former
because any success on the French left would simply push the Anglo-Allied
army closer to the approaching Prussians while the later plan called for
the French to descend from the Mt. St. Jean plateau, expose the Waterloo-
Quatre Bras road, descend into a valley and storm a ridge. Furthermore,
any advance on Wellington's right would have met with a sharp counterattack
from units he stationed as far west as Hal for that express purpose.
Instead Napoleon opted for one massive blow to be delivered by d'Erlon's
First Corps preceded by Prince Jerome's feint at Hougomont on the left and
a torrential artillery barrage from the massed cannons of the First, Second
and Sixth Corps.
The French batteries opened up at 11:30 a.m. and received only scattered
counter-battery fire in return. With Pire's lancers in support, the men of
the II Corps rushed the country estate known as the Chateau de Goumont
(Hougomont). The thick walls of the courtyard and buildings provided the
Nassauer, Hanoverian, 1st, 2nd (Coldstream) and 3rd Guards defenders with a
ready-made fortress. Napoleon's feint which had been intended to draw
troops from the Anglo-Allied center to reinforce their beleaguered right
had only the opposite effect. Indeed, the 2,000 defenders had successfully
repelled numerous attacks by the French II Corps that outnumbered them by
over ten to one. Certainly a large part of the blame for failure on the
left belonged to the Emperor's brother, Jerome, who three his men at the
resolutely defended chateau one brigade at a time. At 1:00 p.m. Marshal
Ney, who had been assigned the command of the main attack, sent word to
Napoleon that the I Corps was now in position.
Before the Emperor gave the command to start the pre-assault barrage,
however, a captured non-commissioned officer from the 2nd Regiment of
Silesia was brought to him. The hussar was caught bearing a communication
from Blucher to Wellington announcing the arrival in the east of the first
Prussian corps on the field. There were now a scant ten hours left on that
Imperial timepiece.
Undaunted, Napoleon swung two light cavalry divisions eastward to observe
any signs of an approaching enemy and moved the VI Corps to a position to
defend the right. He also dashed off an urgent message to the missing
Grouchy that concluded, "A letter just intercepted indicates that General
Bulow is going to attack our right flank. We think that we can see this
corps on the heights of St. Lambert. Do not lose one moment, therefore, in
coming closer to us, in joining us and in crushing Bulow, whom you will
catch red-handed." By the time Grouchy could receive this communique at
7:00 p.m. at Wavre, the Armee du Nord would have been crushed out of
existence on the plateau of Mt. St. Jean.
With the Emperor's signal the 78 guns opened up at a range of 500 yards.
Most of Bylandt's Dutch-Belgian brigade that had the misfortune to be on
the southern face of the ridge were blasted, maimed, mutilated and
terrorized. At 1:45 p.m. with the cry of Vive l"Empereur! screamed from
the throats of d'Erlon's I Corps the advance began. On the left flank
Jerome renewed his efforts to force an entry into Hougomont.
The path of the attack crossed two valleys and an intermediary ridgeline.
The last half-mile lay inside the crescent of the Anglo-Allied artillery's
overlapping fields of fire. The initial assault pushed the defenders out
of an advanced position in a sandpit near the ridge crest and though they
made an orderly retreat, their exodus caused a panic among Bylandt's troops
which ceased to exist as a fighting unit for the rest of the engagement.
It was at this moment, when it seemed that the Emperor's breakfast
prognostications wee about to come true, that General Picton gave the
command, "UP! At them!" and the Kempt brigade lept as one man from the
ground on the reverse side of the Ohain ridge and poured a volley into the
French at 40 yard's range. Then the English fixed bayonets and raced down
the slopes into the shocked columns of d'Erlon's corps. The forward ridge
slope was awash in attacks and counterattacks that sputtered and flared
fitfully until the epic charge of Ponsonby leading the Union and Household
Brigades tore into the French and decided the issue. The Greys, with the
cry, "Scotland for ever!" leaped from their support positions and chased
the remnants of French attack back across the valley and up to the very
cannon line on the next ridge.
