Abandonware DOS title

Cybercon III manual

                                CYBERCON III

                                GAME CONTROLS


 This booklet provides a  basic   guide  on  how  to  play Cybercon III. More
information can be discovered by reading  the Mission Briefing section, which
expands the Game Control instructions.


 To save a game you must first enter  a  save game room - these can easily be
identified by the code wheel logo on the door.
 Once in the room you will  see  a  communications  console - walk up to this
console and it will self  activate  requesting  a  disk  on which to save the
game. (This disk need not be  formatted  as this is done automatically). Once
you have inserted the disk, use the sonic key to interrogate and then operate
the console - this will  actually  save  the  game.  (Only one saved game per


 There are two ways to restore a saved  game: After you boot the game, or hit
ESC during the game, a menu will  appear  allowing the user to either start a
fresh game, continue the game (if  relevant)  or restore a saved game. Before
selecting the restore option make sure your saved game disk is in the drive.
 If you die during play and  a  saved  game  disk  is  in the drive, you will
automatically be restored to the position of that saved game.


 Movement of the  Power  Armour  (PA)  is  controlled  by  the joystick. Push
forward to move forward, pull back to move back. Pushing the joystick left or
right turns the PA clockwise or Anticlockwise.
 By  pressing  the  FIRE  button  and  moving  the  joystick  left  or  right
simultaneously, the PA  can  be  made  to  `shuffle'  to  the  side. Finally,
simultaneously press the FIRE button  and  operate  the  joystick to tilt the
PA's head. Press forward to look  down,  pull  back  to  look up. If the PA's
sensors are on-line, the Pitch  indicator  shows  the altitude of the helmet,
and the compass shows the orientation of the Armour.
 Pressing F10 (or a sustained press of  the FIRE button whilst moving) causes
the PA to Jump (if Power-assist is on-line). The longer F10 is held down, the
more power is transferred to the Jump  (the  maximum depends on the number of
Energy Banks on-line and other  systems  energised). The Ring Indicator shows
the power build-up. Some lateral  movement  (using  the joystick) is possible
through automatic manoeuvring jets.
 Note: the Power-Assisted Landing function  is  used  automatically if the PA
`falls', provided that Power-Assist is on-line.


 The Energy Bank indicators show  the  current  reserves in the PA's integral
matrix and any supplemental Energy Banks. If  the  bar is red, the Bank has a
finite energy reserve, drained from Fuel Cells. If green, the Bank is powered
by a small fusion reactor which  has effectively limitless power, although it
takes time to recharge. If you discover  an  Energy Bank in the Complex (they
look like rectangular columns), you can use  it as a supplemental power plant
by placing it in  the  backpack.  It  automatically  fills  one of the vacant
Energy Bank slots. Toggle the  four  supplemental  Banks on/off-line by using
F1-F4 (but remember they need  to  be  `fuelled'  from captured Energy Cells,
just like the integral Matrix).  The  more  Banks  on-line, the more power is
available for the PA, Shield,  Weapons  Systems,  etc. Power is always shared
equally between on-line PA systems.
 Energy can be drawn from or supplied to certain apparatus within the complex
via the Energy Transfer Probe (ETP).


 The PMS controls the PA's main  functions. The LEFT/RIGHT cursor keys select
the system; UP toggles the selected system on/off-line.
 The first system is the  PA's  Power-Assist.  On-line, this gives the player
better control over the Armour, and  access  to the Powered Jump function and
Power-Assisted Landing.
 The second system is the PA's  Defence  Field,  which can absorb damage from
hostile fire.
 The third system actually  controls  the  status  of  a variety of Secondary
Systems, including the ETP, Weapons, and the Sonic Key.
 The fourth system  is  the  Auto-Repair  which,  if  placed  on-line repairs
damaged systems. The status of individual  systems can be ascertained through
the status bars beneath the systems  icons.  Again, use the LEFT/RIGHT cursor
keys to select the system, plus DOWN cursor to place that system in the Auto-
Repair net. Power allocated  to  the  Auto-Repair  is  shared equally between
selected damaged systems.
 The fifth PMS controls the Sensors.  If  placed on-line (this system's power
consumption is minimal), the Ring Indicator acts as a Doppler Detector with a
360 degree sweep. Targets are indicated  by  a green light. The Sensor system
also controls the Pitch indicator, the Compass and the Cameras.


 Secondary Systems are placed on-line by  selecting PMS switch 3 and pressing
UP cursor. They are controlled through the SS Display.
 The SS Display operates in three  Modes.  The  9  and  3 keys on the numeric
keypad scroll through the three Modes,  and  the  lights  on the right of the
display show which is currently active.


