Ultima 6: The False Prophet manual
- Ultima 6: The False Prophet
- manual
Ultima VI--The False Prophet
When you start ULTIMA VI, an introductory sequence will begin. Read all text
messages that appear and press any key or click in the message box to move on to the
next message or screen. (Press Escape if you want to bypass this sequence
When this is over, the main menu will appear, listing five options-Introduction,
Create a Character, Transfer a Character, Acknowledgements, and Jourey Onward.
To select one of these options, click on it with the mouse. From the keyboard, use the
arrow keys or numeric keypad to highlight the one you want, then press Return, or
type the first letter of the option's name.
The first time you play, you will want to go directly to Create a Character. Here,
you can type in your character's name and select his or her Sex and Portrait. Go on to
the next portion of the character creation system by clicking on the Continue box (or
by typing C). This will take you to a series of questions. Answer by selecting the A or
B response to each question. The way in which you answer determines the kind of
character you get.
When your character is complete, you will automatically be taken to the
Introduction. This will tell you what the game is about. If you want to watch
this again later, select Introduction from the menu.
If you've played ULTIMA IV or ULTIMA V, you may want to bring your
character from one of those games over to ULTIMA VI. Transfer a
character allows you to do that. Select this option and follow the directions
on the screen, then click on theTransfer button and you're ready to use your
old character in your new game.
Acknowledgements tells you who did what in the creation of ULTIMA VI.
Journey Onward takes you directly into the ULTIMA VI game. Select this option
when you're ready to play.
The first time you play ULTIMA VI, you will have to create a character. If at some to
point you wish to create another character, you must reconfigure your data disk. To
do this, select Reconfigure a game from the CD Games menu and then select Ultima
VI: The False Prophet. You will eventually be asked if you want to initialize or
continue your current game. If you choose to initialize, then your current character
will be erased so you can create a new one.
The game screen is divided into four regions-the map, the status display, the message scroll, and the command icons.
The Map
The largest region, in the upper left, is the map. This shows the world you are
moving through, with the view centered on you (or another member of your party
if it's his or her turn).
With a mouse, move your characters around by positioning the pointer over the
map until it becomes an arrow pointing in the direction you wish to move. Then
click the left button. Some actions ask you for a target location. (You may have to
say where you want to drop an item, for example). To select a location, click on it
with the left mouse button.
If you want to use the keyboard, move by pressing one of the arrow keys or one of
the eight keys around the 5 on the numeric keypad. These keys are also used to
select target locations-move the crosshairs on the screen to the desired location
and press Enter to initiate the action.
You can pass your turn and do nothing by positioning the mouse pointer over your character and clicking the left mouse button or by pressing the Spacebar.
The Status Display
In the upper-right corner of the screen is the status display. At the top of the
display, the current position of Britannia's sun and the positions and phases of the
two moons in the sky are shown.
Beneath this is a roster of all the members of your party, along with each
character's figure and current Hit Points. A character whose Hit Points are printed
in red is hurt badly; one whose Hit Points are green is poisoned. (CGA and
Hercules cards will differ slightly. )
When a party has more than five characters, arrows appear at the top and bottom of
this part of the screen. Click on these arrows to scroll up and down through the list
of party members. The + and - keys can also be used.
If you click on a character's name, or press a function key (F1-F8), you will be shown that character's portrait and statistics. The higher a stat, the better. Strength determines how much a character can carry, and how effectively he or she can strike with bludgeoning weapons. Dexterity determines how quick characters are (faster characters get to move and/or attack more often) and how effective they are with nonbludgeoning weapons as well as crossbows, bows, and other missile weapons.
Intelligence determines a character's bargaining ability and effectiveness as a spellcaster.
The next two stats show pairs of numbers-the current number of points the character has and the maximum possible. Magic Points determine how many spells can be cast. For instance, a spell of the fourth circle uses four magic points. Health determines how much damage the character can take before being killed. Each hour, you recover a number of magic points equal to your current level. Health can be regained only by rest or healing.