In the melee that followed the counterattack by Martique's and Bro's
cavalry, Lord Ponsonby was run through by a lance and the British attack
was turned and sent back across the valley. Both armies now returned to
their exact positions held two hours earlier and regrouped. On the left
nothing had been or would be accomplished by the French at Hougomont.
Napoleon's diversion had no effect save depriving the army of the service
of Reille's II Corps for the duration of the battle. Indeed, had Hougomont
fallen to the French little tactical advantage would have been achieved
because the main part of the British right line was situated in depth on
the ridgeline to the north.
Napoleon now ordered Ney to resume the attack in the center and on the
right. Mistaking groups of wounded and prisoners that filed back through
the Forest of Soignes as the start of an Anglo-Allied retreat, Ney called
for a massive cavalry assault preceded by another bombardment from the
great French battery.
With the heavy cavalry on the right and the light horse on the left Ney
personally led the charge back up the slops of Mt. St. Jean. There,
waiting for them on the plateau, were the 5,000 English and German dragoons
and hussars, Brunswick Black Lancers and Dutch and Belgian carabiners under
the command of Lord Uxbridge. From Napoleon's vantage point at La Belle
Alliance the attack seemed to be on the verge of a breakthrough and he
committed Kellerman and the last of the cavalry reserve - save the 800
troops of General Blancard.
Stationed behind Uxbridge's cavalry were the famed British squares
interspersed with field batteries. The gunners would fire their pieces
until, with the French cavalry charging down on them and less than 50 yards
away, they would race inside the protection of the squares. The typical
square was composed of 500 men, four ranks deep; 60 feet square that
bristled with bayonets and fired devastating volleys at close range.
Wellington coolly commanded his troops from within the 73rd's square.
While the fighting on the plateau had become a brutal massacre of the
French cavalry, the van of the Prussian army began to press the French
Imperial Guard on Napoleon's extreme right at Plancenoit. By 6:30 p.m. the
French were outnumbered three to one and the scales continued to tip in the
favor of the Prussians as new corps arrived. At this point the battle was
already lost for napoleon for even if the Armee du Nord could blast a hole
in Wellington's line it lacked sufficient strength to exploit a
breakthrough. Furthermore the Prussian army was now threatening to sever
Napoleon's line of retreat south back to Quatre Bras.
In an exceptionally pointless last effort Napoleon ordered the remaining 11
Guard battalions to follow him north for another, and final, assault on the
plateau of Mt. St. Jean. South of La Haye Sainte the Emperor turned his
Guard over to ney who had already had four horses shot from under him in
the last three hours. Again a French attacking force struck off across the
valley to mount the ridge. As they neared the top, Maitland's 1st Guards
Brigade which had been lying in wait on the reverse slope of the ridge,
rose with Wellington's command, "Stand up Guards! Make ready! Fire!" and
just that quickly 300 French Guardsmen fell. A survivor of Maitland's
brigade said, "We formed a line four deep, the first rank kneeling, the
second also firing, the third and fourth loading and handling on to the
front, and kept us such a continuous fire into the mass of heaped up
Grenadiers...and this was the bouquet to all slaughter!"
Anglo-Allied artillery cut great swaths in the attacking columns while
fresh troops counterattacked their flanks. All was over and to the never
before head cry of, "La Garde recule!" the survivors streamed back down the
plateau for the last time.
Now Wellington and Blucher called for a general attack all along the line
and the Allied cavalry was let loose to run down the fleeing French. The
Emperor Napoleon was placed within a Guard's square and escorted from the
field. Remnants of the Armee du Nord fought delaying actions with the
Prussians that allowed portions of the defeated army to escape south.
Field-Marshal Blucher assembled his officers and ordered them to commence
an "annihilating pursuit." His orders were carried out as the pursuing
Prussians, refusing to give quarter, massacred at least 5,000 men of
Reille's corps on the road to Genappe.