 Mode One allows the player to  select  one  of  four different systems to be
active. The 7 and 1 keys on the numeric keypad scroll through the four items,
with the currently selected item both appearing in the PMS display, and being
highlighted in the Secondary Systems Display.
 The first unit is the Plasma Projector. This  is mounted on a pod beside the
helmet visor, and fires directly forward.  Press  FIRE to operate the weapon.
The second unit is vacant at the beginning of the game, but could be used for
a second weapon or for another device.  The first applicable device picked up
will be loaded  into  this  slot  automatically;  should  you  wish to change
devices, drop both, and pick up the actively required device first (the other
will be stored in the backpack).
 The third unit is the Energy  Transfer  Probe  (ETP). If the ETP is selected
and on-line, it flashes when  brought  into  the  proximity  of a system with
which it can interact.
 The ETP can drain power from Fuel Cells to on-line Energy Banks. It can also
provide power to start-up Field Generators and other systems.
 The fourth unit is the Sonic Key.  If  this is selected and brought on-line,
it alters the Icon Strip Display to  show  the sonic codes known to that Key.
To operate, first select 1-3 icons from the Strip by scrolling the icons with
the < and > keys and using SPACE to select.
 Selected codes are transferred to the  Key  Display  to the right (loading a
fourth code clears the display).  Press  FIRE  or RETURN to activate ("play")
the Sonic Key. If the correct code(s)  are played, the Key can operate almost
any device in the Complex.
 If the Key is played without any codes loaded (or if F9 is pressed), it will
Interrogate a system  within  the  Complex,  seeking  to  discover  the right
 This can be attempted more then once. An Interrogable system within range of
the Key causes its on-line indicator to flash red/green. If the Interrogation
is successful, the Key will draw the code  from the system, and this can then
be played back to operate that system.
 Should the  PA's  Key  not  know  the  relevant  Code,  Interrogate  will be
unsuccessful. However, some systems can give the Volunteer extra codes, which
can then be used from then on.


 The other two Modes for the Secondary Systems Display refer to the operation
of Remote Cameras. Mode Two is  Reception  Mode.  If the Sensory Array PMS is
on-line, pictures from a camera which  has  been  placed and activated can be
viewed. Up to  four  cameras  can  be  monitored,  and  the  active camera is
selected using the 7 and 1 keys on the keypad.
 Mode Three operates in much the same way, but allows the joystick to be used
to control the camera (in Mode Two, it still controls the PA).
 Standard cameras can pan left or right and can be zoomed in or out using the
joystick. By pressing FIRE simultaneously moving the joystick up or down, the
Camera tilts up or down, in the same way as the PA.
 The special  `Parrot'  camera  (Camera  1)  is  mobile  and,  therefore, the
joystick actually controls its movement through space  as the PA is moved. It
cannot be Zoomed in and out; however  it  can fly closer to its target, which
has the same effect.
 Note that by pressing 5 on  the  keypad,  you  can have the Parrot return to
you, provided that you are in the same room.


 The Cellular Backpack carried by the PA can carry up to 16 items.
 Except when used with the Sonic Key,  the Icon Strip shows those items which
are carried in the backpack.
 To drop/place an item, select it by using the < and > keys to scroll through
the items, and SPACE to select.
 Certain items require a Sonic  Key  sequence  to  be activated. These can be
Interrogated to obtain the code, using the normal procedure.
 Items can be picked up  throughout  the  Complex by reversing the procedure.
First, make sure the Icon Strip window  is over a vacant space, then approach
the object. When it flashes in the  window,  it  can be picked up by pressing

                              MISSION ABSTRACT

 This document, and the enclose holo-stills from classified vid-cube footage,
contains all  the  information  the  War  Council  of  the  Democratic  Union
possesses about Cybercon III, its central Brain Stem, and the Defence Complex
at Mount Adam.
 Thanks to intelligence gathered at  enormous  cost,  the WCDU has discovered
the previously-unknown location Brain Stem  of  the  Cybercon III system. The
Defence Complex was  constructed  alongside  the  development  of Cybercon to
provide a sterile, hermetically-sealed environment  for the Brain Stem, which
is the core Command Centre for all Cybercon's activities.
 Sensory and  reconnaissance  data  indicate  that  the  Defence  Complex was
designed to provide access to  technicians  and  inspectors through a heavily
guarded entrance on  the  west  side  of  the  mountain.  This  was sealed by
Cybercon at the beginning of the current  emergency. However, it seems that a
second entrance  on the south side  was  also  constructed, and was left as a
deliberate blind spot or fail-safe by Cybercon's creators. This entrance will
admit a single operative, after  which  it  places  an energy seal across the
portal until the operative returns, or the Complex's sensors register no life
 It is proposed that a  single  Volunteer  enter  the Defence Complex, with a
view to achieving one of two  favourable  outcomes. The first is the complete
neutralisation of  the  Brain  Stem,  which  would  effectively  bring  to an
immediate  halt  all  Cybercon's  activities  worldwide.  Failing  that,  the
operative should seek to dismantle the  force  wall that shields the Complex,
so that additional forces can be admitted to achieve the primary objective.


