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007: License to Kill - 1989
1000 Miglia - 1992
101: The Airborne Invasion of Normandy - 1998
10th Frame - 1987
15x15 Picture Puzzle - 1996
1869 - 1992
1893: A World's Fair Mystery - 2003
18th Airborne - 1993
1942: The Pacific Air War - 1994
20000 Leagues under the sea - 1988
2112 - 1994
221B Baker Street - 1986
240 Racing - 1998
2400 A.D. - 1988
3 Skulls of the Toltecs - 1996
3-D Helicopter Simulator - 1987
3-Demon - 1983
3D Cyber Blaster - 1992
3D Cyberpuck - 1992
3D Studio 3 - 1993
3D Ultra Lionel Traintown - 2000
3D-Maze - 1991
3d World Boxing - 1992
4 Queens Computer Casino - 1992
4-D Sports boxing - 1991
4D Sports Tennis - 1990
4Play - 1995
4th & Inches - 1988
4x4 Offroad Racing - 1988
5th Fleet - 1994
688 Attack Sub - 1989
7 colors - 1991
8088 Othello - 1985
9 Poker - 1989
9 Princes in Amber - 1985
A Dudley Dilemma - 1988
A Line in the Sand - 1992
A Mind Forever Voyaging - 1985
A Night with Troi - 1991
A Nightmare on Elm street - 1989
A Personal Nightmare - 1989
A-10 Tank Killer - 1989
A-Maze - 1989
A-Train - 1992
A320 Airbus - 1993
ACE 2 - 1987
ACE: Air Combat Emulator - 1986
AIV Networks (also known as C.E.O.) - 1995
ALF: The First Adventure - 1987
APB - 1989
ATAC: The Secret War Against Drugs (also known as Advanced Tactical Air Command) - 1992
Aaargh - 1988
Abrams Battle Tank - 1989
Abuse - 1995
Accordion - 1990
Ace 2.02 - 2001
Ace of Aces - 1987
Aces Over Europe - 1993
Aces of the Pacific - 1992
Aces of the deep - 1994
Acheton - 1987
Acid Tetris - 1998
Ack-Ack Attack! - 1995
Acquire - 1989
Acrobat Reader 1 - 1993
Action Fighter - 1989
Action Soccer - 1995
Action in the North Atlantic - 1989
Advanced Civilization - 1995
Advanced Destroyer Simulator - 1990
Advanced Tactical Fighter 2 (also known as Airstrike USA) - 1990
Advantage Tennis - 1991
Adventure Construction Set - 1987
Adventure Game Studio (AGS) - 1997
Adventure in Serenia - 1982
African Adventure - 1997
African Raiders-01 - 1989
African Trail Simulator - 1990
After Burner - 1989
After Dark - 1993
Afterlife - 1996
Age of Empires - 1997
Age of Empires 2: The Age of Kings - 1999
Age of Wonders - 1999
Age of Wonders 2: The Wizard's Throne - 2002
Air Bucks - 1992
Air Strike USA - 1990
Air Traffic Controller - 1985
Air Trax - 1983
Airball - 1987
Airborne Ranger - 1988
Airlines - 1994
Ajax - 1989
Akalabeth: World of Doom - 1981
Al-Qadim: The Genie's Curse - 1994
Albion - 1995
Alcatraz - 1992
Aldo Again - 1989
Aldo's Adventure - 1987
Aldo's Assault - 1991
Aleshar World of Ice - 1997
Alex Higgins World Snooker - 1986
Alice in Wonderland - 1989
Alice: The Personal Pascal - 1985
Alien Breed - 1993
Alien Breed: Tower Assault - 1994
Alien Cabal - 1997
Alien Fires 2199 AD - 1988
Alien Legacy - 1994
Alien Olympics - 1994
Alien Rampage - 1996
Alien Syndrome - 1989
Alien Trilogy - 1996
All Dogs Go to Heaven - 1989
All New World of Lemmings (also known as The Lemmings Chronicles) - 1994
Allan Border's Cricket - 1993
Alley Cat - 1984
Alone in the Dark - 1992
Alone in the Dark 2 - 1993
Alone in the Dark 3 - 1994
Alpha Centauri (also known as Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri) - 1999
Alpha Waves (also known as Continuum) - 1990
AlphaMan - 1995
Alter Ego: Female Version - 1986
Alter Ego: Male Version - 1986
Altered Beast - 1990
Altered Destiny - 1990
Alternate Reality: The City - 1988
Amazing Maze - 1983
Amazon - 1984
Amazon: Guardians of Eden - 1992
Amberstar - 1992
Ambush at Sorinor - 1993
American Challenge: A Sailing Simulation - 1986
American Conquest - 2002
American Gladiators - 1992
Amerzone: The Explorer's Legacy - 1999
Amnesia - 1986
Amok - 1996
Amulet of Yendor - 1985
Amulets & Armor - 1997
An American Tail: Fievel Goes West - 1993
An Elder Scrolls Legend: Battlespire - 1997
Anachronox - 2001
Anacreon: Reconstruction 4021 - 1987
Ancient Domains of Mystery (ADOM) v1.1 - 1996
Ancients 1: Deathwatch - 1991
Ancients 2: Approaching Evil - 1994
Angband - 1992
Angel 3 - 1990
Annals of Rome - 1988
Another World - 1991
Ant Attack! - 1994
Antarctic Adventure - 1986
Ante-Up at The Friday Night Poker Club - 1990
Antix - 1985
Anvil of dawn - 1995
Apache Longbow - 1995
Apache strike - 1989
Apollo 18: Mission to the Moon - 1987
Aquanoid - 1992
Aquanox - 2001
Aquaphobia - 1992
Arachne WWW - 1996
Arachnophobia - 1991
Arcade Trivia Quiz - 1993
Arcade Volleyball - 1987
Arcanum: of Steamworks and Magick Obscura - 2001
Archer Maclean's Pool - 1992
Archery - 1985
Archimedean Dynasty - 1996
Archipelagos - 1989
Archon Ultra - 1994
Archon: the Light and the Dark - 1984
Arctic Adventure - 1991
Arctic Fox (also known as Arcticfox) - 1987
Ardentryst - 2009
Arj - 1990
Arkanoid - 1988
Arkanoid 2: The Revenge of Doh - 1989
Armada 2525 - 1991
Armaeth: The Lost Kingdom - 1993
Armchair Quarterback - 1985
Armor Alley - 1991
Armored fist - 1994
Armour-Geddon - 1992
Army Men - 1998
Army Men 2 - 1998
Arnhem: The Market Garden Operation - 1988
Arnie 2 (also known as Arnie Savage: Combat Commando) - 1993
Arrakis - 2000
Arthur: The Quest for Excalibur - 1989
Artura - 1989
Ascendancy - 1995
Ascii Sector - 2007
Aspar GP Master - 1989
Aspetra - 1996
Assault Trooper - 1997
Asterix and Obelix - 1996
Asterix: Operation Getafix - 1989
Astro Dodge - 1982
Astro Fire - 1994
Astrotit - 1987
At the Carnival - 1990
At-slow4 - 1989
Atlantis: The Lost Tales - 1997
Atomic Bomberman - 1997
Atomino - 1991
Atomix - 1990
Attack of the Mutant Camels - 2001
Auf Wiedersehen Monty - 2001
Austerlitz - 1989
Austerlitz 1805 (also known as Napoleon vs. The Evil Monarchies: Austerlitz 1805) - 1989
AutoCAD 2.5 - 1986
Autobots - 1989
Autoduel - 1985
Avalon - 1998
Avoid the Noid - 1989
Avon - 1989
Awesome Earl in SkateRock - 1988
Axe of Rage - 1989
Axelerator: Have a N.I.C.E. day! - 1997
Axet - 1994
Axis and Allies - 1998
Axis and Allies: Iron Blitz - 1999
Azalta: Cult of the Raven - 1996
B-1 Nuclear Bomber - 1981
B-17 Flying Fortress - 1992
B-24 Combat Simulator - 1987
B.A.T. - 1990
B.A.T. 2 : The Koshan Conspiracy - 1992
BC Racers - 1995
BC's Quest for Tires - 1984
Baal - 1989
Baby Joe in: Going Home - 1991
Babylon 5: I've Found Her - 2003
Back to the Future Part 2 - 1990
Backgammon - 1984
Backgammon - 1986
Bad Blood - 1990
Bad Dudes VS Dragon Ninja - 1988
Bad Street Brawler (also known as Bop' N Rumble) - 1987
Bagman - 2013
Balance of Power: The 1990 Edition - 1989
Balance of the Planet - 1990
Baldur's Gate - 1998
Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn - 2000
Baldur's Gate III: The Black Hound - 2003
Ballistix - 1989
Ballyhoo - 1986
Bananoid - 1991
Bandit Kings of Ancient China - 1989
Bang! Bang! - 1990
Bank Streek Writer Plus - 1986
Bar Games - 1989
Barbarian: The Ultimate Warrior - 1989
Barbie - 1992
Barbie Super Model - 1993
Bargon Attack - 1992
Baseball Mogul - 1997
Baseball Mogul 2006 - 2005
Basket Master (also known as Fernando Martín Basket Master) - 1990
Bass Duel - 1993
Bass Tour - 1992
Batalia - 1986
Batman Returns - 1992
Batman: the Caped Crusader - 1988
Batman: the Movie - 1990
Battle Arena Toshinden - 1996
Battle Bugs - 1994
Battle Chess - 1988
Battle Chess 2: Chinese Chess - 1990
Battle Chess 4000 - 1992
Battle Isle - 1991
Battle Isle 2200 - 1994
Battle Isle 93: The Moon of Chromos - 1993
Battle Master - 1991
Battle for Atlantis - 1990
Battle for Normandy - 1983
Battle of Antietam - 1985
BattleTech: The Crescent Hawk's Inception - 1988
BattleTech: The Crescent Hawks' Revenge - 1990
Battlehawks 1942 - 1988
Battleship (also known as Hide & Sink) - 1983
Battlestar - 1996
Battlezone - 1983
Beast - 1984
Beats of Rage - 2003
Beauty and the Beast - 1992
Beavis and Butt-Head in Virtual Stupidity - 1995
Beethoven 2 - 1993
Beetlejuice: Skeletons in the Closet - 1992
Below The Root - 1984
Beneath Apple Manor - 1983
Beneath a Steel Sky - 1994
Berlin 1948 - 1989
Bert and the Snake - 1983
Betrayal - 1990
Betrayal at Krondor - 1993
Beverly Hills Cop - 1990
Beyond Castle Wolfenstein - 1985
Beyond Columns - 1989
Beyond Zork: The Coconut of Quendor - 1987
Beyond the Black Hole - 1989
Beyond the Titanic - 1986
Bible Builder - 1992
Bicycle Bridge - 1992
Big Business - 1990
Big Game Fishing - 1991
Big Red Racing - 1995
Big Sea: The Better One Will Win - 1994
Biing! (also known as Biing! Sex, Intrigue and Scalpels) - 1995
Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure - 1990
Billy The Kid - 1990
Bio Menace Episode 1: Dr. Mangle's Lab - 1993
Bio Menace Episode 2: The Hidden Lab - 1993
Bio Menace Episode 3: Master Cain - 1993
Bionic Commando - 1988
Birthright: The Gorgon's Alliance - 1996
BitStorm - 1999
Black & White - 2001
Black Crown - 1995
Black Friday - 1983
Black Hole - 1993
Black Monday - 1987
Black Moon Chronicles - 1999
Black Sect - 1993
Blackstar: Agent of Justice - 1995
Blackthorne - 1994
Blade Runner - 1997
Blade Warrior - 1991
Blades of Exile - 1997
Blades of steel - 1990
Blake Stone 1: Aliens of Gold - 1993
Blake Stone 2: Planet Strike - 1994
Blasteroids - 1989
Blitz Draughts - 1992
Blitzkrieg: Battle at the Ardennes - 1990
Block O Mania - 1989
BlockOut 2 - 2000
Blockout - 1989
Blood & Magic - 1996
Blood - 1997
Blood Money - 1990
BloodNet - 1993
Bloodstone: an Epic Dwarven Tale - 1993
Bloodwych - 1989
Blort! - 1987
Blue Angel 69 - 1989
Blue Angels: Formation Flight Simulation - 1989
Blue Force - 1993
Blue Max: Aces of the Great War - 1990
Blues Brothers RPG - 2004
Bob Winner - 1986
Bobby Fisher teaches chess - 1994
Body Blows - 1993
Boggle - 1990
Bolo Ball - 1992
Bomb Jack remake - 2002
Bomb Run - 1991
Bomberman (also known as Dyna Blaster) - 1992
Bombuzal - 1989
Boot Camp (also known as Combat School) - 1989
Bop'N Wrestle (also known as Rock'n Wrestle) - 1988
Boppin - 1994
Border Zone - 1987
Borderworld - 1996
Borland DBase 5 - 1994
Borland Eureka: the Solver - 1987
Borland Paradox 4.5 - 1993
Borland Reflex 2.0 - 1986
Borland Turbo Basic 1.0 - 1987
Borland Turbo C v1 - 1987
Borland Turbo C v2 - 1988
Borland Turbo Pascal 1.0 - 1983
Borland Turbo Pascal 2.0 - 1983
Borland Turbo Pascal 3.0 - 1986
Borrowed Time - 1985
Boston Bomb Club - 1991
Boulder Dash - 1984
Boulder Dash 2: Rockford's Revenge - 1985
Boulder Dash Construction Kit - 1987
Bounce Zone - 1990
Bouncing Babies - 1984
Boxer Rebellion - 1982
Bram Stoker's Dracula - 1993
Bravo Romeo Delta - 1993
Breakers - 1986
Bridge 7.0 - 1992
Brimstone - 1985
Brix - 1992
Broken Sword 2: The Smoking Mirror - 1997
Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars (also known as Circle of Blood) - 2009
Brutal Sports Football - 1993
Brutal: Paws of Fury - 1995
Bubble Bobble - 1989
Bubble Dizzy - 1993
Bubble Ghost - 1988
Bubble Pop - 1997
Bubble Trouble - 1998
Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday - 1990
Buck Rogers: Matrix Cubed - 1992
Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom - 1984
Budokan: the Martial Spirit - 1989
Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show - 1989
Bumpy's Arcade Fantasy - 1992
Bundesliga Manager Professional - 1991
Bunny Bricks - 1993
Bureau 13 - 1995
Bureaucracy - 1987
Burger Blaster - 1983
BurgerTime - 1982
Burntime - 1993
Bush Buck: Global Treasure Hunter - 1991
Bushido - 1983
Business Simulator - 1987
Bust-A-Move (also known as Puzzle Bubble) - 1997
Buzz Aldrin's Race into Space - 1993
CD-Man v2.0 - 1992
CHAMP Asteroids - 1997
CHAMP Centipede - 1993
CHAMP Kong - 1996
CHAMP Ms. Pac-man - 1994
Cabal - 1989
Cadaver - 1990
Cadaver: The Payoff - 1991
Caesar - 1992
Caesar 2 - 1995
Caesar 3 - 1998
Caesars Palace - 1989
California Games - 1988
California Games 2 - 1990
Callahan's Crosstime Saloon - 1997
Cannon Fodder - 1994
Cap Man - 1999
Capitalism 2 - 2001
Capitalism Plus - 1997
Capone - 1988
Captain Blood - 1988
Captain Comic 2: Fractured Reality - 1990
Captain Comic, The Adventures of - 1988
Captain Dynamo - 1993
Captive - 1992
Capture the Flag - 1993
Car Builder - 1982
Car and Driver - 1992
Carl Lewis Challenge - 1992
Carmageddon - 1997
Carnage - 1993
Carrier Strike: South Pacific 1942-44 - 1992
Carrier command - 1989
Cartooners - 1989
Cascade - 1990
Castle Adventure - 1984
Castle Elsinore - 1992
Castle Wolfenstein - 1984
Castle master - 1990
Castle master 2 - 1990
Castle of Dr. Brain - 1991
Castle of the Winds - 1993
Castles - 1991
Castles 2: Siege and Conquest - 1992
Castlevania - 1990
Catacomb Abyss - 1992
Catacomb Armageddon (also known as Curse of the Catacombs) - 1993
Cave Wars - 1996
Caveman Ugh-Lympics - 1989
Cavequest - 1985
Caverns of Chaos - 1992
Caverns of Kroz - 1989
Caverns of Kroz 2 - 1989
Caves of Thor - 1989
Celtic Tales: Balor of the Evil Eye - 1995
Centerfold Squares - 1988
Centurion: Defender of Rome - 1990
Chagunitzu - 1990
Chain Reaction - 1996
Challenge of the Five Realms - 1992
Chamber of the Sci-Mutant Priestess (also known as KULT: The Temple of Flying Saucers) - 1989
Champion of the Raj - 1991
Champions of Krynn - 1990
Championship Manager - 1992