The time was now 11:00 p.m. and the sands had run out of the Emperor's
Anglo-Allied Army
Field Marshall
the Duke of Wellington commanding
I Corps
His Royal Highness the Prince of Orange commanding
troops commander # men flagname
1st Corps Artillery Lt-Col Adye 1 Corps
Lt-Col Williamson
Maj von Opstal
Maj van der Smissen
1st Division - Major General Cooke
1st British Brigade Maj-Gen Maitland 1,997 Maitlnd
2nd British Brigade Maj-Gen Sir John Byng 2,064 Byng
3rd Division - Lt-Gen Sir Charles Alten
5th British Brigade Maj-Gen Sir Colin Halkett 2,254 Halkett
2nd King's German
Legion Col von Ompteda 1,527 Ompteda
1st Hanoverian Maj-Gen Count
Brigade Kielmansegge 3,189 Kielman
2nd Dutch-Belgian Division - Lt-Gen Baron de Perponcher
1st Brigade Maj-Gen Count de Bylandt 3,233 Bylandt
2nd Brigade Prince Bernhard of
Saxe-Weimar 4,300 Bernhrd
3rd Dutch-Belgian Division - Lt-Gen Baron Chasse
1st Brigade Maj-Gen Ditmers 3,088 Ditmers
2nd Brigade Maj-Gen D'Aumbreme 3,581 D'Aumbr
II Corps
Lt-Gen Lord Hill commanding
troops commander # men flagname
2 Corps Artillery Lt-Col Gold 2 Corps
Lt-Col Hawker
2nd Division - Lt-Gen Sir H. Clinton
3rd British Brigade Maj-Gen Adam 2,625 Adam
1st Brigade King's
German Legion Col du Plat 1,758 Du Plat
3rd Hanoverian Brig Col Halkett 2,454 3rd Han
troops commander # men flagname
4th Division - Lt-Gen Sir Charles Colville
4th Brigade Col Mitchell 1,767 Mitchel
6th British Brigade Maj-Gen Johnstone 2,396 Johnstn
6th Hanoverian Brig Maj-Gen Sir James Lyon 3,049 Lyon
1st Dutch-Belgian Division - Lt-Gen Stedmann
1st Brigade Maj-Gen Hauw 3,109 Hauw
2nd Brigade Maj-Gen Eerens 3,280 Eerens
Indian Brigade Lt-Gen Anthing 3,583 Anthing
Reserve Artillery Maj Heisse 1,225 Reserve
Lt-Col Brouckmann
Maj Mahn
5th Division - Lt-Gen Sir Thomas Picton
8th British Brigade Maj-Gen Sir James Kempt 2,471 Kempt
9th British Brigade Maj-Gen Sir James Pack 2,471 Pack
5th Hanoverian Brig Col von Vincke 2,514 Vincke
6th Division - Lt-Gen Hon. Sir L. Cole
10th British Brigade Maj-Gen Sir John Lambert 2,567 Lambert
4th Hanoverian Brig Col Best 2,582 Best
Brunswick Corps - H.S.H The Duke of Brunswick
Advanced Guard
Battalion Maj Von Rauschenplatt 672 Adv Grd
Light Brigade Lt-Col von Buttlar 2,688 Light
Line Brigade Lt-Col von Specht 2,016 Line
Nassau Contingent - General von Kruse 2,880 Kruse
Cavalry Corps
Lt-Gen the Earl of Uxbridge commanding
troops commander # men flagname
British and King's German Legion
1st Brigade Maj-Gen Lord E. Somerset 1,286 Somerst
2nd Brigade Maj-Gen Sir W. Ponsonby 1,181 Ponsnby
3rd Brigade Maj-Gen Sir W. Dornberg 1,268 Dornbrg
4th Brigade Maj-Gen Sir J. Vandeleur 1,171 Vndelur
5th Brigade Maj-Gen Sir Colq. Grant 1,336 Grant
6th Brigade Maj-Gen Sir H. Vivian 1,279 Vivian