 The Volunteer will  enter  the  Complex  by  the  southern  entrance  at the
earliest opportunity, in co-ordination with  a  diversionary show of force at
the main entrance by WCDU forces.
 The Defence Complex is a  multi-layered, tri-dimensional combat environment,
designed to provide a  graduated  response  to  any  attack on Cybercon III's
Brain Stem.
 It must be stressed that,  like  Cybercon  III,  the  Defence Complex has an
auto-diagnostic defence capability, which uses  its  resource to complete its
function, free from human  agency  or  control.  However,  there  are two key
advantages for the success of the mission.
 First, although self-contained, the Complex  was  not designed to completely
deny all human interface. Before the  Cataclysm, accredited human agents were
admitted to carry out construction,  logistic  and maintenance missions. This
means it is not a function of  the  Defence Complex to isolate itself and the
Brain Stem,  and  there  exist  within  it  control  centres,  equipment  and
facilities designed for human operation.
 Second, to the best of our  knowledge,  Cybercon  III is not controlling the
Defence Complex; the two systems  remain  largely independent of one another,
as they were designed to  be.  Cybercon  appears  to  have raised the Defence
Condition of the Complex to its highest  rating,  hence the force wall. It is
also sensible to suppose  that  Cybercon  can  dispose  of  its own resources
within the complex. However, it seems that  the Complex is not operating in a
way to deny all human access.
 Once he has gained admittance,  the  Complex  should be user-friendly to the
Volunteer at a basic level. That is to  say, there will be heat and light, no
unshielded radiation sources, and all interfaces -  such as doors and lists -
operate normally. The Volunteer  should,  therefore,  be  able to move around
relatively freely, within the normal design constraints of the Complex.
 To further enhance the prospect of  a successful mission, the Volunteer will
be equipped with a Maintenance Exo-Skeleton  (MES),  which used to the common
protective equipment for technicians  and  programmers working with Cybercon.
The MES  was  discovered  at  a  military  airbase  abandoned  as  surplus by
Cybercon, and has been fully  upgraded  and  reclassified as PA. The armour's
value is that it shares common systems with all Cybercon-originated equipment
- including the Defence Complex. The Volunteer  should  be able to use the PA
in the Complex environment, and  should  find additional systems and internal
interfaces will be compatible with the PA.
 To augment the utility of the  PA,  as  much ancillary equipment as has been
possible to configure to its interface has been added.
 Defensive equipment  has  been  taken  from  a  disabled  Cyber-wheel robot,
providing the Volunteer with a  25mm  Plasma  Generator and full Stasis Field
generation.  Additionally,  a  Sonic  Key,   the  basic  interface  tool  for
communicating with the Defence Complex, has been equipped.
 It is important to  recognise  that  -  due  to  the  extreme urgency of the
mission - evaluation tests in  the  equipment  has been limited. However, its
ancestry with the Cybercon system should  mean it provides adequate resources
for the job.

                           THE HISTORY OF CYBERCON

 The following information is provided as background. The WCDU cannot be sure
that the information is wholly correct, nor  does it surmise that it provides
any intelligence directly relevant to the mission.

 Cybercon's origins  lie  in  the  power  struggle  between  the  Confederate
Democratic Union of States and the Alliance of Holy States, latterly known as
the  Southern  Alliance.  The  residual   weaponry  of  totalitarian  regimes
overthrown by the mass revolutionary movements which pre-figured the Alliance
gave it an immediate advantage  in  the  initial  phases  of the war with the
 The Union's technological advantage was  partially  offset by these weapons,
and by the sheer weight of  numbers  on  the  Alliance side. During the first
phase of the war, when parts of Europe  were overrun, the Union was unable to
cope with the command and  control  of  its  diverse weapons systems. Control
foundered at the interface between human policy-makers and electronic `minds'
of the advanced weaponry.
 At this point, amidst great  secrecy,  Union scientists provided an answer:-
Cybercon, a cybernetic  artificial  intelligence  which  did  not  need human
guidance  for  individual  commands,  but   which  operated  within  the  set
parameters of the Union's requirements.  Only  Cybercon, it was argued, could
operate the military  resources  of  the  Union  swiftly  enough  to meet the
multiple threats in each theatre.  The  overwhelming  nature of the threat to
Union security was the simple justification  for  the enormous expense of the
 When Cybercon came on-line, people throughout  the  Union breathed a sigh of
relief. As it  took  control  of  the  Union  arsenal,  as  it  developed new
defensive weapons, and as it utilised  those weapons with incredible response
rates across the globe, the threat from the Alliance began to recede.
 But ultimate peace could not be obtained by holding the enemy at bay. Though
the  Alliance's  primitive  defence  capability  had  been  neutralised,  the
potential of billions of people might  still be exploited; the Alliance might
still overwhelm Cybercon. With  this  in  mind,  the  Union continued to pour
money into  development,  and  the  finest  cybernetic  scientists  of  their
generation were co-opted  into  the  project  to  conduct  advanced research.
Cybercon evolved into a second entity, now  given the power to make offensive
war against the enemy.
 The resulting collapse of the  Alliance  was rapid. Cybercon II's processing
was now even more intricate, yet  still  incredibly fast, allowing it to plan
and control its offensive  campaign  to  a  degree  unimaginable to any human
commander. Within three months, the final outcome of the war was no longer in
doubt, although it took six years to quell the last bastions of the Alliance.
During that time, Cybercon passed into the  third stage of its evolution, and
the cloak of secrecy which had  veiled  its activities became an impenetrable
wall. Although outward  signs  of  Cybercon's  activities  remained  - at the
airbases and missile  sites  it  maintained  and  utilised,  and  through its
communications with its human `masters'  -  the  location  of its key centres
became the subject of almost mythical conjecture.
 Cybercon was hidden away even  from  the  natural curiosity of its political
overlords in the  Union;  increasingly,  it  also  reduced  its dependence on
humanity for any of its  vital  functions. Powerful armoured robots conducted
its war  operations,  others  ran  factories  producing  vital  equipment and
stores. Slowly, the number  of  human  beings  directly  interfacing with the
various sub-systems dwindled. Cybercon III was independent, self-sufficient -
and answerable only to its own logic programs.
 Almost inevitably, there came  the  disastrous  price  to  be  paid for such
folly. Like a thunderclap from a clear  sky, Cybercon released the full range
of  its  advanced  robotic  and   cybernetic   weaponry  against  the  world.
Simultaneously, every great  city  in  the  world  was  vaporised  by nuclear
weapons, fired from bases which were themselves rendered inoperative by auto-
destruct mechanisms. Within  hours,  all  human  agencies  of  government and
policing were destroyed. The  survivors,  abandoned  and helpless, asked "Who
did this to us? Which  of  our  enemies  has  Cybercon failed to defeat?" The
answer became clear only slowly -  Cybercon  itself was the culprit. Humanity
had made the mistake  of  divesting  too  much  responsibility to a soul-less
 Cybercon interpreted its prime directive - the preservation of the Union and
saw the greatest danger to the Union as  its own people; had it not destroyed
all other threats? Following such  remorseless  logic; Cybercon preserved the
Union by destroying all within  it.  Even  the  destruction  of its bases and
outward sub-systems was deliberate; with no viable target for them to be used
against, they were destroyed to prevent any part of their technology entering
human hands.
 Human survivors, in  rural  areas,  wastelands  and  sheltered country, were
easily herded and culled by Cybercon's advanced Cyber-wheel robots. But a few
were capable of resistance. The revived  WCDU has fought Cybercon for several
years, with some small  success  against  lone  Cyber-wheels or isolated sub-
systems. But those success have merely  focused  the mind of the machine back
on the human problem. Once  more  Cyber-wheels  are  rolling across the land,
seeking out survivors and nests of resistance.
 This time, Cybercon will not rest until all human life has been eradicated.