Championship Manager 93 - 1993
Championship Manager Italia - 1993
Championship Manager: Season 97/98 - 1997
Chaos Overlords - 1996
Chasm: The Rift - 1997
CheckIt 3 - 1990
Checkers for Windows - 1997
Chess - 1981
Chess88 - 1984
Chessmaster 9000 - 2002
Chicago 90 - 1989
China Sea Trader - 1989
Chip's Challenge - 1991
Choose an Enemy - 1991
Chopper Duel - 1993
Chuck Yeager's Air Combat - 1991
Circuit's Edge - 1990
Circus Attractions - 1989
Cirque de Zale - 2004
Cisco Heat - 1991
City of Lost Children - 1997
Civilization - 1991
Civilization 2 - 1996
Civilization II: Test of Time - 1999
Clash of Steel - 1993
Classic Concentration - 1988
Classic Hangman - 1983
Cloud Kingdoms - 1990
Club Football: The Manager - 1994
Clue Master Detective - 1989
Clyde's Adventure - 1992
Clyde's Revenge - 1995
Coaster - 1993
Cobra Mission - 1992
Code-Name: Iceman - 1989
Codebreaker - 1994
Colonization - 1994
Color Balls - 1996
Color Buster - 1992
Color Lines - 1992
Colorado - 1990
Colosso Revenge - 1997
Colosso Secret - 1997
Columbus Discovery - 1992
Comanche: Maximum overkill - 1992
Combat Chess - 1997
Comix Zone - 1995
Command & Conquer - 1995
Command & Conquer: Red Alert - 1996
Command & Conquer: Sole Survivor - 1997
Command Adventures: Starship - 1995
Command HQ - 1990
Commander Keen 1: Marooned on Mars - 1990
Commander Keen 2: The Earth Explodes - 1990
Commander Keen 3: Keen Must Die! - 1990
Commander Keen 4: Secret of the Oracle - 1991
Commander Keen 5: The Armageddon Machine - 1991
Commander Keen 6: Aliens Ate my Baby Sitter! - 1991
Commander Keen: Keen Dreams - 1992
Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines - 1998
Commandos: Beyond the Call of Duty - 1999
Companions of Xanth - 1993
Computer Diplomacy - 1984
Computer Underground - 1993
Conan: the Cimmerian - 1991
Conflict - 1990
Conflict in Vietnam - 1986
Conflict: Europe - 1989
Conflict: Korea - 1992
Conqueror - 1990
Conquest of Japan (also known as Samurai: The Way of the Warrior) - 1992
Conquest of the New World (Deluxe Edition) - 1996
Conquests of Camelot: The Search for the Grail - 1990
Conquests of the Longbow: The Legend of Robin Hood - 1991
Constructor - 1997
Contraption Zack - 1992
Cool Spot - 1994
Core War Plus - 1984
Corporate Raider: The Pirate of Wall Street - 1988
Corridor 7: Alien Invasion - 1994
Corruption - 1988
Cosmic Crusader - 1982
Cosmic Soldier: Psychic War - 1989
Cosmic Spacehead - 1993
Cosmo's Cosmic Adventures - 1992
Cossacks: European Wars - 2000
Cossacks: The Art of War - 2001
Cougar Force - 1990
Countdown - 1990
Cover Girl Strip Poker - 1991
Crazy Cars - 1987
Crazy Cars 2 (also known as F40 Pursuit Simulator) - 1989
Crazy Nick's Leisure Suit Larry Casino - 1992
Crazy Nick's Parlor Games with Laura Bow - 1992
Crazy Nick's Roger Wilco's Spaced Out Games Pack - 1993
Crazy Nick's Software Picks: King Graham's Board Game Challenge - 1992
Crazy Taxi - 2002
Creatures Village - 2001
Crescent - 1993
Crime City - 1993
Crime Time - 1990
Crime Wave - 1990
Crime and Punishment - 1984
Crisis in the Kremlin - 1991
Crossbow: The Legend of William Tell - 1990
Crossfire - 1982
Cruise for a Corpse (also known as Croisière pour un cadavre) - 1991
Crusade in Europe - 1985
Crusader: No Regret - 1996
Crusader: No Remorse - 1995
Crystal Caves - 1991
Crystals of Arborea - 1990
Cultures - 2000
Curse of Enchantia - 1992
Curse of the Azure Bonds - 1989
Cutthroats - 1984
CyClones - 1994
CyberRace - 1993
Cybercon III - 1992
Cyrus - 1985
D-Day: The Beginning of the End - 1994
D-Fend Reloaded - 2008
D-Zone - 1992
D/Generation - 1991
DBGL: DOSBox Game Launcher - 2017
DJ Puff - 1993
DND - 1984
DOS Navigator v 1.5 - 1991
DOSBox - 2002
DX-Ball 2 - 1998
Daemonsgate - 1993
Daffy Duck PI: The Case of the Missing Letters - 1991
Dalek Attack - 1992
Dangerous Dave - 1990
Dangerous Dave in the Haunted Mansion - 1991
Dangerous Dave: Dave Goes Nutz! - 1995
Dangerous Dave: Risky Rescue - 1993
Dangerous Streets - 1994
Darius Gaiden - 1998
Dark Ages Volume I - Prince of Destiny - 1991
Dark Ages Volume II - The Undead Kingdom - 1991
Dark Ages Volume III - Dungeons of Doom - 1991
Dark Castle - 1987
Dark Designs 1: Grelminar's Staff - 1990
Dark Designs 2: Closing the Gate - 1990
Dark Horizons Lore: Invasion - 2004
Dark Legions - 1994
Dark Queen of Krynn - 1992
Dark Reign 2 - 2000
Dark Reign: The Future of War - 1997
Dark Seed - 1992
Dark Side - 1988
Dark Sun 2: Wake of the Ravager - 1994
Dark Sun: Shattered Lands - 1993
DarkSpyre - 1990
Darklands - 1992
Darkstone - 1999
Das Boot: German U-Boat Simulation - 1990
Data Perfect 2.6 - 1993
Daughter of Serpents - 1992
David Wolf: Secret Agent - 1989
David's Kong - 1984
Dawn Patrol - 1994
Dawn Raider - 1990
Day of the Pharaoh - 1989
Day of the Tentacle - 1993
Day of the Viper - 1990
Days of Thunder - 1990
Daytona USA - 1994
Deadline - 1982
Deadlock: Planetary Conquest - 1996
Deadly Racer - 1994
Death Gate - 1994
Death Knights of Krynn - 1991
Death Rally - 1996
Death Sword - 1988
Death by Backgammon - 1990
Deathtrack - 1989
Decision at Gettysburg - 1990
Decision in the Desert - 1985
Decisive Battles of the American Civil War: Vol. 1 - 1988
Decisive Battles of the American Civil War: Vol. 2 - 1989
Decisive Battles of the American Civil War: Vol. 3 - 1992
Decker - 2002
Deep space: Operation Copernicus - 1986
Defender - 1983
Defender of Boston: The Rock Island Mystery - 1992
Defender of the Crown - 1991
Deja Vu 2: Lost in Las Vegas - 1990
Deja Vu: A Nightmare Comes True - 1987
Deluxe Paint 2 - 1988
Demon Blue - 1992
Demon Stalkers - 1989
Demon's Forge - 1987
Demon's Tomb: The Awakening - 1989
Demon's Winter - 1989
Descent - 1995
Descent: FreeSpace - The Great War - 1998
Desert Rats (also known as Desert Rats: The North Africa Campaign) - 1986
Desert Strike: Return to the Gulf - 1994
Designasaurus - 1988
DeskMate - 1984
Destruction Derby - 1995
Detroit - 1994
Deus Ex - 2000
Devastator - 1984
Diablo - 1996
Dick Tracy - 1990
Die Hard - 1989
Die Hard 2: Die Harder - 1992
Dig Dug - 1983
Digger - 1983
Diggers - 1994
Diggers 2: Extractors - 1995
Dilbert's Desktop Games - 1997
Dime City - 1995
Dink Smallwood - 1998
Dinopark Tycoon - 1993
Dinosaur Balls - 1992
Disc - 1990
Disciples of Steel - 1994
Discworld - 1995
Discworld 2: Mortality Bytes! (also known as Discworld II: Missing Presumed...!?) - 1996
Disney's Aladdin - 1994
Disney's The Jungle Book - 1995
Dive Bomber - 1989
Divine Divinity - 2002
Dizzy - 1987
Dizzy: Prince of the Yolkfolk - 1993
Dogfight: 80 Years of Aerial Warfare - 1993
Dogs of War - 1996
Dolphin Boating Simulator - 1988
Dominium - 1992
Dominus - 1994
Don't Go Alone - 1989
Donald Duck's Playground - 1986
Donald's Alphabet Chase - 1988
Donkey BAS - 1981
Donkey Kong - 1983
Doofus - 1994
Doom - 1993
Doom 2: Hell on Earth - 1994
Doom: The Roguelike - 2005
Doomdark's Revenge - 1985
Dope Wars - 1998
Doszip Commander - 2007
Double Dragon - 1988
Double Dragon 3: The Rosetta Stone - 1992
Double Dragon II: The Revenge - 1988
Double Dribble - 1990
Dr. Ruth Computer Game of Good Sex - 1986
Dracula in London - 1988
Dragon Force - Day 3 - 1993
Dragon Lord - 1990
Dragon Strike - 1990
Dragon Wars - 1990
Dragon World - 1984
Dragon's Lair - 1989
Dragon's Lair 2: Time Warp - 1990
Dragon's Lair 3: The Curse of Mordread - 1992
Dragonflight - 1991
Dragonfly - 1986
Dragonriders of Pern - 1987
Dragons of Flame - 1989
Dragons: A Challenge in Chivalry - 1986
Dragonsphere - 1994
Drakkhen - 1989
Dream Zone - 1988
Dreamweb - 1994
Driller (also known as Space Station Oblivion) - 1987
Drug wars: a game based on the New York drug market - 1984
Druglord - 1991
Duck Hunt - 1995
Duck Tales: The Quest for Gold - 1990
Duke Nukem - 1991
Duke Nukem 2 - 1993
Duke Nukem 3D - 1996
Duke Nukem 3D: Reloaded - 2011
Dune - 1992
Dune 2000 - 1998
Dune Generations - 2002
Dune II: The building of a dynasty - 1992
Dungeon Crawl - 1997
Dungeon Explorer - 1990
Dungeon Hack - 1993
Dungeon Keeper - 1997
Dungeon Keeper 2 - 1997
Dungeon Keeper 3: War for the Overworld - 2000
Dungeon Master - 1992
Dungeon Master's Assistant Vol 1 - 1988
Dungeon Master's Assistant Vol 2 - 1989
Dungeon master 2: The legend of Skullkeep - 1995
Dungeon of Shalan - 1988
Dungeons of Kairn - 1989
Dungeons of Kroz - 1989
Dungeons of Kroz 2 - 1989
Dusk of the Gods - 1991
Dylan Dog: Murderers - 1992
Dylan Dog: Through the Looking Glass - 1992
EF 2000 - 1995
EGA Bomb - 1988
EGA Trek - 1988
EGA-Roids - 1986
Eagle Eye Mysteries in London - 1994
Eagle Eye Mysteries: The Original - 1993
Eagle's Rider - 1991
Earl Weaver Baseball - 1987
Earthly delights - 1984
Earthrise - 1990
Earthworm Jim - 1995
Earthworm Jim 2 - 1996
EcoQuest 2: Lost Secret of the Rainforest - 1993
EcoQuest: The Search for Cetus - 1991
Ecstatica - 1994
EducAtlas 1993 - 1993
Einstein Writer 7 - 1985
Eishockey Manager - 1993
Electranoid - 1995
Electroman (also known as Electro Body) - 1992
Elevator - 1986
Elite - 1987
Elite Plus - 1991
Elona - 2007
Elvira 2: The Jaws of Cerberus - 1991
Elvira: Mistress of the Dark - 1990
Elvira: the Arcade Game - 1991
Emmanuelle: A Game of Eroticism - 1989
Emperor of the Fading Suns - 1996
Empire Deluxe - 1993
Empire Earth - 2001
Empire II: The Art of War - 1995
Empire Soccer 94 - 1994
Empire: Wargame of the Century - 1987
Enchanter - 1983
Enclave - 2002
Encounter - 1984
Encyclopedia of War: Ancient Battles - 1988
Endless Horror - 1993
England Championship Special - 1991
Enigma - 1996
Entomorph: Plague Of The Darkfall - 1995
Entrepreneur - 1997
Epic - 1992
Epic Baseball - 1995
Epic Pinball - 1993
Epidemic! - 1983
Eric the Unready - 1993
Escape from Dr. Colosso - 1997
Escape from Hell - 1990
Escape from delirium - 1995
Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters - 1990
Essex - 1985
Eternam - 1992
European Championship 1992 - 1992
Evasive Action - 1993
Evets - 1988
Evolution - 1983
Executive Suite - 1982
Exile II: Crystal Souls - 1996
Exile III: Ruined World - 1997
Exile: Escape from the Pit - 1995
Explora 2 (also known as Chrono Quest II) - 1989
Exterminator - 1990
Extreme Assault - 1997
Extreme Pinball - 1995
Extreme Shopper - 2000
Eye of Horus - 1989
Eye of the Beholder - 1991
Eye of the Beholder 2: The Legend of Darkmoon - 1991
Eye of the Storm - 1993
Eye of the beholder 3: Assault on Myth Drannor - 1991
F-14 Tomcat - 1990
F-15 Strike Eagle - 1985
F-15 Strike Eagle II - 1989
F-15 Strike Eagle III - 1992
F-16 Combat Pilot - 1989
F-19 Stealth Fighter - 1988
F-22 Lightning 2 - 1996
F-Prot - 1995
F29 Retaliator - 1990
F40 Pursuit Simulator - 1989
FIFA Soccer 96 - 1995
FIFA Soccer 97 - 1996
FIFA: Road to World Cup 98 - 1997
Fable - 1996
Face Off! - 1989
Faces Tris 3 - 1990
Facts in Action - 1992
Fade to Black - 1995
Fairy Nights - 2000
Fairy Tale Adventure 2: Halls of the Dead - 1997
Falcon - 1987
Falcon 3.0 - 1991
Falcon AT (also known as Falcon 2) - 1988
Fallen Angel - 1989
Fallout - 1997
Fallout 2 - 1998
Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel - 2001
Family Feud - 1987
Fantastic Dizzy - 1994
Fantasy Empires - 1993
Fantasy General - 1996
Fantasy World Dizzy - 1991
Farenheit 451 - 1984
Fascination - 1991
Fast Break - 1988
Fast Food Dizzy - 1989
Fast Tracker 2 - 1994
Fatal Relations - 1998
Fates of Twinion - 1993
Felony! - 1984
Ferrari Formula 1 - 1989
Feud - 1988
Fidelity Chessmaster 2100 - 1989
Fields of Glory - 1993
Fiendish Freddy's Big Top O'Fun - 1989
Final Frontier - 1989
Finders Keepers - 2007
Fire Power - 1988
Fire and Forget - 1988
Fire and Forget 2 - 1988
Fire and Ice - 1993
Firezone - 1988
First Expedition - 1988
First Samurai - 1992
Fish! - 1988
Fisher-Price Firehouse Rescue - 1988
Five-a-side Indoor Soccer - 1986
Flash Gordon: Il Rapimento di Dale - 1992
Flashback: The Quest for Identity - 1993
Fleet Defender - 1994
Fleet Sweep - 1983
Flight of the Amazon Queen - 1995
Flight of the Intruder - 1990
Flightmare - 1984
FlixMix - 1993
Floor 13 - 1992
Floppy Frenzy - 1982
Flying Corps - 1997
Flying Tigers - 1994
Flying Tigers 2 - 1994
Follow the Reader - 1992
Fooblitzsky - 1986
Football Fanatic - 1998
Football Glory - 1995
Football Manager 3 - 1993
Forbidden Castle - 1985
Forbidden Quest - 1983
Ford Simulator 5 - 1994
Ford simulator 1 - 1987
Ford simulator 2 - 1990
Ford simulator 3 - 1992
Forgotten Realms: Unlimited Adventures - 1993
Forgotten Worlds - 1991
Formula 1 Grand Prix (also known as World Circuit) - 1991
Formula One - 1994
Fort Apache - 1992
Fountain of Dreams - 1990
Fox Ranger - 1992
Frac - 1990
Framed - 1995
Frankenstein - 1994
Freddy Hardest - 1988
Freddy Pharkas: Frontier Pharmacist - 1993
Frederik Pohl's Gateway - 1992
Free D.C.! - 1991
Free Enterprise - 1996
FreeDOS Shell - 2002
Frogger - 1983
Frogger Jr. - 1984
Front Lines - 1994
Frontier: Elite 2 - 1993
Frontier: First Encounters - 1995
Frontline - 1990
Fuck Quest - 1998
Full Metal Planete - 1990
Full Throttle - 1995
Fury of the Furries - 1993
Future Classics Collection - 1990