Horse Artillery (Six batteries) 1,275 Hrs Art
troops commander # men flagname
1st Brigade Col von Estorff 1,682 Estorff
Brunswick Cavalry 922 Brnswck
Dutch Belgian
1st Brigade Maj-Gen Trip 1,237 Trip
2nd Brigade Maj-Gen de Ghigny 1,086 Ghigny
3rd Brigade Maj-Gen van Merien 1,082 Merien
Armee du Nord
Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte commanding
Imperial Guard - Marshall Mortier, Duke of Treviso
troops commander # men flagname
Imperial Guard Lt-Gen Desvaux de
Artillery St. Meurice 3,175 Imp Grd
Imperial Guard
Cavalry Lt-Gen Lefebvre-Desnouettes
Lt-Gen Guyot 3,590 Imp Grd
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Grenadiers Lt-Gen Friant
Lt-Gen Roguet 4,377 Grnandr
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Chasseurs Lt-Gen Morand
Lt-Gen Michel 3,970 Chsseur
1st, 3rd Tirailleurs Lt-Gen Duheame 2,255 Trlleur
1st, 3rd voltigeurs Lt-Gen Barrois 2,775 Vltgeur
I Corps d'Armee - Lt-Gen Count D'Erlon commanding
1 Corps Artillery 1,066 1 Corps
1st Division Lt-Gen Alix 4,100 I Inf
2nd Division Lt-Gen Baron Donzelot 4,050 II Inf
3rd Division Lt-Gen Baron Marcognet 4,175 III Inf
4th Division Lt-Gen Count Durutte 3,775 IV Inf
1st Cavalry Division Lt-Gen Baron Jaquinot 1,400 I Cav
II Corps d'Armee - Lt-Gen Count Reille commanding
2nd Corps Artillery 1,385 2 Corps
5th Division Lt-Gen Baron Bachelu 4,775 V Inf
6th Division Prince Jerome Napoleon 5,550 VI Inf
7th Division Lt-Gen Count Girard 4,875 VII Inf
9th Division Lt-Gen Count Foy 4,975 IX Inf
2nd Cavalry Division Lt-Gen Baron Pire 1,729 II Div
VI Corps d'Armee - Lt-Gen Count Lobau commanding
6th Corps Artillery 743 6 Corps
19th Division Lt-Gen Baron Simmer 2,275 IXX Inf
20th Division Lt-Gen Baron Jeannin 2,575 XX Inf
Reserve Cavalry - Marshal Grouchy commanding
Reserve Horse
Artillery 1,185 Reserve
3rd Corps Lt-Gen Kellerman 3,245 3 Corps
4th Corps Lt-Gen Milhaud 2,556 4 Corps
Strengths taken from D. Gardener & Dorsay's "Quatre Bras, Ligny and
Waterloo", London 1882, W. Silborne's War in France and Belgium as
corrected by Colonel Charles C. Chesney's "Waterloo Lectures: a Study of
the Campaign of 1815", London 1868, and Colonel Jean-Baptiste Charra's
"Histoire de la Campagne de 1815": Waterloo, Brussels, 1851 as cited as
references in "Yours to Reason Why; Decision in Battle" by William Seymour,
St. Martin's Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 1982 pp. 292-298.
N.B. The entire Prussian army and the right wing of the Armee du Nord has
been removed from this Order of Battle and The Universal Military Simulator
Waterloo scenario in the interest of play balance. Neither the Prussians
nor Grouchy's forces made an appearance on the battlefield until after the
issue had been well decided.