                             THE DEFENCE COMPLEX

 The WCDU discovered the whereabouts  of  Cybercon's  Brain Stem through good
fortune and painstaking  research.  An  exploding  Cyber-wheel  broke  upon a
vestigal underground command  facility  dating  from  the  late 21st century.
Within, the WCDU  discovered  theoretical  documents  about a self-supporting
command centre, with access to all  necessities within its perimeter, and yet
which would be small enough to  be practically invisible. The ideal location,
the document theorised, would  be  beneath  a  mountain  which  had both rich
mineral resources and flowing  ground  water  sufficient for industrial power
and cooling purposes.
 The Brain Stem - Cybercon's central command facility - remained undiscovered
at that time, despite  all  efforts.  Cybercon's  communications systems were
deliberately intricate and arcane,  to  make  tracing  signals  back to their
source impossible. However, the original belief  had been that the site could
be tracked by monitoring all  the  activity  of  Cybercon's robots. Sooner or
later, it was theorised, equipment,  fuel,  replacement  parts or other items
would have to be delivered there.
 The document showed this might not be the case - Cybercon's Brain Stem could
be  completely isolated. The  WCDU's  resources  were  switched  at once to a
major search to find a site with the requisite resources.
 That site is Mount Adam.
 Surviving geological data records showed Mount Adam  to be a site with great
potential. It is  undistinguished  and  lies  some  distance  away  from pre-
Cataclysm  urban  centre  or  geological   `hot'  zone.  Reconnaissance  then
discovered  two   heavily-camouflaged   entrances,   both   shielded   by  an
impenetrable force wall. These entrances must  date from an early incarnation
of the Cybercon, when  human  agents  had  access  to  the facility. Cybercon
appears to have attempted to further  conceal  the  main entrance by means of
triggered land-slides.
 Our knowledge of what lies beyond  the  Force Wall is extremely limited, but
we do have some intelligence  from  early  vid-film  taken inside the complex
during Cybercon's earlier incarnations.
 The Defence Complex's sole function  is  to  provide security for Cybercon's
Brain Stem, although the facility also  manufactures and recycles robots, and
operates mineral mines, power plants and  other  stations. The Force Wall and
Mount  Adam  itself  provide   proofing   against   thermo-nuclear  blast  or
conventional externally-supplied high explosive.
 The Defence Complex is designed to  provide proofing against infiltration by
commando, terrorist or special forces - a sign that the design of the Complex
was supposed to permit more general human access.
 Captured vid-film shows the bulk of the complex consists of inter-connecting
passageways, rooms, shafts and trenches.  In  theory,  the Complex could have
several thousand such units, although the likely limit is about 500. Further,
the Complex is divided into a number  of discrete sectors, which connect only
at a limited number of points.  The  Sectors have extremely variable designs,
aimed  at  disrupting  intruders'  learning   patterns,  and  to  test  their
capabilities against a number of different defence environments.
 Passive defence plays a considerable part  in the Complex's design. Approved
human agents were equipped and  trained  to  access  only  those parts of the
Complex required by whatever mission profile they had. Low-grade security was
provided through a Sonic Key, which  would  be issued to the operative before
he entered the Complex.
 These keys exist for all  manner  of  Cybercon's  facilities, and operate by
playing audible tones to a sensory instrument.
 By issuing  a  key  containing  a  limited  number  of  tones,  the  Complex
effectively restricted the equipment any operative could use, and complicated
the approach routes to the Brain Stem. Although some doors within the complex
operate sensing the approach of a human  or robot, others require a Sonic Key
 The Union has obtained  such  a  Key,  which  gives  the Volunteer low-grade
access to most levels of the Complex.  The  operation  of the Key is the same
whatever the end device may  be.  In  some  cases,  the required code will be
displayed on or near the instrument;  in others, the operative would normally
have been expected to know the required code.
 Note that elevators carry two displays. The  first shows which floor you are
on, and which others the elevator serves. The second shows if the elevator is
on your floor, and if  it  is  ascending/descending. Inside the elevator car,
the Sonic Key sequence for each floor is indicated on the rear wall.
 One important refinement has been  added  to  the  Sonic Key supplied to the
Volunteer. This is an interrogate  function.  By  activating  the Key with no
tones entered, the Volunteer can  interrogate  the  device's sensor to obtain
the code the device requires.  This  should  be  an  invaluable aid to moving
around the Complex.
 It is extremely likely that other  key  codes are hidden within the complex,
which give access to the most  sensitive  parts of the Complex. The Volunteer
should make every effort to locate these codes.
 Communication will be virtually impossible once  the operative is inside the
Complex. The Complex is  so  tightly  sealed  that  normal communications are
impossible. However, the historical record shows it is equipped with a number
of visi-cubes which provide external agencies  with  views of the Complex (we
have included  captured  stills  with  this  briefing)  through  a  number of
transmission interfaces. Any useful information which  would be of benefit to
a reserve mission should be communicated through this device.
 Other Cybercon installations  are  known  to  have  used  toroidal (magnetic
plasma bottle) fusion reactors, and it  is  likely  this is the case at Mount
Adam. It should be possible to  tap  into  power sources at certain points in
the mission to replenish supplies. It  may  also  be possible to remove power
from the complex by  shutting  down  or  disabling  these  reactors. It seems
unlikely that this will be sufficient  to  complete  the mission, and it will
certainly shut off all power to elevators and doors.
 Given that it is wholly isolated as  a system, Cybercon's Brain Stem and the
Defence Complex must have internal  means  for the appropriation, utilisation
and  processing  of  local   resources.   Central  manufacturing  and  repair
facilities will break down  and  rebuild  robots  on  a regular schedule, and
disabled  equipment  will  be  brought  to  such  facilities  by  drones  for
recycling. Intelligence suggests that a red/green  chevron marker is a symbol
for doors and robots servicing this facility;  blocking such doors may have a
beneficial effect on the mission.
 We have no idea of the location or description of the Force Wall's controls.
Clearly, however, the dismantling of this  Wall  would be a useful success in
the event of the primary mission's failure.