Future Wars: Adventures in Time - 1990
Fuzzy's World of Miniature Space Golf - 1995
GATO - 1984
GW-BASIC 3 - 1988
Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within - 1995
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers - 1993
Gal Pani X - 2000
Galactic Battle - 1990
Galactix - 1992
Galaxian - 1983
Galaxy - 1981
Galdregon's Domain (also known as Death Bringer) - 1988
Galleons of Glory - 1990
Game Over - 1988
Gamma Force in Pit of a Thousand Screams - 1988
Gapper - 1986
Gary Grigsby's Pacific War - 1992
Gary Grigsby's War in Russia - 1993
Gateway 2: Homeworld - 1993
Gateway to the Savage Frontier - 1991
Gateworld (also known as Gateworld: The Home Planet) - 1993
Gauntlet - 1986
Gauntlet 2 - 1989
Gazza 2 - 1991
Geisha - 1990
Gemfire (also known as Royal Blood) - 1992
Gengis Khan - 1989
Gengis Khan 2: Clan of the Gray Wolf - 1992
Genocide - 1996
Ghost Master - 2003
Ghostbusters - 2006
Ghostbusters 2 - 1989
Ghosts 'n Goblins remake - 2004
Glider 4.0 - 1994
Global Conquest - 1992
Global Domination - 1993
Global Effect - 1992
Global Thermo War - 1985
Gloriana - 1996
Gnome Alone (also known as The Magic Garden) - 1991
Gnome Ranger - 1987
Gnome Ranger 2: Ingrid's Back - 1988
Goal! - 1993
Gobliiins - 1991
Gobliins 2: The Prince Buffoon - 1993
Goblins 3 - 1994
God of Thunder - 1993
Gods - 1991
Gold Rush! - 1988
Gold of the Americas: The Conquest of the New World - 1989
Golden Axe - 1991
Golden Eagle - 1991
Golden Oldies: Volume 1 - Computer Software Classics - 1985
Gone Fishing (also known as Reel 'n fish.) - 1989
Goody - 1987
GrailQuest - 1989
Grand Monster Slam - 1989
Grand Prix - 1989
Grand Prix 2 - 1995
Grand Prix 500 2 - 1991
Grand Prix Circuit - 1988
Grand Prix Unlimited - 1992
Grand Prix Wizard - 1996
Grand Slam Bridge - 1986
Grand Theft Auto - 1997
Grand Theft Auto 2 - 1999
Grandmaster Chess - 1992
Grave Yardage - 1989
Great Napoleonic Battles - 1991
Great Naval Battles vol. 2: Guadalcanal 1942 - 43 - 1994
Great Naval Battles vol. 3: Fury in the Pacific 1941-1944 - 1995
Great Naval Battles vol. 4: Burning Steel, 1939-1942 - 1995
Great Naval Battles vol. 5: Demise of the Dreadnoughts 1914-18 - 1996
Great Naval Battles: North Atlantic 1939 - 1943 - 1992
Gremlins - 1984
Gremlins 2: The New Batch - 1990
Grim Fandango - 1998
Ground Control - 2000
Gruntz - 1999
Guardians of Infinity: to Save Kennedy - 1988
Guerrilla War - 1987
Guilty - 1995
Guldkorn Expressen - 1991
Gulf Strike - 1986
Gumboots Australia - 1990
Gunboat - 1990
Guns 'R' Us - 1993
Gunship - 1986
Gunship 2000 - 1991
Guy Spy and the Crystals of Armageddon - 1992
HTML Tads - 1997
Hack - 1984
Hacker - 1986
Hacker 2: The Doomsday Papers - 1986
Halloween Harry - 1993
Hamburger Hell - 1986
Hamurabi remake - 1996
Hannibal - 1993
HappyLand Adventures: X-mas Edition - 2000
Hard Drivin' - 1990
Hard Drivin' 2 - 1990
Hard Hat Mack - 1984
Hard Nova - 1990
Hardball 2 - 1989
Hardball 3 - 1992
Hardball 4 - 1994
Hardball! - 1987
Harley-Davidson: The Road to Sturgis - 1989
Harpoon - 1989
Harpoon II - 1994
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - 2001
Heart of China - 1991
Heavy Barrel - 1989
Heavy Metal - 1989
Heimdall - 1992
Heimdall 2: Into the Hall of Worlds - 1994
Heirs to the Throne - 1992
Helter Skelter - 1989
Hercules - 1997
Heretic - 1994
Hero's Quest: So you want to be a hero - 1989
HeroQuest - 1991
Heroes of Might and Magic - 1995
Heroes of Might and Magic II - 1996
Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Restoration of Erathia - 1999
Heroes of the 357th - 1992
Heroes of the Lance - 1989
Hexen: Beyond Heretic - 1995
Hexx: Heresy of the Wizard - 1994
Hexxagon - 1993
Hexxagon 2 - 1993
Hi-Octane - 1995
Hidden Agenda - 1989
High Command: Europe 1939-45 - 1992
High Seas Trader - 1995
Highway Fighter - 1995
Highway Hunter - 1994
Highway Patrol 2 - 1990
Hill Street Blues - 1991
Hillsfar - 1989
Hired Guns - 1993
Hockey League Simulator - 1990
Hocus Pocus - 1994
Hole in One - 1995
Holiday Island - 1996
Holiday Lemmings - 1993
Hollywood Hijinx - 1986
Hollywood Squares - 1989
Holy Grail - 1984
Home Alone - 1991
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York - 1992
Homey D. Clown - 1993
Hook - 1992
Hooligans: Storm Over Europe - 2002
Horror Zombies from the Crypt - 1990
Hostage: Rescue Mission - 1989
House of Cards - 1989
House of the Dead - 1998
Hoverforce - 1990
Hoyle Classic Card Games - 1993
Hugo 2: Whodunit? - 1991
Hugo 3: Jungle of Doom - 1992
Hugo's House of Horrors - 1990
Hulk - 2003
Humans 3: Evolution - Lost in Time - 1995
I have no Mouth and I Must Scream - 1995
IBM 9-Hole Miniature Golf - 1983
IBM Assistant 2.0 - 1986
IBM Centipede - 1983
IBM Fixed Disk Organizer - 1983
IBM Fullscreen Definition FSDPC - 1984
ICON: Quest for the Ring - 1984
IVAN (Iter Vehemens ad Necem) - 2001
Icewind Dale - 2000
Icewind Dale 2 - 2002
If It Moves, Shoot It! - 1989
Igor Objective Uuklaonia - 1995
Ikari III: The Rescue - 1990
Ikari Warriors 2: Victory Road - 1988
Il Grande Gioco di Tangentopoli - 1993
Imperium - 1990
Impossible Mission 2 - 1988
Impulse Tracker - 1995
In Extremis - 1993
In Search of Dr. Riptide - 1994
In The Hunt - 1993
In the Dead of Night - 1995
Inca - 1992
Inca 2: Wiracocha - 1994
Incursion - 2007
Indenture - 1995
Independence War - 1997
Independence War 2: Edge Of Chaos - 2001
Indiana Jones and his Desktop Adventures - 1996
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis - 1992
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - 1989
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: the Action Game - 1989
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom - 1989
Indiana Jones: Revenge of the Ancients - 1987
Indianapolis 500 - 1989
Industry Giant 2 - 2002
IndyCar Racing - 1993
Infestation - 1990
Infidel - 1983
Infiltrator - 1987
Infiltrator 2 - 1988
Inner Worlds - 1996
Innocent Until Caught - 1993
Inside Trader - 1987
Inspector Gadget: Global terror! - 1992
Interactive Girls Club Games - 1993
International Athletics - 1992
International Moto X - 1996
International Ninja Rabbits - 1991
International Soccer - 1994
International Soccer Challenge - 1990
Interphase - 1989
Interpose - 1996
Interstate '76 - 1997
Into the Eagle's Nest - 1987
Invaders 78 - 2000
Invasion of the Mutant Space Bats of Doom - 1995
Inve$t - 1990
Iron Blood - 1996
Iron Cross - 1994
Iron Lord - 1990
Iron Seed - 1994
Ishar 2: Messengers of Doom - 1994
Ishar 3: The Seven Gates of Infinity - 1994
Ishar: Legend of the Fortress - 1992
Ishido: The Way of the Stones - 1990
Iskib - 1989
It Came from the Desert - 1990
Italy 1990 (also known as World Class Soccer) - 1990
Ivan 'Iron Man' Stewart's Super Off Road - 1990
Iznogoud - 1987
J-Bird - 1983
J.R.R. Tolkien's Riders of Rohan - 1997
J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, Vol. I - 1990
J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, Vol. II: The Two Towers - 1992
Jack Nicklaus Golf & Course Design: Signature Edition - 1992
Jack Nicklaus' Unlimited Golf & Course Design - 1990
Jack in the Dark - 1993
Jack the Ripper - 1995
Jackal - 1989
Jagged Alliance - 1994
Jagged Alliance 2 - 1999
Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games - 1996
James Bond 007: A View to a Kill - 1985
James Bond 007: Goldfinger - 1986
James Clavell's Shogun - 1989
James Pond 2: Codename: RoboCod - 1993
Jammit - 1994
Jane's Combat Simulations: Advanced Tactical Fighters - 1996
Janitor Joe - 1984
Javelin - 1985
Jaws - 1989
Jazz Jackrabbit - 1994
Jazz Jackrabbit Holiday Hare - 1994
Jeopardy! - 1987
Jet - 1985
Jet Set Willy remake - 1999
Jetfighter 2: Advanced Tactical Fighter - 1990
Jetpack - 1993
Jetpack: Christmas Special - 1993
Jetset - 1982
Jetstrike - 1994
Jewels of Darkness - 1986
Jill of the Jungle - 1992
Jill of the Jungle 2: Jill Goes Underground - 1992
Jill of the Jungle 3: Jill Saves the Prince - 1992
Jimmy Connors Pro Tennis Tour (also known as Great Courts 2) - 1991
Jimmy White Whirlwind Snooker - 1991
Jinxter - 1988
Joan of Arc - 1989
Joe Montana Football - 1990
Joe and Mac Cavemen Ninja - 1991
John Madden Football - 1989
Jones in the Fast Lane - 1991
Journey to the Center of the Earth - 1988
Journey: The Quest Begins - 1989
Joust VGA - 1990
Joyous Rebel - 1996
Jump 'n Bump - 1998
Jumpman - 1984
Jumpman Lives! - 1991
Jungle Strike - 1995
Jurassic Park - 1993
KGB (also known as Conspiracy) - 1992
Ka-50 Hokum - 1995
Kaeon - 1992
Kaiser - 1992
Kampfgruppe - 1987
Kangaroo - 1982
Karateka - 1986
Karnov - 1987
Kasparov's Gambit - 1993
Keef the Thief: A Boy and his Lockpick - 1989
Ken's Labyrinth - 1993
Keys to Maramon - 1990
Khalaan - 1990
Kick off 2 - 1990
King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table (also known as King Arthur's K.O.R.T.) - 1994
King of Chicago - 1987
King's Bounty - 1990
King's Quest 1: Quest for the Crown - 1984
King's Quest 2: Romancing the Throne - 1985
King's Quest 3: To Heir is Human - 1986
King's Quest 4: The Perils of Rosella - 1988
King's Quest 5: Absence makes the heart go yonder - 1990
King's Quest 6: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - 1992
King's Quest III Redux: To Heir is Human - 2011
King's Table: The Legend of Ragnarok - 1993
Kingdom Without End - 2001
Kingdom of Hamil - 1987
Kingdom of Kroz - 1988
Kingdom of Kroz 2 - 1990
Kingdom: The Far Reaches - 1995
Kingdoms of Germany - 1994
Kings of the beach - 1988
Klax - 1990
Knight Exchange - 1988
Knight Games - 1988
Knight Orc - 1987
Knightmare - 1986
Knights of Legend - 1989
Knights of Xentar - 1994
Knights of the Desert - 1983
Knights of the Sky - 1990
Kobayashi Naru - 1987
Konami's Ping Pong - 1996
Krazy Ivan - 1996
Kronolog: The Nazi Paradox - 1993
Krusty's Super Funhouse - 1993
Kurtan - 1990
Kwik Snax Dizzy - 1993
L'Empereur - 1991
L'Eternauta: Gli Invasori della Città Eterna - 1994
L.A. Crackdown - 1988
LA Law: The Computer Game - 1992
LHA - 1988
LHX Attack Chopper - 1990
La Abadia del Crimen - 1987
La Colmena - 1992
La Grande Armee - 1991
LadyLove - 1990
Lakers vs. Celtics and the NBA Playoffs - 1989
Lamborghini: American Challenge - 1992
Lancelot - 1988
Lands of Lore 2: Guardians of Destiny - 1997
Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos - 1993
Lane Mastodon vs. the Blubbermen - 1988
Larn - 1986
Laser Squad - 1992
Laser Surgeon: The Microscopic Mission - 1987
Laserwars - 1994
Last Action Hero - 1993
Last Duel: Inter Planet War 2012 - 1989
Last Half of Darkness - 1989
Last Knight in Camelot - 1996
Last Ninja - 1988
Last Ninja 2: Back with a Vengeance - 1990
Late Night Sexy TV Show - 1994
Laura Bow 2: The Dagger of Amon Ra - 1992
Lawn Mower - 1987
Le Fetiche Maya - 1989
Le Maitre Des Ames - 1987
Learn The Alphabet - 1993
Leather Goddesses of Phobos - 1986
Leather Goddesses of Phobos 2 - 1992
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver - 1999
Legacy of the Ancients - 1989
Legend of Faerghail - 1990
Legend of Kyrandia - 1992
Legend of Kyrandia 2: Hand of fate - 1993
Legend of Kyrandia 3: Malcolm's Revenge - 1994
Legend of the Red Dragon - 1989
Legend of the Silver Talisman - 1996
Legend of the Sword - 1988
Legends of Murder: Volume 1 - Stonedale Castle - 1989
Legends of Valour - 1992
Legions - 1994
Lego Loco - 1998
Leisure Suit Larry 1: In the Land of the Lounge Lizards - 1987
Leisure Suit Larry 2: Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places) - 1988
Leisure Suit Larry 3: Passionate Patti in Pursuit of the Pulsating Pectorals - 1989
Leisure Suit Larry 5: Passionate Patti does a Llittle Undercover Work - 1991
Leisure Suit Larry 6: Shape Up or Slip Out! - 1993
Leisure Suit Larry 7: Love for Sail - 1996
Lemmings - 1991
Lemmings 2: The Tribes - 1993
Lemmings 3D (also known as 3D Lemmings) - 1995
Lemmings 95 - 1994
Lemonade Tycoon - 2002
Les Aventures de Moktar - Vol 1: La Zoubida - 1991
Les Manley in: Lost in L.A. - 1991
Les Manley in: Search for the King - 1990
Lethal Tender - 1993
Lexi-Cross - 1991
Liero - 1999
Life & Death - 1988
Life & Death 2: The Brain - 1990
Lightspeed - 1990
Lincity NG - 2005
LineWars - 1990
LineWars 2 - 1994
Links 386 Pro - 1992
Links: The Challenge of Golf - 1990
Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader - 2003
Litil Divil - 1993
Little Big Adventure - 1994
Little Big Adventure 2 (Twinsen's Odyssey) - 1997
Liverpool: the Computer Game - 1992
Livingstone 2 - 1989
Llamatron 2112 - 1992
Locomotion - 1992
Lode Runner - 1983
Lode Runner: The Legend Returns - 1994
Logical - 1991
Logo - 1990
Lollypop - 1994
Lombard RAC Rally - 1988
Lone Wolf: The Mirror of Death - 1991
Loom - 1990
Loopz - 1990
Lord of Destruction - 1994
Lords of Conquest - 1987
Lords of Doom - 1990
Lords of Midnight - 1984
Lords of Midnight: The Citadel - 1995
Lords of the Realm - 1994
Lords of the Realm 2 - 1996
Lords of the Realm 3 - 2004
Lorna - 1990
Lost Adventures of Kroz - 1990
Lost Dutchman Mine - 1989
Lost in Time - 1993
Lotus: The ultimate challenge - 1993
Low blow - 1990