The next statistic in the list is Level, which indicates how powerful a character
has become through experience gained in past adventures. The last stat, Experience, determines when a player is ready to progress to the next level by meditating at a shrine.
To view a character's Inventory, click on one of the figures to the left of the roster,
On the left side of the inventory display is a figure showing all equipment that is readied for immediate use-either held in the character's hands or being worn. If you are holding something that requires both hands, such as a crossbow, you will not be allowed to put anything in the other hand. Below this figure is the current weight of all Equipped (E:) items, and the maximum weight the character can have readied, measured in stones(s).
On the right side of the inventory display are all other items carried by the character. The total weight of his or her inventory (I:) is listed here, along with the maximum weight the character can carry. To ready or unready an item, just click on it with the left mouse button. To look inside a container in your inventory, such as a bag or a chest, just click on it. Click on it again to return to the main inventory display.
At the lower right, the character's current combat mode is displayed (see "Begin/ Break Off Combat," below).
At the Iower Ieft of the status display are five buttons. From Ieft to right, their functions are: show previous character, return to party display, switch between portrait and inventory displays, show next character, and change combat mode.
To use the inventory display from the keyboard, press the Tab key to move the crosshairs to the status display. You can then move to any item or button with the arrow or numeric keypad keys and press Enter to select it. Pressing the Tab key again will return the crosshairs to the map. The function keys Fl through F8, will switch the display to show the different members of your party. (If you don't know the position of a character in your roster, the + and - keys allow you to show the next and previous characters.) FIO will return to the main party display. The asterisk (*) key will toggle between a character's portrait and inventory displays.
The Message Scroll
At the lower right of the screen is the message scroll. All text describing things you see and hear, as well as the results of your actions, is displayed here. When a message is too long to fit on the scroll, a flashing, downward-pointing arrow appears at the bottom of the scroll. Press the space bar or click in the message scroll to view the rest of the message.
Underneath the map are ten command buttons. The main commands in ULTIMA VI can be selected either with the mouse or the keyboard. To use a command from the keyboard, simply press the first letter of its name. With the mouse, move the pointer
to the command button you want to use and click the left mouse button. Then select the object or person you want to use the command on.
For frequently used commands, such as Get, Look, Attack, or Move, you can set up a default command for use with the right mouse button. Click the right button on a command, and a blue line will appear under it. From then on, clicking the right button on any shape on the map or in your inventory display will execute that command on that object. You can change the default command at any time. For all functions other than executing the default command, the left mouse button should be used. The ten main commands are:
Key Command Functions
A Attack Used to fight monsters, animals, or people, or to attempt to
destroy objects. After choosing the Attack command,
choose a target on the map that is in range of the weapon
you have readied.
C Cast Allows you to cast magic spells. You must have a
spellbook readied, and have enough Magic Points and
reagents available to cast the desired spell. When a
character tries to Cast a spell, the spellbook will be shown
in the status display, listing the names of all the spells he
or she has learned. Each name is followed by the number
of times that spell can be cast with the reagents in
inventory. To page through the spells, click on the blue
arrow buttons below the list or use the and keys on the
keyboard. You cast a spell by clicking on its name, or by
selecting it with the and keys and pressing Enter. Typing
the first letter of each syllable of the spell also works. For
instance, to cast the Repel Undead spell-An Xen Corp-you
could type AXC and press Enter. Some spells require you
to specify whom or what you are casting them on. Simply
select a target on the map or in your inventory. There is
one special spell, the Help spell, which requires no
reagents. This will return you instantly to Lord British's
Castle. It should be used only in the most desperate of
situations, however, as it will usually cost your party
many experience points.
T Talk Lets you converse with the people you encounter in the
game. You can also speak with some shrines and statues
and with the other members of your party. You must select
the character on the map you wish to speak with. The
character's portrait will appear in the status display while
he or she is speaking.