 Though separate to the main Cybercon  system, the Defence Complex provides a
self-contained environment for the Brain Stem  and acts as a cellular, multi-
threat neutralising defence shield. It is  programmed to provide a graduated,
variable response to hostile intrusion through both fixed and passive means.
 Each Sector of the Complex  is  designed  to  make  different demands on the
aptitudes, resources and  capabilities  of  the  aggressor.  Furthermore, its
defence programme algorithms will be tuned to `learn' from the actions of the
intruder, and to alter the composition of its counter-attacks.
 Many of  its  defences  are  designed  to  disorientate,  alarm  and confuse
opponents unfamiliar with the  layout  of  the  complex. False or transparent
floors, disguised equipment and twisting, random  access routes slow down and
dull an aggressors progress.
 There are also fixed Plasma  Projectors  guarding key doorways, trenches and
walkways. These are extremely hazardous,  and  the  WCDU  knows  of no way in
which they can be deactivated short of finding a shut-down Sonic Key code, if
such exists.
 However, the greatest threat to the  Volunteer  comes from the robots within
the Complex,  particularly  since  there  is  a  very  real  possibility that
Cybercon has acquired some control over  key  robots and defence systems. The
WCDU has no indication of  the  scale  or  complexity  of  these, but we must
expect certain design  constants  to  be  followed.  This  allows  us to make
several generalised comments about what to expect, even though a small number
of Cybercons robots have been properly studied.
 The most important of these  is  that  all  Cybercon  robots are modular and
utilise the same components. Though they may preform different functions, and
have very different external appearances,  they  are all essentially similar.
This follows on from the  importance  of  the  robot `factories'; these break
down robots to their constituent  parts,  recycling  parts which pass various
tests into new robots.
 This same design criteria explains  also  why  it is that critically-damaged
robots throw out undamaged systems and parts for recovery and recycling. This
may be of considerable benefit  to  the  Volunteer,  since the robots usually
discard Fuel Cells as a priority, to avoid these rupturing and corrupting the
other equipment.
 POWER PLANT: Most are powered by  electro-magnetic derives fed from internal
energy cells. These are heavily  armoured,  and are usually centrally-located
to distribute the weight. The Fuel  Cells  lock  in through access ports, and
can be explosively jettisoned if the robot is endangered.
 SENSORY APPARATUS: According to function, the  Robots  are given on of three
or four sensory arrays, normally masked behind  a  dome or screen high on its
surface. Cybercon  robots  are  given  sensory  arrays  appropriate  to their
function. The most basic will  have  Doppler Detectors of variable resolution
levels, capable  of  detecting  movement.  Others  have  simple  EM Scanners,
capable of detecting electro-magnetic radiation,  such  as would be caused by
equipment use. Finally,  the  most  advanced  systems  carry  optical sensing
systems, including infra-red or image-intensifying enhancements, along with a
CPU capable of shape/pattern  analysis.  All  systems  are  then  linked to a
targeting computer, which controls the on-board weapons systems.
 WEAPONS SYSTEMS: Cybercon robots  carry  various high-yield Plasma Projector
systems. Their weapons are controlled by an extremely sophisticated Targeting
Module, which has a fast learning curve, and can predict enemy movements from
a number of constants. In the Cyber-wheels, the weapon is mounted through the
hub or axle, although some have  forward-firing hub weapon. The more advanced
systems have a high-angle, multi-directional weapon mounting.
 The Cyber-wheel is the standard type, consisting  of a simple wheel, or pair
of wheels connected by an axle. The tread of the wheel, which is made of some
inert substance,  contains  small  sensory  devices  which  read  directional
information from small wires buried in the  floor. The main casing is made of
a highly-reflective (to  nullify  laser  fire)  poly-carbonised  metal alloy,
shielding the main drive unit,  power  plant and logic systems. Manipulation,
interface and weapons systems are housed in the hub or axle.
 The second type is the Nemesis,  a  floating robot which uses power magnetic
field generators to rise above the surface and control movement. These robots
have the more advanced sensory  and  control  systems,  usually housed in the
`head',  or  in  high  mountings  on  the  body.  Most  have  advanced  Field
Generators, capable of providing shielding in addition to the poly-carbonised
reactive armour. Weapons systems are  interior  mounted,  usually from a high
vantage point, although some  of  these  robots  have  them placed behind the
chest armour.


