Various statistics | # |
Abandonware games: | 2643 |
Abandonware applications: | 85 |
Documents (manuals, walkthroughs, maps, etc.): | 744 |
Screenshots: | 15679 |
Videos (embedded from YouTube): | 1127 |
Companies (publishers and developers): | 816 |
Keywords: | 291 |
Articles and news: | 425 |
Games by status | # of games |
abandonware | 1998 |
canceled | 8 |
freeware | 207 |
protected | 515 |
Games by genre | # of games |
action | 427 |
action-adventure | 97 |
adventure | 405 |
application | 85 |
puzzle | 167 |
racing | 113 |
rpg | 269 |
shooter | 257 |
simulation | 166 |
sports | 184 |
strategy | 391 |
vehicle simulation | 167 |
Games by year | # of games |
1979: | 1 |
1981: | 8 |
1982: | 27 |
1983: | 56 |
1984: | 69 |
1985: | 78 |
1986: | 87 |
1987: | 136 |
1988: | 189 |
1989: | 291 |
1990: | 274 |
1991: | 216 |
1992: | 263 |
1993: | 267 |
1994: | 201 |
1995: | 163 |
1996: | 113 |
1997: | 89 |
1998: | 47 |
1999: | 39 |
2000: | 25 |
2001: | 26 |
2002: | 21 |
2003: | 11 |
2004: | 11 |
2005: | 3 |
2006: | 2 |
2007: | 5 |
2008: | 2 |
2009: | 2 |
2011: | 3 |
2013: | 2 |
2017: | 1 |