Shadow Warrior walkthrough - cheats
SWCHAN Toggle god mode SWGIMME Gives you all items SWGREED Enable every cheat SWTREKxy Warp to level (x=episode [0=first], y=level [1 = first]) SWLOC Use once, show framerate. Use again, show location in level. SWRES Change resolution SWSTART Restart level SWGHOST Toggle clipping mode SWMAP Toggle automap CONFIG Displays "help config" (?) QUIT Quits CLEAR Appears to do nothing (?) SWTRIX Turn on Bunny Rockets w/ Rocket launcher (#5) SWNAME In a multiplayer game, it changes your name. DUMPSOUNDS Says "dumped sounds to" and creates that file SOUND Plays sound file 0-999. SWWAVE Appears to do nothing (?) WINPACHINKO Lets u win the pachinko game and get an item