You talk by typing single words on the keyboard and
pressing Enter. All words may be abbreviated to the first
four letters (e.g., elephant may be abbreviated to elep).
Most people will respond to the words name, job, and bye.
(The "bye" command ends a conversation. You can
accomplish the same thing by pressing Enter without
typing anything.) Some people will also respond to the
words join and leave, allowing you to add members to
your party (up to a maximum of eight) or remove them.
During the course of conversation, people give you an idea
of what they're interested in talking about. If you have the
help function on, as it is when you start the game, the
subjects they want to talk about will appear in a different
color on the screen; if help is off, you'll have to figure out
the key words in their conversations. (Note that the help
function is not available on CGA cards.) You can turn
help on or off by pressing Control-H. However, be aware
that some people will respond to other subjects if you ask
L Look Allows you to identify anyone or anything in the location
you select on the map or in your inventory. This command
can be used to read books, signs, and gravestones or to
examine paintings. It will also give information on the
effectiveness of weapons and armor. When you use the
Look command on an object you are adjacent to, you will
search it. This will reveal the contents of chests, bags,
crates, barrels, etc. It will also let you find hidden items or
secret doors.
G Get Lets you pick up an object on the map. You must be
standing next to it. If it isn't too heavy, it will be put into
your inventory.
D Drop Can be used to lighten your load by getting rid of items
you no longer need. First select the item in your inventory,
then choose a spot on the map to place it.
M Move Used to push an item or to move it between characters in
the party.
If you select an item on the map, you can sometimes push
it to an adjacent square to get it out of your way. If it's
something alive, though, it may not always let you!
Moving an item into a square with a chest, barrel, or crate
will place the item inside it.
This command can also be used to move things in and out
of containers or from one character to another. To move
an item to another character, click on the character on the
map. When you buy a new spell, you must move it into
your spellbook before you can cast it.
U Use Operates any object that has some function. Among other
things, it will let you open and close doors and chests,
enter or exit ships, climb ladders, milk cows, mount
horses, light or extinguish fires, look into telescopes or
crystal balls, ring bells, eat or drink food and beverages, or
play musical instruments. When using a musical
instrument, you play it with the numbers 0 through 9, and
press Enter when finished.
R Rest Lets your party set up a camp and recover health and
Magic Points. You will be asked how many hours you
wish to rest, from 1 to 9, and who will stand guard. Select
a character on the map display, or press Escape to have no
guard. Characters will not regain Hit Points if they are out
of food or if they stand guard. If you are ambushed while
resting, however, your party will not be awakened unless
you have someone on guard ! You can rest only on land.
At sea, this command repairs your frigate. Multiple
"Rests" may be required to repair a ship completely.
B Begin/Break Switches back and forth between party mode
Off Combat and combat mode. In party mode,the members of your
party automatically follow you around. In combat, each
character will behave according to the combat mode you
have selected for him or her on the inventory display.
Characters in Front, Rear, or Flank modes will
position themselves in a formation centered around you.
Characters in Assault mode will attack the nearest enemy,
while those in Retreat mode will avoid combat. Characters
in Berserk mode will charge and attack the strongest foe.
Lastly, if you select Command mode for a character, you can control that character's actions each turn, just as you do for your own character. You can change a character's
combat mode at any time even in the middle of a battle.
Control-S Saves the game You will be asked if you really want to save the game. Type Y (Yes) to save or N (No) to cancel the command and keep playing.
Control-R Restores the game to the last saved position As in the case of the
Save command, you will be asked to reply Y or N.
Control-Q Quits the game and exits to the ULTIMA CD GAMES menu. Make
sure you have saved the game first if you want to return to the same
position later!
Control-H Toggles HELP mode on/off.
Control-Z Toggles sound and music on/off.
1 through 8 Place a member of the party in Solo mode. In this mode, you can
move that character around and perform whatever actions you
wish, while the rest of the party remains motionless Note that you can't talk to people or use ladders, dungeon entrances, or moongates in Solo mode-you must be in Party mode.