Lucky Luke - 1997
Luigi and Spaghetti - 1992
Lula: The Sexy Empire - 1997
Lure of the Temptress - 1992
Lyle in Cube Sector - 2006
Lynx - 1992
M Labyrinth (also known as μLabyrinth) - 1993
M.U.D.S. - Mean Ugly Dirty Sport - 1990
MDDClone - 2007
MDK - 1997
MacArthur's War - 1990
Mach 3 - 1987
Machiavelli the Prince - 1995
Mad Mix - 1988
Mad Paradox - 1994
Mad TV - 1991
Madball - 1985
Mageslayer - 1997
Magic Carpet - 1994
Magic Carpet 2: The Netherworlds - 1996
Magic Johnson's Basketball (also known as Magic Johnson's Fast Break) - 1989
Magic Pockets - 1992
Magic: The Gathering (also known as Shandalar) - 1997
Magic: The Gathering Interactive Encyclopedia - 1999
Magicland Dizzy - 1993
Magnetic Crane - 1989
Magnetic Scrolls Collection - 1991
Mah Jongg Solitaire - 1987
Major Stryker - 1993
Manchester United: The Double - 1994
Mandrake: L'Ombra del Cobra - 1994
Manhole - 1992
Manhunter 2: San Francisco - 1989
Manhunter: New York - 1988
Maniac Mansion - 1987
Maniac Mansion Deluxe - 2004
Manic Miner remake - 1997
Marathon - 1994
Marathon 2: Durandal - 1996
Marble Cooking - 1994
Marble Madness - 1987
Mario Andretti's Racing Challenge - 1991
Mario Bros VGA - 1990
Mario Teaches Typing - 1992
Mario and Luigi - 2001
Mario's Game Gallery - 1995
Martian Memorandum - 1991
Master of Magic - 1994
Master of Orion - 1993
Master of Orion 2: Battle at Antares - 1996
Master of Orion 3 - 2003
Masterblazer - 1991
Math Cad 2.5 - 1989
Math Circus - 1993
Maupiti Island - 1991
McDonald Land - 1992
Mean 18 - 1986
Mean Streets - 1989
Mech Brigade - 1987
Mech War - 1992
Mechwarrior - 1989
Mechwarrior 2: 31st Century Combat - 1995
Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries - 1996
Mega Man - 1990
Mega Man 3 - 1992
Mega Man X - 1995
Mega Man X3 - 1998
Mega Man X4 - 1998
Mega lo Mania (also known as Mega-Lo-Mania: The Battle for Elysium) - 1992
MegaTraveller 1: The Zhodani Conspiracy - 1990
MegaTraveller 2: Quest for the Ancients - 1991
Megafortress - 1991
Megapede - 1992
Melody Maker 3 - 1992
Menace - 1988
Menzoberranzan - 1994
Merchant Colony - 1991
Merchant Prince - 1993
Metal & Lace - 1993
Metal Gear - 1990
Metal Marines - 1993
Metal Mutant - 1991
Metaltech: Battledrome - 1994
Metaltech: Earthsiege - 1994
Meteor Mission - 1995
Meteors - 1989
Metropolis - 1987
MiG-29 Fulcrum - 1991
MiG-29M Super Fulcrum - 1989
Miami Vice - 1989
Micheal Jordan in Flight - 1993
Mick's Strip Poker - 1999
Mickey's Runaway Zoo - 1991
Mickey's Space Adventure - 1985
Micro Machines - 1994
Micro Machines 2: Turbo Tournament - 1995
MicroLeague Baseball 2 - 1989
MicroLeague Wrestling - 1989
MicroLeague baseball - 1984
MicroMan - 1993
MicroProse Soccer - 1988
Microsoft COBOL 1.12 - 1984
Microsoft Decathlon - 1982
Microsoft Diagnostics 3.01 - 1994
Microsoft Flight Simulator 3.0 - 1988
Microsoft Flight Simulator 4.0 - 1989
Microsoft Space Simulator - 1994
Microsoft Word - 1983
Midtown Madness - 1999
Midway Campaign - 1983
Midwinter - 1990
Midwinter 2: Flames of Freedom - 1991
Might and Magic 2: Gates to Another World - 1988
Might and Magic 3: Isles of Terra - 1991
Might and Magic 4: Clouds of Xeen - 1992
Might and Magic 5: Darkside of Xeen - 1993
Might and Magic 7: For Blood and Honor - 1999
Might and Magic Book One: Secret of the Inner Sanctum - 1987
Might and Magic: Swords of Xeen (also known as Swords of Xeen, Might and Magic Trilogy) - 1995
Might and Magic: World of Xeen - 1994
Mighty Bomb Jack - 1990
Mike Ditka Ultimate Football - 1991
Millennia: Altered Destinies - 1995
Mind Mirror (also known as Timothy Leary's Mind Mirror) - 1986
Mindshadow - 1985
Mindwheel - 1985
Mine Shaft - 1983
MinerVGA - 1989
Mines of Titan - 1989
Minesweeper - 1992
Mini Putt - 1988
Mirror Magic - 1995
Mission Critical - 1995
Mission: Impossible - 1991
Mission: Mainframe - 1987
Mixed-up Fairy Tales - 1991
Mixed-up Mother Goose - 1987
Mo'Slo - 1990
Moebius - 1987
Monday Night Football - 1989
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge - 1991
Monopoly (Adam Stevens) - 1998
Monopoly - 1985
Monopoly - 1985
Monopoly Deluxe - 1992
Monster Bash - 1993
Monster Truck Madness - 1996
Montezuma's Revenge - 1984
Monty Python's Flying Circus - 1991
Monuments of Mars - 1991
Moon Patrol - 1983
Moonbase - 1990
Moonmist - 1986
Moonshine Racers - 1991
Moonstone: A Hard Days Knight - 1992
Moonwalker - 1989
Moraff's Dungeon of the Unforgiven - 1993
Moraff's Morejongg - 1992
Moraff's Revenge - 1988
Moraff's World - 1991
Mordor: The Depths of Dejenol - 1995
Moria - 1992
Morphman - 1993
Mortal Kombat - 1993
Mortal Kombat 2 - 1994
Mortal Kombat 3 - 1995
Mortal Pong - 1995
Mortville Manor - 1988
Motor City - 1994
Ms Pac PC - 1995
Ms. Pac-Man - 1984
Murder Club (also known as J.B. Harold Murder Club) - 1991
Murder by the Dozen - 1983
Murder in the Atlantic - 1988
Murder on the Zinderneuf - 1984
Murders in Space - 1990
Murders in Venice - 1990
Music Time Deluxe - 1996
Mychess - 1984
Myst - 1995
Mystery at the Museums - 1993
Mystery of the Mummy - 1988
Mystical - 1990
Myth - 1989
Myth: The Fallen Lords - 1997
NASCAR Racing - 1994
NCAA Road to the Final Four - 1991
NCSA Mosaic - 1993
NFL Football - 1992
NFL Pro League Football - 1989
NHL 96 - 1995
NHL Hockey - 1993
Nanotank - 1993
Narco Police - 1990
Navcom 6: The Persian Gulf Defense - 1988
Navy Seal - 1989
Nebulus (also known as Tower Toppler) - 1988
Nectaris - 1995
Need for Speed II: SE - 1997
NeoPaint 3.2 - 1996
Nerm of Bemer - 1984
NetHack - 1987
NetHack - Falcon's Eye - 2001
NetStorm: Islands at War - 1997
NetWars - 1993
Netherworld - 1990
Netscape Navigator 4 - 1997
Neuromancer - 1989
Never mind - 1989
Neverwinter Nights - 1991
NewsMaster - 1986
Nicky Boom - 1992
Night Breed (also known as Clive Barker's Nightbreed) - 1990
Night Hawk: F-117A Stealth Fighter - 1991
Night Hunter - 1988
Night Mission Pinball - 1982
Night Raid - 1992
Night Shift - 1990
Nightlong: Union City Conspiracy - 1998
Ninja - 1986
Ninja Gaiden - 1990
Ninja Gaiden 2: The Dark Sword of Chaos - 1990
Ninja Rabbits - 1992
Nippon Safes, Inc. - 1992
Nitemare 3D - 1994
No Exit - 1990
No Greater Glory - 1991
Nobunaga's Ambition - 1988
Nobunaga's Ambition 2 - 1989
Nobunaga's Ambition 6 (also known as Nobunaga no Yabou: Tenshoki) - 1994
Noctis - 2000
Noctropolis - 1994
Nomad - 1993
Nord and Bert Couldn't Make Head or Tail of It - 1987
Normality - 1996
North and South - 1990
Norton Commander 1.0 - 1986
Norton Commander 5.5 - 1998
Norton Desktop - 1992
Norton Editor 2 - 1990
Norton Utilities 8 - 1994
Nova 9: The Return of Gir Draxon - 1991
Novatron - 1982
Novell DOS 7 (also known as DR DOS 7) - 1993
Nox - 2000
Nuclear War - 1989
Number Munchers - 1990
Nyet - 1988
O-Pong - 1996
Obitus - 1991
Objection! - 1992
Obliterator - 1989
Ocean Ranger - 1988
Ocean Trader - 1995
Off Shore Warrior - 1988
Ogre - 1986
Oh no! More Lemmings - 1991
Oil Barons - 1992
Oil Imperium - 1989
Oil's Well - 1984
Oligopoly - 1987
Oliver & Company - 1989
Omega - 1988
Omega - 1989
Omikron: The Nomad Soul - 1999
Omni Play Basketball - 1990
Omnicron Conspiracy - 1989
Once Upon a Forest - 1995
One Must Fall 2097 - 1994
One-Nil Soccer Manager - 1992
One-on-One Basketball (also known as Jordan VS Bird) - 1988
Onslaught - 1990
Ooze: Creepy Nites - 1989
Operation Bodycount - 1994
Operation Combat II: By Land, Sea & Air - 1993
Operation Combat: Computer Battle Game - 1990
Operation Europe: Path to Victory 1939-45 - 1994
Operation Harrier - 1990
Operation Market Garden - 1985
Operation Stealth (also known as James Bond: The Stealth Affair) - 1990
Operation Wolf - 1989
Operation: Inner Space - 1994
Orbiter - 1986
Othello - 1986
Oubliette - 1983
OutRun - 1989
Outbound - 2001
Outcast - 1999
Outpost - 1994
Over the Net! - 1990
Over the Reich - 1996
OverKill - 1992
Overlord - 1994
Oxyd - 1992
P47 Thunderbolt - 1990
PC Globe 5 - 1987
PC Paintbrush - 1984
PC*Bert - 1997
PC-Man - 1982
PGA Tour golf - 1990
PHM Pegasus - 1987
PKzip - 1989
POD - 1997
Pac Gal - 1982
Pac Maniac - 1993
Pac PC - 1995
Pac-Man - 1983
Pac-girl - 1982
Pac-in-Time - 1993
Pacific General - 1997
Pacific Islands - 1992
Pack-Man - 1983
Paganitzu - 1991
Paint Shop Pro 3.11 - 1993
Pang remake - 1992
Pango - 1983
Panza Kick Boxing - 1991
Panzer Battles - 1990
Panzer General - 1994
Panzer General 2 - 1997
Paperboy - 1988
Paperboy 2 - 1991
Paratrooper - 1982
Passengers on the Wind - 1986
Passengers on the Wind 2 - 1987
Patrician - 1992
Patrician 2: Quest for Power - 2000
Patton vs. Rommel - 1987
Penthouse Hot Numbers - 1993
Penthouse electric jigsaw - 1990
People's General - 1998
Pepper's Adventures in Time - 1993
Perry Mason - 1985
Phantasie 1 - 1987
Phantasie 3: The Wrath of Nikademus - 1987
Phantasmagoria - 1995
Phantasmagoria: A Puzzle of Flesh (also known as Phantasmagoria 2) - 1996
Phantis (also known as Game Over II) - 1987
Pharaoh - 1999
Pharaoh's Tomb - 1990
Pharoah's Curse - 1998
Pick 'n Pile - 1990
Pictionary: The Game of Quick Draw - 1989
Pinball Dreams - 1993
Pinball Dreams 2 - 1994
Pinball Fantasies - 1994
Pinball Illusions - 1995
Pinball Magic - 1990
Pinball World - 1995
Pipe Dream - 1989
Pirates! Gold - 1993
Pit Fighter - 1991
Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure - 1995
Pitstop 2 - 1984
Pizza Tycoon - 1994
Plague of the Moon - 1994
Plan 9 From Outer Space - 1992
Planet of Lust - 1989
Planet's Edge - 1991
Planetfall - 1983
Platoon - 1987
Playhouse Strip Poker - 1988
Plundered Hearts - 1987
Pocahontas - 1995
Poko Memorial: 18 Hole Miniature Golf - 1987
Pole Position II - 1988
Police Quest 1: In Pursuit of the Death Angel - 1987
Police Quest 2: The Vengeance - 1988
Police Quest 3: The Kindred - 1991
Police Quest: Open Season - 1993
Pong Kombat - 1994
Pong v.2.1 clone - 1984
Pool of Radiance - 1988
Pools of Darkness - 1991
Popcorn - 1988
Popeye 2 - 1992
Populous - 1989
Populous 2: Trials of the Olympian Gods - 1993
Populous: The Beginning - 1998
Porntris - 1993
Port Royale - 2002
Ports of Call - 1989
Postman Pat 3: To the Rescue - 1992
Power Dolls - 1994
Power Drift - 1990
Power Drive - 1994
Power Struggle - 1988
Powermonger - 1992
Powerslave (also known as Exhumed) - 1996
Praetorians - 2003
Pray for Death - 1996
Predator 2 - 1991
Prehistorik - 1991
Prehistorik 2 - 1993
Premier Manager - 1992
Premier Manager 2 - 1993
Premier Manager 3 - 1994
President Elect: 1988 Edition - 1987
Primal Rage - 1995
Prince of Evil - 1993
Prince of Persia - 1990
Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the Flame - 1993
Princess Maker 2 - 1993
PrintMaster - 1985
Prisoner of Ice - 1995
Pro Manager - 1985
Pro Tennis Tour (also known as Great Courts) - 1989
Profezia - 1991
Project Neptune - 1989
Project-X - 1994
Project: Space Station - 1987
Prophecy of the Shadow - 1992
Prophecy: The Viking Child - 1991
Prophecy: the Fall of Trinadon - 1989
Protostar: War on the Frontier - 1993
Psi 5 Trading Company - 1986
Psion Chess - 1985
Psycho - 1988
Psycho Pinball - 1995
Push-Push Penguin - 2004
Pushover - 1992
Puzznic - 1990
Pyjamarama - 2004
Pyramid Power - 1986
Pyramids of Egypt - 1989
Q*Bert - 1984
QBASIC - 1991
QBasic Gorillas - 1991
QBasic Nibbles - 1991
Qix - 1989
Quake - 1996
Quake 2 - 1997
Quandaries - 1997
Quarantine - 1994
Quarantine 2: Road Warrior - 1995
Quarky & Quaysoo's Turbo Science - 1992
Quattro Pro v4 - 1991
Queen of Tenshindo 95 - 1995
Quest for Glory 2: Trial by Fire - 1990
Quest for Glory 3: Wages of War - 1992
Quest for Glory 4: Shadows of Darkness - 1993
Quest for glory 1: So you want to be a hero - 1989
Quest for the Unicorn - 1990
Questprobe Featuring Spider-Man - 1986
Questprobe featuring Human Torch and The Thing - 1985
Questprobe featuring The Hulk - 1984
Questron 2 - 1988
R-Type - 1989
Race Drivin' - 1992
Rack 'em - 1988
Rad Warrior (also known as The Sacred Armour of Antiriad) - 1986
Radix: Beyond the Void - 1995
Ragnarok (also known as Valhalla) - 1993
Rags to Riches - 1993
Raiden - 1994
Railroad Tycoon - 1990
Railroad Tycoon 2 - 1998
Railroad Tycoon Deluxe - 1993
Rally Championships - 1994
Rambo 3 - 1988
Rambo First Blood Part 2 - 1985
Rampage - 1988
Rampart - 1992
Ranx: The Video Game - 1990
Raptor: Call of the Shadows - 1994
Rastan - 1990
Ravenloft: Stone Prophet - 1995
Ravenloft: Strahd's Possession - 1994
Rawcopy - 1992
Reach for the Stars - 1988
Realms - 1991
Realms of Arkania 1: Blade of destiny - 1992
Realms of Arkania 2: Star trail - 1994
Realms of Arkania 3: Shadows Over Riva - 1996
Realms of Chaos - 1995
Realms of the Haunting - 1997
Reaping The Dungeon - 1993
Rebound - 1985
Red Baron - 1990
Red Dwarf: Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers - 1996
Red Storm Rising - 1989
Red sky at morning - 1993
Redhook's Revenge - 1993
Redneck Rampage - 1997
Reelect JFK - 1994
Remote Control - 1989
Rendezvous with Rama - 1985
Renegade - 1988
Renegade Legion Interceptor - 1990
Rescue Rover - 1991
Rescue Rover 2 - 1991
Rescue at Rigel - 1983
ResidualVM - 2003
Return of the Phantom - 1993