 Before the Cataclysm, Cybercon's interface with  humanity was at a very high
level. Human technicians constructed  and  serviced  plant, oversaw equipment
and software installation and  monitored  all  Cybercon's activities. Some of
this work was extremely hazardous.  For  the more dangerous tasks, operatives
were equipped  with  suites  of  powered  armour,  manufactured  by  the same
factories as Cybercon's robots.
 The Maintenance Exo-Skeleton (MES) the WCDU  has adapted for this mission is
the only known  suit  to  have  survived  the  post-Cataclysm era. Cybercon's
destruction of its bases may have been  necessitated by its desire to prevent
humans gaining access to such equipment.  The  Armour is designed to the same
exacting specifications as Cybercon's own  equipment,  and shares a number of
unique design characteristics with those systems.
 The  Power  Armour  is  manufactured  from  9mm  Multi-Phase  Reactive  Bio-
Ceramic/Titanium plate. It weighs just over  4 tonnes and stands three metres
high. It has a joint at  the  waist,  allowing  the operative to gain access,
which is locked with a Bio-Ceramic  seal.  It is otherwise seamless. The suit
is  capable  of  operating   in   radiation-hot   areas,  and  provides  full
Environmental Isolation  and  Recycling,  with  on-board  filters  capable of
resisting all known nerve, chemical or biological agents.
 The Volunteer controls  servo-assisted  movement  through  sensory apparatus
attached to the operative's leg and  foot muscles. Muscle output is magnified
ten-fold, allowing the suit to  be  `walked'  with minimum effort though with
little capacity for inertia damping. Maximum  speeds of 45kph can be attained
in this mode. However, the suit's power  source can be circuited into the leg
hydraulics, providing pico-second reaction tomes, and speeds of up to 90kph.
 With Power-Assist on-line, three other benefits are conferred on the Armour.
The servo-assisted  walk  generates  considerable  momentum  and  this  makes
movement relatively  clumsy,  especially  for  an  untrained  operative. With
Power-Assist,  inertia-damping  systems  are   coupled   to  the  hydraulics,
considerably enhancing control, particularly when the suit is running at full
 Second, with the suit powered-up, the  hydraulics can be expanded rapidly to
provide a Power Jump, capable of  lifting  the  Armour  up to 20 metres. Some
lateral guidance can also be gained by small ram-jets at the armour's waist.
 Thirdly, the hydraulics provide extremely  powerful suspension, allowing the
Armour to drop from some considerable height without sustaining damage.

