Stationfall walkthrough
STATIONFALL ----------- (c) 1992 Erik Futtrup, Denmark (email: and Twan Lintermans, Holland Keep magnetic boots away from (also) magnetic ID card! e: n: insert robot form in slot: type 3: s: e: open hatch: enter spacetruck: close hatch: sit in pilot seat: insert spacecraft form in slot: examine watch: type xxx {coordinates corresponding with the time on your watch}: wait {until you're docked}: [5pts]: get up: take kit: open hatch: exit: e: ne: n (4x): read diary: {note the "nonvisual properties" of the dots}: drop diary: s: d: n: read note: drop note: s: u: u: take twenty-prong board: d: s: s: {eat when necessary: open kit: eat orange goo}: s: sw: d: d: open trash can: take crumpled form: examine crumpled form {not validated}: u (4x): nw: open presser: put crumpled form in presser: close presser: turn presser on: open presser: take ironed form: e: n: read sign {remember the frequency for the exercise machine}: s: {never stay in the same location as a welder for too long, it's fatal}: sw: take star {too high, isn't it?}: e: [save 1]: d: d: d: nw: enter ship: taste dots {remember "nonvisual properties"?}: exit: e: se: examine reader {notice the id reader: rank!}: w: u: se: se: e: take log tape: examine safe: {not likely to open easily}: w: put log tape in reader: turn reader on: {notice: .. key of bin in safe .. }: press red button: again: {notice: .. Shady Dan sells modified ID cards}: again: again: again: {.... validation stamp under commander's bed!}: again (5x): turn reader off {or it explodes!}: e: look under bed: take stamp: validate ironed form: w: n: ne: insert ironed in slot [6pts]: e: e: e: take headlamp: wear headlamp: w: sw: read sign {... feeding on airborne spores}: open cage: se: read sheet {open the safe with this?..... }: drop sheet: [save2]: se: {Shady Dan's: he sold ID cards.... }: put id card in machine: turn machine on: type 9: take id card: put id card in pocket: d: w: se: read letter {ceiling panel?}: drop letter: nw: sw: take spray can: read can {spores, for a balloon creature!}: ne: nw: {weary: place to sleep is sick bay e: g: }: n: n: n: ne: nw: e: lie down on bed: wait {sleeping,[3pts]}: get out of bed: take kit,board,can: w: ne: read screen: sw: se: e: e: e: spray can: {attracts the balloon creature}: w: spray can: w: spray can: w: spray can: nw: spray can: sw: spray can: u: spray can: u: spray can: u: spray can: sw: eat gray goo: examine pulpit: open pulpit: turn switch {flame goes out; balloon creature afraid of it ofcourse}: spray can: take leash: take star: [7pts]: d: open star: take m hyperdiode: e: u: n: take detonator: examine detonator: open detonator: take blackened hyperdiode: clean blackened {letter m}: put m hyperdiode in detonator: drop star,can,blackened: sw: {coffee here is poison!}: d: d: d: d: se: put id card in reader: n: take zapgun: examine gun {7 shots}: [5pts]: [save3]: s: w: u: se: s: s: s: se: s: shoot box with gun: take coin [5pts]: examine coin {galakmid for dispenser}: n: nw: s: take platinum detector: n: se: ne: u: nw: examine ceiling {rember letter: pet shop!}: open ceiling panel: take ostrich nip [3pts]: ne: se: turn detector on: break mirror: take reflective foil [4pts]: turn detector off: drop detector,id: w: open bag: take taffy: put taffy in kit: s: sw: look behind counter: take nectar: put nectar in kit: sw: u: open textbook: read paper {you can translate the dots now!}: d: {when Plato attacks with the stun ray, type: Floyd, help me; when he's confused!}: [7pts]: {this explanes the adventure....}: take all: drop paper: se: se: nw: nw: {ostrich attracted by nip}: n: n: n: ne: nw: ne: put coin in slot: press 6: scare ostrich: [6pts]: take timer: [save4]: w: w: turn lamp on: take jammer: turn lamp off: e: give nip to ostrich: examine jammer: connect twenty-prong board to jammer: set jammer to 710 {frequency earlier!}: s: sw: drop jammer {for later use}: se: s: w: {wait for floyd}: floyd,take medium drill bit [3pts]: take medium: e: n: nw: d: d: nw: take drill: se: u: u: se: se: e: examine medium {pencil diameter}: take small: put medium in drill: drill hole in safe: drop drill: connect timer to detonator: drop timer and detonator: w: n: ne: e: e: s: se: e: turn wheel [4pts]: u: open locker: take space suit: d: w: w: se: d: drop kit: take magnetic boots: wear boots: take kit: w: ne: open bottle: empty bottle: take bottle: open hatch: d: close inner door: wear suit: turn lamp on: open outer: d: read label: [3pts]: u: put frezone in bottle: close bottle: close outer: open inner: take suit off: turn lamp off: u: drop suit: remove boots: drop boots: [save5]: sw: nw: n: n: e: n: e: open bottle: take frezone: put frezone in hole: connect detonator to frezone: set timer to 10: w: e: take key [10pts]: w: nw: nw: take jammer: drop bottle and kit: {all you'll need is: headlamp,jammer (set to 710),key,zapgun,foil}: u(4x): {when lights go out, you can use headlamp!}: unlock bin: open bin: [2pts]: take all: open grating: enter air shaft: d(7x): open grating: turn jammer on: turn jammer off: u: [2pts]: [save6]: examine floyd: shoot floyd {please stop playing here for one minute of silence.........}: wrap pyramid in foil [5pts]: You've completed the adventure with 80 points out of 80, and earned the rank of Intergalactic Mega-Hero. ***************************************************** Displayed on the Classic Adventures Solution Archive: