Warcraft: Orcs and Humans other - cheat codes
These are the cheats for Warcraft v1.0 First press [enter], then type the message, then press [enter] again. MESSAGES- Sally - uncovers all the area, no need to explore! Pot of gold - gives you 10000 pieces of gold and 7000 lumber. Do it as much as you want! Hurry up guys - lets you make buildings faster and to train your people. Very useful! Iron forge - upgrades all your weapons! Eye of newt - upgrades all your magics. Only use it when you have people who can use magic. Humanwin - This enables the following -human1 (end of 1st level) " 2 ( " " 2nd " ) etc. Orcwin - Same as above, but replace "human" with "orc" Corwin of amber- enables the following cheat - There - makes your men invunerable, hitting with 260 points of damage with every hit they make. They can only be killed by a direct catapult hit. Yours truly - Skips a level. Crushing Defeat - lose a level. The controls are practically the same as Dune 2.