1-3 July 1863
Meade - Lee
After defeating the Union Army of the Potomac under the command of Major
General Joseph Hooker at Chancelorsville, Virginia (April 28 - May 5, 1863)
General Robert Edward lee knew that he had perhaps one last chance to bring
the war to the North and restore European confidence in a viable
Confederate States of America. The American Civil War, now in its second
year, had seen a string of brilliant Southern defensive victories - First
Bull Run, The Seven Days, Second Bull Run, Frederiscksburg, and now the
most crushing Union defeat, Chancelorsville - but Lee's only previous
attempt at invasion, Antietam, had ended in disaster. Now, as Union Major
General U.S. Grant held confederate Lt. General Pemberton's army and the
key to the Mississippi River in the bag at besieged Vicksburg, and the
Union Navy had all but blockaded the southern cotton industry out of the
European market, Lee must strike a decisive blow into the heart of the
North. On June 9, 1863, screened by General 'Jeb' Stuart's cavalry, Lee's
Army of Northern Virginia started north on its journey that would
ultimately end at the high water mark at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
The Army of the Potomac left its bivouac under the orders of General Hooker
but would arrive in Pennsylvania with a new commander: Major General George
Gordon Meade. President Abraham Lincoln, disgusted by Hooker's ineptitude
at Chancelorsville, had made Meade "The hard luck army's" fifth commanding
general in two year's time following a tradition of firing losers in search
of a winning general. Meade would be the Army of the Potomac's last
commander. In his General Orders 67, issued on June 28, a scant three days
before the great conflict that awaited them, Meade wrote, "The country
looks to this army to relieve it from the devastation and disgrace of a
foreign invasion."
July 1, 1863, found both armies scattered about southern Pennsylvania with
their respective commanders' having only a vague notion of their opponent's
positions. Ironically, the Confederate forces were arrayed north and west
of the Union troops. The three-day battle would begin at 5:00 a.m.,
Wednesday, July 1 (the first day of the fiscal year - many regimental
officers were still busy completing their payrolls) when units of Archer's
Brigade, Heth's Division, A.P. Hill's III Corps of the Army of Northern
Virginia began receiving withering volleys from Union cavalry pickets of
Gamble's brigade stationed west of MacPherson's Ridge.
First brigade commanders, then division commanders and finally corps
commanders of both sides issued urgent orders for reinforcements as the
conflagration consumed more troops and more senior field officers. By the
end of the first day's fighting five successive Union generals had been in
Daylight, Thursday July 2, saw 68,000 Union troops stretched along a fish-
hook shaped series of hills and ridges south and east of Gettysburg facing
Lee's 60,000. The northeastern-most point on the line was Culp's Hill
where after the battle two brothers, one who fought with Meade, the other
with Lee, would be found, both dead and only a few scant yards from the
farm on the hill where they grew up. The Union line extended west to
Cemetary Hill, where artillery batteries dug emplacements among the graves
and then curved south to Cemetary Ridge; a north-south chain of hillocks
that ended in the twin Round Tops. Bbig Round Top was by far the
commanding peak on the battlefield, but was thickly wooded and unsuitable
for troops or artillery. Its sister, Little Round Top, had recently been
deforested and would become the southern anchor of the Union line.
Currently, however, the only troops on its summit were a small observation
and signal station.
Lee's army ran along the perimeter of the Unio fish-hook extending over six
miles from Longstreet's I Corps in the south to Ewell's II Corps on the
northeast. Meade, in a textbook case of the use of interior lines, could
pace a short two miles from Sickle's III Corps on the left to Slocum's XII
Corps on the right. Against the advice of Longstreet who counseled a
defensive battle, Lee had decided to force the Union left and roll up
Meade's line while advancing north. Furthermore, Ewell on the extreme left
was to attack Culp's Hill when he heard the sound of Longstreet's pre-
assault artillery barrage six miles away. It was a plan doomed to failure
that almost succeeded due to the incompetence of a tragicomedic Union Maj
General; Dan Sickles, who would later be elected to the Congress of the
United States, invent the temporary insanity plea to win his acquital after
murdering his wife's lover, and in later years often visit the Smithsonian
Institute to view the amputated leg that he would lose this day at
Against orders and traditional military dictums, Sickles had stationed the
two divisions of the III Corps a half mile in front of the rest of the
Union line in a peach orchard and in a boulder strewn area known as the
Devil's Den. At 3:30 p.m., the first opening salvos from the Confederate
batteries alerted Meade to trouble on his left. He arrived and watched in
horror as Longstreet's attack began to crumple the III Corps and the
wounded and terrified streamed to the rear.
