Play King's Bounty online
King’s Bounty is a turn-based strategy game with RPG elements, originally released in 1990 by New World Computing. It was created by Jon Van Caneghem, also known for the Might and Magic series. This game is often regarded as the precursor to the Heroes of Might and Magic series, which shares many of its core mechanics and concepts. In King’s Bounty, the player takes on the role of a royal bounty hunter, tasked with finding a powerful artifact known as the Sceptre of Order.
How to play King's Bounty
To slow down the game emulation press CTRL+F11, to speed up the game press CTRL+F12. Press Escape (ESC) to exit fullscreen mode.
Input: keyboardGame modes: single-player
King's Bounty runs in your browser thanks to the Emularity library.
More about King's Bounty
Status: abandonware
Genre: strategy
Released in: 1990
Publisher: New World Computing
Developer: New World Computing
Download King's Bounty and play it on your computer. An emulator is needed in order to play older games.