The most popular remake games
Games developed for DOS and other defunct home computers (or Personal Computers) date back to the 80s of the past century. This means they are old and it's diffucult to make them run on modern systems. Graphics, user experience and sound made huge leaps forward over the years, but somehow these old games managed to be remembered by me, you and someone crazy enough to put a lot of effort into remake them.
Some of these old games have been remade from scratch to varying degrees of faithfulness, whether by the hands of big gaming companies, indie developers or simply by individuals who had enough free time and coding skills.
Some of these old games have been remade from scratch to varying degrees of faithfulness, whether by the hands of big gaming companies, indie developers or simply by individuals who had enough free time and coding skills.
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CHAMP Asteroids
DOS1997remake ChamProgramming corp.
David's Kong
King's Quest III Redux: To Heir is Human
Windows 10/11Mac OS2011freewareremake AGD Interactive
Manic Miner remake
Manic Miner is a quintessential platformer game that emerged in the early 1980s, developed by Matthew Smith for the ZX Spectrum. It stands as a hallmark of the 8-bit gaming era, celebrated for its innovative design and enduring charm. This is a quite faithful remake.In Manic Miner, you guide Miner Willy through a series of twenty treacherous cavern...
Windows 10/11LinuxMac OS2007remake
DOS1993remakeNSFW Image-Line Software
Auf Wiedersehen Monty
Windows XP/98/952001remake
Space Commanders
DOS1983remake Columbia Data Products
Space Commanders 2
Mario Bros VGA
Mario Bros VGA is a fan made remake of the original Mario Bros by Nintendo, the game that popularized the character of Mario, the Italian plumber that first appeared in Donkey Kong. Mario Bros VGA is a fixed-screen platform arcade game that truly shines when played in co-op with a friend.
The Way of the Exploding Fist PC
Windows 10/112008freewareremake
The Invaders
DOSWindows XP/98/951989remake
EGA Trek
Tempest 2000
DOS1996remake Atari
Tempest 2000 is a video game developed by Llamasoft and published by Atari Corporation. It was released in 1994 for DOS, Mac, the Atari Jaguar console, etc. Tempest 2000 is an enhanced remake of the original Tempest, which was released in arcades in 1981.In Tempest 2000, players control a claw-shaped ship that moves around the edges of geometric sh...
Wizard of Wor 98
DOS1986freewareremake Designer Software
CHAMP Centipede
DOS1993remake ChamProgramming corp.
Acid Tetris
Hamburger Hell
Aldo Again
Duck Hunt
Duck Hunt is a faithful remake based on the original light gun game Duck Hunt published by Nintendo in 1984. Duck Hunt was a shooting gallery game with a straightforward gameplay: use your gun to shoot down ducks. If you fail to shoot enough birds, the game ends.
Attack of the Mutant Camels
CHAMP Ms. Pac-man
DOS1994remake ChamProgramming corp.
DOS1991remake Rainbow Arts
DOS1996remake ChamProgramming corp.
Push-Push Penguin
Windows XP/98/952004freewareremake
Push-Push Penguin is an expanded version of the classic Sega's 1982 arcade game Pengo, incorporating features like power-ups, a combo system, and a more diverse array of enemies, breathing new life into Sega's original concept. According to the Freeware Database, among the many Pengo remakes, Push Push Penguin stands out as the best, offering minor...
Beyond Columns