At this moment Brigadier General Gouverneur K. Warren, Meade's Chief of
Engineers, realized that Little Round Top was "the key to the Union
position" and on his own initiative ordered two brigades and a battery from
the newly arrive V Corps to race to the summit. They arrived as the
Confederates were still scaling the western slopes and flung themselves
into a vicious hand-to-hand fight that left both Union brigade dead. Four
hours later Longstreet's Corps, now in possession of the peach orchard and
the Devil's Den, had stalled short of its objective.
On the other side of the field Ewell's batteries had opened up on schedule
but were quickly silenced by the effective return fire of the Union cannon
stationed among the tombs and headstones on Cemetary Hill, The Confederate
attack finally stepped off at sunset and though vigorously pressed, ended
in failure. The fight on the graveyard's slopes continued late into the
night before recall was sounded and the two armies hunkered down to await
the inevitable final clash on the next day.
Both sides were still receiving reinforcements, almost hourly, until by the
morning of July 3, the stage was set with 97,000 Union and 75,000
Confederate players. The positions of the Army of the Potomac and the Army
of Northern Virginia had remained substantially unchanged for two days;
only Sicle's salient had been pushed in and the Union line extended south
to the Round Tops. Strategically, the situation for Lee was also
unchanged, though perhaps a bit more urgent. his army, outnumbered and in
hostile territory, had been living off the land and had practically
stripped the surrounding countryside bare. Again, Longstreet counseled Lee
to place the army south and east of the Round Tops astride Meande's line of
communications, and force the northern general to attack. Lee would have
none of this and ordered a coup de main on the Union center spearheaded by
Pickett's division who had arrived during the night, Longstreet replied,
"no 15,000 men ever arrayed for battle can take that position," and
reluctantly began the preparations for the charge.
At 1:07 p.m., two guns of Captain Miller's battery stationed in the peach
orchard fired signal shells into the clear Pennsylvanian sky. At 1:08
p.m., the 140 guns assembled by Lee's chief of Artillery, Colonel E. P.
Alexander, began the barrage; many at a distance of only 800 yards from the
Union center. Brigadier General Henry J. Hunt, meade's Chief of Artillery,
withheld fire until the Confederate positions were located and then let fly
with his batteries. They then commenced to hammer away at each other, with
no visible slackening, for almost two hours.
By 1863 the Art of the Artilleryman had made but one small advance to the
science in the last many centuries: grapeshot; a coffee can sized package
of little round iron balls that were fired out of the smooth-bore cannon
like a giant shotgun. An infantry division would find it quite impossible
to charge across a mile of open wheat field, into the muzzles of over 50
batteries firing double loads of grapeshot, and survive.
Colonel Alexander's assignment was to eliminate the Union batteries and
inform his superiors it was time to attack. A little before 3:00 p.m.,
Brigadier General Hunt passed the order for the Union cannon to cease fire
and let the muzzles cool while ammunition was brought up from the rear. At
this point Alexander, now desperate to see some signs of the effectiveness
of his fire and almost out of shells, sent a message to Pickett, "For God's
sake come quick; the 18 guns are gone, unless you advance quick, my
ammunition won't let me support you properly." Pickett in turn rode to
Longstreet to seek final approval. Longstreet, opposed to this assault
from the beginning, could only nod an ascent. Pickett saluted and replied,
"I am going to move forward, sir," turned, rode back to his troops and into
The Army of Northern Virginia quite possibly possessed the finest fighting
troops on the North American continent in July, 1863. The 15,000 men
gamely moved out to the command. "Forward, guide center, march." towards a
small clump of trees on Cemetary Ridge pointed out by General lee from
astride his warhorse, Traveler. The Union batteries in the center reloaded
with canisters of grapeshot and waited for the infantry to get within range
while the batteries on the flanks continued to lob exploding shells into
Pickett's neatly ordered lines.
Then, when only a few hundred yards of wheat field separated the attackers
and the defenders, every cannon along the Union line slashed out. Less
than one percent of those who started off made those yards. Confederate
Brigadier General Armistead actually reached the stone wall that marked the
Union position, and with his cap on his sword yelled, "Follow me!" before
he was shot down. There is a monument there now that marks the high water
mark of the Confederacy; the closest Lee and the Army of Northern Virginia
ever came to an offensive victory on northern soil.