 The power supply comes  from  a  high  density  Energy  Matrix, which can be
`idled' safely, with no radiation  threat  to  the user. Moreover, because it
uses the same fuel system as the  Defence Complex, it is assumed ample energy
resources will be available.
 The Energy Transfer Probe  (ETP)  can  tap  into  (or  feed) various Defence
Complex systems. If the Probe is  selected and on-line, the indicator flashes
in the presence of a system which can interface with the ETP. Power Cells can
be drained of energy to top  up  Energy  Banks,  or  power can be provided to
Field Generators or other equipment.
 Energy is a primary  concern  on  the  Mission,  since the Armour's integral
Energy Matrix has a limited capacity, which  is quickly drained if all of the
suits systems are on. The Power Armour  has  the capacity to place on-line up
to four Energy Banks. Not only will  such additional energy sources provide a
longer mission profile, but  virtually  ever  one  of  the Primary Management
Systems works more efficiently with  more  power  on-line. In particular, the
Power-Assist, Energy Shield, Plasma  Blaster  and  Auto  Repair functions all
operate on an enhanced gradient with greater supplies of energy.
 As already mentioned, Fuel Cells, such  as  those ejected by damaged robots,
can be tapped to replenish  the  Energy  Matrix  or supplemental Banks (note:
their ballistic shape has  lead  to  suggestions  they  may  also  be used as
ammunition for some kind of missile launcher).
 The Cells, however, have a finite  capacity.  It  may be possible to recover
small fusion reactors from disabled robots or other systems in the Complex. A
Fusion reactor plugged into  an  Energy  Bank  would  provide infinite energy
within the mission context,  though  time  must  be  allowed  for the Bank to
recharge after heavy use.
 Finally, the Volunteer should look out for actual Energy Banks, which may be
discarded by robots, and which  can  be  fueled  by Cells as mentioned above.
Energy Banks, along with ancillary  equipment,  can  be locked into the Power
Armour through the  Cellular  EM  Backpack.  This  contains  16 storage bays,
accessed through the remote magnetic `arm' (actually a magnetic field tractor
system) on the right shoulder, which  can  pick  up or set down objects. With
the Icon Strip Display functioning,  any  object  which  can be picked up and
held in the Backpack flashes in  the  window when within tractor range. Items
can be discarded at any time.
 The Pilot sits in a  harness  within  the  body  of the armour. Controls are
handled in various ways, designed to make  the  best use of the various areas
of his or  her  brain.  A  Cerebral  Scan  helmet,  capable  of detecting and
decoding  electro-chemical  and  brainwave  signals,   acts  as  an  override
management system, attuning to the  `instincts'  and decision-making parts of
the brain. As seen above,  movement  of  the  Power  Armour is controlled and
powered by a  low-energy  `walking'  movement  by  the  pilot. Finally, small
micro-switch controls in  the  `arm'  recesses  allow  the  pilot to manually
control  functions  such  as  camera  operation,  weapons  guidance  and  the
orientation of the armour.
 The Primary Management Systems can be switched  on or off at the operative's
command, allowing him to control  energy  output.  The first is Power-Assist.
The second is the integral  Energy  Shield,  the third controls the Secondary
Systems, the fourth the Auto-Repair,  and  the  fifth the Remote Surveillance
 Although the basic MES unit was  discovered  unarmed at an airbase (shielded
from destruction, incidently, through being  buried  under  rubble by a freak
accident moments before a Cybercon strike), the common systems it shares with
all Cybercon units  means  that  WCDU  have  been  able  to  provide a Plasma
Projector taken from a  disabled  robot  and  mounted  on  the Power Armour's
 Cybercon's Plasma Projectors generate  super-heated  `balls'  of energy, and
firing these over ranges of  up  to  500  metres.  The projector draws on the
Armour's power supply, and recharges in  seconds, particularly when more then
one Energy Bank is on-line.
 Plasma weapons  remain  the  ultimate  short-range  battlefield  weapon.  No
material has been developed which can  withstand  them, nor can the energy be
reflected or dissipated as is the  case with conventional projectile or laser
weapons. However, Cybercon does have a defence,  in the form of Energy Stasis
Fields. These fields have the  capacity  to  dissipate plasma energy, greatly
reducing their impact.
 The Power Armour's  Shield  generates  such  a  Field,  interacting with the
active armour systems.  The  power  drain  is  considerable,  and  it  is not
recommended  that  the  Shield   be   powered-up  except  in  confrontational
situations. Note that Cybercon's  most  advanced  robot designs have integral
shields. Certain types are  equipped  with  Field Generators, which, properly
aligned, create an energy-field  `skin'  over  the  robot  to protect it from
blast or radiation. Once removed from  a  robot, however, the same Generators
can be used to create  cube-shaped  `walls'  of  energy. Obtaining such items
would be extremely beneficial to the mission.
 The fourth  PMS  is  the  Auto-Repair  function.  This  is  a  sophisticated
monitoring and recycling unit, which can  provide replacement parts or bypass
systems for virtually  all  the  Power  Armour's  many  functions - including
itself. The operative can  immediately  gauge  the  status through the Helmet
Display. By putting the AR system on-line,  and selecting those systems to be
repaired,  the  operative  can  maintain   systems  integrity  following  any
 Obviously, if the AR unit is itself damaged, priority should be given to its
repair. The AR system also works best  with  more power on-line, and with the
other PMS systems shut down.
 The final PMS controls the Sensory  arrays.  With this on-line, several sub-
systems are activated. First the Doppler  Detection operates through the Ring
Indicator; moving objects show up as green  lights on the display. This takes
no account of the  distance  or  altitude  of  the  object.  Second, the Ring
Indicator functions as a Jump Gauge  during  powered  leaps, and as an impact
Gauge at the end of a fall. Third,  the Pitch and Compass Indicators come on-
line. Finally, the Sensors can receive incoming data from remote cameras.
 We have obtained two standard cameras and  placed them in the Power Armour's
Cellular Backpack. The  Volunteer  can  operate  four  cameras altogether, of
either type. Clearly, if one  could  be  found,  a  Parrot would be extremely
useful. The standard cameras (plus any  others discovered in the Complex) are
best placed at a  junction  or  other  point  from  which  an attack might be
launched. Alternatively, the status  of  certain  rooms  within the Complex -
such as power plants - could be monitored from afar.
 Other  equipment,  such  as  alternative  weapons  or  specialised  security
devices, can be either operated directly with  the PA system or remotely. The
ballistic shape of the Fuel Cells suggest that these could be fired from some
kind of Missile Launcher, if such  could be discovered. More advanced control
devices similar to the Sonic Key may also exist. Such items can be affixed to
the left shoulder port on  the  backpack,  and operated through the Secondary
Systems Display. Other equipment, such  as  a  captured Field Generator would
have to be placed on the floor before activation.
 The Sonic Key will operate  such  devices  as  they  will most other systems
within the Complex. Most require the correct  Key sequences to be played. The
Interrogate function will trick  certain  of  these  systems to divulge their
codes, and additional codes for more advanced equipment must be sought.


