Do you have trouble running this game on Windows? Read this guide.
Games developed for old Windows versions may not run on recent systems. You may need a Virtual Machine to run this game properly.
There were two expansion packs that slowly added more features to the game. The first, Conflicts in Civilization, included 20 new scenarios. The second expansion was Civ II: Fantastic Worlds. It also added new scenarios that had many unique settings such as one scenario dealing with colonization of Mars, and one scenario called Midgard that had Elven, Goblin, Merman, and other civilizations from fantasy.
The game was re-released in 1997 as Civilization II: Multiplayer Gold Edition, which bundled both prior expansion packs and added options for networked and hotseat play, and features tweaked AI.
The above text is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. This text is based on this Wikipedia article.
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