Over 7,000 lay dead, wounded or captured; the rest recrossed the field
still under continuous barrage, to be greeted by a devastated Lee who said,
"All this has been my fault. It is I that have lost this fight, and you
must help me out of it in the best way you can."
The next day, during a torrential storm, the Army of Northern Virginia
started back south in a wagon train that stretched for 17 miles. It would
now be on the defensive for the rest of its existence until the final
surrender on April 9, 1865.
The Army of the Potomac
Maj-Gen George Gordan Meade commanding
troops commander # men flagname
I Army Corps - Maj-Gen John F. Reynolds commanding (killed July 1)
Maj-Gen Abner Doubleday commanding
Maj-Gen John Newton commanding
1st Corps Artillery Col C.S.Wainwright 1 Corps
1st Division Maj-Gen J.S. Wadsworth 3,400 Wdsworth
2nd Division Brig-Gen John C. Robinson 3,200 Robinson
3rd Division Maj-Gen Abner Doubleday 3,300 Dbleday
II Army Corps - Maj-Gen Winfield S. Hancock commanding
Brig-Gen John Gibbon
2nd Corps Artillery Capt J.G. Hazard 950 II Corps
1st Division Brig-Gen John C. Caldwell 4,300 Caldwell
2nd Division Brig-Gen John Gibbon
Brig-Gen William Harrow 4,500 Gibbon
3rd Division Brig-Gen Alexander Hays 4,400 Hays
III Army Corps - Maj-Gen Daniel E. Sickles commanding
Maj-Gen D.B. Birney
3rd Corps Artillery Capt George E. Randolph 950 III Corp
1st Division Maj-Gen D.B. Birney
Maj-Gen J.J.H. Ward 6,200 Birney
2nd Division Brig-Gen A.A. Humphreys 6,100 Hmfhreys
V Army Corps - Maj-Gen George Sykes commanding
5th Corps Artillery Capt A.P. Martin 770 V Corps
1st Division Brig-Gen James Barnes 4,500 Barnes
2nd Division Brig-Gen R.B. Ayres 4,300 Ayres
3rd Division Brig-Ben S.W. Crawford 4,400 Crawford
VI Army Corps - Maj-Gen John Sedgwick commanding
6th Corps Artillery Col C.H. Tompkins 900 VI Corps
1st Division Brig-Gen H.G. Wright 5,200 Wright
2nd Division Brig-Gen A.P. Howe 5,150 Howe
3rd Division Brig-Gen Frank Wheaton 5,250 Wheaton
XI Army Corps - Maj-Gen O.O. Howard commanding
11th Corps Artillery Maj T.W. Osborn 875 XI Corps
1st Division Brig-Gen F.C. Barlow
Brig-Gen Adelbert Ames 3,500 Barlow
2nd Division Brig-Gen A. von Steinwehr 3,500 Steinwhr
3rd Division Brig-Gen Carl Schurz 3,200 Shurz
troops commander # men flagname
XII Army Corps - Maj-Gen H.W. Slocum commanding
12th Corps Artillery Lt. Edward D. Muhlenberg 575 XII Corp
1st Division Brig-Gen Alpheus Williams 4,300 Williams
2nd Division Brig-Gen John W. Geary 4,250 Geary
Army Artillery Reserve - Brig-Gen R.O. Taylor commanding
Capt John M. Robertson
1st Regular Brig Capt D.R. Ransom 600 1st Reg
1st Volunteer Brig Lt-Col F. McGilvery 550 2nd Vol
2nd Volunteer Brig Capt E.D. Taft 575 2nd Vol
3rd Volunteer Brig Capt James F. Huntington 560 3rd Vol
4th Volunteer Brig Capt R.H. Fitzhugh 550 4th Vol
The Army of Northern Virginia
