Ancient Domains of Mystery is a free turn-based rpg game designed by Thomas Biskup, , released in 1996. Ancient Domains of Mystery runs on Windows XP/98/95, DOS, Linux but was also published for Amiga, Macintosh.
The problem with inverted sound effects (left sounds coming out of right speaker, etc.) is still present in DOSBox 0.74. It seems the only way to get around this for now is to use mono sound (sb1 or sb2 output). Hopefully a fix will be implemented eventually.
Gray 19/08/2019 17:06
Played this back in the 90s, playing it again in 2019. Still looks just as good, hasn't aged a bit - lol! Anyway, very good game. Depth but accessibility, at least once you learn the basic keys. Classic RPG hack and slash with magic, potions, scrolls, all kinds of monsters, dieties and prayer, eating and cooking, alchemy, music, pets, animating the dead to be your slaves, shops, taverns, towns, quests ....... It's full of stuff to see and do. And it's HARD, at least compared to modern games. You will die often, and it's permadeath. I love ADOM!
crpg addict 14/01/2015 15:49
I played nethack, angband and its variants, but I really don't like Adom. Too darn difficult.
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