0 (zero) Exits Solo mode and returns to Party mode.
Escape Aborts most functions.
Ultima 6 Copy Protection Questions and Answers
Lord British’s Questions
1. What doth Trolls Lack?
A: Endurance
2. What part of the tangle vine doth put one to sleep?
A: Pod
3. How wert the headlesses produced?
A: Wizard
4. What valued item canst one find near the spawning grounds of Hydras?
A: Nightshade Mushroom
5. How canst one fend off Rotworms?
A: Torch
6. How doth Sea Serpents attack?
A: Fireballs
7. What creature art wisps oft mistaken for?
A: Firefly
8. How doth giant squids cruch their prey?
A: Beak
9. Where hath images of the Silver Serpent been seen?
A: Tomb walls
10. What art reapers remnants of?
A: Enchanted Forest
Mariah’s Questions
1. What does the magic syllable ‘Zu’ mean?
A: Sleep
2. What does the magic syllable ‘Quas’ mean?
A: Illusion
3. What does the magic syllable ‘Hur’ mean?
A: Wind
4. What does the magic syllable ‘Jux’ mean?
A: Danger/Trap/Harm
5. What does the magic syllable ‘Ort’ mean?
A: Magic
Selganor’s Questions
1. What kind of fork should mandrake roots be prepared with?
A: Silver
2. What part of the nightshade mushroom is used in spellcasting?
A: Cap
3. Where does Sulfurous Ash come from?
A: Volcanic Eruptions
4. What are the Black Pearls used for?
A: Kinetic propellent
Magic & Casting Spells Ultima 6 - The False Prophet
The 26 syllables and their general meanings are as follows:
Syllable Meaning
An Negate/Dispel
Bet Small
Corp Death
Des Lower/Down
Ex Freedom
Flam Flame
Grav Energy/Field
Hur Wind
In Make/Create/Cause
Jux Danger/Trap/Harm
Kal Summon/Invoke
Lor Light
Mani Life/Healing
Nox Poison
Ort Magic
Por Move/Movement
Quas Illusion
Rel Change
Sanct Protect/Protection
Tym Time
Uus Raise/Up
Vas Great
Wis Know/Knowledge
Xen Creature
Zu Sleep
There syllables are combined to form the incantations used when casting spells. A list of spells appears below. This list, while not necessarily complete, collects all of our current knowledge of the ways of magic.
The Eight Circles of Magic
Mages with little training and experience are limited in the spells they can cast. As a spellcaster grows in stature, penetrating the mysteries of the higher circles of magic, he gains the ability to cast more powerful spells. Great power is not without cost, however. When he casts spell, the mage experiences a drain in magical power equal to the level of the circle of that spell. Thus, a simple first level spell drains one point while a fifth level spell, more difficult to cast, drains five. The caster’s magical power returns within hours.
1st Circle
Create Food
Incantation: In Mani Ylem
Reagents: Garlic, Ginseng, Mandrake Root
Effect: A fine bounty of food will be added to your pack.
Detect Magic
Incantation: Wis Ort
Reagents: Nightshade, Sulfurous Ash
Effect: Discerns the magical nature of special objects and the specific magical charge currently in an item.
Detect Trap
Incantation: Wis Jux
Reagents: Nightshade, Sulfurous Ash
Effect: Discovers concealed traps in suspicious chests and doors
Dispel Magic
Incantation: An Jux Ort
Reagents: Garlic, Ginseng
Effect: Removes a sorcerous enchantment or poison which causes illness and bondage. Also awakens a person under a Sleep spell.
