Abandonware DOS title

The worst DOS and Windows abandonware games of all time

Back in the glorious golden age of PC video gaming there were good games, bad games and there were awful pieces of software that somehow were called games even though they were barely playable.

Some of these games were a pain to look at, some of them were afflicted by a user-unfriendly interface, others were simply unplayable. Take a look at this list of the "worst old PC games in the history of video gaming" and have a laugh. Just remember that none of them aged well.

# worst games ever year status rating
2639 Backgammon 1984 3.10/5
2640 Vectorball 1988 3.10/5
2641 Gateworld 1993 3.10/5
2642 American Gladiators 1992 3.08/5
2643 O-Pong 1996 3.07/5
2644 Jetset 1982 3.06/5
2645 Moonwalker 1989 3.06/5
2646 Yellow Kid: Giallo al Circo 1994 3.06/5
2647 Pac Gal 1982 3.05/5
2648 Street sports baseball 1987 3.05/5
2649 Video Casino 1987 3.00/5
2650 Transland 1996 2.97/5
2651 The Flintstones - Dino: Lost in Bedrock 1990 2.95/5
2652 L'Eternauta: Gli Invasori della Città Eterna 1994 2.95/5
2653 Game Over 1988 2.94/5
2654 Baal 1989 2.91/5
2655 Magnetic Crane 1989 2.90/5
2656 Obliterator 1989 2.88/5
2657 Netherworld 1990 2.86/5
2658 Batalia 1986 2.85/5
2659 Windwalker (Moebius 2) 1989 2.84/5
2660 The Jetsons: By George, in Trouble Again 1990 2.81/5
2661 Gremlins 1984 2.79/5
2662 Never mind 1989 2.75/5
2663 Round 42 1986 2.69/5
2664 Iskib 1989 2.67/5
2665 Viz 1991 2.63/5
2666 Endless Horror 1993 2.57/5
2667 Morphman 1993 2.52/5
2668 Storm 1987 2.47/5