 (1) Fuel is  your  lifeline.  You  must  find  additional  sources of energy
quickly, to provide more power for  the PA. The most readily-available source
are the robots; these will  eject  Fuel  Cells  or Energy Banks if critically
damaged (and some of the  larger  robots  have self-sustaining nuclear power,
which would reduce your dependance). For  that  reason alone, it is important
not to waste firepower  in  destroying  robots  -  use  the minimum amount of
force. Create stores of  cells  in  safe  parts  of  the  Complex. It is also
conceivable that the central energy  sources  of  the Complex itself might be
 (2) You can husband  your  limited  power  supply  through switching Primary
systems off. However, it is  not  recommended  that  the Shield or Sensors be
left off when entering a potentially `hot' area. Finding a safe place to hide
allows you to turn off  all  other  systems  while repairs take place. Always
repair the Auto-Repair first; it  will  then  service  the other systems more
 (3) Field Generators in their  unattached  (cuboid)  form  have a variety of
potential uses. Certainly, they can provide a shield from hostile fire, or to
block a doorway. Think creatively. Your  PA's Jump capability means you could
shelter behind a field, and pop  up  to  fire  at hostile forces. Remember to
keep the Field Generator replenished with fuel for as long as it is useful to
you, and turn it off (with the Sonic Key) when it is not.
 (4) The Parrot camera is an invaluable  tool. If used carefully, it makes an
excellent scout (although it has no means  to open locked doors or to operate
elevators). It can also provide a remote means  to plan an ambush, or to keep
watch while your power down the shield and weapons to make repairs.
 (5)  Observation  is  the  key!  The   Complex's  original  makers  and  the
technicians who served it were only human  - there are many places where they
left mnemonics  and  other  memory-jogging  devices  to  remind  them  how to
activate systems  or  bypass  destructive  equipment.  There  may  even  be a
schematic map of the  Complex  somewhere.  You  must  also keep searching for
additional Sonic  Key  codes;  for  every  obstacle,  there  is  a  solution,
 (6) Communications Rooms are your  only  means  of  contact with the outside
world. Use them whenever you can  -  you  never  know when you might run into
something lethal round the next  corner.  Treat  them  just  like a Save Game
option in one of those 20th Century computer games - we might just be able to
pick up from where you left off.
 (7) Watch out for  blast  damage  from  explosions.  Watch  out for your own
weapons if you fire them in  an  enclosed  space.  Watch out for fixed Plasma
Generators. Watch out for any  energy-carrying  devices.  In fact, just watch
out for everything!

 The top half of the Power Armour  is  winched down, and locked in place. The
scurrying  technicians   make   their   last   adjustments,   then   you  are
unceremoniously wheeled out towards the Defence Complex. The suit comes alive
as you activate the Internal Energy Matrix.
 A voice crackles over the ear implant.
 "Time to  go  son.  We've  just  got  time  to  pass  on  a  few last-minute
enhancements the back room boys added in the last few minutes."
 "First, you can get a more detailed look  at what the cameras pick up. Press
F5 while a camera is active, and  the  view  will go to full screen. Press F5
again to return to the normal view."
 "You can record the Power  Armour's  PMS  settings  at  any time by pressing
SHIFT + FUNCTION KEY. This allows  you  to  set up configurations for Combat,
Auto-Repair, Jump etc.  You  can  access  stored  configurations  by pressing
CONTROL + FUNCTION KEY. Its up to you which configurations you store where."
 "Finally, though its pretty hard to map the inside of the Complex, you might
be able to make some sort of Topographic plan. We've worked out as much as we
can of the Complex, and that information is now in your possession. Each time
you pause the game by pressing F8m you can get the ID NUMBER for the room you
are in. That might make it easier to  keep  a record of the Complex. The rest
is up to you."
 "Thats all we can do to help, boy.  Now,  all  we can do is wish you luck...
and watch and wait. You come back now... y'hear!"

                                 KEY SUMMARY


 F1-F4  Energy bank on/off toggle for each of the four banks (if fitted).
 F9     Interrogate (activate Sonic Key in interrogate mode).
 F10    Jump. Hold down to build  up  jump  power  to  max dependant on power
available to PA. Release to jump.
 <>     Slide icon strip left/right  to  select  backpack  item  or Sonic Key
 SPACE  Pick up/drop an object (depending  on  weather item selected) or load
icon into Sonic Key for playback.
 RETURN Play the Keycode loaded into the Sonic Key.
 S+FKEY  Save current PA setup onto function key.
 C+FKEY Restore PA setup from that function key.


 9 & 3  Move the multi-function display between its three modes
 7 & 1  Weapon/camera select, depending upon mode.


 LEFT/RIGHT     Select PA system for control.
 UP             Toggle selected PA system on/off.
 DOWN           Toggle selected PA system repair status on/off.