Incantation: An Flam
Reagents: Garlic, Black Pearl
Effect: Extinguishes flames
Incantation: An Mani
Reagents: Nightshade, Spider’s Silk
Effect: Inflicts moderate damage on your opponent
Incantation: In Mani
Reagents: Ginseng, Spider’s Silk
Effect: Applies healing energy to one who is injured
Incantation: Kal Lor
Reagents: (none are required)
Effect: Quickens the user’s demise and resurrects him and his party before the Throne of Britannia
Incantation: In Flam
Reagents: Sulfurous Ash, Black Pearl
Effect: Ignites a lifeless torch, fireplace or brazier
Incantation: In Lor
Reagents: Sulfurous Ash
Effect: Illuminates a darkened area
2nd Circle
Incantation: Quas Lor
Reagents: Nightshade, Sulfurous Ash
Effect: Detects the presence of living, warm-blooded beings in the dark.
Magic Arrow
Incantation: Ort Jux
Reagents: Sulfurous Ash, Black Pearl
Effect: Fires a moderately damaging missile at your opponent
Incantation: In Nox Por
Reagents: Nightshade, Blood Moss, Black Pearl
Effect: Poisons your opponent with toxic venom
Incantation: In Ylem
Reagents: Spider’s Silk, Blood Moss, Black Pearl
Effect: Undoes the effect of the vanish spell, making the vanished object return to this world.
Incantation: In Zu
Reagents: Nightshade, Spider’s Silk, Black Pearl
Effect: Induces unconsciousness in the chosen victim
Incantation: Ort Por Ylem
Reagents: Blood Moss, Mandrake Root, Black Pearl
Effect: Moves objects near the user without physical contact
Incantation: In Jux
Reagents: Spider’s Silk, Nightshade
Effect: Places a concealed trap on a chest or door
Unlock Magic
Incantation: Ex Por
Reagents: Sulfurous Ash, Blood Moss
Effect: Negates magical traps on chests and doors
Incantation: An Ylem
Reagents: Garlic, Blood Moss, Black Pearl
Effect: Makes simple objects disappear from this world
3rd Circle
Incantation: An Sanct
Reagents: Sulfurous Ash, Nightshade, Garlic
Effect: Reduces the effectiveness of a foe’s armour, prowess and i intelligence
Dispel Field
Incantation: An Grav
Reagents: Black Pearl, Sulfurous Ash
Effect: Neutralizes magic fields generated by field spells
Incantation: Por Flam
Reagents: Sulfurous Ash, Black Pearl
Effect: Hurls a mighty flaming missile at your opponent
Great Light
Incantation: Vas Lor
Reagents: Sulfurous Ash, Mandrake Root
Effect: Provides long lasting illumination
Magic Lock
Incantation: An Por
Reagents: Sulfurous Ash, Blood Moss, Garlic
Effect: Applies a magical lock to a chest or door
Mass Awaken
Incantation: An Vas Zu
Reagents: Ginseng, Garlic
Effect: Awakens all nearby sleepers with an explosion
Mass Sleep
Incantation: Vas Zu
Reagents: Ginseng, Nightshade, Spider’s Silk
Effect: Induces sleep in all beings in the area targeted by the caster
Incantation: Vas Wis Ylem
Reagents: Nightshade, Mandrake Root
Effect: Reveals the world and the caster’s place in it as though peering through an eagle’s eye
Incantation: In Sanct
Reagents: Sulfurous Ash, Ginseng, Garlic
Effect: Increases the effectiveness of armour as well as the target’s prowess and intelligence
Repel Undead
Incantation: An Xen Corp
Reagents: Garlic, Sulfurous Ash
Effect: Causes all undead in the caster’s field of vision to flee
4th Circle
Incantation: Ort Ylem
Reagents: Sulfurous Ash, Mandrake Root, Blood Moss
Effect: Causes inanimate objects to come to life and wander about, though not under caster’s control
Incantation: Kal Xen
Reagents: Spider’s Silk, Mandrake Root
Effect: Summons a wild beast to your side to aid in combat
Incantation: An Vas Mani
Reagents: Nightshade, Spider’s Silk, Mandrake Root
Effect: Inflicts a grievous wound, nearly killing the target
