Ultima 4: Quest of the Avatar other - reference card
- Ultima 4: Quest of the Avatar
- other
Apple Manor - Files & Fantasies
Home of Fantasy Fight System By
(716) 654-POOF! - 300/202/212 - 10 megs
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< Ultima IV - Quest of the Avatar >
< Player Reference Card >
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Cracked by Hot Rod of Black Bag
A Digital Gang Presentation
Docs typed by: Sherlock Apple
This is the last crack I plan on ever doing. I am going to become a
programmer and quit piracy forever.
-- Hot Rod of Black Bag
September 21, 1985
A) Attack - Attempt to engage thy foe with the weapon thou hast readied (Ready
Weapon Command); must be followed by the direction of thy foe.
B) Board - Board a vessel or mount a horse
C) Cast - Cast a magical spell; must be followed by the number of the player
who wishes to cast it (not needed in combat or in dungeon rooms), and
then the first letter of the desired spell. Note: All spells must
have reagents mixed in advance of casting.
D) Descend - Climb down ladder to next level of dungeon or building.
E) Enter - Go into such places as villages, townes, castles, dungeons, and
F) Fire - Fire a ship's cannons (once thou hast Boarded); must be followed by a
direction. Note: Broadsides only!
G) Get chest - Attempt to open (and disarm, if trapped) chest; must be followed
by the number of the player who wishes to open the chest, except
during combat and in dungeon rooms. Note: 'Tis wisest to use the
player with the highest Dexterity when examining potentially
dangerous chests as this lessens the chances of setting off any
H) Hole up and camp - Set up camp to rest and recover from thy wounds. Note:
This command may only be used with limited frequency.
I) Ignite a torch - Light a torch for illumination in dungeons. Requires a
special item.
J) Jimmy lock - Use a magical key to unlock a sealed door. Must be followed by
the direction of the door that thou dost wish to unlock.
K) Klimb - Climb up a ladder to the next level of a building or a dungeon, or
to reach the surface from the topmost level of a dungeon.
L) Locate position - Requires a special item.
M) Mix Reagents - Prepare material components of spells for later use. Note:
Thou must have reagents mixed ahead of time in order to cast
any spells. When asked "Reagent:", type the letter
corresponding to the reagents desired, and then type [RETURN]
when thou wish to mix them.
N) New order - Exchanges the position of the two players indicated within thy
party, except for player #1, for thou must lead the party.
O) Open door - Open a door in the direction indicated.
P) Peer at gem - Requires a special item.
Q) Quit & Save - Saves the current game status to disk; thou may continue after
this command or power down thy computer.
R) Ready a weapon - Equip a player with the weapon of thy choice (if owned) for
use in combat.
S) Search - Search thy exact current location for unusual items.
T) Talk - Allows a player to converse with merchants or townsfolk in the
direction indicated. (See Special Note below)
U) Use - Use an item thou hast found during play by means of the "Search"
V) Volume - Toggles sound effects on or off.
W) Wear armor - Outfits a player with the armor of thy choice (if owned) for
defense in combat.
X) Xit - That's (e)xit thy current form of transportation and continue on foot.
Y) Yell - Yell "giddyup" or "woah" to speed up or slow down thy horse.
Z) Ztats - Displays the status and attributes of a selected player; If 0 is
pressed instead of player number, this command will display the
lists of weapons, armour, items, reagents, and mixtures. The left
and right arrow keys will scroll through these lists, while pressing
any other key will return thee to game play.
* Special Note: Talking with the people found in the game is one of the most
important features of Ultima IV to master. It is virtually impossible to solve
thy quests without talking to virtually all people in each towne. Each person
with whom thou dost Talk is capable of full conversation. They can be asked
about their "Name," "Job," and "Health." You may "Look" again at their visual
description. From this information thou shouldst be able to discern what else
they might know, hinted at directly by use of the precise words in the
conversation. E.g., if thou were to ask Dupre about his "Job" and he were to
respond "I am hunting Gremlins," thou might think to ask him about "Hunting" or
"Gremlins" - about either of which he might offer some insight.
Each of these people might ask of thee a question as well; be sure to
answer the question honestly, for dishonesty will be remembered and not reflect
well upon thee for the rest of the game. Often thou shalt not know what to ask
a townsperson until thou hast been told by another: E.g., Iolo the Bard might
tell thee to ask Shamino the Ranger about swords. Even if thou hadst met
Shamino earlier thou wouldst have to seek him out again if thou dost wish that
Some of the people that thou shalt meet may be willing to become thy
travelling companions. If thou dost wish for a character to become a player in
thy party, thou must ask them to "Join" thee. 'Tis most wise to strengthen thy
party as rapidly as possible, up to the seven companions thou shalt need to
complete the game. When thou art through with a conversation, then speak the
word "Bye" as an accepted means of politely ending thy conversation.
Be sure to keep a journal of thy travels! Many of the clues to solving the
quests of Ultima IV are contained in the various and diverse conversations thou
might have with the various townfolk. It would be next to impossible to solve
this game without some means of referring back to prior conversations held
during play.
Be sure to thoroughly explore the cities and townes! Many of the quests
within Ultima IV are contained entirely within individual cities. 'Tis wisest
to spend a great deal of time seeking out the answers that lie hidden in each
one of the various townes of Britannia, before moving on to another.
Magical ability is directly related to the Profession and Intelligence of
thyself and thy travelling companions. Magical strength is twice the
intelligence of the spellcaster, with potential modified by profession. The
enchantment potential of the various professions is:
Mage - full Ranger - One half
Druid - Three fourths Tinker - One fourth
Bard - One half Fighter - None
Paladin - One half Shepherd - None
[RETURN] or Up Arrow North or Forward
[/] or Down Arrow South or Retreat
Right Arrow East or Turn Right
Left Arrow West or Turn Left
To begin play of Ultima IV, first boot the Program Disk.
Then "N" at menu if thou dost own two disk drives.
Next type "I" to Initiate a new game. Read the book of History when indicated.
Use the [ESC] key to acknowledge disk swaps.
³ ³
³ End of Player Reference Card ³
³ Ultima IV - Cracked by Hot Rod ³
³ A Digital Gang Presentation! ³
Apple Manor - Files & Fantasies
Home of Fantasy Fight System By
(716) 654-POOF! - 300/202/212 - 10 megs