Return to Doom - 1988
Return to Krondor - 1998
Return to Kroz (also known as Castle of Kroz) - 1990
Return to Ringworld - 1994
Return to Zork - 1993
Reunion - 1994
Revenge of Defender - 1989
Rex Nebular and the cosmic gender-bender - 1992
Rick Dangerous - 1989
Rick Dangerous 2 - 1990
Rings of Medusa - 1990
Rings of Zilfin - 1987
Ringworld: Revenge of the Patriarch - 1992
Rise of the Dragon - 1990
Rise of the Robots - 1994
Rise of the Triad: Dark War - 1994
Risk - 1991
Risk: the World Conquest Game - 1989
Risky Woods - 1992
Riven: The Sequel to Myst - 1997
River Raid remake - 1995
Road Rash - 1996
Road Runner - 1989
Roadwar 2000 - 1987
Roadwar Europa - 1987
Robbo - 1993
Robo Rumble - 1998
Robocop - 1989
Robocop 3 - 1992
Robot Odissey - 1985
Robot Rascals - 1987
Robotron 2084 - 1983
Rock 'n Roll - 1989
Rocket Ranger - 1988
Rockford: The Arcade Game - 1987
Rockstar! - 1989
Rodent's Revenge - 1991
Rogue - 1984
Roller Coaster Rumbler - 1989
Roller Coaster Tycoon - 1999
Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 - 2002
Rolling Ronny - 1991
Rollo and the Brush Brothers - 1983
Romance of the Three Kingdoms - 1989
Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2 - 1990
Romance of the Three Kingdoms 3: Dragon of Destiny - 1993
Romantic encounters at the dome - 1988
Rome: Pathway to Power - 1993
Rotox - 1991
Round 42 - 1986
Royal Flush Pinball - 1994
Ruins of Cawdor - 1995
Rules of Engagement - 1991
Rules of Engagement 2 - 1993
Runaway City - 1995
Rush'n Attack (also known as Green Beret) - 1989
Rusty - 1993
S.D.I. - 1989
S.T.U.N. Runner - 1990
SRAM - 1987
SSN-21 Seawolf - 1994
SWIV 3D - 1996
Sabre Team - 1994
Safari Guns - 1989
Safe Opening Simulator - 1993
Sam and Max Hit the Road - 1993
Sango Fighter - 1993
Sango Fighter 2 - 1995
Sanitarium - 1998
Santa Paravia en Fiumaccio - 1988
Santa's Xmas Caper - 1993
Sarakon - 1991
Sarge - 1989
Sargon V: World Class Chess - 1991
Satan - 1989
Savage Warriors - 1995
Scapeghost - 1989
Scavengers of the Mutant World - 1988
Scorched 3D - 2001
Scorched Earth - 1991
Scrabble - 1989
Scrabble - 1992
Screamer - 1995
Scrooge - 1991
ScummVM - 2001
Sea Dragon - 1983
Seal Team - 1993
Season of the Sakura - 1997
Seastalker - 1984
Secret Agent - 1992
Secret Agent: The Escape - 1996
Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe - 1991
Secret of the Silver Blades - 1990
Seek and Destroy - 1996
Sega Rally Championship - 1995
Sensible Golf - 1994
Sensible Soccer - 1992
Sensible World of Soccer 96/97 - 1996
Sentinel Returns - 1998
Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator - 1999
Serve & Volley - 1988
Settlers of Catan - 1998
Seven Cities of Gold (Commemorative Edition) - 1993
Sex Olympics - 1990
Sex Vixens from Space - 1989
Sextris - 1992
Sexy Droids - 1992
Sexy Fighter - 1993
Seymour Goes to Hollywood - 1993
Shadow Knights - 1990
Shadow President - 1993
Shadow Warrior - 1997
Shadow of Yserbius - 1993
Shadow of the Comet (also known as Call of Cthulhu: Shadow of the Comet) - 1993
ShadowCaster - 1993
ShadowForce - 1994
Shadowgate - 1988
Shadowlands - 1992
Shadoworlds - 1993
Shamus - 1984
Shanghai II: Dragon's Eye - 1990
Shannara - 1995
Shard of Spring - 1987
Sharkey's 3D Pool - 1990
Shawl - 1986
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective - 1991
Sherlock Holmes: Another bow - 1985
Sherlock Holmes: The Vatican Cameos - 1986
Sherlock: The Game of Logic - 1991
Sherlock: The Riddle of the Crown Jewels - 1988
Sherman M4 - 1989
Shinobi - 1989
Shogun - 1986
Shooting Gallery - 1990
Shufflepuck Cafè - 1989
Shuttle: The Space Flight Simulator - 1992
Sid & Al's Incredible Toons - 1993
Sid Meier's CivNet - 1995
Sid Meier's Covert Action - 1990
Sid Meier's Pirates! - 1987
Sid Meier's SimGolf - 2002
Side Arms Hyper Dyne - 1988
Siege - 1992
Sierra Championship Boxing - 1985
Silent Service - 1985
Silent Service 2 - 1990
Silicon Dreams - 1986
Silly Master Blaster - 1985
Silpheed - 1988
Silverball - 1993
SimAnt: The Electronic Ant Colony - 1991
SimCity - 1989
SimCity 2000 - 1993
SimCity 3000 - 1999
SimCopter - 1996
SimEarth - 1990
SimFarm - 1993
SimHealth - 1994
SimLife - 1992
SimSafari - 1998
SimTower - 1994
SimTown - 1995
Simon the Sorcerer - 1993
SimuSex - 1992
Sinbad and the Throne of the Falcon - 1988
Sink or Swim - 1993
Sirwood - 1990
Sito Pons 500cc Grand Prix - 1990
Skale Tracker - 2005
Skate or Die - 1988
Ski or Die - 1990
SkiFree - 1991
Skullduggery: Adventures in Horror - 1986
Sky Runner - 1987
Sky Shark (also known as Flying Shark) - 1989
Skyfox II: The Cygnus Conflict - 1988
Skyroads - 1993
Skyroads: Xmas Special - 1994
Slam! - 1993
Slash'Em (also known as Super Lotsa Added Stuff Hack - Extended Magic) - 1997
Sleeping Gods Lie - 1991
Sleepwalker - 1993
Sleuth: A Murder Mystery - 1983
Slicks 'n' Slide - 1993
Slipstream 5000 - 1995
Snack Attack 2 - 1982
Snood - 1996
Snoopy and Peanuts - 1990
Soccer Kid - 1995
Socrates - 1993
Softporn Adventure - 1981
Soko-Ban - 1984
Solar Winds 2: Galaxy - 1993
Solar Winds: The Escape - 1993
Solar hockey league - 1992
Solidarnosc - 1991
Solo Flight - 1985
Solomon's Key - 1988
Sopwith - 1984
Sorcerer - 1984
Sorcerer Lord - 1987
Sorcerian - 1990
Soviet - 1990
Space 1889 - 1990
Space Ace - 1989
Space Ace 2: Borf's Revenge - 1991
Space Commanders - 1983
Space Commanders 2 - 1985
Space Crusade - 1992
Space Federation (also known as Star Reach) - 1994
Space Harrier - 1989
Space Hulk - 1993
Space Invaders - 1995
Space Invaders 2001 - 2001
Space MAX - 1992
Space Miner - 1983
Space Quest 1: The Sarien Encounter - 1986
Space Quest 2: Vohaul's Revenge - 1987
Space Quest 3: The Pirates of Pestulon - 1989
Space Quest 4: Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers - 1991
Space Quest 5: The Next Mutation - 1993
Space Quest 6: Roger Wilco in The Spinal Frontier - 1995
Space Rogue - 1989
Spacewar - 1985
Spaceward Ho! - 1992
Spear of Destiny - 1992
Speedball - 1988
Speedball 2 - 1992
Spellbreaker - 1985
Spellcasting 101: Sorcerers get all the girls - 1990
Spellcasting 201: The Sorcerer's Appliance - 1991
Spellcasting 301: Spring Break - 1992
Spellcraft: Aspects of Valor - 1992
Spider-Man 2: The Game - 2004
Spirit of Adventure - 1991
Spirit of Excalibur - 1990
Spiritual Warfare - 1993
Spy Hunter - 1984
Spy vs Spy 3: Arctic Antics - 1988
Squarez Deluxe! - 1993
Star Command - 1988
Star Control - 1990
Star Control 2 - 1992
Star Control 3 - 1996
Star Crusader - 1994
Star Fleet 1: The War Begins - 1985
Star Fleet 2: Krellan Commander - 1989
Star General - 1996
Star Goose! (also known as Stargoose Warrior) - 1988
Star Saga: One - Beyond the Boundary - 1987
Star Saga: Two - The Clathran Menace - 1989
Star Trek Combat Arena - 1989
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier - 1989
Star Trek: 25th Anniversary - 1992
Star Trek: Birth of the Federation - 1999
Star Trek: First Contact - 1988
Star Trek: Judgment Rites - 1993
Star Trek: Starfleet Command - 1999
Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator - 1983
Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Transinium Challenge - 1989
Star Trek: The Promethean Prophecy - 1986
Star Trek: The Rebel Universe - 1988
Star Trek: the Kobayashi alternative - 1985
Star Wars - 1988
Star Wars 2 - 1989
Star Wars Chess - 1993
Star Wars Rebellion - 1998
Star Wars: Dark Forces - 1995
Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds - 2001
Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Dark Forces II - 1997
Star Wars: Rebel Assault - 1993
Star Wars: TIE Fighter - 1994
Star Wars: X-Wing - 1993
Star Wars: Yoda Stories - 1997
StarBlade - 1990
StarCraft - 1998
Starcross - 1982
Starflight - 1986
Starflight 2: Trade routes of the Cloud Nebula - 1989
Stargate - 1983
Starglider - 1986
Starglider 2 - 1989
Stargunner - 1996
Starlord - 1987
Starquake - 1988
Stationfall - 1987
Steel Panthers - 1995
Steel Panthers 3: Brigade Command - 1939-1999 - 1997
Steel Thunder - 1989
Stellar 7 - 1990
Stellar Crusade - 1988
Stone Age - 1992
Stonekeep - 1995
Storm - 1987
Stormlord - 1989
Stratego - 1990
Street Fighter - 1988
Street Fighter 2 - 1992
Street Rod - 1989
Street Rod 2: The Next Generation - 1991
Street Sports Soccer - 1988
Street sports baseball - 1987
Street sports basketball - 1987
Strider - 1989
Strife - 1996
Strike Commander - 1993
Strike Fleet - 1989
Striker - 1985
Strip Poker 2 - 1988
Strip Poker 2 plus - 1988
Strip Poker 3 - 1991
Strip Poker Deluxe - 1994
Strip Poker Professional - 1994
Strip Poker Professional: REV B - 1995
Strip Poker: A Sizzling Game of Chance - 1985
Stronghold - 1993
Stunt Car Racer - 1989
Stunt Island - 1992
Stunts (also known as 4D Sports Driving) - 1990
Styx - 1984
Sub Command - 2001
Subbuteo - 1990
Subhunt - 1997
Subtrade: Return to Irata - 1993
Subwar 2050 - 1993
Summer Challenge - 1992
Supaplex - 1991
Super 3-D Noah's Ark - 1995
Super Battleship - 1988
Super Bomber Blast Beta - 1997
Super Bubble Mania - 1997
Super Cauldron - 1992
Super Hang-On - 1988
Super Huey II - 1988
Super Huey UH-IX - 1985
Super Mariio Bros - 1994
Super Mario Fusion: Revival - 2011
Super Pac-Man - 1982
Super Pinball by Russco - 1987
Super Solvers: Challenge of the Ancient Empires - 1990
Super Solvers: Gizmos & Gadgets - 1993
Super Solvers: Operation Neptune - 1991
Super Solvers: OutNumbered! - 1990
Super Solvers: Spellbound! - 1991
Super Solvers: Treasure Cove - 1992
Super Solvers: Treasure Mountain! - 1990
Super Speed - 1995
Super Star Wars - 1992
Super Stardust - 1996
Super Street Fighter 2 - 1996
Super Tetris - 1991
Super ZZT - 1992
SuperKarts - 1995
Superbike Challenge - 1987
Superfrog - 1994
Superhero League of Hoboken - 1994
Superman: The Man of Steel - 1989
Supernova - 1987
Superstar Ice Hockey - 1987
Supremacy: Your Will Be Done - 1990
Surf Ninjas - 1994
Suspect - 1984
Suspended - 1983
Swap - 1992
Sword Quest 1: The Search - 1992
Sword Quest 2: Tale of the Talisman - 1993
Sword of Aragon - 1989
Sword of Honour - 1993
Sword of the Samurai - 1989
Syberia - 2002
Syberia 2 - 2004
Syndicate - 1993
Syndicate Wars - 1996
System Shock - 1994
System Shock 2 - 1999
TKO - 1989
TV Mogul (also known as Prime Time) - 1988
TV Sports Baseball - 1991
TV Sports: Basketball - 1990
TV Sports: Boxing - 1991
Tag Team Wrestling - 1986
Taipan for Windows - 2002
Taito's Super Space Invaders - 1991
Take Down - 1989
Tangled Tales (also known as Tangled Tales: The Misadventures of a Wizard’s Apprentice) - 1989
Tank Wars - 1990
Tapper - 1984
Targhan - 1989
Tass Times in Tonetown - 1986
Tau Ceti - 1987
Team Suzuki - 1991
Team Yankee - 1990
Teen Agent - 1995
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - 1989
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Manhattan Missions - 1991
Teenage Queen - 1988
Telengard - 1985
Tempest 2000 - 1996
Temple of Apshai Trilogy - 1985
Temple of Kroz - 1990
Tennis Cup - 1990
Tennis Cup 2 - 1992
Tennis Elbow - 1997
Tera: La Cité des Crânes - 1986
Teresa: House Guest - 1993
Terminal Terror - 1994
Terminal Velocity - 1995
Terminator 2: Judgment Day - 1991
Test Drive - 1987
Test Drive 3: The Passion - 1990
Tetris (Academysoft) - 1996
Tetris - 1987
Tetris 2.0 - 1990
Tetris Classic - 1992
Tex Murphy: The Pandora Directive - 1996
Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon - 1994
The $100,000 pyramid - 1988
The 11th Hour - 1995
The 7th Guest - 1993
The Adventures of Maddog Williams in the Dungeons of Duridian - 1992
The Adventures of Robin Hood - 1992
The Aethra Chronicles - 1994
The Amazing Spider-Man - 1990
The Amazing Spider-Man and Captain America in Dr. Doom's Revenge! - 1989
The Amazon Trail - 1993
The Ancient Art of War - 1984
The Ancient Art of War at Sea - 1987
The Ancient Art of War in the Skies - 1992
The Astronomy Quiz - 1988
The Ball Game - 1991
The Bard's Tale - 1987
The Bard's Tale 2: The Destiny Knight - 1988
The Bard's Tale 3: Thief of Fate - 1990
The Basket Manager - 1991
The Battle of the Bulge: Tigers in the Snow - 1982
The Beverly Hillbillies - 1993
The Big Three - 1989
The Black Cauldron - 1986
The Blue & the Gray - 1993
The Blues Brothers - 1991
The Blues Brothers 2: Jukebox Adventure - 1993
The Bugs Bunny Hare-Brained Adventure - 1990
The Cardinal of the Kremlin (also known as Tom Clancy's The Cardinal of the Kremlin) - 1990
The Castle of Dr. Malvado - 2001
The Chaos Engine (also known as Soldiers of Fortune) - 1994
The Chessmaster 2000 - 1986
The Civil War - 1987
The Civil War - 1995
The Clue! - 1994
The Colonel's Bequest - 1989
The Colony - 1988
The Cool Croc Twins - 1992
The Crack of Doom - 1989
The Cycles - 1989
The Dam busters - 1985
The Dame Was Loaded - 1996
The Dark Heart of Uukrul - 1989
The Dig - 1995
The Duel: Test Drive 2 - 1989
The Elder Scrolls 2: Daggerfall - 1996
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - 2002
The Elder Scrolls: Arena - 1994
The Faery Tale Adventure: Book I - 1987
The Feeble Files - 1997
The Fellowship of the Ring - 1986