Fire Field
Incantation: In Flam Grav
Reagents: Black Pearl, Sulfurous Ash, Spider’s Silk
Effect: Creates a searing wall of fire
Great Heal
Incantation: Vas Mani
Reagents: Ginseng, Spider’s Silk, Mandrake Root
Effect: Restores one’s health fully
Incantation: In Wis
Reagents: Nightshade
Effect: Reveals the caster’s location like a magical sextant
Mass Dispel
Incantation: Vas An Jux Ort
Reagents: Garlic, Ginseng
Effect: Dispels all magic in the area targeted by the caster
Poison Field
Incantation: In Nox Grav
Reagents: Ginseng, Nightshade, Spider’s Silk, Black Pearl
Effect: Creates a wall of noxious gas
Sleep Field
Incantation: In Zu Grav
Reagents: Ginseng, Spider’s Silk, Black Pearl
Effect: Creates a wall of sleep-inducing energy
Wind Change
Incantation: Rel Hur
Reagents: Sulfurous Ash, Blood Moss
Effect: Allows caster to alter the prevailing direction of the wind
5th Circle
Energy Field
Incantation: In Sanct Grav
Reagents: Mandrake, Root, Spider’s Silk, Black Pearl
Effect: Creates an impassable wall of energy
Incantation: Vas Por Flam
Reagents: Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash, Black Pearl, Blood Moss
Effect: Creates a powerful explosion, injuring those caught in it blast
Insect Swarm
Incantation: Kal Bet Xen
Reagents: Blood Moss, Spider’s Silk, Sulfurous Ash
Effect: conjures up a swarm of insects to aid you in combat
Incantation: Sanct Lor
Reagents: Nightshade, Blood Moss
Effect: Causes begins to become unseen
Incantation: Ort Grav
Reagents: Black Pearl, Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash
Effect: Hurls a powerful bolt of lightning at your opponent
Incantation: An Xen Por
Reagents: Spider’s Silk, Sulfurous Ash, Nightshade, Black Pearl
Effect: Momentarily paralyzes your opponent, thus disabling him
Incantation: Por Ylem
Reagents: Blood Moss, Spider’s Silk, Nightshade
Effect: Lets the caster take one of the target’s belongings
Incantation: An Sanct Lor
Reagents: Spider’s Silk, Nightshade, Mandrake Root
Effect: Makes invisible beings in the area become visible again
Incantation: Kal Mani Corp
Reagents: Blood Moss, Mandrake Root, Nightshade, Spider’s Silk, Sulfurous Ash
Effect: Lets the caster speak with the dead as though they still lived
Incantation: Wis Ylem
Reagents: Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash
Effect: Allows the caster to see places otherwise obscured by walls and obstacles
6th Circle
Incantation: An Xen Ex
Reagents: Black Pearl, Nightshade, Spider’s Silk
Effect: Changes the alignment of the target to match that of the caster
Incantation: In Quas Xen
Reagents: Sulfurous Ash, Spider’s Silk, Blood Moss, Ginseng, Nightshade, Mandrake Root
Effect: Creates an identical, though not controllable, replica of any being
Incantation: Vas Quas
Reagents: Mandrake Root, Nightshade
Effect: Sends opposing foes into disarray
Flame Wind
Incantation: Flam Hur
Reagents: Sulfurous Ash, Blood Moss, Mandrake Root
Effect: Sends a gale of flaming wind in the direction of your foes
Hail Storm
Incantation: Kal Des Ylem
Reagents: Blood Moss, Black Pearl, Mandrake Root
Effect: Brings down a storm of hailstones upon the caster’s enemy and the surrounding area
Mass Protect
Incantation: Vas In Sanct
Reagents: Sulfurous Ash, Ginseng, Garlic, Mandrake Root
Effect: Increases the effectiveness of armour, as well as the prowess and intelligence of nearby beings
Negate Magic
Incantation: An Ort
Reagents: Garlic, Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash
Effect: Temporarily prevents the casting of spells and magic
Poison Wind
Incantation: Nox Hur
