Abandonware DOS title

The Three Stooges

The Three Stooges is a free action game developed by Cinemaware and released by Cinemaware in 1987. The Three Stooges runs on DOS. The Three Stooges was based on a movie.
The Three Stooges screenshot
3stooges-1.jpg - DOS
3stooges-2.jpg - DOS
3stooges-3.jpg - DOS
3stooges-4.jpg - DOS
3stooges-splash.jpg - DOS
released in:
Game modes:
3.61 / 5.00 (31 votes)

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Do you have trouble running this game on Windows? Read this guide.

DOS games can't run on Windows. You need a DOS emulator like DOSbox or D-Fend Reloaded. Follow these instructions to play DOS games on Windows 10 or later systems.

More information on The Three Stooges

Status: freeware
Input: keyboard, joystick
Distributed on: 3,5 floppy disk, 5,25 floppy disk
Abandonware DOS views: 7857
Awards won by The Three Stooges:
  • 1989 - Best Sound Achievement in a Non-Music Product, CODiE Awards.


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