The Final Battle - 1991
The Final Crusade of Kroz - 1990
The Flintstones - Dino: Lost in Bedrock - 1990
The Fool's Errand - 1989
The Four Crystals of Trazere (also known as Legend) - 1992
The Fourth Protocol - 1987
The Game of Harmony - 1990
The Games: Summer Edition - 1988
The Games: Winter Challenge - 1991
The Games: Winter Edition - 1988
The Geekwad: Games of the Galaxy - 1993
The Gene Machine - 1996
The Global Dilemma: Guns or Butter - 1990
The Godfather - 1991
The Golden Fleece - 1989
The Goonies - 1985
The Grandest Fleet - 1994
The Great Escape - 1986
The Great Giana Sisters - 1987
The Great War: 1914 - 1918 (also known as Historyline: 1914-1918) - 1993
The Guild of Thieves - 1987
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - 1984
The Hobbit - 1983
The Hound of Shadow - 1989
The Humans - 1993
The Hunt for Red October - 1987
The Immortal - 1991
The Incredible Machine - 1993
The Incredible Machine 2 - 1994
The Incredible Toon Machine - 1994
The Invaders - 1989
The Island of Dr. Brain - 1992
The Jetsons: By George, in Trouble Again - 1990
The Journeyman Project 2: Buried in Time - 1995
The Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time - 1998
The Kristal - 1989
The Last Express - 1997
The Last Mission - 1987
The Legacy: Realm of Terror - 1993
The Light Corridor - 1990
The Lion King - 1994
The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Rose Tattoo - 1996
The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Serrated Scalpel - 1992
The Lost Patrol - 1991
The Lost Vikings - 1993
The Lurking Horror - 1987
The Magic Candle - 1989
The Magic Candle 2: The Four and Forty - 1991
The Magic Candle 3 - 1992
The Manager - 1991
The Manhole: CD-ROM Masterpiece Edition - 1994
The Need for Speed - 1995
The Neverending Story 2: The Arcade Game - 1991
The Operative: No One Lives Forever - 2000
The Oregon Trail - 1990
The Oregon Trail Deluxe - 1992
The Orion Conspiracy - 1995
The Patcher 6.1 - 1993
The Pawn - 1986
The Perfect General - 1991
The President is Missing - 1988
The Price is Right - 1990
The Punisher - 1990
The Quest for the Time-bird - 1989
The Rocketeer - 1991
The Scoop - 1989
The Secret of Monkey Island - 1990
The Sentinel (also known as The Sentry) - 1989
The Settlers - 1993
The Settlers II: Veni, Vidi, Vici - 1996
The Shadows of Mordor (also known as Shadows of Mordor: Game Two of Lord of the Rings) - 1988
The Simpsons - 1991
The Sims - 2000
The Smurfs - 1996
The Sporting News Baseball - 1988
The Summoning - 1992
The Taking of Beverly Hills - 1991
The Temple of Elemental Evil - 2003
The Terminator: Future Shock - 1995
The Terminator: Rampage - 1993
The Third Courier - 1989
The Three Musketeers - 1987
The Three Stooges - 1987
The Tracer Sanction - 1985
The Train Escape to Normandy - 1988
The Twilight Zone - 1988
The Typing of the Dead - 1999
The Untouchables - 1989
The Usurper - 1989
The Way of the Exploding Fist PC - 2008
The Witness - 1983
The Wizard of Oz - 1985
The Wizard's Castle - 1981
The adventures of Willy Beamish - 1991
The all new Family Feud - 1989
The computer edition of Scrabble - 1989
The mist - 1985
TheDraw 4 - 1986
Theatre of War - 1992
Their Finest Hour: The Battle of Britain - 1989
Theme Hospital - 1997
Theme Park - 1994
Thexder - 1987
Thexder 2: Firehawk - 1990
Thief: The Dark Project - 1998
Thomas the Tank Engine - 1992
Thomas the Tank Engine 2 - 1993
Three Sisters' Story - 1999
Thud Ridge - 1988
Thunderblade - 1989
Thunderhawk AH-73M - 1992
Time Bandit - 1989
Time Slaughter - 1996
Time and Magik: The Trilogy - 1988
Timequest (also known as Time Quest) - 1991
Times of Lore - 1989
Tintin on the Moon - 1989
Tiny Skweeks - 1992
Titan - 1989
Titus the Fox - 1992
Tom and Jerry - 1993
Tom and the Ghost - 1990
Tomahawk - 1987
Tomb Raider - 1996
Tomb Raider II - 1997
Tomb Raider III: Adventures of Lara Croft - 1998
TomeNET - 2001
Tongue of the Fatman - 1989
Tony La Russa Ultimate Baseball - 1991
Toobin - 1989
Toonstruck - 1996
Top Gun - 1987
Tornado - 1993
Total Annihilation - 1997
Total Annihilation Kingdoms - 1999
Total Carnage - 1994
Total Eclipse - 1988
Touché: The Adventures of the Fifth Musketeer - 1995
Tournament Tennis (also known as Match Point Tennis) - 1985
Toyota Celica GT Rally - 1992
Tracon 2 - 1990
Tracon for Windows - 1993
Tracon: Air Traffic Control Simulator - 1989
Traders - 1992
Traffic department 2192 - 1994
Transarctica (also known as Arctic Baron) - 1993
Transland - 1996
Transport Tycoon - 1994
Transport Tycoon Deluxe - 1995
Transworld - 1990
Transylvania - 1986
Transylvania 3: Vanquish the Night - 1990
Trantor: The Last Stormtrooper - 1989
Treasure Island - 1985
Treasure Trap - 1990
Treasures of the Savage Frontier - 1992
Trinity - 1986
Triple Triad Gold - 2000
Tristan Pinball - 1991
Trivial Pursuit - 1989
Trivial Pursuit Deluxe - 1992
Trog - 1990
Troika - 1991
Troll's Tale - 1984
Trolls - 1992
True Love - 1995
Trump Castle 2 - 1991
Trump Castle: The Ultimate Casino Gambling Simulation - 1988
Tubular Worlds - 1994
Tunnels & Trolls: Crusaders of Khazan - 1990
Tunnels of armageddon - 1989
Turbo Assembler (TASM) - 1989
Turbo Gomoku - 1985
Turbo OutRun - 1990
Turbo Pascal 7 - 1992
Turbo Prolog 2.0 - 1986
Twilight 2000 - 1991
TwinBlok - 1996
Tyrian 2000 - 1999
UFO 2000 - 2004
UMS 2: Nations at War - 1990
UMS: The Universal Military Simulator - 1988
Udoiana Raunes - 1998
Ugh! - 1992
Ulises - 1989
Ultima 1: The First Age of Darkness - 1987
Ultima 2: Revenge of the Enchantress - 1983
Ultima 3: Exodus - 1985
Ultima 4: Quest of the Avatar - 1985
Ultima 5: Warriors of Destiny - 1988
Ultima 6: The False Prophet - 1990
Ultima 7 Part 1: The Black Gate - 1992
Ultima 7 Part 2: Serpent Isle - 1993
Ultima 8: Pagan - 1994
Ultima 8: The Lost Vale - 1994
Ultima 9: Ascension - 1999
Ultima Underworld 2: Labyrinth of Worlds - 1993
Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss - 1992
Ultima: Worlds of Adventure 2: Martian Dreams - 1991
Ultimate Body Blows - 1994
Ultimate Domain (also known as Genesia) - 1994
Ultimate Doom - 1995
Ultimate Soccer Manager - 1995
Ultimate Soccer Manager 2 - 1996
Ultimuh MCMLXVII: Part 2 of the 39th Trilogy - 1993
Ultra Mortal Kombat Vendetta - 2001
Ultrabots (also known as Xenobots) - 1993
UnReal World v. 3.20 - 1992
Uncharted Waters - 1990
Uncharted Waters 2: New Horizons - 1995
Uncover It - 1994
Uninvited - 1987
Universe - 1994
Unnatural Selection - 1993
Unnecessary Roughness - 1993
Unreal (Ordilogic) - 1991
Unreal Gold - 2000
Up Periscope! - 1988
Uplink: Hacker Elite - 2001
Uridium - 1988
Utopia: The Creation of a Nation - 1992
V for Victory: D-day Utah Beach - 1991
V for victory: Gold-Juno-Sword - 1993
V for victory: Market-Garden - 1993
V for victory: Velikiye Luki - 1992
Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption - 2000
Vampyr: Talisman of Invocation - 1989
Van Buren (Fallout 3) - 2003
Vaxine - 1991
Vectorball - 1988
Vegas Gambler - 1987
Veil of Darkness - 1993
Vengeance of Excalibur - 1991
Vette! - 1989
Video Casino - 1987
Video Trek 88 - 1982
Virtua Cop - 1997
Virtua Cop 2 (also known as Virtua Squad 2) - 1997
Virtual Pool - 1995
Virtual Reality Studio (also known as 3D Construction Kit) - 1991
Virtual Reality Studio 2.0 - 1992
Virus - 1988
VisiCalc 1.0 - 1979
Visions of the Aftermath: The Boomtown - 1988
Visual Basic 3 - 1993
Visual Star Trek - 1990
Viz - 1991
Vlad Tepes Dracula - 1997
Volfied - 1991
Volkswriter 3 - 1982
Volleyball Simulator - 1987
Voodoo island - 1985
Voyeur - 1993
Vroom - 1994
Vulcan: The Tunisian Campaign - 1988
Vynil Goddess from Mars - 1995
WWF European Rampage Tour - 1992
WWF Wrestlemania - 1992
WWF in Your House - 1996
Wacky Wheels - 1994
Wall Street Raider - 1986
War in Middle Earth - 1989
War of the Lance - 1990
Warcraft 2: Tides of Darkness - 1995
Warcraft Adventures: Lord of the Clans - 1998
Warcraft: Orcs and Humans - 1994
Warheads - 1997
Warlords - 1990
Warlords 2 - 1993
Warlords 2 Deluxe - 1995
Warlords 3: Reign of Heroes - 1997
Warp Rogue - 2004
Warriors of Legend - 1993
Warzone 2100 - 1999
Wasteland - 1988
Waterloo - 1989
Waterworld - 1997
WaxWorks - 1992
Wayne Gretzky Hockey - 1989
Wayne's World - 1993
Ween: The Prophecy - 1993
Weird Dreams - 1988
Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space - 2005
Welltris - 1989
Wembley Rugby League - 1996
Westphaser (also known as Steve McQueen: Westphaser) - 1989
Whale's Voyage - 1993
Wheel of fortune - 1987
When Two Worlds War - 1993
Where Time Stood Still - 1987
Where in America's Past is Carmen Sandiego? - 1991
Where in Europe is Carmen Sandiego? - 1988
Where in Space is Carmen Sandiego? Deluxe - 1993
Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego? - 1989
Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego? - 1986
Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego? Deluxe edition - 1993
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? - 1985
Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? Deluxe - 1992
Whiplash - 1995
Who framed Roger Rabbit - 1988
Wild West World - 1991
William Shatner's TekWar - 1995
Williams Arcade Classics - 1995
Willow - 1988
Willy the Worm - 1985
Win, Lose or Draw - 1988
WinFrotz - 2002
WinRisk - 1992
WinTrek - 1992
Windwalker (Moebius 2) - 1989
Wing Commander - 1990
Wing Commander 2: Vengeance of the Kilrathi - 1991
Wing Commander 3 - 1994
Wing Commander Academy - 1993
Wing Commander: Armada - 1994
Wing Commander: Privateer - 1993
Wings of Fury - 1989
Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood - 1984
Winter Olympiad 88 - 1988
Winter Olympics: Lillehammer '94 - 1993
Winter Supersports 1992 - 1992
Wipeout - 1995
Wishbringer - 1985
Witchaven - 1995
WitchavenRL - 2013
Wizard of Wor 98 - 1998
Wizard's Crown - 1987
Wizardry 2: The knight of diamonds - 1982
Wizardry 3: Legacy of Llylgamyn - 1983
Wizardry 4: The Return of Werdna - 1988
Wizardry 5: Heart of the Maelstrom - 1988
Wizardry 6: Bane of the Cosmic Forge - 1990
Wizardry 7: Crusaders of the Dark Savant - 1992
Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord - 1981
Wizball - 1987
Wolfenstein 3D - 1992
Wolfpack - 1990
Wolfsbane - 1995
Word Perfect 5 - 1989
Wordstar 4 - 1986
Wordtris - 1991
World Class Leader Board - 1988
World Cricket - 1994
World Darts (also known as Pub Darts) - 1987
World Games - 1986
World Karate Championship - 1986
World Tour Tennis - 1993
World tour golf - 1985
Worlds of Legend: Son of the Empire - 1993
Worlds of Ultima: The Savage Empire - 1990
Worms - 1995
Wrath of the Demon - 1991
X-COM: Alliance - 2002
X-COM: Apocalypse - 1997
X-COM: Terror from the Deep - 1995
X-COM: Ufo Defense (also known as Ufo: Enemy Unknown) - 1994
X-Fighter - 1987
X-Men 2: The Fall of the Mutants - 1991
X-Men: Children of the Atom - 1997
X-Tetris - 1996
XQuest - 1994
Xargon - 1993
Xatax - 1994
Xenocide - 1990
Xenomorph - 1990
Xenon - 1988
Xenon 2000: Project PCF - 2000
Xenon 2: Megablast - 1990
Xenophage: Alien BloodSport - 1996
Xenopods - 1991
Xerix II: The Caverns of Mars - 1994
Xiphos - 1990
Xixit (also known as Chain Reaction) - 1995
Xmas Lemmings - 1992
Xonix - 1984
Xtrek - 1991
Yabog - 1995
Yacht Racing Simulator - 1986
Yellow Kid: Giallo al Circo - 1994
Yendorian Tales: Book I - Chapter 2 - 1996
Yendorian Tales: The Tyrants of Thaine - 1997
Yes, prime minister - 1988
Yie Ar Kung Fu - 1985
Yie Ar Kung Fu 2: The Emperor Yie-Gah - 1985
Yoot Tower - 1999
Ys: The Vanished Omens - 1989
Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos - Joey the Passion - 2004
Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos - Yugi the Destiny - 2003
Yuppi's Revenge - 1988
Z - 1996
ZAngband - 1999
ZZT - 1991
Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders - 1988
Zany Golf - 1988
Zaxxon - 1984
Zeitgeist (also known as Jupiter Strike) - 1996
Zeliard - 1990
Zeppelin: Giants of the Sky - 1995
Zeus: Master of Olympus - 2000
Zona 0 - 1991
Zoo Tycoon - 2001
Zool - 1992
Zool 2 - 1994
Zoom! - 1988
Zoop - 1995
Zork I: The Great Underground Empire - 1982
Zork II: The Wizard of Frobozz - 1983
Zork III: The Dungeon Master - 1984
Zork Nemesis - 1996
Zork Quest: Assault on Egreth Castle - 1988
Zork Quest: The Crystal of Doom - 1989
Zork Zero: The Revenge of Megaboz - 1989
Zork: Grand Inquisitor - 1997
Zorlim's Arcade Volleyball - 1995
Zorro - 1995
Zyclunt - 1995
Zyconix - 1992
Zyll - 1984
dBASE III - 1984
Keywords found:
19th century
Abandonware DOS favourite
Arctic / Antarctic
Arthurian legends
Asteroids clones
Donkey Kong clones
Dungeons & Dragons
Engine: AGOS
Engine: Adventure Game Interpreter (AGI)
Engine: Adventure Game Studio (AGS)
Engine: Adventure Game Toolkit (AGT)
Engine: BASIC
Engine: Build engine
Engine: Cryo Omni3D
Engine: Delphine Cinematique
Engine: Doom engine (id Tech 1)
Engine: Dynamix Game Development System (DGDS)
Engine: Freescape
Engine: Genie
Engine: Gold Box SSI
Engine: ICOM MacVenture
Engine: Infinity Engine
Engine: Infocom InfoComics
Engine: M.A.D.S.
