Saturday, 25th November 2023
CODiE Awards 1999: Starcraft, Unreal, Lego Loco

In 1999 we surpassed 6 billion inhabitants in the whole world. In Europe, the new currency - called EURO - replaces national currencies. In the USA, Napster is released, and if you don't remember it, go looking for it on Wikipedia! Microsoft releases Internet Explorer 5 (five!).
Movies released in 1999: Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, The Sixth Sense, American Pie, American Beauty, The Matrix.
The 1999 CODiE awards went to one of the best real-time strategy games ever released, Starcraft and a few other games, some of them well known (Links, Unreal):
- 1999
- Adams Starship Titanic Best New Adventure/Role-Playing Software Game
- LEGO Loco Best New Strategy and Simulation Software Game
- Links LS 1999 Edition Best New Sports Software Game
- Starcraft Best New Multi-Player Online Game
- Unreal Best New Arcade/Action Software Game
The CODiE Awards, also known as the SIIA CODiE Awards, are an annual awards program that recognizes excellence in software, information, and education technology industries. The awards are organized by the Software and Information Industry Association (SIIA), a trade association representing software and digital content companies.