Reagents: Nightshade, Sulfurous Ash, Blood Moss
Effect: Sends a gale of noxious wind in the direction of your foes
Incantation: In Quas Ylem
Reagents: Sulfurous Ash, Spider’s Silk, Blood Moss, Ginseng, Nightshade
Effect: Produces a duplicate version of simple objects
Incantation: In Des Por
Reagents: Spider’s Silk
Effect: Lays a fine, sticky web upon the ground to hinder a foe’s progress
7th Circle
Chain Bolt
Incantation: Vas Ort Grav
Reagents: Black Pearl, Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash, Blood Moss
Effect: Causes a bolt of damaging energy to leap from one being to another
Incantation: In Ort Ylem
Reagents: Spider’s Silk, Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash
Effect: Empowers special items with magical energy
Energy Wind
Incantation: Grav Hur
Reagents: Mandrake Root, Nightshade, Sulfurous Ash, Blood Moss
Effect: Sends a gale of wind in the direction of foes
Incantation: Quas Corp
Reagents: Nightshade, Mandrake Root, Garlic
Effect: Causes all evil foes in the area to flee in terror
Gate Travel
Incantation: Vas Rel Por
Reagents: Sulfurous Ash, Black Pearl, Mandrake Root
Effect: Teleports the caster’s party to a moonstone location determined by the moonphase
Incantation: In Corp
Reagents: Black Pearl, Nightshade, Sulfurous Ash
Effect: Sends a lethal bolt of energy towards an opponent
Mass Curse
Incantation: Van An Sanct
Reagents: Sulfurous Ash, Nightshade, Garlic, Mandrake Root
Effect: Reduces the effectiveness of armour, as well as the prowess and intelligence of all nearby beings, friend and foe alike
Mass Invisibility
Incantation: Vas Sanct Lor
Reagents: Mandrake Root, Nightshade, Blood Moss, Black Pearl
Effect: Causes all nearby beings to become unseen, though still present
Wing Strike
Incantation: Kal Ort Xen
Reagents: Blood Moss, Spider’s Silk, Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash
Effect: Sends a powerful dragon’s wing against your opponents
Wing Eye
Incantation: Port Ort Wis
Reagents: Blood Moss, Nightshade Root, Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash, Black Pearl, Spider’s Silk
Effect: Allows the caster to see otherwise obscured
8th Circle
Death Wind
Incantation: Corp Hur
Reagents: Mandrake Root, Nightshade, Sulfurous Ash, Blood Moss
Effect: Sends a gale of lethal wind in the direction of foes
Incantation: Vas An Lor
Reagents: Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash, Nightshade, Garlic, Blood Moss
Effect: Causes the moons to block the sun’s rays for a brief time
Mass Charm
Incantation: Van An Xen Ex
Reagents: Black Pearl, Nightshade, Spider’s Silk, Mandrake Root
Effect: Changes the alignment of nearby foes to match that of the caster
Mass Kill
Incantation: Vas Corp
Reagents: Black Pearl, Nightshade, Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash
Effect: Sends lethal bolts of energy toward all nearby beings
Incantation: In Mani Corp
Reagents: Garlic, Ginseng, Spider’s Silk, Sulfurous Ash, Blood Moss, Mandrake Root
Effect: Restores life to a being who was dead
Incantation: Vas Rel Xen
Reagents: Blood Moss, Nightshade, Mandrake Root
Effect: All evil creatures are changed to slime
Incantation: Kal Xen Corp
Reagents: Mandrake Root, Garlic, Blood Moss, Spider’s Silk
Effect: Calls forth a demon from the underworld who may assist you in combat
Time Stop
Incantation: An Tym
Reagents: Mandrake Root, Garlic, Blood Moss
Effect: Temporarily suspends time while the caster continues his journey
Incantation: Var Por Ylem
Reagents: Blood Moss, Sulfurous Ash, Mandrake Root
Effect: Causes the ground to shake, injuring all beings in the affected area