Engine: Pie in the Sky
Engine: SCUMM
Engine: Sierra's Creative Interpreter (SCI)
Engine: Synergistic Software's World Builder
Engine: Unreal Engine
Engine: Virtual Theatre
Engine: Wolfenstein 3D engine
Engine: XnGine
Engine: Z-machine
James Bond 007
Lemmings inspired
Mario Bros
Middle East
North America
PBEM (play by e-mail)
Pac-Man clones
Pong clones
PvP (player VS player)
Q*Bert clones
Qix clones
Sherlock Holmes
South America
Southeast Asia
Space Invaders clones
Star Trek
Star Wars
Tetris clones
The Lord of the Rings
Vietnam war
World War I
World War II
action RPG
action puzzle
alternate history
amazing soundtrack
american civil war
american football
amusement park
ancient China
ancient Egypt
ancient Greece
ancient Rome
anime style
aquatic / underwater
arcade classic
auto mapping
base building
based on a TV game show
based on a TV series
based on a cartoon
based on a comic book
based on a movie
based on a novel
based on a tabletop RPG
based on toys
beat 'em up
beautiful graphics
best selling
block breaker
board game
business simulation
canceled game
choose your own adventure
city building
civilian flight simulation
coin-op conversion
cold war
collectible card game
dark fantasy
detective, mystery
dungeon crawl
ecology / environment
erotic, adult
fables and fairy tales
falling blocks
feelies included
female protagonist
file management
first person
first person 3D
first-person action-adventure
first-person party-based RPG
first-person shooter
fishing and hunting
fixed 3D
fixed screen 2D
flight simulation
for kids
full motion video
gaming software
god game
graphic adventure with text parser
graphics editor
haunted house
helicopter simulation
hex based
interactive fiction
interactive movie
isometric action-adventure
kingdom simulation
law enforcement
life simulation
martial arts
math puzzle
mech simulation
miniature golf
modern warfare
multi-directional scroller
naval simulation
olympic sports
open source
open world
physics puzzle
point and click adventure
political simulation
pool / snooker
procedural generation
puzzle adventure
racing: Formula 1
racing: car
racing: futuristic
racing: motorcycle
racing: off-road
racing: unusual vehicles
rail shooter
real-time strategy
real-time tactics
realistic space simulation
reveal the picture
robots / mechs
run and gun
sandbox RPG
sandbox strategy
science fantasy
science fiction
shoot 'em up
shooting gallery
sound software
space combat
space exploration
space simulation
space station
special and deluxe editions
split screen
sports license
stock exchange
strip poker
submarine simulation
tank simulation
team management
third person 3D
third-person action-adventure
third-person shooter
time travel
top down
top-down party-based RPG
traffic and transportation
trivia / quiz
turn based
turn-based tactics
unconventional sports
underrated underdog
urban setting
vector graphics
vehicular combat
visual novel
water sports
winter sports
wonderful story
word processor
word puzzle
Companies found:
21st Century Entertainment
221B Software Development
3d Realms
7th Level
ACME Interactive
AGD Interactive
ASC Games
ASCARON Entertainment
ASCII Corporation
Aardvark Software
Access Software
Acclaim Entertainment
Accursed Toys
Action Forms
Actionware Corporation
Addictive Games
Addison - Wesley Publishing Company
Adeline Software International
Adept Software
Advantage Software
Adventure International
Adventure Soft
Alternative Software
American Action AB
Amwa (HK) Computer Co.
Anco Software
Andrew Spencer Studios
Angel Studios
Apogee Software
Applications Plus
Arc Developments
Arcade Masters
Arcadia Systems
Arcanum Computing
Argo Games
Argonaut Games
Armonk Corporation
Artech Studios
Artificial Intelligence Design
Artronic Limited
Artworx Software
Astral Software
Astros Productions
Atlam Toys
Atomic Games
Attic Entertainment Software
Auran Games
Avalon Hill
BCI Software
BMB Compuscience
Banana Development
Bantam Software
Beam Software
Bedrock Software
Beermat Software
Behold Studios
Bethesda Softworks
Beyond Software
Big Time Software
Binary Design
Binary Systems
Binary Zoo Software
Bitmap Brothers
Bits of magic
Bizarre Developments
Black Isle Studios
Black Legend
Blizzard Entertainment
Bloodlust Software
Blue Byte Software
Blue Fang Games
Blue Sky Productions
Blue sphere
Bluemoon Interactive
Boeder Software
Borland Software Corporation
Box Office
Brainchild Design
Brian A. Rice
Bubble Bus Software
Buena Vista software
Byron Preiss Video Productions
CBS Software
CDV Software Entertainment AG
COMPUTE! Publications
CTA Developments
California Merchandising Concepts
California Pacific Computer
California dreams
Campana Productions
Cascoly Software
Cases Computer Simulations
Castleworks Gameware
Catware, Inc.
Cavedog Entertainment
Celestial software
Century Interactive
ChamProgramming corp.
Chaosium Inc.
Chris Gray Enterprises
Chris Sawyer Productions
Cineplay Interactive
Clipper Software
Cognetics corporation
Coktel Vision
Colorado Computer Creations
Columbia Data Products
Comic Art
Command Simulations
Compedia Software & Hardware
Compton's NewMedia
Computer's dream
Core Design
Cornerstone Software
Cosmi Corporation
Crack dot Com
Creative Dimensions
Creative Edge Software
Creative Materials
Creative reality
Creature Labs
Cryo Interactive Entertainment
Crystal Dynamics
Crystal Shard
Cyan Worlds
Cyberdyne Systems
Cyberlore studios
Cybron corporation
Cygnus Studios
DC true
DMA Design
Dagger Interactive Technologies
Dalali Software
Dale Disharoon, Inc.
Dark Technologies
Data East
Delphine software
Delta Tao Software
Denton Designs
DesignStar Consultants
Designer Software
Dice Multi Media
DigiTek Software
Digital Eclipse Software
Digital Eel
Digital Extremes
Digital Illusions
Digital Image Design
Digital Integration
Digital Marketing Corporation
Digital Reality Software
Digital Studios Limited
Dinamic Multimedia
Dini & Dini Productions
Discovery Software International
Disney Software
Distinctive Software
Diversions Entertainment
Divide by zero
Dolphine marine systems
Domark Software
Dr.David's Super Crispy Software
Dragonware Games
DreamForge Intertainment
Dro Soft
Dynafield Systems International
Dynamic Dimensions Development
ERE Informatique
East Technology Corp.
Ebenel enterprises
Eclipse Software
Eidos Interactive
Eldritch Games
Electric Dreams Software
Electronic Arts
Electronic Design Hannover
Electronic Zoo
Eleven Software
Elite Systems
Ellicott Creek
Emerald Software
Emotional Pictures
Empire Interactive
Encore Software
Enlight Software
Ensemble Studios
Eon Software
Epic MegaGames
Esprit Software Programs
Eurocom Developments
Event Horizon
Everett Kaser Software
Expert Software
Extended Play Productions
Family Production
Fantasy Productions Verlags
Farr-Ware Software
Firaxis Games
First Row Software Publishing
First Star Software
Flair Software
Flashpoint Productions
Ford Motor Company
Fox Interactive
Free Fall Associates
Free Lunch Design
Free Spirit Software
Freebird Games
Frontier Developments
Frontline Software
Funatics Software
Future Vision
GSC Game World
GT Interactive Software
GTE Entertainment
Game Arts
Game Crafters
Gathering of Developers
General Quarters Software
General Quarters Software
German Design Group
Gold Hill Software
Golden Goblins
Goliath Games
Grandslam Interactive
Gray Design Associates
Gray Matter
Green Valley Publishing
Gremlin Graphics / Gremlin Interactive
Greve Graphics
HVB Software
Hayden Software Co.
Heuristic software
Hewson Consultants
Hexacto Games
Hi-Tech Expressions
Hip Interactive Corp
Hitech Productions
Holistic Design
Holodream Software
HomeBrew Software
Horror Soft
Hudson soft
Human Engineered Software
ICOM Simulations
Ideas From the Deep
Ikarion Software
Image Works
Image-Line Software
Images Software
Imagineering Inc.
Imagitec Design
Impressions Games
Incentive Software
Incredible technologies
Infinite Monkey Systems
Instant Kingdom
Intelligent Games
Inter-Active Arts
InterActive Vision
Interactive Binary Illusions
Interactive Girls Club
Interactive Magic
Interactive Strip
Intergalactic Development
International PC Owners
International Software Development
Interplay Productions
Interstel Corporation
Introversion Software Limited
Ion Storm
Irem Software Engineering
Iron Byte
Irrational Games
JAM Productions
Jeff Tunnell Productions
JoWooD Entertainment
Kalisto Entertainment
Keypunch Software
Kogado Software Products
Kron Simulation Software
Kutoka Interactive
Kyodai Software Marketing
LEGO Interactive
LJN Entertainment
Lacral Software
Larian Studios
Legend Entertainment
Leisure Genius
Lerner Research
Level 9 Computing
Level systems
Lifetree Software
Light Shock Software
LionHead Studios
Lobotomy Studios
Logical Design Works
Longbow Digital Arts
Looking Glass Studios
LucasFan Games
MVP Software
Maelstrom Games
Magic Bytes
Magic Partners
Magicom Multimedia
Magnetic Fields
Magnetic Scrolls
Magnetic images
Major Developments
Malibu Interactive
Mana Games
Mandarin Software
Manic Media Productions
Manley Associates
Massive Development
Massive Entertainment
Masterplay Publishing Corporation
Max Design
Medalist International
MegaTech Software
Melbourne House
Merit Software
Metropolis Software House
MiG Outpost
Micro F/X Software
Micro Forté
Micro Imagery
Micro Revelations
Micro Sports
MicroLeague Multimedia
MicroPro International
MicroProse Software
Microcomputer Games Inc.
Microforum International
Microplay Software
Midlothian Software
Midnight Software
Midnight Synergy / Interspace Software
Midway Manufacturing Company
Miles computing
Milky House
Millennium Interactive
MindStorm Software
Mindcraft Software
Minds Eye Productions
Miracle games
Mirage Graphics
Mirage Media
Mirage Technologies
Mirinae Software
Mirror Images Software
Mission Studios
Monarch developement
Monolith Productions
Moonlite Software
Mosaic Publishing
Mr. Micro
Muse Software
Mythos Software
Naughty Dog
New Era Software
New World Computing
Nexa Corporation
Nihilistic Software
Nihon Falcom
Norland Software
Northstar Solutions
Northwest Software
Novotrade Software
OPeNBooK Co.
ORT Software
Ocean Software
Off The Wall Productions
Ogdon Micro Design
Omnitrend Software
Opera Soft
Optik Software
Ordilogic Systems
Origin Systems
Orion Software
Oxford Digital Enterprises
Oxford Mobius
Ozark Softscape
P Squared
P. Z. Karen Co. Development Group
PC Solutions
PLBM Games
PSI Software Designers
Pack Media Company
Paisano Productions
Palace Software
Panda Entertainment Technology Co.
Pandemic Studios
Pangea Software
Papyrus Design Group
Paradise Programming
Paradox Interactive
Paragon Software
Parallax Software
Park Place Productions
Parker Brothers
Particle Systems
Pc design associates
Pc globe
Peakstar Software
Perfect Entertainment
Personal Companion Software
Personal Software Services
Peter Norton Computing
Philips Interactive Media
PhreAk Software
Pie in the Sky Software
Pixel Painters Corporation
Play Byte
Playmates Interactive Entertainment
Pop Software
Presage Software
Prestige Softwareentwicklung
Presto Studios
Pro One Software
Probe Entertainment
Pryority software
Psion Software
Publishing International
Pyro Studios
Péndulo Studios
Quadra Interactive
Quality Software
Quantic Dream
Quantum quality productions
Queen Soft
Quest Software
Quicksilver Software
Radical Entertainment
Rage Games
Rainbird Software
Rainbow Arts
Rasputin Software
Raven Software
Realism Entertainment
Reality Development
Really Interesting Software Company
Realms of Fantasy
Realtime Games
Rebellion Developments
Reckon Software
Red Orb Entertainment
Red Rat software
Reflections Interactive
Relic Entertainment
Remedy Entertainment Ltd.
Renegade Kid
Revolution Software
Riedel Software Productions
Riverhill Soft
Robinson Technologies
Rockstar Games
Rogue Entertainment
Rowan Software
Rozner Labs Software Group
SARL Infomedia
SAck Enterprizes
SCi Games
SDJ Enterprises
SKC Soft Land
SNK Corporation
SSG Strategic Studies Group
SSI Strategic Simulations Inc.
SW Games
Safari Software
Sanctuary Woods Multimedia Corporation
Scandinavian PC Systems
Scenerio Software
Screen 7
Sculptured Software
Seibu Kaihatsu Inc.
Sensible Software
Sexxy Software
Shadow Software
Shiny Entertainment
Sierra On-Line
Silent Software
Silhouette Software
Silicon & Synapse
Silicon Beach Software
Silicon Knights
Silicon Software
SilverRock productions
Simbiosis Interactive
Simis Limited
Simon & Schuster Interactive
Simulations Canada
Sir-tech Software
Six Pound Sledge Studios
Sleepless Software
Smoking Car Productions
Soft Action
Soft Town
SoftLab Laboratories
SoftSide Magazine
Softdisk Publishing
Softgold Computerspiele
Softstar Entertainment
Software 2000
Software Arts
Software Creations
Software Dynamics
Software Engineering
Software House Parsley
Software of Sweden
Soleau Software
Sound Source Interactive
Space Dream Factory
Special FX
Spectrum HoloByte
Spectrum Pacific Publishing
Spidersoft Limited
Spiderweb Software
Spirit of discovery
Sports Interactive Limited
Spotlight Software
Springboard Software
Stainless Games
Stainless Steel Studios
Starbreeze Studios
Starbyte Software
Stardock Entertainment
Starsoft Development
Sterling Silver Software
Stick Man Games
Stone Interactive Media
Storm / Sales Curve
Stormfront Studios
Strategic Visions
Strategy First
Sullivan Bluth Interactive Media
Sunflowers Interactive Entertainment Software
Supersonic Software
Sydney Development
Synapse Software
Synergistic Software
Syntetic Dimensions
System 3
TAD Corporation
TRANS Fiction Systems
Tachyon Studios
Tactical Design Group
Tahoe Software Productions
Take-Two Interactive
Tamsoft Corporation
Target Games Limited
Team 17
Technos Japan
Teeny Weeny Games
Telstar Electronic Studios
Temple Software
Terminal Reality
The 3DO Company
The 8th Day
The Adventure Company
The Assembly Line
The Big Red Software Company
The Bruce Artwick Organization
The Disc Company
The Dream Team
The Dreamers Guild
The Edge
The Electronic Pencil Co.
The Learning Company
The Logic Factory
The Right Brothers
The SoftAd Group
The Software Refinery
The Software Toolworks
Think!Ware Development
Thinking Machine Associates
Thinking Tools Inc.
Third Millennium Software
Three-Sixty Pacific
Thunder Mountain
Tiertex Design Studios
TigLon Software
Time Warp Software
Titus Interactive
Tom Snyder Productions
TopWare Interactive
Topo Soft
Topologika Software
Toys for Bob
Tribute Games
Triumph Studios
Troika Games
True Emotions Software
Tsunami Media
Turcan Research Systems Limited
Twilight Zone Software
Tynesoft Computer Software
U.S. Gold
UBI Soft
Union Logic Software Publishing
United Software Artists
Universal Interactive
Vblank Entertainment Inc.
Vektor graphics
Viacom New Media
Vic Tokai Europe
Villa Crespo Software
Virgin Interactive
Virtual Image Productions
Virtual Studio
Virtual X-Perience
Visual Concepts Entertainment
Vivid Image
Wadjet Eye Games
Wargaming West
Warner Interactive Entertainment
Warped Minds
Webfoot Technologies
Wesson International
Westwood Studios
White Wolf Productions
Williams Entertainment
Windham Classics
Windmill Software
Wisdom Tree
Wizard Games
Wizards of the Coast
Wordworks Software
Wormwood Studios
X-ample Architectures
XOR Corporation
XSIV Games
Xatrix Entertainment
Ybarra Productions
ZCT Systems
Zeppelin Games
Zigurat Software
Zombie Studios
id software
neo Software Produktions
reLINE Software
xLand Games
xii games
Articles found:
1001 Video games you must play... abandonware version
1986 in retro gaming: Archon, Karateka, Space Quest
1994 in retro gaming: The Elder Scrolls: Arena
1998 in PC gaming: Dune 2000, Axis and Allies, Railroad Tycoon 2
20 years ago in retro gaming: Earthworm Jim
20 years ago in retro gaming: Master of Magic
20 years ago in retro gaming: Menzoberranzan
2000 games and applications
2023 GOG Winter sale
30 years ago in retro gaming: Below The Root
A classic RPG for Windows: Castle of the Winds
A classic roguelike: Angband
A classic roguelike: Linley's Dungeon Crawl
A few more First Person Shooters
A game to play on Christmas day: Holiday Lemmings
A niche genre: Metroidvania
A pint of point and click and a barrel of interactive fiction
A publisher from the past: Sierra On-Line, founded in 1979
Abandoned games set in the 19th century
Abandonware DOS in 2019: what's changed and what's new
Abandonware DOS in 2020: what's changed and what's new
Abandonware DOS in 2021: let's say goodbye to a not so great year
Abandonware DOS in 2022: more games, more everything
Abandonware DOS in 2023: demos, applications and we're on Patreon!
