Space simulations sorted by release date
Space simulation games, as the name suggests, are all about flying a starship in the vastness of space. The gameplay usually involves one or more of the following activities: space combat, space exploration, trading commodities, taking missions, piracy, crafting, mining asteroids, etc. Some of the most popular space sim series are Wing Commander, Elite and X-Wing / Tie Fighter.
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Star Fleet 1: The War Begins
DOSMac OS1985 Interstel Corporation
Deep space: Operation Copernicus
DOS1986 Lerner Research
DOSMac OS1986 Spectrum HoloByte
Psi 5 Trading Company
DOS1986protected Distinctive Software
DOS1986 Argonaut Games
DOS1987freeware Firebird
Tau Ceti
DOS1987 Thunder Mountain
Skyfox II: The Cygnus Conflict
DOS1988 Dynamix
Star Trek: The Rebel Universe
DOS1988 Firebird
Star Wars
DOS1988 Atari
Space Rogue
DOS1989 Origin Systems
Space Rogue is a science fiction RPG developed by Richard Garriott's Origin and desined by Paul Neurath. Space Rogue combines a 3D space simulation with a top down view RPG gameplay. As a space pilot you can hunt bounties, buy and sell goods, land on starbases or outposts and talk to NPCs, do quests, etc.
Star Fleet 2: Krellan Commander
DOS1989 Interstel Corporation
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
DOS1989 Mindscape
Starglider 2
DOSMac OS1989 Argonaut Games
DOS1990 MicroProse Software
DOS1990 Safari Software
Wing Commander
DOS1990freeware Origin Systems
Wing Commander 1 is a space combat simulator video game; the first game in the Wing Commander series. Wing Commander 1 was developed and published by Origin Systems in 1990. The game was created by Chris Roberts and became known for its innovative use of cinematic storytelling and cutting-edge graphics at the time.In Wing Commander, playe...
Elite Plus
DOS1991freeware Realtime Games
Wing Commander 2: Vengeance of the Kilrathi
DOS1991protected Origin Systems
DOS1992protected Digital Image Design
Shuttle: The Space Flight Simulator
DOS1992 Vektor graphics
Space MAX
DOS1992 Starbyte Software
Windows 3.x1992
Buzz Aldrin's Race into Space
DOS1993 Strategic Visions
Eye of the Storm
DOS1993 Rebellion Developments
Frontier: Elite 2
DOS1993 Frontier Developments
Frontier: Elite II is a classic space simulation and trading game released in 1993, developed by David Braben and his company Frontier Developments. Frontier is the sequel to the pioneering 1984 game Elite and is often considered a landmark title in the space simulation genre.
DOS1993 Papyrus Design Group
Protostar: War on the Frontier
DOS1993 Tsunami Media
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