General Robert E. Lee commanding
troops commander # men flagname
I Corps - Lt-Gen James Longstreet commanding
1st Corps Artillery Col J.B. Walton 550 I Corps
1st Division - Maj-Gen John B. Hood
1st Division
Artillery Maj M.W. Henry 300 Henry
1st Brigade Brig-Gen D.R. Anderson 2,700 Anderson
2nd Brigade Brig-Gen H.L. Bennings 2,500 Bennings
3rd Brigade Brig-Gen E.M. Law
Col James L. Sheffield 2,200 Law
4th Brigade Brig-Gen J.B. Robertson 2,100 Robertsn
2nd Division - Maj-Gen Lafayette McLaws
2nd Division
Artillery Col H.C. Cabell 250 Cabell
1st Brigade Brig-Gen W. Barksdale
Col B.G. Humphreys 2,200 Barksdal
2nd Brigade Brig-Gen J.B. Kershaw 1,900 Kershaw
3rd Brigade Brig-Gen W.T. Wofford 2,000 Wofford
4th Brigade Brig-Gen P.J. Semmes
Col Goode Bryan 1,900 Semmes
troops commander # men flagname
3rd Division - Maj-Gen George E. Pickett
3rd Division
Artillery Maj James Dearing 350 Dearing
1st Brigade Brig-Gen J.L. Kemper 2,750 Kemper
2nd Brigade Brig-Gem A. Armistead
Col W.R. Aylett 2,800 Armisted
3rd Brigade Brig-Gen R.B. Garnett
Maj George C. Cabell 2,750 Garnett
II Corps - Lt-Gen Richard S. Ewell commanding
2nd Corps Artillery Col J. Thompson Brown 450 II Corps
1st Division - Maj-Gen Jubal A. Early
1st Division
Artillery Lt-Col H.P. Jones 350 H. Jones
1st Brigade Brig-Gen William Smith
Col John s. Hoffman 2,750 W. Smith
2nd Brigade Brig-Gen R.F. Hoke
Col Isaac E. Avery
Col A.C. Godwin 2,850 Hoke
3rd Brigade Brig-Gen Harry T. Hays 2,400 H. Hays
4th Brigade Brig-Gen J.B. Gordon 2,200 Gordon
2nd Division - Maj-Gen Edward Johnson
2nd Division
Artillery Lt-Col R.S. Andrews 450 Andrews
1st Brigade Brig-Gen John M. Jones
Lt-Col R.H. Dungan
Col B.T. Johnson 2,450 J. Jones
2nd Brigade Brig-Gen James A. Walker 2,250 Walker
3rd Brigade Brig-Gen George H. Stewart 2,400 Stewart
4th Brigade Col J.M. Williams 1,600 Williams
3rd Division - Maj-Gen R.E. Rodes
3rd Division
Artillery Lt-Col Thomas H. Carter 350 Carter
1st Brigade Brig-Gen E.A. Neal 2,500 Neal
2nd Brigade Brig-Gen S.D. Ramseur 2,600 Ramseur
3rd Brigade Brig-Gen George Doles 2,250 Doles
4th Brigade Brig-Gen Alfred Iverson
Brig-Gen S.D. Ramseur 2,150 Iverson
5th Brigade Brig-Gen Junius Daniel 1,875 Daniel
troops commander # men flagname
III Corps - Lt-Gen Ambrose P. Hill Commanding
3rd Artillery Col R.L. Walker 450 III Corp
1st Division - Maj-Gen R.H. Anderson
1st Division
Artillery Maj John Lane 350 Lane
1st Brigade Brig-Gen William Mahone 2,750 Mahone
2nd Brigade Brig-Gen A.R. Wright
Col William Gibson
Col E.J. Walker
Col B.C. McCurry
Col C.H. Anderson 2,500 Wright
3rd Brigade Col David Lang
Brig-Gen E.A. Perry 2,400 Lang
4th Brigade Brig-Gen Carnot Posey 2,200 Posey
5th Brigade Brig-Gen C.M. Wilcox 1,000 Wilcox
2nd Division - Maj-Gen William D. Pender
Brig-Gen James H. Lane
2nd Division
Artillery William T. Poague 350 Pague