Abandonware DOS in 2024: more of the same
Abandonware action games: platformers, brawlers, arcades
Abandonware classic: Captain Blood
Abandonware spotlight: Defender of the Crown
Abandonware spotlight: Hill Street Blues
Action and arcades: Comix Zone and other games
Action games: Platoon, Moonwalker, TekWar, Strider and more
Action-adventure: from Alone in the Dark to Tomb Raider
Adventure Construction Set: build your own CRPG
Al Lowe: the father of Larry Laffer
Albion, by Blue Byte software
Amberstar: an old-school RPG
Amerzone: The Explorer's Legacy
Amulets and Armor: a lesser known first-person CRPG
An FPS I completely missed: Marathon
An old school RPG: The Magic Candle
Apogee: the shareware kings
Apoplexy 2.0: Prince of Persia level editor
Ascendancy: 4X turn-based strategy game
Asteroids: the abandoned remakes
Atarisoft: Pac-Man, Defender, Donkey Kong, and more
B-17 Flying Fortress: heavy bomber simulation
Balance of Power: The 1990 Edition
Balance of the Planet: environmental simulation
Baldur's Gate: the game who revitilized CRPGs
BattleTech: The Crescent Hawk's Inception
Be a (simulated) manager: trade, trade, trade
Beat 'em ups: what are they?
Black Friday on GOG
Blackwell Epiphany from Wadjet Eye
Block breakers: the Breakout legacy
Board games!
Bubble Bobble: spitting dinosaurs
Bureaucracy: interactive fiction
Business simulations: merchants, managers, CEOs
CODiE Awards 1989: Tetris, Battle Chess, King's Quest 4
CODiE Awards 1990: SimCity, Carmen Sandiego, Space Quest 3
CODiE Awards 1991: SimEarth, Carmen Sandiego and fairy tales
CODiE Awards 1992: Lemmings, Civilization, SimAnt
CODiE Awards 1993: A-Train, Links 386, Wolfenstein 3-D
CODiE Awards 1994: Myst, SimCity 2000, IndyCar Racing
CODiE Awards 1995: Doom 2, Nascar, Under a Killing Moon
CODiE Awards 1996: Dark Forces, Ascendancy, IndyCar Racing 2
CODiE Awards 1997: Tomb Raider, Monty Python, Links
CODiE Awards 1998: Diablo, Red Alert, Riven
CODiE Awards 1999: Starcraft, Unreal, Lego Loco
CODiE Awards 2000: Half-Life, Links, Pharaoh
CODiE Awards: 1986
CODiE Awards: 1987
CODiE Awards: 1988
Cabal: an abandoned shooting gallery game
Cadaver and Cadaver: The Payoff
Canceled game: Warcraft Adventures: Lord of the Clans
Cards, tabletop and board games
Cars: racing and building vehicles on wheels
Chris Crawford: game designer
Circuit's Edge: a cyberpunk adventure-RPG
Civilization 2: an improved sequel
Civilization: Beyond Earth is coming this fall
Classic Arcades: clones and remakes
Classic adventure: Maniac Mansion
Classic game spotlight: Laser Squad
Classic shoot'em up: Xenon 2
Colonization: a Civilization spin-off
Comics and superheroes in videogames
Commander Keen: side-scrolling platformers
Company profile: Cinemaware
Cruise for a Corpse: crime and mystery on a ship
Crusader: No Regret
DOS game spotlight: Battle Chess
Daggerfall: the second chapter of the Elder Scrolls
David Braben: an Elite game designer
Death Sword (AKA Barbarian): the art of fighting slowly
Death and rebirth of 3D Dungeon Crawlers
Delivering papers as a digital paperboy
Demo versions: what happened to game demos?
Desktop adventures for Indy and Luke
Developer spotlight: Magnetic Scrolls
Developer spotlight: Origin
Different kinds of strategy games
Dizzy, by the Oliver Twins
Do you remember the first Heroes of Might and Magic?
Dragon's Lair III: The Curse of Mordread
Dreamweb: soundtrack added
Duke Nukem 3D: the Duke is back
Dune 2 for Android: it's real
Dune 2: The Building of a Dynasty
Dune: soundtrack added
Dungeon Master: a RPG classic
Dungeons, Dragons and pixels: videogames inspired by D&D
Electronic Games Arcade Awards - 1981
Electronic Games Arcade Awards - 1982
Electronic Games Arcade Awards - 1992
Electronic Games Arcade Awards: 1983
Electronic Games Arcade Awards: Games of the Year 1979
Electronic Games Arcade Awards: The best of 1980
Electronic Gaming Monthly Game of the Year awards
Elite is back, and it's more dangerous than ever
Elite: Dangerous
Empire TV Tycoon: a remake?
FIFA: Road to World Cup 98
Fansite spotlight: The myth of Leisure Suit Larry
Feelies: cool items included in the original box
Fighting rabbits and fat men
Fighting with Body Blows by Team17
First-person shooters: future, present, past
Flight simulations at dawn
Flight simulators: not for everyone
For every Larry fan out there
Forgotten Realms Unlimited Adventures
Frederik Pohl's Gateway: text adventure 2.0
Free Enterprise: build your small business from the ground up
Free Games Utopia has been updated
Free Games Utopia: a new site
From Sierra Online: Freddy Pharkas Frontier Pharmacist
From the arcades: Marble Madness
From the arcades: Turbo OutRun
From the arcades: coin-operated conversions
GDC Spotlight Awards - 1997
GDC Spotlight Awards - 1999
GDC Spotlight Awards: the best games of 1998
GOG Black Friday sale
GOG Black Friday sale 2023
GOG Chinese new year: King of Fighters 2002 is free
GOG Dungeon and Dragons sale
GOG Spring Sale Classics
GOG Spring sale 2023
GOG Staff Picks
GOG Summer Sale 2023
Game Critics Awards (E3): 1999
Game Critics Awards (E3): 2000
Game Critics Awards in 1998: Homeworld, Half-Life, Grim Fandango
Game Informer Greatest Games
GameSpy Greatest PC Games of All Time: The '80s
GameSpy's 25 Favorite PC Games of the '90s
Games based on comic books
Games set during the cold war period
Games set in South America
Gamespot Greatest PC Games of all Time
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams
Gobliiins: half adventure, half puzzle game
God games: from Populous to Black and White
Gods by Bitmap Brothers
Grand Theft Auto 2: a worthy sequel
Grand Theft Auto: the beginning
Graphic adventures with a text parser
Grim Fandango Remastered
Hail Caesar! For the second time
Hard Drivin' in vector graphics
Hardball: digital baseball
Have you ever played Eternam?
Have you ever played Ravenloft: Stone Prophet?
Heretic and Hexen: fantasy FPS
Heroine's Quest: a beautiful homage to Quest for Glory
Hired Guns: a sci-fi RPG
Ho, ho, it's time for the GOG Winter sale
Hooligans: one of the most controversial games ever released
Horror-themed games from the past
Humor in old video games
Icewind Dale: better than Baldur's Gate?
In the making: Kick Off World
In the making: Painters Guild
In the making: Pioneers
Indiana Jones and the Last Videogame
Interactive Achievement Awards - 1997
Interactive Achievement Awards - 1998
It Came From The Desert: giant ants from the 50s
It's birthday!
It's winter time! Snow, Santas and trains
Italian videogames in the 90s
J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, Vol. II: The Two Towers
Jagged Alliance 2: like X-Com in South America
Jagged Alliance 2: squad tactics at its best
Japanese Role-Playing Games (JRPG)
John Madden Football: the first of a series
Jones in the Fast Lane: board game meets life simulation
Keyword: god games (it's good to be god)
King's Quest: Quest for the Crown
Knight Games: medieval olympics
LA Law: The Computer Game
Legend Entertainment: interactive fiction
Lemonade Tycoon: the remake of an unknown classic
Lesser known old school RPGs for DOS
Loom: a fantasy adventure by Lucasfilm
Lure of the Temptress: the first game made with the Virtual Theatre engine
Magic Carpet, by Bullfrog
Maniac Mansion Deluxe: a remake
Manuals, manuals, manuals
Manuals, walkthroughs and readme files
Mario Bros VGA: a remake
MegaTraveller 1: The Zhodani Conspiracy
Memories from Populous: play god in your browser
Metroidvania: half Metroid, half Castlevania
Might and Magic 2: Gates to Another World
Minesweeping at the office
Mobygames awards: Games of the Year
More RPGs: Might and Magic, Wizardry, Elder Scrolls
More adventure games: ecology, horror, comedy...
More adventures: point and click, interactive fiction, etc.
More platform games
More shoot'em ups from the past
More strategy games: Battle Isle, Army Men, etc.
Morrowind: the best of the Elder Scrolls games?
Nice movies and shitty games
Obscure RPGs (almost) no one ever heard of
Obscure abandoned DOS RPGs
Old school forgotten RPGs from the past
Old school: first-person party-based CRPGs
Olympic sports
Operation Wolf: first-person shooting gallery
Organ Trail
PBEM: Play By E-Mail multiplayer mode
Pac-Man Museum on Steam: is it worth your money?
Paper and cloth maps from the past
Pew pew! Boom boom!
Pharaoh: city building in ancient Egypt
Pie in the Sky engine and the Colosso series
Pinball: the art of bouncing balls
Pipe Mania: a liquid puzzle game
Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure
Plan 9 From Outer Space: inspired by a B movie
Platforms, arcades and Mario
Play Archon online on Abandonware DOS
Play Arkanoid 2 in your browser
Play Elite online: the birth of space simulations
Play Micro Machines in your browser
Play Qix online on Abandonware DOS
Play Rick Dangerous in your browser
Play SimCity Classic online
Play Starglider online on AbandonwareDOS
Play Transport Tycoon Deluxe online
Play Ultima 1 in your browser
Play X-Com: Ufo Defense online
Play abandoned roguelike RPGs in your browser
Play classic action games online
Play classic arcades in your browser
Play interactive fiction online in your browser
Point & click: Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
Police Quest: 1, 2, 3 and "4"
Populous 2 Trials of the Olympian Gods: the perfect god-game?
Post-apocalyptic RPGs: from Wasteland to Fallout
Powermonger, by Bullfrog
Premier Manager: one of the earliest football management games
Princess Maker 2: a fantasy life simulation
Puzzle games based on TV game shows
Puzzles: word games, sokoban, action puzzles
Qix clones and remakes
Quarantine: blood on the road
Quest for Glory 2: Trial by Fire - Adventure and RPG mixed
RPG oldie: Ultima 7 Part 2 - The Serpent Isle
RPG spotlight - Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar
RPG underdog: Legend of the Silver Talisman
RPGs from the 80s and the 90s
Racing everywhere
Raiden: from the arcades to DOS
Rampage: monsters VS buildings
Relaxing with Alpha Waves
Remake of the month: Gabriel Knight 1 - 20th Anniversary Edition
Remake of the month: Midwinter
Remake of the month: OpenMW
Remake of the month: OpenTTD
Remakes of the month: OpenTTD and Simutrans
Retro City Rampage
Retro RPG spotlight: Bloodwych
Retro adventure: Future Wars Adventure in Time
Retro classic: Championship Manager
Retro company spotlight: Strategic Simulations Inc.
Retro game spotlight: Fantasy General by SSI
Retro game spotlight: Legend of Kyrandia (1992)
Retro game spotlight: Rick Dangerous 2
Retro game spotlight: Star Wars
Retro game spotlight: Stunts
Retro game spotlight: The Lost Vikings
Retro game spotlight: Ultima 7 part 2 - Serpent Isle
Retro racing: Grand Prix 2 by Geoff Crammond
Retro spotlight: Blade Runner
Retro spotlight: Lands of Lore, The Throne of Chaos
Retro underdog: Aleshar World of Ice
Retro underdog: Mordor: The Depths of Dejenol
Road Rash: violent motorcycle racing
Robocop: the game
Rogue: the first roguelike
Rogueliker and the new ADOM: videos from a roguelike fan
Roller Coaster Tycoon 2: a classic simulation
Satellite Reign: a game for Syndicate fans
Secret of the Silver Blades: a GoldBox RPG
Seek and Destroy
Sentinel Returns is online!
Sequels to action games: Gauntlet, Rick Dangerous, Xenon and more
Shadowgate, by ICOM Simulations
Shoot 'em ups: shoot down anything that moves
Shroud of the Avatar
Sid Meier was a pirate
Sid Meier's SimGolf on Abandonware DOS
SimEarth: a life simulation game by Maxis
SimTower: build your own skyscraper
Simon The Sorcerer: point and click humor
Simulation games: Team Yankee, Hill Street Blues, Epic and more
Sokoban is a puzzle game genre
Solo Flight, by Sid Meier
Solving murders and simulating detectives
Space Harrier: third-person rail shooter
Space Hulk: a board game classic
Space Quest 1: the beginning of a successful series
Space Questing with Sierra On-Line
Space simulations: combat, trading and exploring space
Speedball 2 Evolution
Sports: American Football games
Sports: hockey, golf, football and more
Spotlight: 4x strategy games
Spotlight: Indiana Jones games
Spotlight: Interactive Fiction
Spotlight: games based on a TV series
Star Crusader: space combat
Star Trek: Birth of the Federation
StarCraft: RTS by Blizzard
Starquake: sci-fi platformer
Strategy across the ages
Strategy games: Battle Bugs, Beyond Columns, Roadwar Europa and more
Strategy in the far east: Japan, China, the Pacific
Stunt Car Racer: falling off the track
Supremacy: Your Will Be Done
System Shock 2: RPG shooter
Telarium: early interactive fiction
Text only gaming: it's not always about interactive fiction
Text-only games: roguelikes and interactive fiction
The Aethra Chronicles Volume One: Celystra's Bane
The Britannia's Elite Gargoyle Crime Force
The Facebook page of Abandonware DOS
The History of CRPGs: Beneath Apple Manor
The History of adventure games: Zork
The Incredible Machine: puzzles and contraptions
The Infocom InfoComics
The Magic Candle series: almost like Ultima
The Magnetic Scrolls Collection: interactive fiction
The Operative: No One Lives Forever
The Origin of The Savage Empire
The Roll with it RPG sale on GOG
The Secret of Monkey Island
The Sims: a masterpiece by Will Wright
The Terminator: Future Shock
The Tesla effect
The Twilight Zone
The Ultima series: old school RPGs at its finest
The Underdogs on Abandonware DOS
The Zork universe: an underground empire
The all time 100 best video games at
The beginning of Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss
The best DOS and Windows game designers of the past
The best PC games according to Rock Paper Shotgun
The best abandonware games of 2019
The best first-person party-based RPGs according to you
The early Batman: the Caped Crusader
The first Civilization
The fourth King's Quest: The Perils of Rosella
The next Space Hulk
The shareware business model
The worst games based on movies
They made worlds: Space Rogue, by Origin
To the arcades! Abandoned coin-op conversions
Torment: Tides of Numenera - The first hour
Transport Tycoon: planes, trains, trucks
Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar
Unconventional racing games
Utopia: The Creation of a Nation (1992)
Video games can educate people
Violent sports: Panza Kick Boxing
Virtua Cops
Volfied: a Qix clone on steroids
Wargaming everywhere
Wargaming: The Perfect General
Wasteland 1 re-released
Wayne's World: from movie to game
What are fan-made games?
What does COVID have to do with Abandonware DOS?
What is your favourite dungeon crawler?
What was your favourite classic arcade game?
What was your favourite fighting game?
What were your favourite shoot'em ups?
Windows 3.1 classic games
Witchaven: a fantasy first-person slasher
Wizardry: a CRPG series
Wizball in a world without colors
Wolfenstein 3D: the grandfather of FPS
X-COM Apocalypse: a different X-COM
X-COM: Terror from the Deep - The sequel
Zool: the ninja from the Nth dimension
Zork Zero: The Revenge of Megaboz
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