Armored fist other - keyboard configuration
Armored Fist - a nice game for only four disks Welp..this game is going to take some time but here are the basics. Add what you can and pass it along. Note: When you toggle to another vehicle or map, system will ask if you want to return control to auto. The map editor is powerful and you can add extra anything (or delete enemy tanks), give your tanks their path and send them on their way. Use the platoon data menu to give speed etc. -/\rs Nova F1 - Pause F2 - Main view F3 - Secondary view (main diff is that the window is larger) F4 - Exterior view F5 - Engage TTS (night vision) F6 - Firing reticle on/off F7 - Engine smoke on/off F8 - ? F9 - ? F10 - Map F11 - Platoon data F12 - System configuration --------------------------- Alt-A -Auto control on/off Alt-S -System config Alt-Q -Map Tab -switch to next vehicle Capslock -Target lock Space -Fire weapon --------------------------- 1 - Heat \ 2 - Sabo \ 3 - Machine gun Weapons type 4 - Hep / 5 - 6 - 7 - Artillery 8 - Air support 0 - I - Give ID of present vehicle W - Weapon toggle D - Drive L - Low N - Neutral R - Reverse / - Returns turret to front position - + Zoom in/out of main view < > Zoom in/out of map ---------------------------